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Storm Wrath

Page 8

by Brandy L Rivers


  Brent shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’ll do everything in my power to help you find the answers. On the plus side, with Nemia visiting you in dreams, you may have more help than I’m able to provide.”

  “Doesn’t mean you won’t do what you can.”

  “You know I will. Can’t let people like Eldred win.”

  “Just like you couldn’t let Saressa win.”

  “Exactly. She destroyed too many lives. Eldred nearly destroyed a whole race.”

  “I’ll have to leave when Kellan gets sick.”

  Brent nodded. “That’s the way it works. And if he doesn’t come after you, I’ll kill him myself. Either way, I won’t let you die because of this curse.”

  “Would that stop the curse?” she asked and instantly regretted the question.

  “Yes. Why, you want to be rid of your man already?”

  “No. Don’t kill him, Brent. If he realizes this is too much for him, then it’s my mistake. He doesn’t deserve the consequences for something I would have avoided if I had known what was coming.”

  “Then it might give you some relief that I’m positive he’s going to fight to keep you.”

  “I don’t know. What if we don’t win the battles?”

  “Can’t think like that. I’ve seen nothing to lead me to believe you won’t have long, happy lives together.”

  She rubbed her arm and looked up through her lashes. “I need a favor.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t tell him about the curse.”

  “He’s going to have to know at some point.”

  “Not yet, Brent. I want to see if we can find a solution before he gets sick.”

  “We can try your way, but you should be the one to tell him.”

  “I’m not ready to lose him. If he does get sick, I’ll leave. I won’t let him die, but I need to try to fix this before then.” Steeling her courage, she turned to make her way back to the group.

  * * * *

  Kellan relaxed as Zoe’s nerves evaporated. It took a few drinks before she pulled him to the dance floor. Whatever was bothering her floated away as soon as he wrapped his arms around her and moved to the music. Letting the worry drift away, he focused on their growing bond.

  Another hour and several more drinks passed before Zoe tiptoed up to whisper in his ear. “Take me home. I don’t want to wait anymore. You’re driving me insane.” She pressed tight, rubbing against his aching cock. “And you can’t tell me you don’t crave relief.”

  He nodded and pulled her toward the table. “Let’s say our goodbyes, then I’ll take you somewhere I think you’ll enjoy.”

  Her brow arched, but she followed.

  Jackie caught her arm and pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad you joined us. You seem to have enjoyed yourself.”

  “I did,” Zoe answered.

  Kellan grinned. “We’ll have to do this more often.”

  “Definitely,” Zoe answered. “For now, I want to get Kellan alone before I explode.”

  Jackie nodded. “Go on then. I’ll see you in the office tomorrow?”

  “If I’m on a new assignment by then.”

  Kellan hugged Isa before touching Toryn’s shoulder. He thanked them both. Then he pulled Zoe to the back alley.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he announced.

  With a wave of his hand, he opened the portal to a cabin he procured while Zoe was busy writing the article. It came fully stocked, the landscape immaculate. Their own piece of paradise.

  Zoe walked through, turning back with a grin as he followed. “Whose is this?”

  “Ours. That is, if you like it.”

  “How did you manage this?” she asked.

  He closed the portal and smirked. “I have my ways. Don’t worry about that.”

  “Tell me it was all legal.”

  He frowned. “Do you really think I’d stoop so low?”

  Her mouth fell open. “No. Of course not. I was teasing.”

  Sighing, he looked around, doubt dampening his good mood. “I paid good money to get this place. You left me for hours, and I wanted to do something you would appreciate.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know how you managed to pull this off so quickly, but I love it.” She looked at the cabin and grinned. “Are you going to show me the place?

  “Our place.” Kellan pulled out a key and opened the door. He motioned inside. “I wanted a special place for us.”

  “You did?”

  He nodded. “I’ve never had someone to call my own. I want to ensure your happiness.”

  Her head tipped to the side. “You don’t expect me to stay here forever—do you?”

  His brow pinched as he shook his head. “No. Just when we want to get away. We can come and go as we please. It’s our own sanctuary when we want to escape from everything. But you have a job you love, and I was thinking about asking Toryn and the guys if they have a position I could fill. But you like these mountains, and I had the means to purchase the cabin for you.”

  She took his hands. “I’m sorry. Eldred kept me locked away for decades. Only letting me out when he was with me.”

  Kellan dangled the keys. “There’s a Humvee in the garage. This is your set of keys. There will be another tomorrow, but I can only drive one back at a time.”

  A frown pulled at her lips. “I don’t need you to buy me things.”

  “Of course not. And I didn’t do it to say ‘look what I can buy you.’ I did it because you love these mountains and I thought you’d like it.”

  Her expression softened as a smile lit her beautiful blue eyes. “Thank you. I’m sorry.” A nervous laugh escaped. “I’m not used to being treated so well.

  She turned slowly, then went to the back of the home. The windows overlooked a lake that might be too cold to swim in, but he could take them wherever he wanted on a whim.

  “Thank you, Kellan.” She turned to him and pulled him to her. “Really, thank you.”

  “I never want you to feel trapped, Zoe. If you don’t like it, we can leave.”

