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Storm Wrath

Page 4

by Brandy L Rivers

  She leaned forward, watching him carefully. “I would love to see where my people came from. Though I was told long ago nothing lives there now.” A frown pulled at her lips. “It’s very possible it was all destroyed.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve seen the peaks from a distance. The mountain is beautiful.”

  “How did you see them?”

  “Faery isn’t so big you can’t visit most of it. There are places that aren’t safe, but I have always loved exploring.”

  “I’d take seeing them from a distance.”

  “No, we’ll see them up close and personal.” He winked, then made a flourishing gesture with his hand and a portal opened.

  Swirling light framed the clear image of stunning lavender skies around the lush peak. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  Taking her hand, he pulled her through the portal. She stepped onto soft grass at the top of the mountain. Vibrant wildflowers swayed in the chilly wind.

  Below them was a lake. Across the valley, a rushing waterfall filled the pool beneath. Air and water pixies played over the surface.

  Blinking, Zoe turned to Kellan. “How?”

  “I can open a portal wherever I want. The borders may be locked down, but there is nothing stopping me from stepping into the middle of the territory.”

  “Amazing. This is absolutely breathtaking.”

  She spun around slowly, taking everything in.

  Trees covered much of the area behind where they had appeared. Small houses perched in the branches. And farther up the mountain, at the very top, was an ancient tree. It seemed to climb into the sky forever. A hundred feet or so up, there was another building—a castle.

  Kellan followed her gaze and shuddered. “However, I don’t think I can take you up there. I can feel the magic blocking intrusion from here.”

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. A chill traveled down her spine. “That tree gives me the creeps.”

  “Like someone’s watching us.” He looked down at the lake below. “I say we take a stroll, away from prying eyes.” Kellan threaded his arm through hers and started down the trail.

  She cast a backward glance before making her way to the crystal lake.

  * * * *

  Okay, Sky Top Mountain was a lot creepier than Kellan ever expected. There were a dozen conflicting legends about what happened in these mountains. Among the worst were women who tore apart an army of men and roasted them alive to eat their hearts. He couldn’t find a single memory to support that, but his imagination had no problem providing images.

  The thing with old stories in Faery is that there is always a grain of truth. In fact, most of the fairy tales on Earth were sparked from stories in Faery, or at least of its people.

  Zoe stopped at the bottom of the hill and crouched down to dip her fingers into the water. Her eyes popped wide as she turned to Kellan. “It’s warm, almost too much. Wonder if it’s a hot spring.”

  “You want to go in?”

  “So badly. Come swim with me. Besides, I want a closer look at your tattoos.” She whipped her shirt over her head.

  Kellan froze. “My tattoos?”


  He shook his head slowly. “I’ve never had a tattoo.”

  Her brow arched as she reached out to pull his shirt over his head. She traced along his ribs with a smirk. “Right here. I recognize the runes, but I never learned what they were.”

  He backed away, looking down at the ink. Random thoughts swirled through his head, but he couldn’t grasp a single one.

  Touching the ink, he blinked. “How the fuck do I have tattoos?”

  She shrugged. “That’s not the only one.”

  His back hit the tree as he stared down at his body. “What else is there?”

  “Here.” She cupped his right bicep where cascading water covered from his shoulder to elbow in a never-ending waterfall. “And here.” She bent to trail her fingers around the flames climbing from his left ankle, toward his knee. “Don’t forget this one.” She caressed his thigh where lightning bolts danced along his skin. “And here.” A smile spread as she turned his left arm to show his wrist where leaves blew in the wind. “But the most impressive is the sword down your back.”

  He gulped. He’d heard stories of a blade that could be drawn from the ink in one’s skin. “What does it look like?”

  “Breathtaking. The handle is made of stone, one side of the hilt flows with lightning, while the other swirling water. Fire dances along the blade. The four elements converge in the center of the hilt.”

  Mentally, Kellan reached through his memory for any hint to where these tattoos came from. They certainly weren’t human. The elements moved of their own accord. The runes shone in the light. There was no memory attached.

  Then he remembered stories of a sword made of earth, water, fire, and air.

  “The Elemental Blade,” he whispered. “That’s not possible.”

  “Apparently it is.”

  “The Elder Guardians are said to have destroyed the weapon centuries ago.”

  She shrugged. “I’ve heard some fae artifacts are never truly destroyed.”

  “Did you notice them last night? When you first saw me naked?”

  “No. You had me distracted.”

  “Because they weren’t there. Why would they appear now?” He paced away, pushing his fingers through his hair.

  She shook her head slowly. “What are you saying?”

  “I didn’t have tattoos last night, Zoe. I’ve never sat under a needle.”

  “They just appeared?”

  “Shit, I guess. Look, I don’t have a damned clue where they came from. It’s not going to be as simple as asking because the only person who might know is dead. Right now, I’d rather get to know the beautiful creature before me.” Later, he’d scour both his and ancestral memories for any clue.

  “Yeah, but I want to learn everything about you as well. And those tattoos are part of you now. Aren’t you curious?”

  “Of course, but it’s going to take time to figure out. The ink isn’t going anywhere.”

