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Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Tamara White

  Her emotions all over the place, and I imagine everyone else can feel them too.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so new to our world. I figured Victor and Richard would have raised you knowing all about elementals and trained you to do what they wanted,” he’s looking over at Evie a little confused.

  “Evie, do you want to stay in your room tonight or with one of us?” I distract her and her father because otherwise it will lead to another path and Evie needs to get some rest.

  “Do you mind if I stay with you tonight Ky? I don’t think I want to be alone.” I never dreamed she’d actually choose to stay with me. She seems closer to the others than me.

  “I would love nothing more Evie,” I say reaching for her hand.

  She’s going to have a rough few days ahead of her once she finds out that Teddy’s father killed her mother and both my father and Teddy’s father kept her father hostage for 10 years.

  I’m worried it will tear her apart and cause her to drift away from us.


  I’ve never been more relieved to go to bed. Ky takes my hand and leads me out of the room and up to his bedroom. He assured me that the others would make up the couch for my father.

  I didn’t want to leave, but I’m so exhausted with everything that has happened. I’m curious as to what Ky’s bedroom looks like. I’ve only seen Teddy’s, and his was pretty plain with only the bare necessities.

  Surprisingly, Ky’s room is empty too. I expected something more outrageous to go with his flirty personality, but it’s just bare beige walls and a dresser.

  “Why is your room so plain?” I expected posters on the walls, maybe cars or pin up models, something other than plain. And Teddy’s was too. “Do you not decorate?” I know if I had the space and was allowed to decorate it, I would go all out adding my own personal touches.

  “It’s not plain, it just hasn’t been organised yet. We usually wait until we’ve been in a place for 2 weeks before decorating the bedrooms. We set up the main rooms, but the bedrooms usually accumulate a lot of personal items which makes it harder to pack if we need to leave in a hurry,” he explains.

  I guess that makes sense. Kind of like my escape bag containing the most important items.

  “I’ll grab a shirt for you to sleep in unless you want to grab some clothes from your room?”

  I really don’t want to go back out there, I just want to crawl under the covers and go to sleep.

  “I’ll just have one of your shirts. I want to climb into bed, go to sleep and process everything,” I tell him before a yawn escapes my lips.

  He pulls out a dark blue shirt and some boxers from the dresser before handing me the shirt. He strips off his clothes and I can’t help but admire his body as he pulls the boxers on. He’s so hot. Ky catches me staring and smirks at me “Like what you see, princess?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to stare, it’s just a little hard not to. You do realize how hot you are, right? It’s totally not fair to strip and expect me not to stare,” I turn around and strip down to just my underwear and hope I have the same effect on him that he did on me.

  As I slip the shirt over my head, I feel arms wrap around my waist.

  “So, you want to play that game do you, princess?” He whispers in my ear while trailing kisses behind my ear down my neck. I lean back into him and sigh. It feels so right being in his arms. He slowly runs one hand down between my legs, slides his hands into my panties, and rubs two fingers over my clit.

  “Does that feel good, princess? Do you want me to stop?”

  “Please don’t stop” I beg. I want Ky so much, and what he’s doing with his fingers feels like magic. He reaches up under my shirt with his other hand to play with my nipple. He pinches and rolls it between his thumb and finger before speeding up over my clit. I am just about to come when he stops.

  He turns me around and kisses me while walking us back towards the bed. I feel the back of my knees hit the bed, and I lean back and crawl on it with Ky perching over me. “You are so beautiful, Evie. I want you so bad, but if you’re too tired, we’ll just sleep.”

  I love that he’s thinking of me “I’ll be fine, Ky. If I get sore or too tired, I’ll tell you. But right now, I want you,” I pull him down for a kiss to show him I’m ok with this.

  He pulls back first “Ok. I want to try something different though. If it gets too much we’ll stop ok?”

  “Ok.” I trust Ky to take it easy on me, and I know if I want to stop he will. He pulls my panties off but tells me to keep his shirt on and asks me to roll over, and hop on my hands and knees on the bed, moving back enough that my knees are towards to the edge.

  I’m a bit apprehensive of this position, as it leaves me revealed for him to see me. I feel him lightly, at first, testing if I am ready for him. My nerves have somehow made me dry up down there and I think he knows that. He pushes my legs apart a bit more before making me lower my back.

