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Mail Order Bride - Westward Heartbeat: A Historical Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 15)

Page 18

by Linda Bridey


  That week passed quickly for Zoe and Raven as they both worked and helped Reckless and Brook get settled in the camp. The men spent a lot of time hunting and Dean decided to butcher some steer to also provide hides to help speed the process of getting tipis built. It was a fun time for all of them and rebuilding some of the camp helped ease some of the grief they all still felt.

  In addition to the individual tipis, it had been decided that they would set up a large lodge for gathering for celebrations and such. Joe and Lacey picked out a place to build a cabin and Charlie and Minx also asked to set up a tipi. Joe said he didn’t care who wanted to settle on the land, figuring that the more people that were there, the safer it would be from settlers trying to encroach on it. If there was a community there, strangers were less likely to attempt grab the land.

  Zoe and Raven spent as much alone time together as they could and Zoe was astounded by the kind of pleasure created between a man and woman. Raven was only too happy to show her and there was nothing clumsy about her when they made love. The nights they couldn’t stay together were difficult, and they often made up for lost time.

  One night when Zoe had to stay at Pricilla’s, Raven met her after working at the bar, as he always did and they sat on the porch swing.

  He looked down at her and said, “Do you remember the night when it was raining and you got stuck in the swing?”

  Zoe laughed. “How could I forget? I’ll always remember it.”

  “Me, too. That’s the night I first started having feelings for you,” Raven said. He turned to face her more fully. “You were so beautiful, and cute. You made me laugh and I wanted to kiss you right then. You know that we belong to each other now and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Zoe, I know I have already asked you, but will you be my wife?”

  “Yes. I want that so much, Raven. I will be proud to be your wife.”

  The ring box seemed to magically appear in his hand, so quick was his movement. Zoe gasped and looked into his eyes as he opened it. Then she looked at the ring as it sparkled and shimmered in the moonlight. Raven lifted her hand and slid the ring home and Zoe cried happy tears as Raven kissed her and held her. Unable to deny their desire for each other, they ran to their trees at the back of the property and made love quietly under the sheltering branches.

  Early Saturday morning, Raven, Zoe, and Mike rode to the reservation. Reckless and Brook had given up their turn to visit so Mike could go because he hadn’t seen his family since the fall. The three talked excitedly about all kinds of things to do with the new camp. Mike and Zoe had struck up a friendship, for which Raven was glad.

  When Zoe saw the reservation, she grew very nervous. Raven noticed and took her hand as they rode. “It will be fine,” he assured her.

  Mike chimed in. “Yeah. They’re gonna like you, Zoe. Trust me. Especially since you made Uncle Black Fox a cake. He likes all kinds of desserts, but cake is next to his favorite.”

  She smiled at both of them. “Ok. I’ll try not to be nervous.”

  The guard on duty at the check point was familiar with Raven and Mike and smiled as he waved them through.

  “Good to see you, Mike,” he said. “How’s school going?”

  “Hi, Zeke. It’s going good, thanks. I was hoping to see you. Uncle Marcus made this for your little girl,” Mike said.

  Zeke took the beautiful rattle Marcus had whittled and grinned. “Wow. That’s right pretty. You make sure to thank him for me.”

  “I will,” Mike said.

  “Have a good visit, folks,” Zeke said as they went through.

  Mike frowned as he looked around the reservation. Children ran around, but a lot of the adults were quiet with sober expressions. Mike recognized a few of them and spoke to them. Then they neared their tribe’s area and Mike let out his whistle. It didn’t take long for his Aunt Wind Spirit to come running. Upon seeing him, she laughed and they ran to each other.

  “You are home early!” she said as he hugged her.

  “Yes. I could not wait to get home,” he said in Lakota. “You get more beautiful every time I see you,” he teased her.

  “Stop trying to charm me,” she said with a laugh as her dark eyes sparkled at him.

  Wind Spirit released him and instantly Mike was spun around and enveloped in a hug from his uncle. The two men clapped each other on the back and exchanged excited greetings.

