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Mail Order Bride - Westward Heartbeat: A Historical Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 15)

Page 16

by Linda Bridey

  Raven followed Joe through the line of trees that used to hide their camp from the prairie.

  “Ok,” Joe said coming to a stop. “Do you see all of that land?”


  “I own a large chunk of it. I’m not sure if you’re allowed to own land, Raven.”

  Raven frowned at that and he felt frustration rise.

  “However, I do know that if you had a Christian last name, if someone adopted you, you would be considered legal to own land that way. Do you have a last name like Owl does?”

  “No. It’s just Raven. Who would adopt me?” he asked. “I already have parents.”

  “I know. They wouldn’t stop being your parents. Think of it as more of a sponsor instead of parents. You’ve got people who would do it, Raven. You’ve got a bunch of uncles who would be happy for you to have their last name, you know. And if they don’t do it, I will.”

  Raven’s eyes widened. “You would do that for me?”

  Joe met his gaze and said, “I sure would. But that has to be your decision. I’m not gonna push you either way. Now, here’s what I’m willing to do for you. I still want to grow those crops. How would you feel about helping plant and take care of them? We can work out a deal that would be like a swap. I’ll give you that land after so many years of working as an overseer of the crops. I would give you the clearing, the rock ledge and the land that leads up to Dean’s ranch. Plus, you could hunt on my land all you wanted. Does that sound fair?”

  Raven could only stare at Joe for several moments. Tears clogged his throat and he had to clear it so he could speak. “Why would you do that?”

  “Raven, don’t you know how much all of you mean to me? We’re not blood, but we’re family. Besides, who better to watch over this land than the people it really belonged to in the first place? Not to mention fierce Lakota braves? Do we have a deal?” Joe said and held out a hand.

  “Only if you adopt me. If you are willing to do all of this, I should show my appreciation and take your last name,” Raven said.

  Joe grinned and his eyes grew moist. “I’d like that.”

  Raven took Joe’s hand and they shook hands heartily.

  Raven said, “You should adopt Reckless, too.”

  “I would gladly, but I’m not sure he’d go for it,” Joe said with a laugh.

  “How soon do you adopt me?” Raven said.

  “I’ll have my lawyer start the paperwork right away. I’ll go see him tomorrow,” Joe said.

  The mayor suddenly found himself enveloped in a manly embrace that threatened to pull him right off his horse. Raven clapped him on the back so hard that Joe felt sure that a vertebrae had cracked. Then Raven released him.

  “You won’t regret this. We will take very good care of the crops. We know this land and how things grow best,” Raven said.

  “I know it,” Joe said.

  “I have to go tell everyone,” Raven said. His excitement was so high that he felt like he could walk on the clouds. “You should have a tipi here, too. It would be fun.”

  “I just might do that,” Joe said with a smile.

  “Good. I will see you later. I don’t know how I will every repay you,” Raven said. “I’ll do my best to try.”

  Joe nodded. “I know. Go on and spread the good news.”

  Raven wheeled his horse around and took off as he let out a loud war whoop. Joe laughed as he watched him go and felt excited about the new-old camp himself. Yes, maybe not a tipi, but a cabin might be nice. He considered the possibility as he looked around. That would be fun, he thought. He rode back home with a grin on his face.


  Reckless sat praying by the stream when Raven burst out of the trail. It scared Reckless, and he was on his feet in an instant, ready to do battle if necessary. Raven saw how startled he was and laughed.

  “It is just me, cousin. I have the most exciting news!” Raven said as he got down off his horse.

  Reckless grinned at the bright expression on Raven’s face. “What is it?”

  “Let’s go talk with Brook so I can tell you both at the same time,” Raven said and walked to the tipi.

  They went into the tipi and Raven explained to them what had occurred with Joe.

  Reckless stared at Raven with an open mouth. “Joe is going to adopt you and we are going to start rebuilding the old camp? Did I hear you right?”

  “Yes! The idea started coming to me when I was with Zoe at the old camp last night. I began to wonder who owned the land and if I could buy it. So I asked Joe and that is when all of this came up.”

