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Lipstick & Miniskirts

Page 41

by John Dylena

  “What about tonight?”

  “Try again tomorrow, Eric,” she said. “Better get going. Audrey won’t like it if you’re late on your first day.”

  “Ma’am, Eric is here,” the security guard declared as he knocked on the open door and waited outside.

  Eric stood next to him. Hard to believe that the COO of this company is a woman, he thought as he took in the scenery around him.

  It seemed like a lot of the senior executives were just that: seniors; old guys in thousand-dollar suits. There were plenty of younger guys, too, and most of them looked like they went to some Ivy League school. Nearly all of the women were assistants, secretaries, or receptionists. More than once, Eric caught himself staring. Most of them were young and impossibly hot.

  As he walked, he noticed he was getting some odd looks, as if someone else was supposed to get the job—someone that everyone in the entire company liked, yet Eric the slacker got it. No one told him what happened to the previous person who had the job.

  Do I even want to know? Maybe this ‘Audrey’ is like the boss lady from “The Devil Wears Prada,” or something.

  “Good, send him in,” she said from the other side of the door, pulling him from his reverie.

  He squinted. The woman’s voice sounded vaguely familiar.

  Shaking off the odd sensation, he walked into the office. The guard closed the door behind him as he faced his new boss.

  Audrey’s office was huge. She had a large wooden desk that was absolutely spotless and decorated with items that seemed to have some kind of personal value. She had several bookshelves filled to the brim with books, photos, trophies, as well as a few knickknacks she had collected over the years. Some of the items looked rather old, as if they belonged in a museum.

  Eric froze when he laid eyes on Audrey. Dressed in a skirt suit with a blue blouse, dark pantyhose, and black heels, she had jet-black hair and gray eyes that Eric recognized instantaneously.

  Audrey was the mystery woman who had been plaguing his dreams.

  “Glad to finally meet you,” she said, extending her hand over her mahogany desk. Eric adjusted his shirt and tie and gulped as he shook her hand.

  “Everything okay, Eric?” she asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Sorry, ma’am. Just nervous—that’s all.”

  “Oh?” she replied raising an eyebrow. “Are you sure it’s nothing else?”

  “No, ma’am,” he replied, looking away.

  She smirked. “Good. Have a seat. There are some things we need to discuss before we can get started.”

  “Like what?” Eric asked as he sat down on one of the two large, low-back leather chairs that faced her desk.

  He looked away from her while she searched through the drawers of her desk and hummed a tune.

  “Right,” she said, slapping a stack of papers on the desk. “This is your contract. Basically, it says that you work for me and have to do what I tell you. Now, if you’ll go ahead and sign it, we can begin.”

  She held out a fountain pen and waited patiently, staring at him with her stormy eyes. As he leaned forward, he could’ve sworn that they were purple, but it was gone in the blink of an eye and she titled her hear curiously.


  “Right, sorry,” he answered, shaking the thought from his head.

  He took the pen from her and signed his name on the line at the very bottom. The idea that he should’ve read it before signing didn’t even cross his mind, at least not until the deed was done.

  “That’s why I chose you, Eric,” she said with a wicked smile. “You do what you’re told to without asking why.”

  “I beg your pardon?” he said, narrowing his eyes.

  “You’re a slacker who’s inherently lazy. It permeates your being—it even prevented you from reading this contract I had you sign. You belong to me now.”

  “What are you getting at?!” He stood up, a mixture of fear and anger coursing through his veins.

  Audrey wheeled back in her chair and spun it around. She stood and looked out the window of her corner office.

  “Didn’t you find it the least bit suspicious that the company you applied for doesn’t actually exist, and that the woman you just signed your life away to is the same one that has been starring in your dreams as of late?”

  “I... what? No, this can’t be happening!”

  He ran straight for the exit and threw the door to her office open. His skin turned pale and his blood ran cold.

  The entire building was vacant.

  All the desks were empty, the offices abandoned. The furniture was old and decrepit; broken and rotted away. The carpet was stained with rust and grime, and particles of dust floated serenely in the sunbeams streaming in from the unattended windows.

  “It was all an illusion.—even that pretty girl at the front desk,” Audrey whispered into his ear. “You’re my assistant; my personal slave. Your soul belongs to me now, and there is no going back.”

  “Who... who are you?” he asked, his voice trembling right along with his body. He looked back at her over his shoulder and a chill raced down his spine as her sinister laughter reverberated through the office and penetrated the very fiber of his being.

  Audrey snapped her fingers, and the contract that he signed moments before vanished into a cloud of dust. Her power-suit transformed into a short black dress.

  “My name is Audrey, and I’m a six-hundred-year-old witch.”

  Eric sat up on his bed, completely surrounded by darkness. The digital numbers on the alarm clock on his nightstand told him that it was the middle of the night, and in just a few hours, he would start at his new job.

  “Wait... what?” He rubbed his eyes, double- and triple-checking the date. He wasn’t misreading it at all. It was three-a.m. Monday morning. “Was it... was it just a dream, then?”

  He fell back onto his bed and looked up at the dark ceiling. A faint glimmer of light filled his apartment from the moon outside his window. It was just enough to see the shape of his hand in the darkness.

