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Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1)

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by Tamara White

  Fallen Elemental

  Evelyn Storm Series

  Book 1

  By Tamara White

  © 2016 Tamara White

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 1


  Do you ever get that feeling that everything will change? Well, that’s how I’ve felt for the past two days. I’m pulling into the school car park, and I feel a shiver run through me and that feeling intensifies. I go through the same routine every day: get up, go to school, go home and then repeat. It’s a quiet existence for me, but my parents are very strict so I see no point in having friends. Yes, it gets lonely, but the alternative is worse.

  I used to have friends over all the time before we moved, but I suffered punishment every time they went home. After a while, I realised that my parents were telling me that anytime I had a friend over, I would have to deal with the fallout from their behaviour. Eventually, I stopped bringing friends around and talked only to people at school. The punishments eased up and I had a few friends I could eat lunch with but, even then, I kept my distance. Once we moved towns, I decided I wouldn’t risk it, so I snubbed anyone who tried to make friends. I don’t want friends that will be used against me.

  As I wait by my locker for the first bell to ring, I hear whispers of new guys starting today. The last new student at Ashville high was me and that was over three years ago, so it’s a big deal. I stop at my locker and grab my books for class, and I hear other students gossiping about the new guys and how hot they are. I walk to my English class and take my seat in the back. The rest of the class has come in, and the teacher drones on and on about the report we have to write for half our grade. I’m stuck doing it alone because our class is odd numbered but, I don’t mind, it’s for the best.

  There’s a knock on the classroom door before two of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen walk into the class. The first guy is my version of a bad boy with black hair and vibrant green eyes. He’s wearing jeans and a leather jacket draped over a black t-shirt. He has a smirk on his face and his eyes sparkle with mischief.

  Yep, this guy is definitely a trouble maker.

  I can’t see much of the second guy just that he has the softest looking hair ever. Before seeing his hair, I would have called my hair caramel but his hair’s caramel and mine would be toffee. It’s just long enough that he has to keep brushing it out of his face.

  I try not to sigh out loud, but I’ve got to admit these guys are dreamy. I bet by the end of the day they each have a girlfriend.

  The first guy gives Mr. Matthews a note before looking my way. He’s smirking at me and they walk towards me. There are a couple of empty seats at the back so I guess they’re sitting near me today.

  The first guy sits on my left and the second guy sits in front of me. They both turn and face me, “So I guess we’ll be working on our report together. Mr. Matthews says we can all work together instead of leaving one of us out. I’m Kylan and this is Theodore,” he points to the second guy.

  How will I handle being around two gorgeous boys for the next six weeks?! Gorgeous, huh? Great I’m hearing voices in my head. I turn around to look at the rest of the class, but see Kylan laughing. Wonder what I missed.

  “Ok Kylan, Theodore-“

  “Ted. I prefer Ted,” Theodore interrupts.

  Yeah, there’s no way on earth will I call him Ted.

  “Ok then, Teddy, let’s organize a good time to plan our creative writing project.” Theodore looks irritated by my nickname, but I refuse to call him Ted, it reminds me of our creepy neighbour from back home.

  My parents used to drop me there while they went out, and he would always try inappropriate things. I learned to lock myself in a room until my parents came home, not that it helped. Shaking out of the memories, I remind myself he can’t hurt me anymore.

  I focus on the class to see Teddy and Kylan have strange looks on their face, almost like they’re angry. Weird.

  “Ok guys how do you want to plan this? Should we meet in the library during free period and depending on activities we have, work in an afternoon study session here and there? Just let me know what days would suit you guys, then I’ll see if I can make those days.” I figure at least if I know what days they’re free, I’ll be able to work it around my parents.

  My parents have always been very strict and will punish me for the most minor infractions. It’s been a lot worse since I found out I was adopted. I had cleaned my dad’s office a couple of months back and dropped a file of paperwork. As I cleaned it up, I noticed my birth certificate but this one had Max & Amelia Storm listed as my mother and father. I was confused because my parents were Charles and Marcia Grayson, so I brought it to them and asked for an explanation.

  After the punishment for snooping, they told me they couldn’t conceive a child, so they decided to adopt. My biological parents died in a car crash and they were unable to find living relatives, so I was placed in the foster system until they adopted me. Ever since then, the punishments have been harsher, and I’ve been confined to school and home.

  That’s why today is such a big deal. I’m officially an adult. I can move out and live on my own, not that I can afford it, but anywhere is better than with parents who beat you when you over cook dinner by a minute, or drop a glass.

  I still remember the day I decided to leave. It was a Wednesday after school and I was cooking dinner. Mom had done the groceries but forgot the herbs for the fettucine so I decided to not add any this time as it still tasted the same. When I served dinner to my father, he lost it. He punched me calling me a stupid, incompetent, selfish piece of shit. Once I collapsed from the pain, I thought it would stop but he kicked me until I blacked out. I woke up the next day in my bed in the same clothes and my mother told me I was to stay home until the bruises faded. That was the moment I decided I’d had enough. I hear the bell ring and snap out of the memories.

