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Her Daddy and Her Master

Page 20

by Katie Douglas

  “It’s sleepy time for bunnies; they’re snuggled in their beds. It’s sleepy time for you, too, so rest your sleepy head. Night night, princess; sweet dreams.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  “Night night, Daddy; sweet dreams.”

  Basil closed the book and switched the light off, then got into the other side of the bed and went to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Laila awoke early, still feeling very aroused. It had been hard to get to sleep, even with her snuggly bedtime story, and her dreams had been filled with sex.

  Right before she awoke, there was a particularly vivid dream about Basil and Flin, who had immobilized her somehow and were teasing her.

  “I bet the little princess wishes she’d been good now,” Flin taunted her.

  “Please, this isn’t fair!” Laila had cried, feeling such a warmth in her clit. Basil ran his fingers down her body and she shuddered under his touch.

  “I think our naughty girl needs spanking,” Basil suggested.

  “I agree. I’m going to start with the unicorn crop,” Flin said.

  Laila’s pussy clenched, shooting a tingling feeling into her belly, as she stood, helpless, bent over, unable to defend herself from their attentions.

  “Please don’t!” she cried.

  “Name a color,” Flin breathed into her ear.

  “Green,” she replied reluctantly. She was rewarded by a stinging swat to her left butt cheek. The burning sensation was instant and spread quickly through her buttocks to her clit.

  “She’s saying ‘don’t’ but she means ‘more’ today,” Flin remarked in a detached voice. Laila hated when he got all distanced like that, like she was the subject of a sick science experiment… but for some reason it turned her on all the more.

  Another swat landed, this time on her right cheek.

  “Noooo!” she shouted, as the burn intensified the feeling in her clit.

  “She’s been wearing her butt plug. Her ass looks ready,” Flin said.

  “Are you going to use lube?” Basil wondered.

  “I’m going to use her own juices,” Flin entered her pussy and Laila moaned in delight. He pounded her, hard, for several seconds, his huge cock filling her completely, then he pulled out, leaving her feeling bereft, and positioned himself at the opening to her ass.

  “Open wide, slut,” Flin said dispassionately. Laila found her body responding without her brain having any say in it, and he pushed against her, gradually inching the tip inside her ass, stretching her in a way she’d never felt before. Then, suddenly, he was balls deep in her ass.

  “Ohhhhhh…” Laila had never felt anything so delicious, so intense, as the feeling of Flin’s huge cock inside her. She was certain she was going to come any second.

  Basil was inexplicably now fucking her from underneath, and the unbelievably acute feeling of warmth turned into a pressured tingle, as her most intimate parts were laid bare by her two men. She was on the very edge of her orgasm, getting ever closer and closer, without actually reaching it, as they kept fucking her like she was their helpless sex doll.

  “Please, can I come now?” she asked.

  Flin pulled her hair and she screamed; the orgasm seemed to be beginning…

  That was when her eyes had opened. She was in bed, feeling too warm under the covers, her clit was throbbing and sending pleading messages to her hand, by way of her nipples, which could cut glass right now. She stretched out to try to shift the feeling, then noticed Basil was still in bed. She snuggled back against him and ground her ass into his groin, hoping he would awaken soon with morning wood—not that it was possible to know what time was ‘morning,’ in space.

  He wrapped his arms around her, then his hands moved to her breasts, his fingers gently brushing her nipples. Laila responded by gyrating her ass gently against his package. With joy, she felt it hardening.

  “It’s all right, princess, you took your punishment like a big girl. Everything is forgiven now, honey. You can go back to sleep if you want to,” he uttered, half-asleep.

  It looked like he was going to need her to state the obvious.

  “I’m so turned on, please fuck me, Daddy,” she begged, her face flushing as she said the naughty words.

  “Okay, baby girl.” He magically went from asleep to fully awake, and he threw the covers off. Laila touched her clit out of curiosity, moaning with desire, fighting to contain her burning need as she felt his stiff cock lightly touch her aching hole.