  Letting his arm fall to his side, he sighed heavily and closed his eyes to let sleep take him.

  The morning came uneventfully.

  He showered, got dressed, and drove to the building following the directions provided. He sighed with relief when it turned out to be a vastly different one than the building he visited in his dream.

  There was no armed guard this time, either; just a rent-a-cop who waved him in without taking his eyes off of the book in his hands.

  Eric shrugged and drove into the parking lot. There were no Lamborghinis or Ferraris; no Bentleys or Rolls-Royces; just a handful of luxury cars that could be seen driving around in any major city.

  There was assigned parking, but he didn’t have his own spot. There was no place for him in the executive parking lot, and he frowned as he pulled into one of the only vacant ones he could find three levels down.

  With plenty of time to spare, he walked slowly across the concrete structure, his steps echoing as he adjusted his tie, straightened his shirt, and stepped into the elevator.

  He followed the pathway into the front of the building and into the lobby where he was greeted by a young woman behind the counter. The lobby was modest and Spartan, especially compared to the opulence displayed in his dreams.

  The woman smiled at him as he approached and Eric smiled back. She wasn’t as attractive as the one in his dream, but she was pretty close. She had blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail with a clump of strands hanging freely in front of her ear.

  She moved them back as he said hello.

  “Your name, sir?”

  “Eric. Today is my first day,” he said, ignoring the nagging sense of déjà vu.

  The woman looked away from him and typed away at her computer. “Fourth floor, end of the hall, corner office. This keycard will give you access to the elevators.”

  Eric took the card from her and headed for the elevators.

p; “You’d better hurry, Eric!” The receptionist yelled to him from behind the desk. “Audrey doesn’t tolerate tardiness!”

  “What?!” Eric replied.

  But it was too late. The doors of the elevator had closed and the metal box ascended to the fourth floor. It was only when they opened back up that Eric realized what she’d said.

  Oh, shit. Did she say Audrey?!

  “Sir? Hello?”

  Eric snapped out of his panicked state and looked at the woman speaking to him. She was taller than him and wearing a long gray dress that stopped just above her knees. On her feet were black pumps and her brown hair was pulled back into a bun.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, looking at him from behind her round, narrow framed glasses.

  “Yes, sorry. I was lost in thought, that’s all,” he said, stepping out of the elevator.

  “Are you by any chance Eric?”

  “I am.”

  “Great,” the woman replied, extending her hand. “I’m Audrey. I’m your boss. Pleasure to finally meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Eric said, shaking her hand.

  He sighed internally, relieved that she wasn’t the ebony-haired woman who has been haunting his dreams—the one who claimed to be a six-hundred-year-old witch who he just signed his life away to.

  No, she looked different. She was slightly older, but still very attractive; a real corporate hottie.

  “Follow me. I’ll give you the tour.”

  The floor he was on looked like any other office. Cubicles with gray walls surrounded him, and men and women strode frantically in between them, carrying papers in their hands. Offices lined the walls, and each one had a small desk where a secretary worked.

  As they walked, Eric realized that every secretary in the office was a woman—and a gorgeous one at that. No two looked alike.

  They all looked up at him, smiled, and immediately went back to whatever it was that they were working on.

  “Morning, Ms. Feana,” they would all say as his boss walked by.

  Eric and Audrey stopped at the corner office.

  “This one’s mine,” she said with a smile.

  He looked away from her to the shining metal plaque on the wall next to the wooden double doors, swallowing when he read the title:

  Ms. Audrey Feana, President and CEO.

  She opened the doors and Eric’s jaw dropped. Audrey had her own private office. There was a waiting room with a couch, some tables, and decorations. At the other end of the room was a large desk.

  “That’s where you’ll sit,” she said, walking past him. “That door leads to my private office. It is to remain closed at all times. You’ll be doing typical secretarial work: answering phones, making appointments, and the like. Oh, and since you’re also my personal assistant, you’ll be doing pretty much anything else that I ask of you, as well.”

  “I understand,” he replied, looking around the office.

  “Are you ready for orientation?” Audrey asked, looking back at him over her shoulder.

  “I am.”

  “Good, then let’s get started.”

  Eric turned toward her and watched her pull the pin out of her hair. His smile faded and his eyes went wide as her hair turned jet black.

  “Much better,” she said.

  She turned toward him, revealing her ashen eyes and ruby red lips.

  “No... I thought...” Eric whimpered, backing away from her.

  “You thought what? That it was all a dream? It was. But that doesn’t change the fact that you signed the contract.”

  Audrey took a step toward him, and Eric turned and ran for the doors. He grabbed the knobs and pulled, but they wouldn’t budge.

  She smiled as she sat down on the couch. “You’re only wasting time, Eric. My time.”

  He tugged on the brass knobs one last time before letting go. His arms dropped to his sides and he shuffled over to her, defeated.

  “Oh, cheer up. Working for me will be fun. First things first; since I know you didn’t read the contract, I will inform you. This is a secretary position, and I like my secretaries a little more... feminine.”