  I grab my bag and head to my algebra class. As I walk, I wonder why I am bringing up such horrible memories today. Maybe it’s like closure. Let go of the bad memories so you can make new good memories. I guess that happens when you plan on running away. I walk into the classroom and head to my usual seat in the back corner. As I get there, I notice someone in my seat.


  It’s the first day at the new school and I didn’t think we would meet the elemental straight away. We all assumed she would sense us and hide. We are here on orders from the council, which is basically just our parents, to find the elemental in the area and train her before bringing her to New York.

  As it turns out luck is on our side bec
ause when Kylan and I walk into our first class we sense her but what is even more confusing for us is that she is our bonded. When a male comes into contact with his bonded it’s like a static shock to your system it can be from a look or touch, but it happens as soon as I see her.

  She’s unbelievably beautiful with long toffee coloured hair flowing down her back. She’s staring at us from the room and notice Ky smirking at her. He never could resist a pretty girl.

  I take my time studying her face as we approach the seats near her. She has such beautiful blue eyes though in different lighting, I think they would be a pale blue or possibly grey. She’s just absolutely beautiful. Kylan introduces us when we get projected memories from her.

  She’s thinking about a man called Ted trying to abuse her and saying to herself she will never call me Ted. In her memory, she would have been no older than thirteen or fourteen. I don’t blame her for not wanting to associate me with someone who would do that.

  Dude, can you believe that shit? I can’t believe she went through that. Oh, and I heard her think we’re gorgeous.

  I hear the laughter in his thoughts as he projects them, but I don’t think he realises something.

  Ky, I don’t think she meant to project that and she doesn’t seem to acknowledge what we are. I don’t think she knows she’s an elemental.

  How do you explain to someone you aren’t human and you have elemental powers? This will be a tough few weeks.

  Chapter 2


  A guy I don’t know is sitting in my seat when I walk into class. He’s obviously one of the new kids. Wow. I’ve never seen so many hot guys in one day.

  Don’t get me wrong there are a few cute boys in the school but they are exactly that, boys. They play stupid childish games, and bet on who can get the best girlfriend and who puts out. It’s just so immature and there’s nothing attractive about a guy acting like he’s twelve years old.

  The new guy is looking at me, waiting for me to say something, I guess. He’s got such piercing blue eyes, it’s like they can read my soul.

  I turn and take the seat on his left and get my notebook and pencils out. Algebra is one of my favourite subjects, something about working with numbers always soothes me.

  “Excuse me, do you have a spare pencil? I seem to have forgotten mine in my locker,” the cute new guy asks me.

  “Um sure,” I grab a pencil and pen out of my bag and hand them to him. As he takes them, his fingers brush gently against my hand and I feel a shock like static electricity but in my whole body. I look up at him and he is just staring at me with a confused expression. Wow, what is it with these new guys? They are messing with my head. Maybe they have already bet with the jocks, and I’m the first challenge. Why else would three of them have sat near me, and spoken to me? Oh well. Good luck to them.

  I turn back in my seat and focus on our lesson. Thankfully, it goes by really quickly and soon I am off to biology.

  As I’m walking to biology, the guy from algebra approaches me holding out the pencil and pen I loaned him.

  “Thanks for lending me these. I appreciate it. I’m going to grab mine from my locker now, so I have some for biology,” he says, before walking down the hall to his locker.

  “Hey, sorry I don’t know your name, new guy, but I’m heading to biology too if you want to walk with me?” Crap! Why did I ask him that?!

  I usually steer clear of boys at school, especially when I don’t know their motives, but my instincts say I can trust them and I am a strong believer in following your instincts. Besides, I feel connected to each of them and I can’t quite explain it. Maybe if I hang around them, I can find out why. Plus, cute boys, what girl is going to say no to that?

  “Sure, I actually don’t really know the way so you are saving me from getting lost,” he replies with a smile. “And my name is Dane not ‘new guy’,” he says with a laugh.

  I wait with Dane while he gets his books and pens from the locker.

  As he walks back to me, I admire just how handsome he really is. He’s just as built as Kylan and Theodore but a bit shorter. His hair looks brown but, under the lights, it’s hard to figure whether it’s chocolate or coffee coloured. It’s not as long as Kylan’s, but long enough that it brushes over his forehead almost over his eyes. Listen to me daydreaming about his hair.

  “So, what’s your name pretty girl? I told you mine I figure it’s only fair I know yours,” Dane states.

  Ha! Pretty girl, I wish. I know I’m just plain which makes me wonder what angle this guy is working.

  But you are pretty. Oh god I’m hearing voices and not just any voices. My mind is making up the new guys’ voices in my head. Yep, I am going insane.