  Basil entered her easily, and they lay on their sides, Laila still wrapped in Basil’s arms, the covers discarded on the floor, as he fucked her. His cock felt so good inside her that she had barely touched her clit again when she was on the edge of an orgasm that felt huge.

  “Please, can I come now, Daddy?” She knew she couldn’t hold on at all; she’d been waiting overnight for this orgasm.

  “Okay, princess. You can come now.” Three seconds later, Laila found herself screaming, stretching, and trying very hard not to wiggle off Basil’s cock as she came like a steam train.

  Gradually, the feelings receded and Laila came back to the present. With a growl, Basil grabbed her hips and took her harder, faster, until she felt him stiffen then, not long after, he pulled out of her. He was away from her for about thirty seconds, cleaning himself up, and she started to get lonely as her temperature plummeted—something it always did after sex, she noticed—but soon he was behind her again, holding her, kissing her hair, stroking her, snuggled up against her, and she knew everything was well.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered happily.

  “You’re welcome, baby girl.” He pulled the quilt over her to keep her warm.

  They snuggled up like soft cozy spoons for ages; Basil even turned his alarm off and didn’t move from the bed. Laila felt so cared for and loved right then, she didn’t think anything could upset her.

  Her calm mood was interrupted when there was a banging on the metal door. Laila jumped and screamed at the unexpected threatening noise.

  “What?” Basil called.

  “You’re over an hour late to fly the damn ship!” Flin yelled. Laila screwed her eyes up and tried not to hyperventilate. Why did people need to shout like that? There was no need for it, she thought. All she could focus on was that there was an angry person outside the cabin. She wanted to hide under the bed.

  “Oh, shit! Sorry!” Basil leaped out of bed, but somehow he was tangled up in the quilt, and Laila watched over her shoulder as he fell face first on the floor, dragging the cover off her, and landing with a bump.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, as she got to her feet shakily and untangled him, then opened the door. Flin looked furious.

  “You’re mean, and you just made Basil fall over,” she primly informed him, then turned around and busied herself making the bed. Her arms were shaking and weak, and her legs were unsteady and clumsy.

  “That would have sounded a lot more serious if you weren’t stark naked,” Flin replied flatly. The realization made her want to disappear, but she kept going anyway.

  “Whatever. You did a mean thing.” Laila decided she wasn’t going to back down.

  “Laila, pack it in,” Basil said. “You’ve already had one punishment in the last twelve hours.”

  “But it’s not fair. He hasn’t been flying the ship, it’s not like you’re stopping him going to bed or anything. We’ve been stopped since before we went to sleep last night.”

  “That may be, princess, but it’s not your place to get involved in an argument between other people.”

  “It is when it stresses me out and hurts my feelings! Flin wasn’t yelling at me, but I can’t turn my ears off, and now I’m all scriffly.” Laila felt too wobbly to stand now, so she sat on the bed and tried not to fold her arms or pout. She hated when people shouted. Now she was going to get in trouble for speaking to Flin like that, she just knew it. She was certain she going to get spanked for getting jumpy about someone else’s anger. Before anyone co
uld say anything else, she started to cry.

  Over her head, she could vaguely hear that Basil and Flin were talking, but she couldn’t take in what they were saying; her brain had tuned out. Her heart was still pounding from when Flin hammered on the door, and she was having trouble breathing. It was like there wasn’t enough air in the cabin. A hand went around her shoulders and at first she jumped and tried to recoil from the touch. Then she felt bad that she’d rejected someone’s attempt to help. She cried harder, hyperventilating through her tears, and didn’t resist when someone drew her into a hug.

  “Shh, shh, it’s all right, princess.” Basil’s voice was coming from a strange place, and Laila struggled to make sense of the sounds. “Try to calm down, honey, it’s all right. There’s only Flin and me here. You’re safe.” Someone rubbed her shins. It never would have occurred to her in a million years, but it seemed to be helping.

  “Laila, I need you to breathe with me. Don’t think about anything else; your only task right now is to breathe with me.” Flin’s voice was controlled, with none of the anger Laila had inferred from a minute ago. She felt someone take her hand.