  I’m waiting for the next move, but as soon as his tongue touches me I nearly collapse. He slowly swipes his tongue over my entrance before sucking on my clit and flicking it with his tongue. He puts two fingers inside and thrusts them deep inside me every time he flicks my clit with his tongue. It doesn’t take long before I come and nearly dissolve into a puddle on the bed.

  I feel his cock at my entrance, but it feels strange. I look underneath me, and see he has put a condom on, so I guess the guys were just as worried about children as I am.

  It feels weird in this position, but so intense. He has one hand gripped on my hip, and the other holding my hair as he starts to thrust inside me. Once I’ve gotten used to the feeling, I try to move to the rhythm he has going. I feel myself getting closer and clenching around him when he thrusts in deep. I can tell he’s close because he’s losing his rhythm too. I feel his balls slap against my clit, and I cum clenching on his cock, making him cum too. Ky rolls to the side and brings me next to him and cuddles me.

  As I get up to clean myself he pulls me back down, “You stay here, I’ll be right back to clean you up.”

  I lay back down and wait. He comes back with a warm, wet washcloth and starts wiping clean my area. Once he’s done, he reaches for my panties and pulls them back up my body before throwing the wash cloth in a laundry basket near the door.

  “Was that ok? Some girls don’t like that position, but I wanted to try it with you,” Ky is feeling happy, but I can feel his anxiety as well.

  “Ky I swear, it was great. I want to try new things with all of you. If it feels uncomfortable for me, I’ll say something or you’ll probably feel it through our bond.” He seems satisfied by my answer so I snuggle in against him, closing my eyes and let myself be lulled to sleep by the sound of his heart.


  I’m making breakfast when I hear Evie’s father walk in to the kitchen.

  “Good morning,” I say.

  “Morning. Is Evie up yet?” he asks.

  Ky just told us she was up and getting changed before coming down. “Yeah, she’ll be down in minute. Do you want some coffee?”

  “Yes, please,” he responds, so I set the coffee pot on the table in front of him and go back to the eggs. I noticed out of everything I made the other day, Evie ate more of the eggs and pancakes than anything else.

  “I wanted to talk to you all about letting Evie train with me today? While you each know about your individual elements Evie needs to know how to control all of them. You should all be there too, because you’ll need to know how to control her elements too.”

  I felt Evie walk into the room just before he started talking and turn to look at her before speaking “It’s up to you, Evie. We can do individual training or train together, but as much as I hate to admit it, he might be right about us learning about all of your powers.”

  Now that we’ve bonded, I’m sure it will only be a matter of time before we can use her powers. Some elementals can use them in as little as a week after their bonding.

�Ok, today we’ll all train together, then over the next few days, we’ll train on individual elements, and maybe my father can teach me about the elements on a day when you guys work on each other’s powers. Dane, I was also going to ask if you would mind teaching me a bit of self-defence. I know I may not need to use it, but I have a feeling I’ll need to know how to defend myself.”

  “Yeah, definitely sweetie, I was going to suggest it anyway,” and I was. I’d been thinking of it after everything happened with Catherine. At least if they did try something, Evie could defend herself without relying on her powers and exposing us.

  I finish cooking breakfast and put it on the table. I lean down and give Evie a kiss on the cheek before sitting down on her right side.

  “I made you extra eggs and pancakes,” I tell her before adding a pancake to her plate.

  She looks up at me with a smile “Thanks.”


  I love that Dane made me extra pancakes and eggs. It feels natural for us all be eating breakfast together and making small talk.

  When I woke up this morning, I was so worried after what had happened last night that things would be different, but Ky gave me a sweet kiss and we got dressed.

  I ran into Mike and Teddy on the way downstairs and they did the same, giving me chaste kisses in front of the others. I felt a brief flare of desire from them, but no jealousy. It made me so happy knowing they were ok with everything that happened. It gave me hope that things would work out.

  While we’re having breakfast, I try to get some more answers from my father.

  “I wanted to ask you about something you said last night. If you’re a fallen angel and I’m your daughter, why did I not get stuck with one power like the original elementals?” Dad looks up from his coffee, while the other guys all look up surprised.

