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Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Tamara White

  Dane is rolling my nipple between his fingers, and I can feel myself getting close to orgasm like yesterday, but so much more intense, I pull back from the kiss and breathe out, “So close.” We kiss passionately, tasting each other and I reach down and gently touch him through his pants rubbing my hand up and down gently. He groans into the kiss before lifting up my shirt and latching onto my nipple with his mouth.

  He’s gently sucking and flicking his tongue against my nipple while I moan his name. I grasp onto his hair holding him against me loving the feel of being in control when he bites my nipple and I reach my orgasm.

  When I come down from my orgasm, he fixes me up putting my breast back into my bra and pulling my shirt back down. I can feel a wet patch between my legs, but I can’t be sure if it’s from him or me. Thank god I wore black jeans.

  “You ok, Evie? Was that ok?” Dane asks concerned.

  “I’m better than fine, Dane. I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to,” I smile at him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

  He’s so handsome it’s hard to believe he wants to bond with me. I’m about to say something about what happened between us when there’s a knock on the window. Ky is standing at the window completely drenched. When did it start raining?


  Evie and I are surprised to see Kylan at the window and why is he wet?

  “Guys its almost time for class and I need to get a spare change of clothes,” Ky says.

  I decide to ask the obvious “Dude, why are you wet? It didn’t rain, did it?”

  “Yes, it did rain but only at the climax. When you both neared climax it started pouring over the school and when you did climax lightning struck not far away from the school. I’m sure the other students are a little shocked, but I told the guys what was happening, so they didn’t think Evie was in danger,” he says smiling at her as if she is the only person in the world.

  “Crap, I didn’t think that our powers would do that. They didn’t with Mike.” I wonder why our powers reacted like that.

  I can see you thinking why your powers did that and Teddy, Mike, and I have a theory. We think you guys bonded. The feelings that Evie has for you would have made it possible, and for some reason her body has been pushing a bonding anyway. But, we won’t know for a day or so if it actually has happened.

  Oh god Evie will hate me. What am I going to do? We just settled everything. We know Evie wanted to hold off on bonding, so if we’re bonded, how do I tell her and not have her hate me? I’m so screwed.

  Ok I’m not going to worry about this right now. I’ll wait a few days and see what happens.


  I can’t believe it rained while we climaxed. Talk about embarrassing. And what’s going on with my hormones? Three days ago, I never would have touched anyone like that, but I have felt the need to be closer to all the guys. Even the other night with Mike if the guys hadn’t interrupted, I think it would have gone a lot further. It’s like my body is constantly hot for them. Talk about awkward.

  “Ok, let’s get to class and we’ll talk later. Ky, are we right to leave you here to get dressed and head off to class?” I don’t want to be late to biology, but I don’t want to leave without Dane.

  “Sure, princess, go and have fun being a good little girl and we’ll see you at lunch,” he gives me a hug before turning around and digging in the back of the SUV for spare clothes.

  “Why don’t you just use your Fire to dry off? Wouldn’t that be easier and quicker than getting new clothes?” I ask confused why he doesn’t just use his powers. It’s what I would do.

  “Ha! If only it was that easier. If it was in fact rain I could do that no problem, but since it’s your powers I can’t. Believe me, I tried,” he replies with a smirk.

  “Oh. Ok, we’ll see you later than,” I say leaving him to get changed.

  Dane and I walk off together, both absorbed in our own worlds. I walk beside him and grab his hand to hold on the way to class. He smiles at me, releasing my hand pulling me close so his arm wraps around my shoulders before placing a kiss on my temple. He sighs letting me go and grabbing onto my hand.

  We walk to our class holding hands like a couple. It feels so natural for us to be touching. I can’t believe it. If you were to tell me a week ago, I’d be in a relationship with not one, but four guys I would have thought, you were nuts. But now being with the guys I feel like I’m where I belong.

  When we walk into class, I notice a few of Catherine’s cronies looking smug, but when they see us holding hands they scowl.

  Dane walks us to our seats and leans into me to whisper “Maybe I should have ignored them. They look more upset by us holding hands than anything I could’ve planned, but I need you to promise me that you’ll tell me if they try to hurt you,” I can feel how worried he is about me, but I also feel how smug he is to see them upset.

  “We’ll discuss during lunch if we need another plan or not but just to make sure they know who you belong to,” I lean in and kiss him.

  He’s shocked, at first, but kisses me back before pulling back and smiling wide at me. We sit in our seats and look up to see Catherine at the front of the room staring at us before looking at her friends angrily. I can’t help but feel a little smug too.

  “And I promise if anything happens I will tell you.” Dane smile at me like I’ve given him the best gift ever. Those girls at his previous school must have really messed him up.

  As the class goes on, I start to notice something strange. I can hear thoughts and feel emotions coming from Dane. It’s only small bits here and there, but it is different to what I’ve normally felt from the guys.

  I’ve been replaying what happened in the car, and I think we may have bonded. In the midst of everything, I didn’t realize it but the feeling I had the other morning with Kylan and Teddy was there but it was like a cool rubber band snapped into place. When I climaxed, it felt like a snap, but I didn’t think anything of it.