  Brook said, “That is amazing! I cannot believe it. We will work hard for Joe.”

  Raven nodded. “We can begin to move immediately. I am going now to tell everyone at home,” he said and ran from the tipi.

  Reckless and Brook hugged and laughed because they were greatly excited about moving back to the old camp.


  When Raven gathered everyone in Dean and Tessa’s parlor, he told them about the new developments. The twins whooped and the others sat in stunned silence for a moment as they absorbed what Raven said.

  Seth frowned. “Dwyer’s gonna adopt you? Why not one of us?”

  Raven smiled kindly and Dean saw Black Fox in the young brave’s expression. “Don’t be jealous, uncle. It is my way of showing my appreciation for his generosity. He could have refused to sell the land and not offered any kind of deal, but instead he came up with this.”

  Dean mulled it all over and saw that Joe’s deal was more than fair. He had an inkling that Joe felt this would help make up a little for his inability to keep the tribe safe from the military any longer. The tribe was as much his family in many ways as it was theirs, so Joe adopting Raven made sense to Dean.

  “Raven Dwyer,” Dean said experimentally. “That has a nice ring to it. You’ll always be our nephew, but I can see why you’d want to honor Joe that way. After all, you’re one of his very brave braves.”

  Maddie laughed and put a hand on Raven’s arm. “I never thought I’d see the day when Joe would adopt a Lakota brave, but I think it’s wonderful.”

  Tessa said, “We must celebrate! Raven, go and spread the news further and we will start preparations for a wonderful dinner. We’ll have a party. Go on!”

  Raven hugged her and ran from the house.


  Mike Samuels arrived in Dawson that Sunday and left his trunk and suitcases at the depot. He only took what he would need in a saddle bag. He ran down the street to the livery stable, waving at people as he went. Renting a horse, he started out for home. No one knew he was coming and he couldn’t wait to surprise them.

  He kept his horse at a canter, excited to get home to see everyone. As happy as he was to be going to medical school, he was also homesick a lot of the time. It was especially hard on him after everything that had occurred the past fall. The grief he felt over the loss of his family and friends weighed on him sometimes, and he had no one to talk to about it. No one at school would understand.

  As he rode past Reckless and Brook’s campsite, he let out his own personal whistle twice. Reckless came out and saw him. A huge grin broke out on his face.

  Mike beckoned him to follow him to the ranch. “Come, cousin!” he said in Lakota. It felt wonderful to be able to use his second language again.

  Reckless ducked back into their tipi to tell Brook and get the twins in their cradleboards.

  Mike urged his horse as fast as it would go and soon the ranch came into sight. Tears stung his eyes as an enormous sense of homecoming hit him. He tore up the drive and let out his whistle loudly.

  Everyone had gathered in the cookhouse to begin preparations for their party. D.J. heard the whistle and said, “Shut up!” to the others.

  They stopped and the whistle came again. Suddenly Tessa was shoving the others out of her way in her haste to get to the door. She flung it open and saw Mike dismounting from a horse. She put a hand to her mouth and shook her head. She c
ouldn’t be seeing correctly. It was much too soon for Mike to be home and yet here he was.

  He stood with his arms spread wide and she flew to him. She held him tight and cried with joy. He was as tall as his father now and she had to pull him down so she could cover his cheeks with kisses.

  “What on Earth are you doing home so early? Is everything ok?” she asked as the others crowded around.

  Mike didn’t get a chance to answer right away because everyone was trying to hug him at the same time. He thought Seth was going to crush him and grunted as his uncle embraced him.

  “You guys grew!” he said of the twins and his younger cousins when he hugged them.

  Tessa repeated her earlier question as Reckless and Brook arrived.

  Mike said, “I was able to take my finals early since the classes weren’t clinicals. I couldn’t wait to get home. I missed everyone so much.” His voice cracked and he shook his head, unable to continue for the emotion that overtook him.

  Everyone tried to hug him at once again to comfort him and he laughed. They led him to the cookhouse, telling him about Raven’s deal with Joe. He grew enthusiastic and said, “That’s fantastic. We’d better get hunting, Pa. We’re gonna need a lot of deer hides if we’re gonna have as many tipis as I think we are.”