  “Huh, I didn’t even think of that. Why does she have all powers if she’s born from a fallen angel?” Mike is the one to ask, but I can see all the guys wanted to know.

  “Well, both I and her grandfather think it’s because she’s more angel than human. The originals were children of a weak fallen angel and a human, so it would explain why the powers separated. The original fallen angel also never had the power of the storm. Your grandfather is one of the strongest angels alive and I’m also very powerful. I have the power of the storm and your grandfather has the power of life. It’s why I took the last name Storm,” he says looking at each of us.

  “What’s the power of life, and do I have it too?”

  My father smiles at me before answering. “Your mother never had the power, but it’s possible you could. The power of life gives your grandfather the ability to heal most injuries, and can even delay someone from death.”

  That’s so wicked. I know Dane can heal with his water element, but it would be awesome to have a healing power.

  I finish off my breakfast and ask the one question I’ve been dying to ask. “Why did you react like that to the guys last night? I know you said it was because of the council, but none of them are on the council, so why did you react that way?” I’m still upset with how he treated them.

  He sighs before looking up at us. By the look in his eyes I can tell we’re not going to like what he says. “I know your bonded are their children and not directly involved with the council, but you have to remember I was chained up with them and heard many threats about what they would do to my daughter. Victor and Richard may have been lying, but they liked to talk a lot while they had me chained up. I learned that Victor and Richard both had children. They would brag about them being powerful elementals for their age and that they couldn’t wait for them to be bonded. They would be the next leaders of the council, and they were going to be the ones to help keep control of you. The day before I escaped, I overheard their children’s names. Kylan and Theodore. I didn’t make the connection when I first met them because you called them Ky and Teddy, but, in your thoughts, you referred to them as Kylan and Theodore. Ky is Victor’s son and Teddy is Richard’s.”


  Fuck! Teddy and I are both terrified. We knew Evie would eventually realize what our fathers have done, but it still kills me to feel her betrayal. I have no idea what Max was talking about when he said we would be the ones to control her because we would never even attempt to control Evie.

  I look at Teddy and hope he knows what to say, because I have no idea what to say to make it better.

  “I need some air. I’m going to go out in the yard and just walk around for a bit, ok? Please don’t follow me,” Evie gets up from the table and heads out the back door.

  I don’t follow her because I can still feel her pain at our supposed betrayal, and I don’t know what to say. I hope she realizes that we are nothing like our fathers, and would do anything to protect her.


  I still can’t believe it. How did our parents, the leaders of the elemental race, go so dark? We are going to need to build support from other elementals and expose their wrong doings. They can’t lead us when they’re corrupt.

  Knowing my father was the one to kill Evie’s mother is killing me inside. How will she feel about me, knowing he took both of her parents away from her? Even though I was too young to even know about what was going on, she may hate me for his actions. I don’t know what to say to the others. Mike and Dane must hate us.

  “Do you think our parents are involved too? It makes sense if your parents are, that ours are as well.” Dane is looking worried, and I don’t blame him.

  If all our parents are against Evie having the future elementals, then what would they do to stop it? A scream startles us all out of our thoughts, and I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head before we all bolt out the back door.

  We try to find Evie, but she’s nowhere to be found. I try to focus on our bond, but I can’t feel her.

  “Shit! I can’t feel our bond, can any of you?” I look to the other guys hoping someone can feel her. I know that none of them can by the looks of dread on their face.

  “Why can’t we feel her bond? We should always be able to feel it now?” Dane is starting to pace back and forth getting frustrated.

  Evie’s father is suddenly standing there, and Ky turns on him so fast, “Did you have something to do with this, because, I swear I don’t care how powerful you are, we will destroy you if you’ve hurt her.”

  He’s right. Once we find who took Evie we will make them pay.

  “I didn’t take her, but I did know she would be taken. I had a vision, but I thought we would have more time. The only thing we can do now is call her grandfather. He’s the only one who can save her now.”

  I just want to say a quick thank to everyone that read the new version of this story. There are still some errors in certain sentences that I couldn’t fix for fear of altering the story line too much so I’m sorry if they distract from the story. I hope all together the story has been improved and is easier to read.

  Book 2 Saved Elemental is now available on amazon.

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