10 ‘Looking for HRM/union substitution: evidence from British workplaces’, LSE, 2004
11 Tom Keenoy, Human Resource Management, p 460, 461, 464; Mike Beer et al, Managing Human Assets, 1984; Mike Beer et al, HRM: A General Manager’s Perspective, 1985
12 Bogdan Costea, Norman Crump, and Kostas Amiridis, ‘Managerialism: the therapeutic habitus and the self’, Human Relations 61, 2008
13 Graham Hollinshead and Mike Leat, Human Resource Management, London, Pitman Publishing, 1995, p 24
14 Brigid van Wanrooy et al, ‘Employment Relations in the Shadow of the Recession — findings from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Survey’, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, p 53
15 Michael Porter and Christian H. M. Ketels, ‘UK competitiveness: moving to the next stage’, DTI Economics Paper 3, May 2003, p 12, 36; ‘UK Productivity and competitiveness indicators’, DTI Economics Paper 9, 2003, p 72
16 Quoted in James Heartfield, Creativity Gap, London, Blueprint, 2005, p 20
17 Sue Fernie and Helen Gray, ‘It’s a Family Affair — the effect of union recognition and Human Resource Management on the provision of equal opportunities in Britain’, LSE Centre for Economic Performance, April 2002, p 11
18 Baroness Seear, ‘Training: the fulcrum of change’, Seventh Willis Jackson Lecture, British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education, July 1976, p 2
19 Dennis J Kravetz, The Human Resources Revolution, London, Jossey-Bass, p 129–131, 127
20 Nick Jewson, David Mason, Chris Lambkin, and Frank Taylor, ‘Ethnic Monitoring Policy and Practice: A Study of Employers’ Experiences’, Ethnic Minority Employment Research Centre, University of Leicester, p 5
21 Ali Dizaei, Not One of Us, London, Serpents Tail, p 232 (Dizaei was eventually jailed on questionable charges of impropriety)
22 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/hundreds-of-police-officers-investigated-for-racist-or-threatening-social-media-posts-9677195.html
23 Chip Chapman, ‘An Independent Review of the Police Disciplinary System in England and Wales’, October 2014, p 26; Report on Metropolitan Police Service handling of complaints alleging race discrimination, Statistical Information, July 2013
24 House of Commons, 18 January 1999
25 Herman Ouseley with Daniel Silverstone and Usha Prashar, The System, 1983, p 22
26 Brigid van Wanrooy et al, ‘Employment Relations in the Shadow of the Recession — findings from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Survey’, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, p 59, 51; Barbara Kersley et al, Inside the Workplace: Findings from the 2004 WERS, London, Routledge, 2006, p 44; Women in management, says Cynthia Cockburn, ‘will become the personnel managers and public relations officers rather than production managers, staff the line’, In the Way of Women, p 64
27 Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism, London, Verso, 2007, p 73
28 Cynthia Cockburn, In the Way of Women, 1991, p 71, 98
29 Chuck Pettis, Technobrands: How to Create and Use Brand Identity to Market, Advertise and Sell Technology Products, American Management Association, 1995, p 121
30 Fiona Gilmore, Brand Warriors, London: Harper CollinsBusiness, 1999, p 31, 33
31 Simon Caulkin, ‘The Bosses We Love to Hate’, Observer, 6 July 2003
32 Herman Ouseley with Daniel Silverstone and Usha Prashar, The System, London, Runnymede Trust, and South London Equal Rights Consultancy, 1983, p 91–6
33 ‘Emotional Labor around the World: An Interview with Arlie Hochschild’, Global Dialogue, Newsletter of the International Sociological Association, http://isa-global-dialogue.net/emotional-labor-around-the-world-an-interview-with-arlie-hochschild/
34 Kerry McDermott, ‘Revealed: Pret a Manger’s bizarre ‘emotional labour’ rules for workers’,
Daily Mail, 2 February 2013, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2272400/Revealed-Pret-Mangers-bizarre-emotional-labour-rules-workers-told-happy-touch-NEVER-act-moody.html
35 ‘So much to build on’, EOC Annual Report, 1985, p 4; EOC Annual Report, 1987, p 27; CRE Annual Report, 1986, p 24–5;
36 Equals 1(1), Spring 1983, p 2
37 Lesley Mackay and Derek Torrington, The Changing Nature of Personnel Management, London, Institute of Personnel Management, 1986, p 80
38 Sheila Cohen, Notoriously Militant, London, Merlin, 2013, p 144–5
39 Training: The Implementation of Equal Opportunities at Work Vol 1: Planning and Policy, Commission for Racial Equality, December 1987, p 7–10