  Dean thumped his sturdy shoulder and said, “I think you’re right, son.”

  Mike’s smile dimmed a little as he thought about those who were on the reservation who wouldn’t be able to live in camp with them. Reckless saw the expression that crossed Mike’s face and said in Lakota, “I know, cousin. I know.”

  Mike and he shared a meaningful gaze and then Mike changed the subject to his finals and how well he had done.


  As Raven rode around to all of his family and informed them of his and Joe’s deal, he thought nonstop about the situation with Zoe. Owl’s words about what he was willing to do in order to be with Zoe came back to him and he gave it careful consideration. His love for her overshadowed all else, he realized, and he was willing do to things her way in order to make her happy. Besides, if he were going to own land at some point, having the legal documentation that she was his wife would be smart. As he tied his horse in front of Pricilla’s house, he grinned.

  Pricilla was startled when she heard the kitchen door burst open. Then she smiled. There was only one person who opened it like that. Raven came into the parlor and smiled when he saw her sitting on the sofa working on some needlepoint. He sat down by her and gave her a big hug and kiss.

  “Hello, Auntie. I have missed you. How are you?”

  She kissed his cheek and said, “I’m fine, dear. Where have you been?”

  “Busy working. Where is Zoe?”

  “She’s lying down. She had a headache. I don’t think she slept well, poor thing,” Pricilla said.

  Raven frowned. He knew that he was the reason she hadn’t rested properly. He hadn’t either. “I will go check on her,” he said and left the room before Pricilla could object.

  She chuckled as she heard him running up the stairs.

  Quietly, Raven entered Zoe’s room. She was completely under the covers, with only her hair visible.

  Raven smiled as he slowly sat down on the bed. He pulled the covers down so he could see her face. She looked so cute and pretty and Raven felt his heart swell with love for her. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, then her eyes, nose, and lastly her mouth.

  Zoe was having the nicest dream. Raven was there and he was kissing her, covering her face with sweet kisses and then her neck. She moaned with pleasure and lifted her arms to run her hands along the back of his neck and through his hair. He felt so real, so solid that she opened her eyes and saw his beautiful eyes looking into her hers. He smiled at her.

  “Am I dreaming?” she asked.

  “No. I’m really here. Hau, híŋhaŋni wašté, tókheškhe yaúŋ hwo?”

  She smiled. “Hello. I’m fine, thank you. How are you? You look happy.”

  “I am. I’m happy to see you,” Raven said. His brows drew together. “Auntie said you weren’t feeling well.”

  “I just had a headache, but it’s gone now,” Zoe said. “I’m so sorry about last night, Raven. I’ve been doing some thinking.”

  “Me, too,” Raven said. “I have a lot to tell you.”

  Zoe noticed the excitement in his eyes and his smile stole her breath away. “Oh? What’s that?”

  He quickly told her about Joe and the agreement they’d made. Her eyes got bigger and bigger the more he talked.

  She sat up very quickly and knocked heads with him. “Ow!”

  Raven laughed and rubbed his smarting forehead. “Careful or we’ll both have a headache.”

  “I’m so sorry. Raven, this is wonderful! We can put our tipi there and all of our family will be around us.”

  Raven took her hands and said, “I appreciate you being willing to live in a tipi, but I don’t think you will be truly happy in one. What if we were to build a cabin? There is plenty of room there to do that. And we should have a church wedding so our marriage is legal.”

  Zoe searched his face for any sign of indecision but found none. “Are you sure about this? Raven, I don’t want you doing something you’ll regret later on. Will you be happy in a cabin?”

  Laying his hand alongside her cheek, he said, “Zoe, I will be happy anywhere as long as I can be with you. It doesn’t matter to me anymore what we live in. We can make a life anywhere.”

  “You’re absolutely certain?” Zoe said.

  “I am. I promise,” Raven said and kissed her.