  She flicked her finger and Eric grimaced. His knees buckled together as he grabbed his waist. There was tightness in his abdomen and he felt himself shrivel up. But as quickly as the sensation came, it vanished, and Eric straightened himself up.

  “What... what did you do to me?”

  “Why don’t you look and see?” Audrey snickered, motioning to his crotch.

  Eric squinted as he fondled his groin through the fabric of his pants. Her laughter grew louder as the look on his face changed to sheer panic.

  He unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants down to his ankles. Pulling away the waistband to his boxers, Eric screamed.

  “What did you do to my dick?!”

  “I took it away. I like my secretaries to have hot, wet cunts between their legs.”

  “You... you bitch!” Eric yelled.

  “Wrong,” she replied, waving her finger at him. Eric opened his mouth to curse at her some more, but the words failed to come. “In the pocket of your pants is something that I want you to put on.”

  He pulled his hand away from his throat and dug around in his pocket, slowly pulling the mysterious garment out.

  Eric rolled his eyes. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, he mouthed.

  “Put them on, or I’ll make you put them on.”

  He held the teal panties out in front of him and toyed with the fabric. They were light and delicate, with a little stretch to them. He looked at the panties and at his boss before tossing them at her and folding his arms in defiance.

  “I was hoping you’d choose option B. It’s much more fun that way—for me, at least.”

  Audrey stood up from the couch and smiled. She cracked her knuckles and stretched out her arms before picking up the panties and holding them out in front of her.

  “I order you to strip completely and put the panties on.” She held her left arm up in the air as if commanding a puppet.

  Eric’s eyes went wide as he watched his body mysteriously move on its own.

  He looked at her, and then down at his arms and legs. Unbidden, his fingers loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, and his feet kicked off his shoes. As he stared at her in fear and astonishment, Audrey grinned devilishly and continued to control his body.

  He removed his tie and tossed his shirt aside before stepping out of his pants and boxers. He pulled off his socks and stood before her, completely naked and his face flushed.

  “No... stop...” he managed to say. He continued to beg as his hand reached out and took the panties from her.

  His body didn’t stop until both legs stepped through the leg holes and the panties were up as high as they could go. The fabric tickled the delicate folds of his pussy and he bit his lip from the pleasurable sensation.

  Audrey stepped up to him and put her hand on the front of his panties, her index finger gently rubbing his pussy through the material.

  “It looks like you remember that dream,” she purred.

  “W-What dream?” he said, looking away.

  “You know the one,” she answered, rubbing harder. “You had long blonde hair and perky, cream-colored breasts, and your moans were so sweet…”

  “Ooohhhh,” he moaned as she continued to tease him.

  “Yes, just like that. Moan for me, Eric.”

  “Please... stop...” He squirmed helplessly, but could not evade her touch.

  “Are you making demands of me? Who do you think you are?” She pulled her hand away from his dampened panties and rubbed her finger on his lips. “Put your hands on the desk and bend over for me. I need to punish you for talking back.”

  “Y-Yes, Audrey.”

  “Audrey?” she said, raising her eyebrow. “Did I give you permission to address me as such? You are to call me Ms. Feana. Now, hands on the desk!”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Feana,” Eric replied meekly. He turned away
from her and placed his palms on the smooth, glossy wood of the desk.

  “I’ll tell you what, Eric. If you manage to keep your screams muffled and you take your punishment like a good boy, I’ll give you back your precious cock—but only if you do something for me in return. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes, Ms. Feana.”

  “Good,” she said, pulling down the waistband of his panties. She rubbed her hand on his ass gently before winding back.


  Eric bit down on his lip and muffled the sharp cry burgeoning in his lungs as he rocked forward on the desk. She was a lot stronger than she looked.

  “Two,” she said, slapping his ass again.

  He remained quiet for the rest of the spankings and after the tenth slap, Audrey relented and stepped away from his raspberry-colored ass.

  “Nice job, Eric. You managed to keep quiet.”

  “Do... do I get my cock back, Ms. Feana?” he whimpered, looking back at her over his shoulder.

  “You do.” She snapped her fingers, and Eric twitched as his groin grew hot and his manhood reappeared inside his soaking wet panties. “But if you want to keep it, you need to do something for me.”

  “What is it?”

  “Get dressed.” She waved her hand at the desk and Eric looked at the contents placed neatly across it.


  “No buts. If you want to keep your precious dick, put on the clothes.”

  Eric sighed as he grabbed the first item from the desk. He held the dark stockings out in front of him.

  He rubbed the sheer fabric with this thumbs before putting them on in the same fashion he’d seen women do it. The pair hugged his legs, wrapping them in a diaphanous layer of femininity. The dark mesh hid the blonde hair on his legs and Audrey grinned as she watched him get dressed.

  With the stockings pulled all the way up his thighs, Eric grabbed the khaki skirt and wrapped it around his waist, zipping it up and straightening it. There was a faint plaid pattern on the fabric, and the hem went halfway down his thigh.

  “Love how your legs look in those stockings,” Audrey teased.

  Ignoring her compliment, Eric clasped the matching teal bra behind his back and put on the white blouse. He buttoned the sleeves and faced Audrey. The top was snug around his belly and shoulders, and the sleeves stopped just past his elbows.


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