40 Barbara Castle, The Castle Diaries 1964-70, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1984, p 704
41 M. W. Snell, P. Glucklich, and M. Povall, ‘Equal Pay and Opportunities — A Study of the Implementation and Effects of the Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination Acts in 26 Organisations’, Research Paper 20, Department of Employment, April 1981, p 1
42 EOC Annual Report 1982, p 4; and see also EOC Annual Report, 1978, p 2
43 Huw Benyon, Working for Ford, Penguin, 1973, p 31–3
44 Nick Jewson, David Mason, Chris Lambkin, and Frank Taylor, ‘Ethnic Monitoring Policy and Practice: A Study of Employers’ Experiences’, Ethnic Minority Employment Research Centre, University of Leicester, p 5
45 ‘Why Race Records are Important: Living and Working Together’, Islington Council, produced by Islington Council’s Press, Campaign and Publicity Unit and the Race Equality Unit [n.d.], p 4
46 Nick Jewson, David Mason, Chris Lambkin, Frank Taylor, ‘Ethnic Monitoring Policy and Practice: A Study of Employers’ Experiences’, Ethnic Minority Employment Research Centre, University of Leicester, p 36
47 Irene Bruegel and Diane Perrons, ‘Deregulation and Woman’s Employment: the diverse experience of women in Britain’, LSE Gender Institute, Discussion Paper Series, October 1996, p 14, ii, citing Bevan and Thompson, ‘Merit Pay, Performance Appraisal and Attitudes to Women’s Work’, IMS Report 234, IMS, 1992; on opposition to PRP see Lesley Mackay and Derek Torrington, The Changing Nature of Personnel Management, Institute of Personnel Management, 1986, p 131
48 Lesley Mackay and Derek Torrington, The Changing Nature of Personnel Management, Institute of Personnel Management, 1986, p 134
Chapter Seven
1 M. W. Snell, P. Glucklich, and M. Povall, ‘Equal Pay and Opportunities — A Study of the Implementation and Effects of the Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination Acts in 26 Organisations’, Research Paper 20, Department of Employment, April 1981, p 3
2 Financial Times, 16 August 1985
3 EOC News, October 1979, p 6
4 EOC News, October 1979, p 2
5 EOC Annual Report, 1978, p 2
6 EOC News, December 1978, p 1
7 EOC News, October 1979, p 4
8 EOC News, December 1978, p 6
9 Cynthia Cockburn, Brothers, London, Pluto Press, London, 1991 edition, p 248–9
10 ‘TUC plans “black equality charter”’, Guardian, 30 September 1980, p 2
11 CRE Annual Report 1986, p 28; New Equals, Summer 1984, Special insert, p iii
12 CRE Annual Report, 1986, p 15–16
13 EOC Annual Report, 1985, p 7
14 Marxism Today, London, December 1984; and in a more recent profile of TUC President Frances O’Grady, in the Guardian, 11 July 2012, http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jul/11/frances-ogrady-tuc-sexism-union
15 EOC Annual Report, 1989, p 15
16 Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill, HL Deb, 1 March 1993, vol 543, cc420–508
17 EOC Annual Report, 1992, p 21–2
18 Paul Cheston, ‘Over half of tribunal cases involve sex discrimination, research finds’, Evening Standard, 24 July 2014, http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/over-half-of-tribunal-cases-involve-sex-discrimination-research-finds-9626292.html
19 EOC Annual Report, 1986, p 26
20 Cynthia Cockburn, Brothers, London, Pluto Press, 1991 edition, p 75, 77; the EOC investigation is described on p 170
21 ‘Formal
Investigation Report: The Society of Graphical and Allied Trades — The London Central Branch and the London Women’s Branch’, Equal Opportunities Commission, p 1, 4, 5
22 EOC Annual Report, 1986, p 16
23 Cynthia Cockburn, Brothers, London, Pluto Press, 1991 edition, p 93
24 Brenda Dean, Hot Mettle, London, Politico’s, 2007, p 58, 68
25 Ibid, p 38, 47, 92
26 Beatrix Campbell, Iron Ladies, London, Virago, 1987, p 237
27 John Lang and Graham Dodkins, Bad News: The Wapping Dispute, Spokesman, Nottingham, 2011, p 169–171
28 Spare Rib, August 1986, p 11
29 Brenda Dean, Hot Mettle, London, Politico’s, 2007, p 177
30 http://www.ford.co.uk/experience-ford/AboutFord/FordCareers
31 http://www.ford.co.uk/experience-ford/AboutFord/News/CompanyNews/2011/Anti-Racism
32 Sheila Cohen, Notoriously Militant, London, Merlin, 2013, p 140–1; and see Daniel Trilling, Bloody Nasty People: The Rise of Britain’s Far Right, London, Verso, p 201
33 Ibid, p 141
34 Ibid, p 150
35 Ibid, p 153, 154, 169
36 Ibid, p 174
37 Ibid, p 180–2