  Zoe wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Raven groaned and pressed her back into the mattress. His weight on her felt good to Zoe and she held him tighter. Raven’s hands traced her curves and then slipped underneath her to pull her against him. Then he remembered where they were and pulled back.

  “I better go back downstairs or Auntie will be up here. Get ready. We are having a celebration out at the Samuels ranch. And then I will be moving my tipi to the camp,” he said.

  “Today?” she asked. “Isn’t that a little soon?”

  “No. My home calls to me and I need to be there,” he said with a serious expression.

  She smiled. “I’ll help you pack.”

  Raven came to a decision. “I want to make you mine, Zoe. We do not have to elope, but you will be mine in every way and somehow I will endure the times when you have to be away from me until we are married.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as his meaning became clear to her. “You mean …?”

  He leaned down and whispered, “I want to make love to you tonight, Zoe.”

  She smiled, kissed him, and then pushed him away. “Get out of here so I can get dressed.”

  He arched an eyebrow at her. “I could help you.”

  “Get out!”

  He chuckled and slipped out of her room.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Things became very exuberant out at the Samuels’ ranch as more of their family arrived and found that Mike was home. It was a good thing that there was a picnic table outside to accommodate the overflow. Jack began cooking steaks while others used Tessa’s kitchen to cook potatoes and vegetables.

  When Raven and Zoe arrived there was even more cause for celebration as his news was spread to those who hadn’t yet heard it. Marcus and Mike immediately began making plans to set up a tipi strictly for medicinal purposes.

  Mike enjoyed meeting Zoe. Once it became known that she and Raven were courting, he said to her, “Are you sure you really know what you’re letting yourself in for?” which earned him a hard shove from Raven.

  Raven got his younger cousin off to the side and confided in him that he and Zoe were now secretly engaged. “I am not sure if we should tell others yet or not.”

  Mike nodded. “I noticed that there’s no ring. Get her one quickly. Tomorrow you and I will go to Wolfe Point and get one.”

  Raven’s eyes widened. “I
forgot about a ring!” He put a hand on his forehead. “What’s the matter with me?”

  Mike chuckled. “You’re not used to doing things like white people do, that’s what. It’s ok. Obviously she didn’t mind.”

  “It is also strange because her father is not in her life, so I had no one to ask permission from to marry her,” he sighed. “We will go right away in the morning. Thank you. It’s good to have you home.”

  “You’re welcome. It’s good to be here,” Mike said.

  Raven announced after the meal that he would be moving to the camp that day.

  “What’s your hurry?” Dean asked with a frown. As when Owl had lived with them, he’d gotten used to Raven being around and was going to miss having him right there with them.

  Raven put a hand on Dean’s shoulder and said, “Uncle, I need to be there. I can’t really explain it.”

  Reckless heard and said, “I understand. Our home calls to us, uncle. Do not take it personally. You must understand; just as this ranch is your home, where you grew up and where you have lived all your life, the camp is the same for us. Brook and I will move in the next day or two. I need to get further away from the canyon. The voices are too loud and the grief is so strong. Being at the old camp will help bring me some peace.”

  The family became quiet for several moments and then Seth said, “Well, looks like we’re having a movin’ party!”

  Everyone laughed and began working to clean up from their impromptu celebration.


  With all of them working together, moving Raven’s tipi was accomplished rather quickly. They used Buster, one of the draft horses, to haul the tipi since the gelding was steady and wouldn’t mind going to the unfamiliar place. Raven’s other possessions were packed up and tied to three of the horses that made the trip. The whole family went to help with getting him settled.

  While some helped put up the tipi again, others began gathering firewood and large logs to create a central campfire where they could all sit and visit. As they worked, all of them thought about the former camp, the memories coming alive inside their minds.

  Marcus remembered being a scared, yet curious seventeen-year-old boy who had been roughly forced into the camp by the sentries who’d found him. They’d taken him to their chief, Brown Stag, who was also the grandfather of Marcus, Owl, Squirrel, He Who Runs, and Black Fox. The sentries had laughed at Marcus’ bungled attempts to speak Lakota and Brown Stag’s eyes had shone with laughter and kindness as Marcus explained who he was.


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