  I don’t know what to do. Do I tell him and have him be upset I took his choices away, or do I wait and see what happens? He seemed just as shocked as I was that it was raining, so maybe that’s not how we bond, but what else could this be? I even feel it in my body when he moves away from me it’s like a bungee cord connecting us and drawing us back together. I don’t want a relationship built on lies, so I’ll bring it up at lunch.


  As it gets closer to lunch, I can feel Evie’s anxiety rise. She seems to be nervous or worried about something, but I can’t pick up what’s worrying her so much. Maybe she regrets what happened between us?

  As the bell rings, we go to our lockers to drop off our stuff and grab our clothes for gym. Maybe she just needs a moment alone “Evie, how about you go outside, sit down, relax, and I’ll grab lunch for you. What would you like?”

  “Just a chicken and salad wrap or sandwich, please, and a bottle of water. Can I take your stuff if you get lunch? Besides, you won’t be able to carry everything otherwise.” I hand over my bag and walk to the cafeteria lunch line.


  Walking over to my tree, I place our bags down and wait for the guys. I’m in my own world thinking about our bonds, when I feel someone standing in front of me. I smile and look up thinking it’s the guys, but I’m wrong. Catherine, Nina, and Megan are all standing in front of me with scowls on their faces.

  Sighing I ask “What do you want Catherine? I’m about to eat lunch and I would like to eat it uninterrupted.”

  I can see the guys coming out of the cafeteria so I project to them, Just wait, please. I need to see what she wants.

  Looking back at Catherine, she noticed me looking at the guys and now looks happy about something.

  “How’d you do it Evelyn? Huh, did you sleep with them? Why would they hang out with a piece of trash like you?”

  I can feel Catherine’s jealousy, that’s strange though I do remember empathy being some water associated powers. “Look, Catherine, have you ever for a second thought
that maybe, just maybe, I’m not the trash and you are? You go around this school treating everyone like they mean nothing, but the reality is once you leave school you’ll be nobody and people will treat you just as you have treated me,” I finish and look over at the guys as they make their way over.

  I feel the hatred coming from Catherine, but I just don’t care “Is that all girls? My guys want to eat lunch,” I say gesturing to where the guys are standing waiting for them to move so they can sit down.

  Catherine and Nina start to walk away, but Megan turns and faces Mike “Hi Mike, I had fun earlier. I’ll see you tomorrow, same time.” She winks at him and follows after Catherine and Nina. Mike looks confused and sits down while looking between the guys and back at me.

  “Thank god they’re gone. I don’t think I could eat with the jealousy and hatred coming off her, it was starting to make me queasy,” Dane says before plopping down next to me and handing me a sandwich and a bottle of water.

  “I know right! I could feel it too. Is it my empathy powers from my water element?” The guys all stop and look at me.

  “You felt it already? Wow! I didn’t get my empathy powers until around 8 months after my powers developed,” Dane says looking proud, as are the other guys.

  “You must be more powerful than we realized,” Mike says before taking a bite of his pizza. We all sit in silence, eating, before I decide we need to talk about the bond.

  “So, guys, I have something I need to confess.”

  Chapter 22


  All the guys are looking at me in fear and I have to laugh because they look so worried.

  “Relax guys it’s nothing bad, but I want to talk about what happened today with Dane. I’m sorry, but I think Dane and I have bonded already. I can feel his emotions and hear a few thoughts. Every time he moves I can feel it like a cord between us is being stretched tight and it doesn’t slacken until he starts walking back to me. It was how I knew where you were while Catherine was in front of me. I’m really sorry, guys, I didn’t mean to do it.” I’m so worried he’ll hate me for it so I look down at the grass and wait for them to think it through.

  I hear a few sighs before I feel Dane’s hand on my chin lifting my head up to look up at him.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Evie. I’m sorry. I should have paid more attention to what was going on, but I was so caught up with what was happening, that I didn’t realize what had happened. We suspected a bond formed, but I got scared. We had fixed everything between us and I didn’t want you angry at me again,” He looks so sad that I’ll reject our bond.

  “Oh Dane, you should have told me. I don’t want lies between us because trust is very important to me. To be honest, I think it’s only a matter of time before I’m bonded to all of you. I care for each of you deeply, but I don’t want to push it with any of you and have you regret your bonds with me. I only ask that we be honest with each other. The bonds sound very permanent and I still don’t know everything about them so I don’t want to take any chances,” I look at each of the guys and wait.

  I feel they’ll want to confess after my statement about truth being important.

  “Evie, that thing with Megan before. Nothing’s going on. She introduced herself in History and I felt lonely, so I let her sit with me,” Mike says breaking the silence.

  I figured nothing was going on between them, but I’m glad he told me. I was a little jealous but I trust them.

  “I know Mike, she’s one of the worst ones in Catherine’s group. She was the one I caught with Billy when he dumped me. Just please be careful.” I don’t want to be the type of girl to stop the guys having other friends.

