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Her Daddy and Her Master

Page 28

by Katie Douglas

  “Naptime, little lady, and I’ll get you up when you’ve had enough rest. You look exhausted from all that crying.”

  Laila nodded, and let him put her down. He tucked her in with her blankie and put her pacifier back in her mouth. She was asleep in seconds.

  * * *

  “Laila, wake up, sweetheart.” Basil shook her shoulder. She looked surprised that it was time to get up again, but she’d been asleep for three hours. Basil didn’t want to leave her unable to sleep properly when it was time for bed. Laila sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes, then looked up at him. Those round, chocolate brown eyes were enough to make him face quoraks. He stroked her dark hair and wondered about how she was so adorable, even after a day of being punished.

  “Let’s get you up now. Your punishment’s over and it’s time to be a big girl again. You’re all forgiven,” Basil said. When Laila pulled her pacifier out of her mouth, the look on her face was priceless.

  “I… have to be a big girl again?” She looked like someone had just told her unicorns were extinct.

  “This was a punishment, Laila, you know that. We can maybe try doing some baby stuff some other time, but right now, you need to get up. I’ll get that diaper off, and we’re going to contact room service and pick some tasty nibbles, okay?”

  Laila nodded and stood up. She started to hold her hands out to Basil, to let him help her out of the playpen, then seemed to think better of it and got out by herself. Basil removed her diaper, noting before he opened it that the tabs were still pink—she hadn’t used it again—then he handed her something he hoped would make her feel better.

  “My sailor dress!” Laila cried in delight. “I can’t believe it! You fixed it for me! I thought it was ruined beyond repair when I got kidnapped!”

  Laila’s eyes filled with tears and she threw her arms around Basil. It was so rare for Laila to do anything so enthusiastically touchy-feely that the act of flinging herself at him took him completely by surprise. Usually she liked to touch him with little gestures, like hand holding, a tug on his sleeve, snuggling his chest with her cheek, or a kiss on the nose.

  “Big girls get to wear their sailor dresses while they eat chocolate cake.” Basil hugged her back, and tried not to grin like an idiot at the fact that she had spontaneously cuddled him. “Babies can’t wear sailor dresses.”

  Laila smiled and put her dress on.

  “I was worried that you meant it was time to be a grownup again,” she confided.

  “Never. If you wanted to never be an adult again for a single day of your life, I would make that happen for you.” Basil extricated himself from her hug and went to the main surface in the room, where he turned on the holographic menu for room service, which was updated daily to show the specials. Laila smiled, then looked toward the door.

  “I think Flin might have something to say about that,” she replied.

  Basil hoped she wouldn’t see the cloud that passed over his face when she mentioned Flin. He needed to talk to Flin about his intentions toward Laila; the man was a serious commitment-phobe and Basil didn’t want to see Laila get hurt, especially given how much time she and Flin spent together. As far as Basil was concerned, Flin needed to either decide he was keeping Laila or let her go.

  “Are you okay?” Laila asked him. Basil shook his head to move his thoughts around and smiled at Laila.

  “Sure; I just remembered something I need to do tomorrow. Right now, why don’t you use your amazing reading skills and tell me what you want to order from room service?”

  “Okay, I would like a bowl of sketti, followed by a… that one.”

  “The Calassian savory pear dauphinoise? That’s a hard one to read, I’ll let you off that one. Okay then, what would you like for dessert?”

  “Chocolate supernova, please!”

  “Great. I’ll just call down to them.” Basil turned to the old-fashioned video caller and pressed the button for reception, then put his order in.

  “Thirty minutes… what can we do in thirty minutes before food arrives?” Basil stroked Laila’s leg, and she looked up at him with her round brown eyes.

  “I would like… uh… if you don’t mind…” she trailed off. Basil thought it was adorable when she got all shy like this.

  “Go on, ask for what you’d like,” he encouraged.

  “Can we have sex again, please?”

  He grinned broadly and unzipped his pants.