  Kellan took in the scenery. A deep sense of peace resided in the valley, as if nothing bad could penetrate the land.

  “Kellan, we can always come back,” she prompted.

  Grinning, he shook his head. “First, I want to take that swim.” He smothered the questions circling his head as he trailed a finger across the top of her lacy bra while reaching around her to unhook the garment.

  Chewing her lip, she watched him as he bent to curl his tongue around her nipple. “Kellan,” she moaned, “if you can bring us back anytime, why not come back after we figure out the tattoos?”

  He slipped his hands into her leggings and pushed them down her legs. “No telling how long that will take. Besides, we’re here, and you’re nearly naked. No reason not to take advantage of an opportunity.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, and he caressed down her body to circle her clit with his fingertip. A needy sigh left her lips as she opened his pants. “Can’t argue with that logic.”

  Kellan threw her over his shoulder the second she was naked and took her into the water. The pixies and sprites moved away from them, forming a circle. He wasn’t sure what to think about that, so he did his damnedest to ignore them.

  She was right, the water was warm. He slid her down his body when the water made it to his waist. He kept walking until he was chest deep. Her long legs wrapped around him as her fingers tangled in his dark hair, bringing his mouth in for a long, slow kiss.

  Everything fell away as the pixies and sprites danced around them. He closed his eyes and lost himself in his mate.

  * * * *

  Hope prickled in, rousing Nemia from her long sleep. Something stirred, the environment shifting. For so long her mountain had remained undisturbed.

  She’d been exiled to her mountain, locked in by wards by the Elder Guardians after she’d taken revenge. Eldred had cursed all the harpies. Her mate had d
ied. Eldred ordered Ororo to kill her mother. And she was the one all of Faery blamed, when she was a mere child who’d been taken against her will and expected to submit to a selfish king.

  And now, someone was in her territory.

  Creeping to the window, she spied a couple. Their magic ebbed and flowed together. A mated pair. And the harpy was certainly her kin. However, the man was something special.

  Glee sparked. Perhaps the Storm Master could destroy her nemesis, wiping the curse out for good. Now to find out more about the ill-fated pair. If they had the strength to fight for their love, they could save the few remaining harpies from the same destiny.

  Nemia watched as the couple made their way to the enchanted ponds. Their union would be blessed. A child, a new harpy, with Storm Master blood. Hope indeed. If they could survive the first trial.

  * * * *

  Hours had passed as they lay on the sandy stretch before the lake. Colors spread through the sky, making a beautiful scene. Zoe wanted to stay, but she kept wondering about the tattoos. She’d never heard of ink mysteriously appearing.

  His fingers combed through her hair. “Where did you grow up?”

  Turning toward him, she murmured, “The Adirondack Mountains. My father never leaves the valley since moving there.”

  “What about your mother?”

  “She died a few days after having me.” She shrugged a single shoulder. “Dad says that no matter how much he loved her, she ran. Then she got sick and brought me back.”

  “Is he still around?”

  She nodded. “Though I haven’t seen him in more than eighty years. The second I was old enough to leave, I did. I never looked back.” She sighed. “I regret that now.”

  “How do you know he’s alive?”

  “Since leaving Eldred, I’ve written. He replies.”

  “But you haven’t gone back?”

  She shook her head. “No. He told me not to trust Eldred. That he would only break me.” Zoe swept her hair behind her ear. “He feared I would never find my freedom or my mate if I went with him.”

  “Why did you go?”

  She expelled a long breath. “I was so young. No one had ever looked at me the way he did. I wish I knew then what I know now.” She closed her eyes, remembering the day Eldred found his way into her grove.

  Zoe sat under a tree, writing in her journal, imagining the world outside of the valley high in the mountains. She’d read every book her father had, and constantly brought her, but it wasn’t enough. She needed to explore and learn about the world.

  A man appeared before her, kneeling down as he took her in. Long dark hair, ivory skin, full red lips curved in a sinful smile, and sparkling blue eyes. Absolutely breathtaking. She could only stare as he reached out and touched her cheek.

  “My beautiful little bird. Come with me, and I’ll show you the world.” His deep voice pulled at her desires to leave the shelter of her father’s home.

  Then her father strode into her garden, glaring at the man before her. “You are not welcome here, Eldred. Leave my property and leave my daughter alone. You’ve ruined enough lives.”

  “Only those who deserved it.” He stood, glaring at her father. “Remember who you once served.”

  Her father’s smile was cruel. “You’d do well to remember who dragged you to the Elder Guardians. I shall do it again if you come back. Now leave.” He threw his hands out, light swelling, ebbing, and flashing through the yard.

  When she blinked, Eldred was gone. Her father sat beside her and took her hand. “You can’t trust him. He will destroy you if given the chance. He can never mate you, but that won’t stop him from trying. Trust me when I tell you Eldred will only hurt you in the end.”

  She nodded, unsure what to believe. Her father wouldn’t lie—he couldn’t. However, her heart beat faster the moment she laid eyes on the gorgeous man who wandered into her life.