  “You are looking well, medicine man,” Black Fox said. “You are going to be busy this afternoon. There are some who need prayers said over them.”

  Mike held up his saddle bag. “I figured that might be the case.”

  Black Fox grunted in approval and then turned to Raven and the young woman he’d brought with him.

  Raven said, “Father, Mother, this is Zoe Fontaine, my fiancée. Zoe, this is my father, Black Fox, and my mother, Wind Spirit.”

  The chief looked her over and saw why his son would be attracted to her. Her deep auburn hair and fair complexion were attractive and her gray eyes were very pretty. She was tall with a very nice figure.

  Seeing how nervous she was, Black Fox smiled. “Welcome, Zoe. It’s good to meet the woman who makes our son so happy.” He held out a hand to her.

  Zoe smiled, relief evident in her face. She shook hands with him, thinking that Raven did indeed take after his father with his kind smile. Then Wind Spirit came forward to embrace Zoe.

  “We are very happy you came with Raven to see us,” she said.

  “It’s an honor to meet you. Raven has told me so much about you that I feel as if I know you,” Zoe said.

  Raven held up a basket. “Father, Zoe made you a cake.”

  Black Fox’s eyes lit up. “What kind?”

  “Red velvet,” Zoe answered. “I hope you like that kind.”

  Black Fox grinned. “If it is cake, I’ll like it. I don’t think I have ever had that kind. I like trying new things.”

  “I also made some oatmeal cookies,” Zoe said.

  “Yes, you will make a very fine daughter-in-law,” the chief said.

  Zoe laughed. “I see what everyone means about you having a sweet tooth.”

  “It’s Tessa’s fault. Well, actually Marcus’ fault. He started bringing peach cobbler to camp and I became… um … addicted to it,” he said as he found the correct English word.

  “Where is Winona?” Raven asked.

  “She is in the woman’s lodge,” Wind Spirit answered.

  “Oh. All right,” Raven said.

  Raven had explained to Zoe that this was where the women spent their time when they had their cycle. They all went to see Squirrel and Striking Snake, her husband. Mike was very concerned about his aunt. She was happy to see him, but he could see the depression in her eyes.

  “Come, aunt,” he said. “I will pray for you.”

  Squirrel nodded. “I think it will help.”

  Mike had been trained by the tribe’s former medicine man and was respected as the slain man’s protégé. When he was home, he filled this capacity for them. During the times he was at school, there were a couple of other medicine men, but their tribe did not like them as well. The other medicine men were slightly disdainful of Mike since he was white and so young. They had challenged Mike on one occasion when one of the other tribes asked Mike for assistance. The young man had quickly put them in their places by not only providing spiritual healing, but by treating illnesses and injuries successfully.

  While Mike took his aunt into her tipi, Raven moved his parents away so he could tell them about what they were doing with the old camp and that Joe was adopting him so he could own land in the future.

  Black Fox’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I do not understand why he must do this. You are our son.”

  “Father, he is not becoming my father. He explained it as more of a sponsor. I am taking his last name because I have none and I will have the right to own land and even have a bank account,” Raven said.

  His father saw the w
isdom in this and said, “This is good then. I am also happy to hear that you are settling back in our old camp.” He sighed. “I wish we could be there with you, but it does my heart good to know you will be happy there.”

  Raven nodded. “I wish you could all be there as well.”

  Mike came out of Squirrel’s tipi and overheard Raven. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I have to do a little more research, but if you and Aunt Wind Spirit would decide to become United States citizens, you could leave the reservation. It would require you to assimilate into white society like Raven and Reckless and Brook have done. Sparrow, too. Would you be willing to do that?” he asked his aunt and uncle.

  Black Fox was taken aback. “We could do that?”

  Mike nodded. “According to the Dawes act, you could. Joe wants Raven and Reckless to be overseers of the crops he’s going to grow on the prairie land around the camp. You could do that and it would fill the requirement for farming that the Dawes Act stipulates. If there are other tribal members who want to do that, they could. It would also require that all of the children attend school. You know Aunt Claire would be more than happy to teach them.”

