57 Independent, 3 November 1993
58 CRE Annual Report, 1998, p 3
59 CRE Annual Report, 1999–2000, p 15
60 Sir William Macpherson of Cluny, ‘The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry: Report of an Inquiry’, February 1999, p 46, 34
61 CRE Annual Report, 2001, p 5
62 Ibid
63 Ibid, p 10
64 CRE Annual Report, 1999–2000, p 29
65 Sir Herman Ouseley, ‘Community Pride Not Prejudice — Making Diversity Work in Bradford’, presented to Bradford Vision, 2001, foreword
66 Christopher Kyriakides and Rodolfo Torres, Race Defaced: Paradigms of Pessimism, Politics of Possibility, Stanford University Press, 2012, p 131
67 See David Goodhart, The British Dream, Atlantic, London, p xxxv
Chapter Nine
1 See James Heartfield, The Aborigines’ Protection Society, London, Hurst, 2011; Suke Wolton, Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Second World War: The Loss of White Prestige, Macmillan, 2000
2 See Rusiate Nayacakalou, Tradition and Change in the Fijian Village, Suva, 1978; Peter France, The Charter of the Land: Custom and colonization in Fiji, Oxford University Press, 1969; Terence Ranger, ‘The Tribalization of Africa and the Retribalization of Europe’, unpublished paper, c. 1994
3 Terence Ranger, ‘The Tribalization of Africa and the Retribalization of Europe’, unpublished paper, c. 1994, p 5
4 Fair Employment Agency Report, 1978, quoted in Irish Freedom Movement Handbook, Second Edition, London, Junius, 1987, p 82
5 See Janet Sugden, ‘The Sectarian State’, Irish Freedom, Spring 1992, p 10
6 See ‘Apartheid in all but name’, Oliver Kearney Interview, Irish Freedom, Autumn 1992, p 8
7 Bronagh Hinds and Ciaran O’Kelly, ‘Affirmative Action in Northern Ireland’, in Race and Inequality: World Perspectives on Affirmative Action, Elaine Kennedy-Dubourdieu (ed), Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, p 115–6, 120, 121, 122; Northern Ireland Office, The Belfast Agreement, 1998, p 16
8 See James Heartfield and Kevin Rooney, Who’s Afraid of the Easter Rising, London, Zero, 2015
9 Kevin Yuill’s Richard Nixon and the Rise of Affirmative Action, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006 is very good on this, and I have leant on it here
10 Thomas Sugrue, ‘Affirmative Action from Below’, The Journal of American History 91(1), June 2004, p 145
11 Lyndon Baines Johnson, Commencement Address, Howard University, 4 June 1965, http://www.heritage.org/initiatives/first-principles/primary-sources/from-opportunity-to-outcomes-lbj-expands-the-meaning-of-equality
12 Kevin Yuill, Richard Nixon and the Rise of Affirmative Action, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, p 93, 147
13 Hugh Davis Graham, The Civil Rights Era, New York, Oxford UP, 1990, p 325
14 Kevin Yuill, Richard Nixon and the Rise of Affirmative Action, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, p 149
15 J. Edward Kellough, Understanding Affirmative Action, Georgetown University Press, 2006, p 131–43; Harry Holzer and David Neumark, ‘Assessing Affirmative Action’, Journal of Economic Literature 38(3), September 2000; Harry Holzer and David Neumark, ‘Affirmative Action: What do we know?’, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, November 2005
16 Stephen Steinberg, ‘Occupational Apartheid in America’, in Without Justice for All, Adolph Reed Jr (ed), Westview Press, 1999, p 229
17 Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, ‘Reagan and Affirmative Action’, Chicago Tribune, 19 May 1985; Philip Klinker, ‘Bill Clinton and the New Liberalism’, in Without Justice for All, Adolph Reed Jr (ed), Westview Press, 1999
18 Drew DeSilver, ‘Black Unemployment Rate is Consistently Twice that of Whites’, Pew Research, 21 August 2013, http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/08/21/through-good-times-and-bad-black-unemployment-is-consistently-double-that-of-whites/
19 Kevin Yuill, Richard Nixon and the Rise of Affirmative Action, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, p 94–5
20 Jo Ann Ooiman Robinson, ‘Race in the Workplace: Is Affirmative Action working?’, in Race and Inequality: World Perspectives on Affirmative Action, Elaine Kennedy-Dubourdieu (ed), Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, p 38; ‘Affirmative Action in the United States’, Business Week, 8 July 1991, p 53–6
21 CRE Annual Report, 1986, p 28
22 Claire Crawford and Ellen Greaves, ‘Ethnic minorities substantially more likely to go to university than their White British peers’, Institute for Fiscal Studies, 10 November 2015, https://www.ifs.org.uk/publications/8042
