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Raven's Seduction

Page 9

by Yvonne Nicolas

  “That’s what I want to believe, but…”

  “I mean, most people look at you that way anyway, either with the puppy dog love eyes or the hungry wolf eyes. But Naturi… It’s different. Her admiration for you is deep. I can tell.”

  Raven began pacing in front of Remi’s car, repeatedly raking his fingers through his damp hair. “You’re too much, Raven,” he muttered, remembering the moment his world came crashing down. “You’re always flirting, Raven. You’re not my type, Raven. You sleep with men, Raven. I can never be with you, Raven. You disgust me, Raven!”

  “Okay, now you’re just being ridiculous.” Widening his stance, Remi folded his arms over his chest and shook his head. “She didn’t say any of that shit.”

  “In so many words…”

  “That’s just the way you took it because you caught her at the wrong time.”

  “Ohh wow, you know her soo well,” he sneered. “Tell me more.”

  “I know her better than you do right now.” Arms still folded, Remi rested his backside against the hood of his car. “If she didn’t wanna be with you, if you disgusted her so much, why is she here? It’s not like you tied her down. It’s not like you’re forcing her to stay.”

  That was the dynamic of their friendship. No matter how bad things got between them, they were still in each other’s corner. Even when she crushed his heart, and he went weeks without talking to her, he still considered her his friend. He would still do anything for. He’d like to think that she felt the same way about him, one way or another.

  “I didn’t say anything before, ‘cause I figured you were just going through the motions and somehow along the way, you would work it out for yourself. Guess I was wrong.”

  “You can spare me the lecture.” Raven turned his back to his brother and headed back toward the house.

  “Think about what happened to her before you kissed her,” Remi called out to him.

  Raven paused but didn’t turn around.

  “According to what you told me, the woman had just put her father in the ground, a man she had an estranged relationship with. She dropped her job, her friends, everything, to go take care of him. He left his finances in her name, so she had to deal with her money-grubbing relatives, and her father’s mistress, who for some crazy reason thought she was due a piece of the money pie. And then, her ex-fiancé showed up to the funeral, the same guy who left her for a man. That had to drum up some really fucked up memories for her. Can’t imagine what that did to her confidence. And then, there’s you.”

  Taking in Remi’s every word, Raven turned to face him.

  “She just needed you to be there. She needed you to be her friend, not to come around and toss another bomb in the trenches of her chaotic emotions. That’s what you did, brother. She was trying to process all the other shit taking place in her life and you gave something else to process. And boom…” Fingers splayed, he spread his hands out, imitating an explosion. “Emotional overload.”

  As much as he hated to admit it, Remi was right.

  “I don’t know how to fix it,” Raven confessed softly. “I mean, I tried and then I fucked it up even more. Every time I get close to her, I—”

  “How ‘bout you try listening to her. Don’t say anything, don’t do anything. Just let her talk.”

  He was accustomed to doing that. In the past, he listened to her talk for hours. So why couldn’t he do it now? Probably because he was afraid of what would come from those pretty lips. There was only so much hurt he could take in a lifetime.

  “And then when she’s done spilling her guts at your feet…” Remi held his hands out and gave a dramatic pause. “You say… I’m sorry. My emotions got the better of me in a time when you needed me. It will never happen again. And voila. Problem solved.”

  “Really?” Raven chuckled, but not so much in humor. “Thank you for making it sound so easy.”

  “It is easy.” Remi rounded his car to the driver’s side and opened the door. “You’re just too in love to see it. Your head is a mess. All you see is her rejecting you. I swear, you two are exhausting. This is worse than watching a K-Drama series. Fucking frustrating.”

  Raven smirked. “So, you admit you watch K-Drama.”

  “Don’t try to change the subject. Point is, my stress level is here…” Hand straightened, he waved it over his head. “I run several high-profile hotels in large cities and I don’t have to endure this much stress.” He slipped into the driver seat then started the car. Rolling down the window, he added, “Don’t go back in there and continue doing the same bullshit you’ve been doing, Rave, ‘cause she’ll get tired of it, and snap on your ass. You don’t want that, and I don’t want that. Sit down, shut up and listen. And for God’s sake, man up!” That said, he put the car in gear then shot down the driveway, leaving tire tracks on the concrete.

  Chapter 14

  Hood Ninja

  A little over three weeks ago…

  Last time he spoke with Naturi, she told him that she was fine, that she was just handling family business.