  Black Fox and Wind Spirit exchanged glances and Black Fox said, “Find out exactly what we need to do and we will discuss it more.”

  Mike nodded. “I will. This is something I just recently found out.”

  Raven asked, “Why didn’t you say something before now?” Hope surged through him that his family members who chose to become citizens could come home.

  “I wanted to tell them first and not get everyone all excited in case it can’t be done. Please don’t say anything to Aunt Squirrel about this. I don’t want to get her hopes up and then have her be disappointed. She’s depressed enough as it is,” Mike said.

  Black Fox nodded and placed a hand on Mike’s shoulder. “Thank you for your help, nephew.”

  Mike smiled, his deep blue eyes twinkling in the sun. “If we can do this, I know a certain blonde-headed niece of yours who will be thrilled.”

  The chief laughed. “She will not be the only one.”

  “Very true,” Mike said.

  Zoe took Wind Spirit aside and said, “Raven and I want to have a blended wedding and I was wondering if you would help me with my dress? I’d like to wear a dress that’s a combination of both cultures. Would you be willing to do some beadwork on it?”

  Wind Spirit’s eyes lit up. “I would like that very much.”

  The two women went into the family’s tipi to discuss the dress and wedding further. Black Fox ate several of the oatmeal cookies and declared them delicious while Raven and Mike laughed at him.

  On the way home that day, Raven put a hand on Mike’s shoulder as they rode and said, “If you can help accomplish getting them home, I will owe you for the rest of my life.”

  “No, you won’t, cousin. I want them home almost as badly as you do. It’s been hard on all of us, but especially you and Reckless and Minx. I’ll do whatever I can to get them back where they belong,” Mike said.

  Raven nodded and had to work hard to keep his tears in check. Zoe rode closer to him and held out a hand to him. He took it and squeezed it tight.


  While Mike worked on assembling all of the information needed to approach Captain Morgan in regards to having whoever was willing to become citizens and be assimilated into white society, Zoe and Raven began planning their wedding. The day also came for Zoe’s mother to arrive.

  Raven wanted to make a good impression, so he wore black dress pants, a white dress shirt, and a light gray vest and tie that he borrowed from Luke since they were of similar size. Zoe told him how handsome he looked and he did. His tall frame was accentuated by the cut of the clothing and his shiny, long, black hair made him look exotic and infinitely appealing.

  Zoe looked at him and felt a longing to get rid of the clothes and have her way with him.

  Raven said, “Do not look at me like that. We always get into trouble when you do because I can’t resist you.”

  She chuckled and said, “I’ll try to behave myself, but you look so scrumptious.”

  “I’ll take care of that later on, but for now we have to go meet your mother,” Raven said.

  He was nervous about meeting his future mother-in-law, but covered it well with humor. With an inward sigh, he prayed for calm and that Zoe’s mother would be accepting of him.


  Dana Fontaine looked the town over as the stagecoach rolled along the main street into Dawson. It was small, but looked like a nice enough place, she thought. When they stopped at the depot, the coach driver, a woman named Beth, hopped down and began unloading her bags.

  As Dana went to exit the coach, Zoe appeared at the door with Raven. Dana saw the tall brave and gasped. He looked huge to her and she was leery of him. Zoe opened the coach door and said, “Mother! You’re finally here! I’ve missed you so much.”

  Raven would have assisted her out of the coach, but she adroitly avoided his hand. He didn’t acknowledge the slight, however, opting instead for politeness.

  Dana hugged Zoe and tears came to her eyes. “I’ve missed you, too, honey.” Then she put Zoe away from her a little and looked her over. Zoe looked pretty in her mint green muslin dress. Dana saw the happiness in Zoe’s eyes and knew it was the Indian who put it there.

  “Mother, this is Raven. Raven, this is my mother, Dana Fontaine,” Zoe said.