  “My name’s Evelyn, but I prefer Evie. Evelyn is used by my parents and people I don’t like.”

  I head into the biology room and head to the work station at the back like usual. I expect to see Dane go and sit with the cute cheerleaders on the other side of the room, but as I pull my books out he slides into the chair next to me.

  “I hope you don’t mind but you are the first person who has been nice and doesn’t seem to have an ulterior motive for being my friend,” he says while pulling out his materials.

  “Yeah, there’s a lot of fake in this school. Sometimes I don’t understand how they stand each other being so fake. You can sit here, I don’t mind.”

  We sit there taking notes while our teacher Mrs. Saunders, discusses the best strategies for breaking down compounds into their original formulas. Sitting next to Dane, I feel comfortable and safe. It’s been so long since I felt safe and, honestly, it scares me.

  The bell signalling the end of class rings through the school. I pack up my desk and say to Dane, “So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow in class.”

  “Do you mind if I tag along to the cafeteria? I think I know the general location, but it’s always nice to have a pretty girl give you a tour.” Dane looks at me and adds a little pout. Damn, that pout should be illegal.

  “Ok fine, but I have to stop at my locker and swap out my stuff for gym,” I say, while slinging my bag over my shoulder.

  I head out the door and down the hall to my locker. It’s only a couple of feet away from the cafeteria, but I prefer to swap out my books in case I lose track of time, which generally happens. I tend to daydream during lunch.

  As we walk into the cafeteria, I notice Kylan and Teddy calling to Dane. “Sorry, got to go meet up with my friends,” he says before walking over to Kylan, Teddy, and a third guy.

  He’s a bit taller than the other guys but just as hot. What kind of hot guy parallel universe did these guys come from? I watch them walk over to a table in the far corner of the cafeteria. Looks like I’m having lunch alone again today. I don’t understand why I feel disappointed that they aren’t sitting with me, it’s not like they would want to be friends with a girl like me.

  I make my way to the lunch line and get a tray. Surprisingly our cafeteria food is good most days. I end up with a chicken and salad wrap, two choc chip cookies and a bottle of water. I pay for my lunch then head out to the lawn seating area. There’s a beautiful, large oak tree I like to sit under that has wonderful shade, and is just so peaceful. I love being close to nature and no one will bother me if I sit here.

  I’m just finishing my wrap when I see feet in the corner of my eye. I turn around to see Kylan, Teddy, Dane, and the other new guy looking down at me.

  “Hey Evie do you mind if we sit here? We were at a table inside, but everyone kept coming and sitting at the table and we had no idea who they were. We would prefer not to sit with the cliques until we know the school set up,” Dane says with a slight blush on his cheeks.

  Huh. Never thought I’d see a guy blush. Or ask to sit with me. I wonder why they don’t just pick another spot out here by themselves, but maybe they’ll get swarmed by the rest of the student body.

  I put them out of their misery “Sure guys. Pick a piece of grass and get comfortable. Hi, I’m
Evie,” I say looking at the new guy.

  Up close, I can tell just how cute the fourth guy is. He’s got pale blue eyes similar to mine and blonde hair. He’s slightly leaner than the other guys but still has the muscles that the other guys do. I wonder if they all work out together?

  “Oh shit. Sorry Evie, this is Kylan, Theodore, and Michael,” Dane says pointing to each of the guys as he says their names.

  “Ah I actually already know Kylan and Teddy. They were in my English class. We have to work on our creative writing project together.”

  Dane bursts out laughing “Teddy?”

  Michael is chuckling and Kylan is smothering his laughter. Poor Teddy is smiling but blushing. “Sorry Teddy, but I just can’t call you Ted. If you’d prefer me to call you by your name, I will,” I say smiling at him.

  Teddy smiles back at me “Its ok Evie you can call me Teddy. But do you mind me asking why you won’t call me Ted?”

  I freeze and try not to panic. Thinking about my past is hard for me. A strong breeze blows against me, comforting me while I try to dig out of my dark thoughts. I look up to see all the guys looking at me with serious expressions on their faces.

  “Sorry guys but it’s kind of personal. Maybe another day.” They immediately start to relax. “So guys how’s your first day at Ashville high going? What do you have next period?”

  Michael is the first to respond “Its ok I guess. Its school. It’s pretty much the same anywhere you go. This is our 3rd school this year. Hopefully our last one too.”

  “Oh wow, so you guys move together? Are you related?” I’m curious to know more about the guys. Especially if they are related because it seems odd that four friends would move together to a new school.

  I look at the guys and see Dane and Kylan exchanging some kind of look. Kylan eventually speaks up “Well we’re not related, but we are close. Our families moved together to keep us together growing up but we have recently decided to move in together. Our parents said ok on the condition we finish school and get good grades.”


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