  I still want to clarify things with the guys. “So now that Dane and I have bonded what does that make us? Is there a word for it? Like boyfriend and girlfriend, or partners or something?”

  “Well it's up to you, Evie. Some elementals choose the word destined because it signifies soulmates. Some with multiple bonded choose the term partner. And some people not ready for the more meaningful titles, just use girlfriend and boyfriend because it’s essentially a relationship. The most common term is bonded because it tells other elementals you have bonded or have a potential bonded,” Dane explains to me.

  Huh, I guess that makes sense. “So do I call all of you my boyfriends, or just Dane because we’ve already bonded?” This is a lot harder to understand than I thought.

  “You can refer to Ky, Teddy, and I as boyfriends and refer to Dane as your bonded, if you like. We don’t mind either way, we just want to get to know you and have a chance to bond with you.” Mike is very serious while looking at me and the guys. They must be having a conversation without me because their faces keep changing expressions. How did they ever blend in at school before?


  I don’t care what Evie calls me, I’m just so relieved she didn’t freak out about the bond. We’ve been trying so hard to protect Evie from everything that maybe we need to re-evaluate how strong our girl really is.

  First, she has foresight drawings before her birthday. Not only are they accurate but apparently, she has had them for at least a year.

  She has been able to project mentally to four people at once without even realizing it.

  Her earth elements gave her the ability to make new plants grow which is unheard of.

  She can read emotions two days after her birthday which is totally going to make my father jealous. He’s one of the most powerful elementals born with me being second powerful, but he didn’t get his extra gifts until three months after his powers activated. Even though he was 17 when they did activate.

  She can also call lightning and seems to be able to control it pretty well considering it’s an unknown element.

  I have a feeling we’ll still see more things with Evie. She just feels different.


  We’re all walking to gym when my father contacts me.

  Kylan, how have you been, son? I just want to know your progress on the elemental at Ashville? We’ve heard there have been a few earthquakes in the area so this has led us to believe she must be an Earth Elemental.

  Shit, shit, double shit. My dad is one of the members on the council that rules the elementals. We agreed to tell the council Evie’s powers haven’t activated yet so we could train her. The council will be intimidated knowing the one from the prophecy has been found. It will mean their time as rulers is almost up and when people have been in power for as long as they have it will be hard to let go.

  Hey dad. Yeah, I’ve been good. Nope, not an Earth user that has been Teddy. The kids at this school have been messing with his temper.

  Hopefully, he buys that story because I’m drawing a blank as to what else it could have been.

  Teddy? Since when have you called Theodore, Teddy?

  Oh crap. I am such a bad liar. Oh, it was just a nickname one of the cheerleaders gave him and it seems to have stuck, all of us call him Teddy now.

  I pray he buys it otherwise I’ll have to block him and get help from the guys.

  Sounds like you’re enjoying the new school. Have you found the elemental and figured out what element she is yet? We’ve been waiting for your reports, but no one has spoken to us yet. Make sure you inform every one of their mission. We only allowed you to finish out at this school if you could find the elemental. We were given information she would be very powerful. Maybe even powerful enough to stop the Shaded.

  I hate lying to my father, but I have no other choice if I want to protect Evie. We did find an elemental that was raised human, but she doesn’t seem to have any power at all. We found out her birthday is a week from now so we’ll contact the council after to see what power she has if any.

  Some elementals that have too much human won’t present with powers just a small affinity for the element they are descended from. Ok, keep us updated. We’ll see you in a week.

  What! Oh no!

  Dane, my father just contacted me. I replay the c
onversation for him.

  Shit, Ky. That means they plan on being here for her supposed activation. I sigh that’s what I thought too.


  We’re in the gym today having a free day. Because it is still wet outside from earlier when Dane and I bonded, Coach Callahan decided we could pretty much do what we wanted. He set up little areas for gymnastics and half a court for basketball, but most of us are sitting down. As much as I wanted to join in I’ve had a foreboding feeling in my stomach that is making me a little nauseous. The guys were all in their own worlds, thinking I guess, but Ky and Dane looked a little pale.

  Teddy turns to Ky and Dane, “Hey guys you alright? You look a little pale.”

  I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed.

  Ky and Dane look at each other before facing us. “Ky just told me his dad’s coming in a week. And not just him, but the whole council. They’re coming because they believe in a week it will be Evie’s 18th birthday and they want to watch her powers activate.”

  “Why would they think my birthday is next week?” Why would they think my birthday is in a week when it was a couple of days ago?

  “Well, I told him it would be in a week. You aren’t ready to meet the council and fulfil the duties of the prophecy. We’re also worried what the council will do to you once they find out who you are.” Ky actually looks scared.

  I need to know more about this prophecy because I am obviously missing something. “Maybe you guys should explain what the prophecy says, because I don’t understand why this is making you so afraid.”

  I know the guys are trying to do right by me, but I have no idea what I am missing and I don’t understand why they’re scared of the council when their fathers are a part of it.

  “Ok, we’ll tell you what we’ve pieced together over the years, and what we heard growing up. The reason we want to find actual recordings is because this may or may not be true. Or it could be the truth twisted with lies.


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