23 Barbara Bergmann, In Defence of Affirmative Action, New York, Basic Books, 1996, p 31
24 Johanna Kantola, Gender and the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, p 28
25 Ibid, p 29
26 Ibid, p 31
27 EOC Annual Report, 1977, p 4
28 ‘Maternity Rights Call — Britain’s Expectant Mothers Come Off Second Best in European Table’, EOC News, June 1979, p 8
29 EOC Annual Report, 1982, p 4
30 See Baroness Writtle’s speech in the House of Lords, 5 December 1983, vol 445, cc894-930, http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/lords/1983/dec/05/equal-pay-amendment-regulations-1983-1
31 ‘So much to build on’, EOC Annual Report, 1985, p 2
32 Ibid, p 10
33 EOC Annual Report, 1993, p 4, 14–5
34 EOC Annual Report, 1994, introduction, p 1, 2
35 EOC Annual Report, 1994, p 6
36 See James Heartfield, The European Union and the End of Politics, London, Zero, 2013
37 Ann Wickham, ‘Engendering Social Policy in the EEC’, m/f — the feminist journal 4, 1980, p 9, 10
38 ‘Economic Independence and the Position of Women on the Labour Market of the European Union’, Directorate General for Internal Policies, 2014, p 6
Chapter Ten
1 ‘Putting Gender on the Agenda’, EOC Annual Report and Accounts, 2000/2001, p 15
2 Sara Ahmed ‘Equality Credentials’, 10 June 2016, https://feministkilljoys.com/2016/06/10/equality-credentials/ — Ahmed resigned from the college in frustration at the sidelining of her committee’s work on harassment
3 In Phil Cohen and Carl Gardner (eds), It Ain’t Half Racist, Mum: Fighting Racism in the Media, London, Comedia, 1982, p 32
4 ‘Ethnic minority group representation on popular television’, CRE/ Communications Research Group, London, 2001, p 203
5 360° Diversity Charter, Channel 4, 2015; Harry Yorke, ‘BBC Criticised…’, Telegraph, 3 June 2016, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/03/bbc-criticised-by-mps-and-job-applicants-over-training-placement/
6 ‘Mainstreaming Gender into the Policies and the Programmes of the Institutions of European Union and EU Member States’, European Institute for Gender Equality, 28 November 2011, p 5, 10, 15
7 Davina Cooper, Sexing the City, London, Rivers Oram, 1994, p 22
8 Equals 1(1), Spring 1983, p 3
9 Polly Curtis, ‘Gay men earn £10k more than national average’, Guardian, 23 January 2006, http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/jan/23/money.gayrights
10 Quoted in Beatrix Campbell, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, Marxism Today, February 1987, p 13
11 Sophie Gilliat-Ray, Muslims in Britain, Cambridge University Press, 2010, p 120
12 ‘Education For Life: Here And Hereafter’, New Equals, April 1978, p 7
13 Sophie Gilliat-Ray, Muslims in Britain, Cambridge University Press, 2010, p 237
14 Writing as Mala Dhondy, ‘Facing the Asian Youth’, Race Today, April 1977, p 67
15 Kenan Malik, From Fatwa to Jihad, Atlantic Books, 2009, p 126; Sophie Gilliat-Ray, Muslims in Britain, Cambridge University Press, 2010, p 108
16 Kenan Malik, From Fatwa to Jihad, Atlantic Books, 2009, p 129, 130; Sophie Gilliat-Ray, Muslims in Britain, 2010, p 109
17 Sophie Gilliat-Ray, Muslims in Britain, 2010, p 125–6
18 ‘Time to Tackle the Under-Representation of British Muslims in Top Professions’, press release, December 2015, http://www.demos.co.uk
19 Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, London, Runnymede Trust, 1997, p 33
20 CRE Annual Report, 2004, p 7
21 Bill Hunter, Forgotten Hero: The Life and Times of Edward Rushton, Liverpool, Living History Library, 2002, p 3 — latterly the Merseyside Trade Union and Unemployed Resource Centre has been housed in the school buildings
22 Welfare Reform and Work Bill, 27 January 2016, House of Lords, Hansard, vol 768
23 EOC News, June 1979, p 6
24 See James Heartfield, ‘There is no Masculinity Crisis’, Genders 35, 2002, for a commentary
25 Laurie Penny, ‘We Need to Talk About Masculinity,’ Guardian, 16 May 2013
26 Daniel Martin, ‘At Last!’, Daily Mail, 15 March 2015
27 Davina Cooper, Sexing the City, London, Rivers Oram Press, 1994, p 169
28 CRE Annual Report, 1999–2000, p 16
29 CRE Annual Report, 1998, p 6
30 Some years later, when the outgoing CRE Chief Trevor Phillips raised questions about the policy of multiculturalism in Britain, he was branded as the man who had ‘closed down the CRE’, by Lee Jasper, for example, https://twitter.com/LeeJasper/status/575880562356940800