  “Of course, sweetheart. Anything for my little princess.”

  He felt himself hardening already at the thought of his beautiful girl riding his cock. Lying back on the bed, he indicated that he wanted her to straddle him. Laila mounted him, and he guided his cock into her as she lowered herself down.

  “Hold onto my shoulders, baby girl, so you don’t fall off,” he said, and Laila reached out and leaned on him. The warmth of her pussy felt amazing, and he let her control the pace as he savored being inside her again. Laila’s movements sped up, and Basil enjoyed watching her perfectly sized breasts moving slightly independently of the rest of her body. He knew she was getting close, as she ground her clit into him and fucked him with all her heart. To help her out, he took her hands and pulled them behind his neck, so she had no choice but to follow and rest her head on his shoulder, nuzzling her face into his neck, as he grabbed her hips with his hands and drove into her. He was rewarded by hearing her moan with delight then squeeze him tightly as she came, arching her back and pressing her breasts into his chest. Trailing his fingers over her ass where he’d spanked her earlier, he let her return to her senses before he drove into her core again and again, finding his own release, stiffening under her soft warmth.

  They were still tangled together when someone tapped at the door. Basil extricated himself and dragged his pants on before opening up, being careful not to let the room attendant see Laila, who was still naked on the bed. The trolley from room service was filled with exciting delights, and Basil wheeled it into the room.

  “Who ordered the sketti?” He held it out to her on a tray.

  Laila sat at the little table and took the tray from him. Basil put his own tray on the other side and started eating his seasoned woldvark, a delicacy from Tefan. He felt much closer to his princess now, he reflected, and although he’d taken no pleasure in punishing her, he was glad that his punishment had brought them together after all the unpleasantness and uncertainty.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  “I know it sounds stupid, but I feel a bit sad that it’s over—not the enema, I hated that. And my bottom doesn’t want to be spanked for at least a year, but, Daddy? It was nice to just let you do everything. It was nice to know you’d take care of me. I don’t really remember anything about being that age for real, but I don’t think there was anyone like you around to make me feel safe and cared about like that.” She chased a piece of sketti around the bowl. Basil’s heart wrenched as he thought about baby Laila, on her own, with so much love to give and nobody to give it to. Not for the first time, he wished he could build a time machine and go back to rescue her, to just take her away from those awful people who didn’t deserve to know his princess.

  “You have me now, sweetheart. I’ll always be your daddy for as long as you want me,” he said. “And even if you don’t want me, it won’t stop me loving you.”

  “Do you really mean it?” Laila’s face seemed to light up in a way he hadn’t seen since before she broke her promise.

  “Of course I do, princess. In fact, I’m going to need to talk to Flin about something tonight, but if he agrees, I’ll have a special surprise for you tomorrow, to show you how much I love you.”

  If Flin had no intention of officially committing to Laila, Basil thought, then that pink-eyed, pointy-eared playboy would just have to jog on and find someone else to play with, but if Flin really did care about her, as much as Basil did, they could all go to the Collaring Council in the morning and make their relationship official.

  Chapter Ninetee

  When Laila awoke in the morning, she wondered what Basil had wanted to talk to Flin about. She’d been put down to sleep in her own room after admitting defeat, two thirds of the way through the chocolate supernova. There was simply more chocolate in that bowl than she’d ever seen in one place before, and it tasted very rich after a day of nutritional formula.

  Outside her room, she’d heard raised voices before she’d gone to sleep, and it sounded like Flin and Basil were having an argument in the corridor. Before she could get to the spyhole, however, two doors had slammed, one on either side of her own, so she had returned to her bed, nonplussed.

  With the sunshine streaming in through the glass, Laila couldn’t help but feel excited about the new day, especially now she had a completely clean slate. She felt whole again, like she’d been broken in tiny pieces for as long as she could remember, and now all of her was in one place. It was difficult to explain, even to herself.