  “Love it. Love it. Love it!” She locked her lips over his, stealing his breath. “Make love to me,” she panted as she broke away. Taking a step back, she pulled the dress over her head and reached for his pants.

  Lust rolled through him, followed by love. Her initial reaction had worried him, but as she relaxed and took in the meaning behind the gesture, she brightened.

  Kellan whipped his clothes off and caught Zoe, lifting her up before sliding deep inside.

  She cried out in pleasure, her nails latching into his shoulder and skull. He nipped her bottom lip as he gripped her ass and pinned her to the wall, thrusting in and out of her body.

  Her kiss was a demand for his full attention, which she had. He couldn’t get enough of the woman in his arms.

  He drove harder, and harder, then turned, laying her on the table, pushing her legs back so he could fill her fully. Her back arched as he pounded deeper.

  “Fuck yes,” she screamed as the sound of their bodies colliding filled the room.

  He would have made love to her, but Zoe enjoyed hard love. She cried out her release, and he followed. She sat up, wrapping her arms around his neck again as she took his mouth in another kiss. They were still joined, and he was already pulsing with need.

  She rolled, pushing him on the table to ride him. She took their pace even harder than he had as she clung to him, her body undulating. Only briefly did he worry about her feet, balancing on her toes at the edge of the hard wood. Clearly, she didn’t mind.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Zoe stood at the window overlooking the lake. Fear danced along her nerves. The one thing that could protect Kellan from the curse, and she forgot all about it when he swept her away to this beautiful retreat.

  Kellan’s arms wound around her waist, and she closed her eyes as he pressed in from behind. “Morning, gorgeous.”

  “I was
thinking, and I should have thought of this before, but I wasn’t…” She pulled in a deep breath.

  “What is it?” The concern in his voice ripped her heart open.

  She turned, looking into his eyes. “We’ve just met, and there is no one else I’d rather be with, but I’m not ready for children.”

  “There’s spells to prevent pregnancy.”

  She shook her head. “They don’t work for harpies.” Zoe looked away. “And it’s not something I’ve really had to consider because we only get pregnant if mated.”

  One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Then I suppose I need to run to the store.”

  Relaxing, her shoulders sagged. “You aren’t upset?”

  “You’re right. We aren’t ready for children. As long as we can table that discussion for a later time, I’m on the same page.”

  A smile pulled at her lips. “You realize we’ll only have girls, right?”

  Amusement danced through his eyes. “Harpies really only have girls?”

  “Yeah. Is that a problem?”

  “Not at all. They’ll still be a part of me.”


  He shrugged. “Being an only child was lonely. We should have a few girls—when we’re ready.” His smile brightened as his hands went to her stomach. “Or is that a problem?”

  She laughed. “No. I never imagined I’d be thinking about kids, and you’re a quarter my age.”

  “Can’t help it. If it involves you, I want it.” He backed away with a glance down at his erection. “And now would be a good time to visit a store.” He waggled his brows.

  He chased away the worry and made her smile with his easy nature. Kellan had already mended most of the cracks in her heart.

  Chapter 8

  A month passed. No more dreams of Nemia. Kellan was healthy. Zoe had found no signs of pregnancy, which she hoped meant she was in the clear. They hadn’t forgotten condoms since their conversation in the cabin.

  Unfortunately, neither Zoe nor Brent had found any clues to stopping the curse—other than hunting Eldred down, and she wasn’t prepared to do that.

  Zoe had a better idea about the enchantments on Kellan’s body, thanks to a druid who specialized in warded tattoos. Fallon couldn’t guarantee what all of them were for, but she had solid ideas. And Kellan had found the answers about the sword. Toryn, Scotty, and Lonny were helping him practice with the blade, though he hadn’t tapped into all of the powers yet. Scotty assured him that he needed to build an attunement to the sword. The more he used it, the more it would recognize his commands.

  She still hadn’t heard from her father. That, in itself, worried her immensely. She’d never known him to leave the property, save the one time he collected a favor to transport the two of them to New Zealand and back. Even then, they only spent the weekend in the mountains.

  Kellan strode through the door of her condo and pulled her into his arms. “Do you have plans for the day?”

  She shook her head slowly. “None, why?”

  “I have very few happy memories as a child. I thought maybe I’d share them with you. That is, if you won’t hate me for seeing the sliver of good my mother had.”

  She smiled. “As much damage as she caused everyone else, she managed to raise an amazing man. She had to have a nurturing seed in there somewhere.”

  He nodded slowly. “I believe she must have. She’s the only one who could have put the wards on me. And maybe she had selfish reasons, but she did attempt to protect me.”

  Zoe smiled. “About time you show me something from your youth,” she teased.

  “Ah, but I haven’t had as many years as you, gorgeous. And there haven’t been as many good moments in my life.”

  She expelled a sigh. “Honestly, Kellan, until you, I don’t remember many bright moments. My father did well for me, he brought me happiness, but I left that behind too young.”

  “We could go back, look for him again.”

  She took a slow breath and let it out. “He’ll send word once he’s home. And today is about you.”

  His lips brushed over hers before his tongue entered her mouth, caressing hers sweetly. When he leaned back, he grinned. “I want to meet your father.”