38 Ibid, p 182–3
39 CRE Annual Report, 1999–2000, p 24; ‘Ford: Driving Diversity Forward’, Michael Rubenstein Publishing, 2003, http://www.rubensteinpublishing.com/default.aspx?id=1057727
40 Sheila Cohen, Notoriously Militant, London, Merlin, 2013, p 183–4
41 Ibid, p 197
42 ‘Female Jobless Figure May Be Higher’, EOC News, October/ November 1980, p 1; Craig Lindsay and Paul Doyle, ‘Experimental consistent time series of historical Labour Force Survey data’, Labour Market Division, Office for National Statistics, in Labour Market Trends, 2003, p 467
43 EOC Annual Report, 1989, p 15
44 On the persistence of the theory of the economic cycle, see David Cannadine, ‘The Present and the Past in the English Industrial Revolution 1880-1980’, Past & Present 103, May 1984, p 131–172
45 Marian Ramelson, Petticoat Rebellion, London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1976, p 178; and see also Irene Bruegel, ‘Women as a Reserve Army of Labour’, in The Changing Experience of Women, Elizabeth Whitelegg et al (eds), Open University/Basil Blackwell, 1985, p 105
46 Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, ‘Report on the Implementation of the 1999 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines’, European Economy: Reports and Studies 1, 2000, p 11, http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/european_economy/2000/eers0100en.pdf. See also ‘Rules-based Fiscal Policy and Job-rich Growth in France, Germany, Italy and Spain’, IMF Country Report 1(203), November 2001
47 EOC News, January 1981, p 2
48 EOC News, October/November 1980, p 2
49 Beatrix Campbell, quoted in Cynthia Cockburn, In the Way of Women, Macmillan, 1991, p 129
50 See Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Cornel West, The War Against Parents: What We Can Do for America’s Beleaguered Moms and Dads, New York, Mariner Books, 1999
51 D. H. Blackaby, D. G. Leslie, P. D. Murphy, and N. C. O’Leary, ‘The ethnic wage gap and employment differentials in the 1990s: evidence for Britain’, Economic Letters Vol, 58, No 1, 1998, p 97
52 Ibid, p 99–100
53 Kathleen Paul, Whitewashing Britain: Race and Citizenship in the Postwar Era, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1997
54 ‘Racially Motivated Incidents Reported to the Police’, Home Office Research and Planning Unit 54, London, Home Office, 1989
55 Charles Leadbeater, ‘In the Land of the Dispossessed’, Marxism Today, April 1987, p 21
56 Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism, London, Verso, 2007, p 229
57 Gill Kirton and Anne-Marie Greene, The Dynamics of Managing Diversity: A Critical Approach, Second Edition, Elsevier, 2007, p 58–9
58 Asma Bajawa and Jean Woodall, ‘Equal Opportunity and Diversity management meet downsizing’, Employee Relations 28(1), 2006, p 52
59 Ibid, p 54–5
60 Department of Employment and Pensions, Employment by Sector and Ethnic Group, ONS, 2013, https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/269607/employment-by-sector-and-ethnic-group.xls
61 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2417031/Middle-class-Not-60-say-working-class--1983.html
Chapter Eight
1 Carole Pateman, The Sexual Contract, Cambridge, Polity, 1988, p 11
2 Catharine Mackinnon, Towards a Feminist Theory of the State, London, Harvard University Press, 1989 p 165
3 The System, Runnymede Trust, and South London Equal Rights Consultancy, 1983, p 11
4 ‘So much to build on’, EOC Annual Report, 1985, p 8
5 EOC Annual Report, 1996, p 21
6 Dr Jennifer Somerville, Feminism and the Family: Politics and Society in the UK and USA, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000, p 138
7 ‘So much to build on’, EOC Annual Report, 1985, p 10; Caroline Flint, later an MP, was chair of the Workplace Nurseries Campaign; Jill Insley, ‘Workplace nurseries feel the squeeze’, Guardian, 30 September 2011, http://www.theguardian.com/money/2011/sep/30/workplace-nurseries-squeeze
8 EOC Annual Report, 1989, p 13
9 Ibid, p 15
10 ‘The Equality Challenge’, EOC Annual Report, 1991, p 3
11 EOC Annual Report, 1992, p 12
12 EOC Annual Report, 1996, p 23–4
13 Jennifer Somerville, Feminism and the Family: Politics and Society in the UK and USA, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000, p 138
14 Sally Holtermann, ‘Investing in Young Children’, London, National Children’s Bureau, 1995, p 5, 55
15 Jennifer Somerville, Feminism and the Family: Politics and Society in the UK and USA, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000, p 138