  “I’d been sheltered by my father all my life. Eldred awakened desire within me. Something I hadn’t yet felt, and I mistook it for love. In the beginning, his words and promises were enough to sway me. My father warned me, but I didn’t listen.”

  “Has your father ever said anything in any of the letters that makes you think he would be disappointed?”

  She shook her head, her heart squeezing tight. “No. He asks me to visit every time I write.”

  “Why don’t you go back?”

  She shook her head. “If he knew how bad things got with Eldred, he might go after him. I’m not sure anyone would survive Eldred’s wrath.” She let out a breath and turned to Kellan. “I’ve seen what happens when Eldred falls into a rage.”

  Kellan caressed her side. “You got away.”

  Her eyes dropped to the ground. “He never expected me to fight back. I’d finally had enough and thought I’d killed him. However, Brent has kept track of him to ensure I won’t run into him again.”

  “How long were you with him?”

  She rolled to her back and stared up at the sky. “Eighty long years. I’ve been free five.” She smiled. “I finally proved him wrong.”

  Kellan’s brow arched as he ran his palm up her abdomen. “How so?”

  “Asshole swore I’d never leave him. He said harpies couldn’t mate. Said we could never find happiness. I left. And last night I found my mate and happiness.”

  He rolled over her, looking into her eyes. “In all the time I chased Jayde, I never felt this.”

  “What’s this? A willing woman?” she teased, but pain fluttered through her at the thought.

  “Complete.” He kissed her lips. “Destined.” He licked the shell of her ear. “Happy.”

  Hope flooded her, washing away the unease. “Make love to me.”

  Chapter 3

  After the sun set on Sky Top Mountain, Kellan opened a portal to New Zealand and took her to a fancy restaurant. They’d made love for hours after coming home.

  Kellan should have been exhausted but questions swirled through his head.

  Where in the abyss did the tattoos come from? How did he wind up with a legendary sword that had been missing for centuries?

  After disentangling himself from Zoe’s embrace, he went to the bathroom to examine what he could of the tattoos. The pieces weren’t small. They covered large portions of skin.

  The only logical explanation he could fathom included his mother. But why would the cold-hearted bitch protect him? If, in fact, that was what she’d been doing. The sword, why give him the artifact? She’d have to have done it when he was too small to remember. And for fae, that was often a few months after birth.

  Hands caressed over his shoulders, and Zoe met his gaze in the mirror. “A friend of mine may have a few ideas. Seems like he knows everything.”

  A pang of jealousy ran through him, but he shoved it down. “Who?”

  “Brent Shadows.”

  His brow arched. “That sounds ominous.”

  She laughed softly. “He runs In Other News. My boss.” She smiled slightly. “That reminds me. I need to write an article still.”

  “About last night?”

  “I plan to. Not about you, Scotty, or Jayde, but about a queen, so caught up in her obsession she kept true mates apart.”

  He turned, pulling her closer. “And you don’t hate me, regardless of what she did?”

  She pressed a brief kiss to his lips. “You aren’t her.”

  “Then let me give you the inside scoop on why she did what she did.”

  Her head tipped to the side. “Really?”

  “Maybe if I tell you what I know I can figure a few things out. Besides, you’re right, I don’t want to be anything like her.”

  “You aren’t.” She trailed her fingers over the runes on his side. “I do like the ink.”

  He shook his head, a sigh escaping. “The ink is a catalyst for the spells. Only thing I can’t figure out is whether or not my mother was trying to protect me.” He combed his fingers through his hair. “I can’t pull anything from the
ancestral memories to back that up. It’s weird. The memories were blocked.”

  Zoe stepped back, rubbing her arm. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “I can access what I want when I want. Do harpies not work that way?”

  Her face scrunched. “I never could, but I’ve never met another harpy. I’ve researched what I could about my kind, but most of it is biased and the stories contradict each other.” She took a slow breath and shrugged. “I only have bits and pieces. I can’t pull memories like a lot of fae. Unfortunately, I’ve never met another and can’t ask.”

  Kellan leaned back against the counter, pulling her close. “We can talk to Brent. Maybe he knows more about harpies. We can learn more about you at the same time.”

  Zoe pulled back, looking away. “I’ve done the research. There’s no conclusive answer. We pissed someone off. They cursed our people. It’s why there’s so few of us, but nothing mentions what triggers the curse, or what happens.” She let out a breath and shrugged. “Some say we killed a king, others blame us for any king who dies mysteriously. Some say we started a war with the Air Realm.”

  “Zoe, none of that matters to me. But I want to understand what the stigma is about. Maybe there’s something that will set the record straight.”

  “Sure.” She walked out of the bathroom and dropped onto the bed, covering her face.

  Kellan followed, sinking to his knees before her. Needing a smile from her lips, he pulled her hands away and stared into her eyes. “Hey, the more we know, the better off we are. Right now, there are a lot of questions for both of us. Like where these enchantments came from.” He ran a finger across the runes. Then he touched her cheek. “And why there aren’t many of you. If we understand why, maybe we can prevent losing another.”

  Her brow pinched. “Last time I asked Brent about the curse, he told me he didn’t have any better answer than I did. My answers are lost in time. Eventually we’ll learn if it’s true.”


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