  “In, two, three, four.” Flin paused for a second as Laila copied him. “Out, two, three, four. Now again…” Laila tried to match her breathing to his but it felt like there wasn’t enough air in the world and her head felt like she was going to pass out any second. Even with her eyes closed, the little colored lights and black patches started to obscure the red of her eyelids, and she felt herself falling.

  Before she could say anything, she felt strong hands holding her steady, then someone gently slapped the back of her hand several times.

  “Keep breathing with me, Laila, come on.” Flin continued to count her through her breathing, and Laila found that there was plenty of air in the cabin. As her head began to settle, she opened her eyes and saw that Basil was kneeling in front of her, rubbing her lower legs. To her great surprise, Flin was the one holding her, perched beside her on the bed.

  Once her breathing had calmed down, it started to happen unconsciously again, and she felt exhausted. Muscles were holding her rigid, but she hadn’t known she was tensing them. Basil and Flin stayed with her as her body relaxed.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so useless.” She began to cry again.

  “It’s all right, honey, you’re not useless. You just had a fright.” Basil spoke in a calming voice. “It’s okay to be scared sometimes.”

  “Unless you’re me,” Flin added. “My species doesn’t have anxiety.”

  “Lucky you.” Laila wished she could do something to make the insidious feeling go away.

  “Not really—we don’t get any warning signs that we’re under untenable amounts of stress. Sometimes we don’t know until our organ systems shut down. Anxiety’s a useful emotion.” Flin held her hand.

  “Doesn’t feel like it.”

  “I know, sweetheart. Why don’t you go back to snoozles, and Flin will wake you up in a couple of hours?” Basil’s voice was soothing but she wasn’t fully reassured.

  Laila startled again as she briefly relived Flin’s angry knocking, and she shook her head decisively.

  “No. He has a scary knock. And voice. I’d rather get something to drink and sit in the galley.”

  “I’m sorry that I scared you, Laila.” Flin turned to Basil. “She should drink something if she’s thirsty.”

  “All right, you can go get a warm drink, but then you’re coming back and resting, no buts,” Basil said. “Can you even hold a cup right now?”

  Laila tried to make a fist, and while she managed the shape, she couldn’t seem to find her strength to squeeze it.

  “That settles it. Flin, there’s a baby bottle in the top drawer. I need to go fly the ship now, since I’m late anyway and we’re on a tight schedule. Can you sort her out with something to drink?”

  “I’m on it,” Flin replied, and the two men left.

  Laila felt awful; drained and useless. They didn’t even trust her with a grownup cup right now. She knew they were right. Everything seemed to have gone weak. She felt like she was dragging them down. Why had she gotten so upset over such a little thing? What was happening to her? She had gone so much further with Flin in their scenes than she did with Basil. Flin was much more strict, and Laila was sure he didn’t love her at all, but she’d never reacted like that in a scene and yet here she was, after a nice snuggly sexy morning with her daddy, falling to pieces. Was she going crazy? She just didn’t know.

  Flin returned a few moments later, holding a baby bottle. He handed it to her and she took it from him. Stubbornly, she unscrewed the lid and was just putting the open bottle to her lips when it slid out of her hands. Flin was faster than her, though, and caught the bottle before it spilled. Maybe it was those superhuman reflexes he had told her about.

  “You’re not allowed to take the top off.” He screwed the lid back on firmly before giving her the bottle again. Laila looked at it with distaste. She’d never used a bottle like this, as far as she could remember; her younger brothers had certainly never had bottles, they’d gone straight from breastfeeding to mashed-up food. She put it in her mouth and sucked on it. Nothing happened.

  “I think it’s broken.” She held the bottle out to Flin. He took it from her and left the cabin. Laila climbed back under the covers while she wondered where he’d gone. He returned and gave it back to her.

  “Basil said it’s not broken, you just need to try different ways of sucking on it. He said if you suck too hard, the liquid won’t come out, and you’ll have the same problem if you chew it.”