  Whatever the men had been discussing loudly last night, they hadn’t dragged her into it, and she was glad about that, too. She skipped into the shower and cleaned up, then bounced into the drying unit. After her skin was dry, while she was waiting for the machine to dry her long hair, she rubbed her body lotion everywhere (except her hair, she thought with some amusement) so that she was ready to get dressed the moment her hair was finished. Indecisively, she held up a couple of different outfits then settled on her leggings, long purple top, and sparkly star sneakers, which she refused to get rid of, in spite of the slight bite mark on the edge of the left sole where the quorak had snapped at her. As she was fastening her laces into pretty bows, there was a knock at the door, and then another. Opening it, she saw Flin and Basil standing outside. Basil wore a tailored suit with a shirt and a flower in the lapel, while Flin wore black leather pants, a white shirt, and a black waistcoat.

  “Morning, uh… what’s the occasion?”

  “May we come in?” Flin asked. Laila nodded and held the door aside for them. For a moment, she wondered if she was in more trouble over something, but she couldn’t think what she’d done. She closed the door, and turned to see them both sat on the end of her bed, with a space between them.

  “Sit down, Laila.” Flin patted the bed between himself and Basil.

  “I’m not in trouble again, am I?” Laila wondered as she sat down.

  “No, nothing like that,” Basil began. “The thing is, Laila, as I said last night, I want to take care of you forever. I want you to always be my little girl. And I was concerned that Flin had no intentions to make a long-term commitment to you. I spoke to Flin after I put you to sleep and—”

  “Yes, I heard you both ‘speaking’ in the corridor,” Laila interjected.

  “We did not intend for you to be aware. Basil was under the impression that I didn’t want a long-term relationship with you. Mostly, we should have been talking to one another and we both assumed you would tell the other if something important had changed with either of your relationships,” Flin said.

  “You never told me that. I thought it would be very rude to talk about either of you to the other one. Not to mention unfair. If you’re both here to spank me I won’t go without a fight because you can’t expect me to do something you never told me to!” Laila steeled herself to start kicking and screaming if someone tried to drag her over their knee. Neither man moved.

  “Calm yourself, young lady, we’ve already told you, you’re not in trouble. Yet,” Basil warned pointedly. “However, I wasn’t aware that Flin gave you that collar as a sign that you had accepted to become his slave. I’m not an expert on the various types of collars and what they mean, so when I saw a fabric collar around your neck, I just thought it was a nice present that he’d given you to help you remember your role with him, just like I get you to wear those long white socks with your sailor dress.”

  Laila smiled at the mention of her favorite sailor dress.

  “So you know how Flin feels about me, and you know how Basil feels about me, does that mean you’re both going to explain it all to me, or am I up to date on what’s going on? Last I heard, I’m in training to be your slave, Flin, and you want me to always be your little, Basil.” Laila surprised herself by summing everything up so bravely. She looked from Basil to Flin, still waiting to find out why they were here.

  “Well, that’s where we’d both left it when we last saw you, right, Flin?” Flin nodded. “But last night, when we got to talking, we decided that we both wanted to make a deeper commitment to you. You deserve a stronger commitment from both of us; you deserve to know how we both feel about you, and you deserve to have our fullest protection, even in the event that something happened to either of us.”

  “So we agreed, last night, that we wanted to take you to the Collaring Council, to make our relationship official,” Flin said.

  “What were you arguing about, then?”

  The men looked embarrassed.

  “We were arguing over who’d get to fasten your new collar around your neck,” Basil explained sheepishly.

  Laila rolled her eyes in amusement and smiled at them both.

  “Silly boys; why don’t you both use one hand each?” she giggled.

  “We did agree on one thing; we need to take you shopping for a proper, permanent collar,” Basil looked to Flin, who nodded.

  “Wait a minute…” Laila looked at the two men, scrutinizing their clothing and how tidy they looked—which was actually normal for Flin, Laila reminded herself, but Basil rarely remembered to style his hair after he combed it. She felt like she was trying to solve a puzzle with an obvious but ridiculous answer. “You can’t possibly… you do, don’t you? Are we going before the Collaring Council today?”