Chapter Eleven
1 ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’, Marxism Today, February 1987, p 12; and see Michael Crabtree, ‘Strategies Against Racism’, Thesis submitted for Ph. D. Aston University, 1988, p 67
2 Ian Macdonald and Gus John, Murder in the Playground: The Burnage Report, Longsight Press, 1989, p 347–8
3 Sarah Boseley, ‘Social Workers Denounce Councils’, Guardian, 27 July 1985; ‘Whose Child? The Report of the Panel of Inquiry into the death of Tyra Henry’, London Borough of Lambeth, 1987 chaired by Mr Stephen Sedley QC, p 135–6
4 Ann Tobin, quoted in Davina Cooper, Sexing the City, London, Rivers Oram, 1994, p 37
5 Stuart Lansley, Sue Goss, and Christian Wolmar, Councils in Conflict, London, Macmillan, 1989, p 65
6 ‘PM Brand Racist for Attack on Labour’s Khan’, Sky News, 20 April 2016, http://news.sky.com/story/1682129/pm-branded-racist-for-attack-on-labours-khan; John McDonnell’s tweet, 22 April 2016, https://twitter.com/johnmcdonnellMP/status/723481596096090112; see Jeremy Corbyn: ‘I am completely against anti-Semitism’, in the Guardian, 29 April 2016, http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/apr/29/jeremy-corbyn-i-am-totally-completely-and-absolutely-against-antisemitism
7 Kimberlé Crenshaw, ‘Mapping the Margins’, Stanford Law Review 43, July 1991, p 1242
8 Editorial, Spare Rib, London, September 1980
9 Sheila Rowbotham, Lynne Segal, and Hilary Wainwright, Beyond the Fragments, London, Merlin, 1979, p 5–6
10 On 29 November 1989, the Guardian newspaper carried an advertisement for a ‘women’s adviser’ that the NUS was seeking to appoint, to ‘maintain and develop the Union’s work on women and promote the participation of women students in their students union’; on 24 April 1991, the Guardian reported that ‘the Oxford University Students Union has a full-time women’s officer for the first time this year’ — Karen Mathieson — and on 8 March 1994, a Guardian article welcomed women’s officers at Warwick (Marisa Bailey), Northumbria (Kate Skipworth), the Organisation of Labour Students’ national women’s officer (Clair Wilcox); there were women’s officers at LSE (Tesher Fitzpatrick) and Essex (Françoise Humphrey) shortly afterwards and by the mid-Nineties it was the norm.
11 The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi: 1920-1933, Harvard University Press, 1993, p 422
12 David Roediger, Towards the Abolition of Whiteness, London, Verso, 1994; Theodore Allen, The Invention of the White Race, London, Verso, 1994; and see James Heartfield, review of White Mythologies by Robert Young, Living Marxism, May 1991
13 Ian Macdonald and Gus John, Murder in the Playground: The Burnage Report, Longsight Press, 1989, p 347–8
14 Javier Espinoza, ‘Ethnic minorities “more likely to go to university” than white working-class British children’, Telegraph, 10 November 2015
15 From the Winter 1990 issue of Independent School, and reproduced online at http://ted.coe.wayne.edu/ele3600/mcintosh.html
16 Talking to Hugh Muir, Guardian, 2 March 2011; and see BBC, ‘Call for rethink on immigration’, 12 September 2000, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/920182.stm
17 Will Hutton, ‘The unholy alliance against immigrants’, Guardian, 23 June 2002
18 Letters, Guardian, 24 June 2002
19 David Goodhart, The British Dream, London, Atlantic Books, 2014, p 41
20 ‘Immigration and the Amended Act’, CRE Annual Report 2001, p 6
21 Evening Standard, 23 October 2009
22 Guardian, 30 January 2009
23 Polly Toynbee, ‘Of course the wealthy want an immigration free-forall’, Guardian, 11 October 2005; and see Goodhart’s book The British Dream, London, Atlantic Books, 2014
24 CRE Annual Report, 2004, p 4
25 Guardian, 28 May 2004
26 Munira Mirza, Rethinking Race, Prospect, 22 September 2010
27 Robert Ford, ‘Is racial prejudice declining in Britain?’, The British Journal of Sociology 59(4), 2008; Vikram Dodd, ‘Poll pessimism on race relations’, Guardian, 13 May 2002
28 Hassan Mahmadallie, Defending Multiculturalism, London, Bookmarks, 2011, p 21; and Salma Yaqoob, in the same collection, p 167
1 Vivien Hunt et al, ‘Why Diversity Matters’, McKinsey, January 2015, http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/why-diversity-matters
2 Jamie Allinson, ‘Don’t Mourn, Accelerate’, Salvage 1, July 2015, p 15
3 Hugh Cunningham, Time, Work and Leisure, Manchester University Press, 2016, p 194
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