  “And you will, but not today.”

  He nodded slowly. “Then I’ll take you to Midnight Falls.”

  “Why Midnight Falls?”

  “My mother taught me to swim in the pools. It should have scared me, but she wanted the creatures of Faery to fear me and what would happen if they ever did anything to harm me.”

  “Did they try?”

  He smirked. “Only once. I defended myself, and when the kelpie apologized, I healed her. Later…” He looked away, his brow pinched. “That’s not important.”

  Though she had an idea. She hadn’t seen Kellan embarrassed in the time she’d known him. Her brow arched. “Was she the one who brought you through the awakening?”

  He nodded.

  “How old were you? When you harmed her? And when you were awakened?”

  He flinched. “Maybe a year old the first time I met her. I was twelve for the awakening.”

  She blinked, shaking her head in amusement. “Did your mother set that up?”

  He huffed a laugh. “Oh no, Mother would have preferred one of her siren to bring me through, but Viviane wanted to ensure I had access to all my magic. The kelpie never trusted Saressa.”

  “Your mother kept you safe, though. She did something right at least.”

  “I suppose.” Kellan made the motion to open the portal.

  Zoe pulled him to a stop before he could walk through. “One question. Do I have to worry about Viviane?”

  He smiled. “No. She’s no longer there.”

  “Why not?”

  “I helped her come to Earth. No, not anywhere near here. She’s clear across the world in a Scottish loch. I suppose it reminded her of home.”

  “Do you miss her?”

  He shook his head slowly. “Should I?”

  “It would be okay if you did.” In theory.

  “She’s since mated. I’m happy for her.”

  Zoe relaxed, a smile pulling at her lips. “Honestly, that’s a relief. I’m not even sure why it bothered me.”

  “Does what I had with Jayde bother you?”

  “No, because I know you’re happy for her. And knowing you’re happy for Viviane, I’m fine.”

  He tipped her face back. “Until I met you, I didn’t believe I’d find love.” Kellan stared into her eyes. “Come with me. Let me show you the one place in Faery I considered a safe place.”

  Zoe took his hand and pulled him toward the portal.

  * * * *

  Kellan moved behind Zoe, covering her eyes, and brought her to the top of the falls. The pool was deep, and as long as she could swim, he would jump into the pool with her.

  She giggled as she came to a stop. “Why aren’t you showing me?”

  “Relax, gorgeous. Take a deep breath.”

  She did, leaning into him with a happy sigh.

  Kellan uncovered her eyes, then wrapped his arms around her waist. “What do you think?”

  “Never seen anything this amazing.” She turned in his arms. “And you used to come here as a child?”

  He nodded. “Mother wanted to eradicate every fear I ever had. She managed.”

  Her smile dimmed slightly. “There are things I’ll always fear.”

  “Like what?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not telling.” Zoe turned back to look down. The water cascaded into the clear pool. “However, heights have never been an issue.”

  “How about jumping?”

  Her eyes twinkled, then she leapt and dove straight in.

  He joined Zoe, sliding into the water beside her and swimming to keep up. They surfaced together. “Come here,” he murmured.

  She laughed. “Let’s get rid of the clothes.” She splashed him and swam to the shore.

  Pouting, he swam the short dista
nce and started stripping the wet clothes from his body. She watched, a smile on her face, but didn’t remove her clothing.

  Kellan took a condom from his pocket, then waved his hand over his clothes before sliding the rubber down his length. Zoe licked her lips as he made his way to her.

  “Sexy, gorgeous, woman, you.” Without touching her, he caressed the air a fraction of an inch from her body, drying the fabric. Her eyes glazed over when he took the hem and pulled it over her head before lightly dragging his hands down her arms, her sides, to her hips. “Swim with me.”

  Her lips quirked, and she pushed him back to strip off her undergarments before following him into the water.

  He grabbed her thighs and pulled her legs around his waist. “Want me?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” She nipped his bottom lip before sucking as she shifted to take him in. “Perfect fit,” she whispered.

  He kissed her ear. “Made for me.” He walked her back to the shore before laying her down to make slow love to her. As much as they loved hard and fast, this time, he needed to take his time.

  With one arm, he held himself over her while caressing down her body. Slowly, he pumped into her.

  Her fingers tangled in his hair, while the other hand gripped his hip. “I could feast on you forever,” he growled, taking his pace up when her body started to writhe, signaling how close to release she’d climbed.

  Cupping her breast, he pinched her nipple between two fingers. She cried his name as she erupted around him, pushing him over the edge. Clinging to him, she rolled him to his back as the water lapped up his waist and her thighs. She held on to him, her head over his heart.

  “I love you, Kellan,” she finally admitted for the first time.

  His heart swelled and the words he’d been waiting to say tumbled from his lips. “I’ll love you forever, Zoe. Nothing will tear us apart.”

  “No matter what, I’ll fight for you,” she promised, hope dancing through her eyes.

  His emerald stare pierced her. “What do you mean?”

  A sad laugh escaped her lips. “That I won’t let anything stand between us. Not that there is anything to worry about right now, but with who we are, there could be—later on.”


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