  “This afternoon,” Basil said. Laila hit him with her unicorn.

  “Thanks for the advanced notice! What am I going to do with my hair? I have so much hair! This is basically a wedding, right? I always wanted my hair to be straight in the picture! I don’t even have a dress to wear! What will I wear?” She leapt up and started rooting through her clothes. Flin closed his hands around her arms and firmly pulled her away from ruining her pile of neatly folded clothes.

  “We’re taking you shopping for a dress and a collar, right now, but the more time you spend getting flustered in your room, the less time you’ll have for trying on dresses,” Flin said. “So let’s leave right now.”

  Laila knew the men were serious when they hailed a passing flying car and helped her in. They’d never wasted money on hiring one of the self-propelled flying cars before. She stared around the interior, and jumped slightly when the car spoke to them.

  “Please state your destination,” it said. Laila loved the material the seats were made from; they had a red leathery texture that felt cool to the touch and soft to sit on.

  “The Galias District,” Flin said. The car sped in that direction.

  They got out and walked into a store calling itself the best formalwear emporium on the planet. In the window, there were many long, filmy dresses made of various hi-tech materials.

  “I’m sorry, we’re just closing for a private viewing. You can come back this afternoon,” the clerk said.

  “We won’t need a dress by this afternoon… y’know what? Never mind,” Basil said, and they turned and left.

  “What can we do?” Flin looked around for another store.

  Laila spotted something in a nearby window and was drawn to it. It was a yellow dress that came to about knee length, it had little puffed sleeves that finished a few inches below the shoulder, and the skirt was almost the same shape as an umbrella. There were satin bows and frothy lace in all the right places, and around the waist was a thick satin ribbon. It was probably inappropriate for the sort of formal commitment ceremony she’d assumed a collaring would be, but she loved it, nonetheless.

  “It’s so pretty,” she said, as Flin and Basil caught up with her.

  “…run off like that again, I’ll put the reins on you, Laila,” Basil was gr

  “I think she’s found what she wants to wear,” Flin said.

  “Is it allowed? Doesn’t it have to be a big froofy dress?” Laila was hopeful.

  “You can wear whatever makes you happy. Let’s go in and try it on.” Basil pushed open the door to the shop and they all went in.

  Standing in front of them, Laila twirled around in the yellow dress. The skirt had a sort of scaffolding made of metal wires inside it, to keep its shape, but her favorite part was the heart-shaped pockets, one for each hand. There were matching long white socks (trimmed with yellow ribbons) and yellow ribbons to tie around her bunches. Laila had never seen anything so girly in her life. She felt like her daddy’s little princess.

  “Needs shoes,” Basil declared.

  “Agreed.” Flin picked up a pair of yellow flat dolly shoes and passed them to Laila.

  “Now it’s perfect,” Laila beamed, twisting this way and that, to make the skirt float in the air.

  They paid and left, Laila still wearing the yellow dress, and they headed for a jewelry store.

  “What about that one?” Laila pointed at a golden collar embedded with several very large sparkling diamonds. Basil and Flin both shook their heads.

  “That looks far too heavy, and far too old for you, princess. You’d want to take it off all the time. This one’s prettier.” Basil pointed to a rose gold collar. Laila liked the cute star pattern around it.

  “Or there’s that black one.” Flin was looking at a collar that was made from a matte black metal. “It’s made of carbon gold.”

  “Do you ever wonder why the metals from the different planets all look the same?” Laila asked.

  “It’s because they’re all made from the same elements,” Basil explained. “They just get mixed differently, depending on the temperature and pressure on different planets. Minos Kerala was terraformed by people from Earth, then inhabited by immigrants from all over the galaxy. Most folk on Minos Kerala want to live at a similar temperature and pressure to one another, so they tend to come from planets with similar minerals. You’ll find that all around the galaxy; like follows like.”


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