  Raven took the hand that Dana held out to him and bent over it in a gallant gesture that he’d seen Joe perform. He said, “It’s a pleasure to meet the woman who has raised such a fine woman as Zoe.”

  Dana was surprised by his excellent grasp of the English language and by the nice way he was dressed. Despite her misgivings about the union, Dana had to admit that Raven was a very handsome young man.

  “Thank you, Raven. It’s nice to meet you, as well. Zoe speaks very highly of you,” Dana said.

  He smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ll see to your bags,” Raven said and went to fetch them.

  When he moved away, Zoe said, “Isn’t he wonderful?”

  “He’s not quite what I expected, I’ll admit, but Zoe, he’s an Indian,” Dana said.

  Zoe frowned a little. “I’m aware of that fact, Mother. It doesn’t matter to me. I love him and he loves me.”

  Raven came back to them. “I will carry these to the hotel for you, and then Pricilla has prepared dinner. I’m sure you’re hungry.”

  Dana watched as he carried her suitcases with ease and got an inkling of just how strong he was. “Yes. I could eat.”

  He grunted his assent and Dana wasn’t sure what to make of that. She could only assume it meant something good. Once she was checked into the hotel, Raven ran up the stairs with her bags and opened her room for her. He’s certainly very polite and gentlemanly. I wonder where he learned all of this.

  She told them she would unpack later on and they went to Pricilla’s house. Raven held the door open for the ladies and Zoe made introductions with Pricilla and John. Dana thought they were certainly respectable people. She was surprised by the affectionate rapport between Raven and the older couple.

  Raven embraced Pricilla and planted a kiss on her cheek. She chuckled and said, “My, my. Don’t you look handsome, dear?”

  “Thank you, Auntie,” Raven said. “Can I help you with anything?”

  “No. I have everything under control and we’ll be ready to eat soon. Dana would you like some tea?”

  Dana smiled. “That would be lovely.”

  “Well, go on and make yourself comfortable in the parlor and I’ll bring it in to you.”

  “All right,” Dana said and followed Zoe into their parlor where John sat. She noted that the Samuels lived in a very nice house.

  John smiled as she sat down on the sofa and asked, “How was your trip?”

  “Very long, but otherwise, just fine.”

  “Good. It’s good to have you here. We’ve been enjoying y
our daughter. It’s nice to have a young person in the house again,” John said.

  “Thank you for your kindness in opening up your home to Zoe,” Dana said.

  “No thanks needed,” John told her with a smile. “She helps out around the house and she’s good company, along with this big guy.”

  Raven smiled. “You wouldn’t know what to do without me.”

  John chuckled. “You got that right. Especially when Pricilla needs to reach something up high. No sooner is he in the door sometimes than she gets him to get something down for her.”

  Dana smiled a little as she looked at Raven, who said, “Yes, poor Auntie is short and doing such things is hard for her. I hate the thought of her up on a stepstool. I’m afraid she’ll fall and hurt herself.”

  “Well, that’s why we try to keep stuff down low for her, but some things just have to be kept up higher,” John said.

  Pricilla brought a tea tray in and Raven took it from her since it looked heavy. He sat it on the coffee table and Pricilla began to serve the tea.

  Dana sipped her tea as she looked at Raven. He noticed her scrutiny, but didn’t take offense since he knew she wasn’t used to being around Indians of any kind. They exchanged small talk until Zoe brought up the subject of the Watering Hole.

  “Mother, you must come hear us play,” Zoe said. “You will have a wonderful time.”

  Dana frowned. “I’m not sure I approve of you frequenting such a place.”

  Zoe smiled. “Mother, it’s not like other saloons. Jake and Joe run a very nice place.”

  “I help keep it safe along with my cousin and another bouncer. Your daughter will not come to any harm, Mrs. Fontaine,” Raven assured her as he put a hand on Zoe’s shoulder.

  Dana saw his protective gesture and thought that he certainly seemed civilized. She smiled a little, but refrained from saying anything.

  Zoe held out her left hand and showed Dana her engagement ring. “Isn’t it beautiful?”


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