16 EOC, ‘Women and Men in Britain: The Work-Life Balance’, 2000, p 5
17 Ibid, p 13
18 Ruth Smith et al, ‘Childcare and Early Years Survey of Parents’, Department for Education, Research Report DFE-RR054, 2009, p 9
19 Katy Morton, ‘Ofsted statistics show drop in childcare providers and places’, Nursery World, 25 October 2013; in fact the Department for Education committed itself to expand the free nursery hours for three to four year olds to 30 a week — see ‘Review of childcare costs: an executive summary of the analytical report’, DFE, DFE-00296-2015, 25 November 2015
20 Man Yee Kan, Oriel Sullivan, and Jonathan Gershuny, ‘Gender Convergence in Domestic Work: Discerning the Effects of Interactional and Institutional Barriers in Large-Scale Data’, Sociology Working Papers, 2010-03, University of Oxford, p 6, Table 1; ‘The Time Use Survey’, 2005, Office for National Statistics, July 2006, p 38; Louisa Peacock, ‘Women spend half as much time on housework today compared to 1960s’, Daily Telegraph, 5 December 2012, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9721147/Women-spend-half-as-much-time-on-housework-today-compared-to-1960s.html
21 Catherine Hakim, ‘(How) can social policy and fiscal policy recognise unpaid family work?’, Renewal 18(1/2), 2010, http://www.lse.ac.uk/newsAndMedia/news/archives/2010/08/CatherineHakimRenewal.pdf; Nicholas Hellen, ‘Women Catch Up With Men on Playtime’, Sunday Times, 2 November 2014, p 8; also, amongst ethnic minorities, where women do more work, the men tend do to more housework — see ‘Black men “best in Britain” at sharing household chores’, Observer, 6 February 2016, http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/feb/06/black-men-best-britain-sharing-housework
22 Thanks to James Woudhuysen for explaining this point; and see Joanna Bourke, Working-Class Culture in Britain, 1890-1960, London, Routledge, 1994, p 69
23 Patricia Hewitt, About Time, London, Rivers Oram Press, 1993, Chapter Two
24 EOC Annual Report, 1992, p 2
25 EOC Annual Report, 1996, p 21
26 ‘Putting Gender on the Agenda’, EOC Annual Report and Accounts, 2000/2001, p 4; Hugh Cunningham, Time, Work and Leisure, Manchester University Press, 2016, p 194
27 Patricia Hewitt, About Time, London, Rivers Oram
Press, 1993, p 79
28 EOC News, December 1978, p 1
29 EOC News, February 1979, p 4
30 EOC News, Feb 1979, p 4
31 ‘The Equality Challenge’, EOC Annual Report, 1991, p 6
32 EOC Annual Report, 1992, p 29
33 ‘The Equality Challenge’, EOC Annual Report, 1991, p 6
34 EOC Annual Report, 1992, p 29
35 EOC Annual Report, 1994, p 1
36 Catherine Hakim, Work-Lifestyle Choices in the Twenty-First Century: Preference Theory, Oxford, 2000
37 Rosalind Coward, Sacred Cows: Is Feminism Relevant to the New Millennium?, London, Harper Collins, 2000, p 163
38 Patricia Hewitt, About Time, Rivers Oram Press, 1993, p 48; ‘So much to build on’, EOC Annual Report, 1985, p 8
39 ‘The Equality Challenge’, EOC Annual Report, 1991, p 18
40 Ibid, p 6
41 EOC Annual Report, 1993, p 6, 17
42 ‘Putting Gender on the Agenda’, EOC Annual Report and Accounts, 2000/2001, p 9, 17
43 Around 1% according to a TUC survey, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22924708
44 Mike Brewer, Sarah Cattan, and Claire Crawford, ‘State support for early childhood education and care in England’, Institute of Fiscal Studies, 2014, p 176
45 Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development, Megatrends, London, CIPD, 2013, p 4, https://www.cipd.co.uk/binaries/megatrends_2013-trends-shaping-work.pdf
46 On Radio 4’s Analysis, in 1994, quoted in Ros Coward, Sacred Cows, London, Harper Collins, 2000, p 47
47 The Law Commission, ‘Criminal Law Rape Within Marriage’, Law Com 205, 13 January 1992, p 2
48 New Equals 17, Spring 1982, p 8
49 CRE, ‘Then and Now: Change for the Better?’, London, CRE, 2001, p 17
50 HC Deb, 8 February 1996, vol 271
51 ‘Asylum Applications’, HC Deb, 8 July 2004, vol 423
52 CRE Annual Report, 1993, p 3
53 Quoted in Mick Hume, ‘Keeping our wits about us’, LM issue 119, April 1999
54 Ridley Memorial Lecture, 22 November 1996, reproduced in the Sun, 7 February 1997
55 Published 6 October 1992
56 Jack Straw, Independent, 6 September 1995; Beatrix Campbell, ‘Lessons from the Riots’, in Families, Children and Crime, Anna Coote (ed), London, IPPR, 1994, p 45
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