  “Story of my life,” Laila mumbled, trying the bottle again. While she was lying down, she sucked on the teat gently and was rewarded with a little stream of warm liquid. Very quietly, she sighed, as the situation calmed her down again. Flin sat down next to her, and Laila got the impression he was trying to overcome his nature and be cuddly, because he was stroking her hair.

  “You don’t have to stay with me, you know.” She felt guilty that he was here in his free time, instead of doing something more interesting than babysitting a twenty-two-year-old who got upset when someone knocked on her bedroom door.

  “Yes, I do. I need to know you’re safe,” Flin said. “You were in a bad place earlier, and I want you to feel better.”

  “I’m fine,” Laila lied. She was still too shaky to contemplate getting out of bed.

  “Was that your first anxiety attack?”

  “What’s an anxiety attack?”

  “That’s a yes, then,” Flin surmised. “What happened earlier, where you couldn’t breathe and were really scared, is an anxiety attack, my dear.”

  “Great, so I’m defective.”

  “No, it’s very common. A lot of people get anxiety attacks for a whole host of reasons. Some people get them so often that it stops them living their life, but most people who get them just have them occasionally,” Flin explained as she sucked on the bottle.

  “So they’re normal?”

  “Not normal, common. There’s a difference.”

  “If they’re so common, why have I never had one before?”

  “Some people never get them. I never have, because of my elf blood,” Flin said. “I think what’s happened with you is that you were under so much pressure and stress when you were living on Pombos, that you didn’t know anything different, and now you’re away from it all, all the negativity is just bursting out every now and again. Just like those tantrums you’ve been having—yes, Basil told me what happened last night, and at the petting zoo.”

  “Why didn’t I start having the anxiety attack when you first banged on the door, then?”

  “Sometimes these things catch people out after the fact. In your case, I think your body won’t actually let you fall apart until you’re in a safe place. That’s probably why you’ve never had them before. It looked like it was trying its best to convince you that you were in danger, though.”

  “I’ve always been able
to control my reactions and emotions. Since I came here, with you two, that’s become much harder. Do you think it’s because I feel safe here? So that’s why it happened after this snuggly morning?”

  “Probably, but I’m no doctor. Basil said he’s going to take you to see one once we’ve sorted out this garbage with Gar-Kon. I think that’s a good idea. Would you like me to come with you, too?”

  Laila’s heart soared. Flin cared about her wellbeing?

  “Yes, please,” she said, and a slight smile broke through the clouds.

  “That’s my favorite face of yours, Laila. You should never take that smile off.”

  Laila fell into a dreamless slumber, feeling reassured that everything was okay again.

  “Laila? Honey?” Basil was shaking her shoulder.

  “What?” she mumbled sleepily.

  “It’s time to wake up, sweetheart. We’re approaching Parathos; we’ll be landing in about two hours. You should get up and eat something before we break atmosphere.”

  “Oh, okay.” She crawled out of bed and threw some clothes on, then went to the galley and made herself a red soup to sip while her brain fired up. She still felt silly for getting so upset about Flin’s temper earlier, but more than that, she felt weak. Ever since she got here, she had been hiding behind two men and hoping they would protect her, but she’d been taking care of herself for twenty-two years. Against Gar-Kon, against her family, she had always been completely on her own. Why did she keep depending on people all of a sudden? What would she do if Basil and Flin got eaten by alien predators? She needed to feel capable, she decided, but she didn’t know how to do that.

  The view of the planet was beautiful; the majority of it was purple with little islands of green dotted around. Laila stared through the window in the galley.

  Entering the atmosphere, the ship got quite warm, and Laila wished she’d eaten something cold instead of a warming soup. She went to the cockpit, where she hoped to sit in front of the big fan Basil kept near his seat.

  Basil and Flin looked like they were intensely concentrating on whatever it was they were doing to land the ship. Laila decided not to greet them in case she interrupted them. Many years of being blamed for other people’s mistakes had taken its toll on her confidence, so instead she just crept around to the fan and stood in front of it.


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