  But Raven had known her long enough to know that was a lie. Zion had secretly reached out to him and disclosed the mess Naturi had been dealing with, all the things she didn’t want him to know.

  The second he could free up some time, he took a flight to Florida. His first stop was to Zion’s house, where Naturi was staying.

  When Naturi opened the door and saw him, she burst into tears.

  He said nothing. He just took her into his arms and let her cry. Days before the funeral, he stayed glued to her side, doing any and everything possible to help relieve her stress. For the most part, she seemed disconnected from everything. He realized this was her way to cope with all the pressure and anxiety that was flying her way.

  On his second day in town, Naturi showed up to his hotel room at three in the morning. He’d planned to sleep on the couch, so she could have the bed to herself, but she begged him to join her. It wasn’t a sexual advance, even though the thought of sharing a bed with her sent rapid pulses darting through his midsection. He cuddled up next to her and held onto her for the next two nights. She slept sound, but he didn’t get a wink of sleep. Every inch of his body remained awake, for obvious reasons.

  The day of the funeral, he received a front-row seat of what she’d been going through with her family, and her father’s mistress. It was a wonder how Naturi had kept her cool up to this point.

  The ride to the church was tense.

  Naturi didn’t want to be escorted in the limo with the rest of the family, nor did she want to ride in a car. She didn’t even want to ride in the motorcade. All of which was understandable. She wanted the power of a two-wheeler monster carrying her to her father’s death ceremony.

  Unfortunately, Raven hadn’t brought any of his stallions with him. But that didn’t mean he was incapable of giving her what she needed. Having biker friends in different area codes worked to his advantage.

  The royal blue Ducati Monster roared a beautiful song as they sped down the street, miles behind the procession.

  Hugging him from behind, Naturi pressed her voluptuous breasts against his back. Her warm thighs cradled his hips. The rap of her heart increased the closer they got to the church. Her helmet was equipped with noise-canceling earbuds. Only thing she could hear was Jazmine Sullivan’s raspy coo, and his voice.

  Down the road, the large Baptist church came into view. “We’re almost there.”

  Her embrace tightened. Nervous shudders coursed through her.

  “I could keep riding,” he said. “We could head to the beach and make the world stop turning, just for today.”

  “I’d rather just get this shit show outta the way.”

  When they pulled into the parking lot, many eyes zoned in on them. Some gazes were veiled in wonder, others in disapproval.

  Naturi climbed off the bike and handed him the helmet. Looking around at the people slowly filing into the church, she froze.

offer still stands.” He wanted nothing more than to take her away from this mental strain.

  Naturi shook her head and gave her wild curls a quick fluff. “I just need a moment to compose myself.” Briefly closing her eyes, she balled her hands into fists. “After this, I won’t have to see any of these people again. That is, until the next funeral, I guess.”

  Raven turned off the engine and dismounted. “Take all the time you need. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  Jonie—the good brother—hopped out of the first limo in the lineup and jogged over to them. He pulled his sister into a loving embrace, squeezing tears out of her. “It’s almost over, sis. I’ll make sure everything is squared away inside. You just relax here for a bit.” Jonie slid over to him with a smile, fist out, ready for the customary pounding. “Aye, man. Glad you’re here.”

  Jonie and Zion were the only relatives who were kind to him, or who even spoke to him for that matter. The others gave him odd glances, or outright awkward stares.

  “Glad to be here.” Raven gave him a fist pound, then was caught by surprise when Jonie threw his arms out for a hug. He embraced the good brother and gave his back a few comforting pats. “I just wished it was under better circumstances.”

  “You and me both, brotha. Aye, listen…” Keeping him close, Jonie whispered, “If you see Janice, come get me immediately.”

  “Got it.”

  Jonie gathered his wife and three kids and made his way into the church. Many of the family members filed in behind him.

  Eyes glazed, Naturi stared ahead, but made no attempt to follow her relatives.

  Raven stood behind her, rubbing her arm and holding her hand. As he watched her hold back tears and hang onto her iron grit, he wanted to wrap his arms around her and never let her go. But he suppressed his urges, as he always did.

  An antique Cadillac whipped into the parking lot, wheels screeching, stirring up dust and pebbles. The driver’s door was thrown open. A white woman, dressed in all red, emerged from the car, a permanent scowl painted on her otherwise pretty face. She yanked two kids from the back seat and stormed Naturi’s way.

  “Aw hell,” Naturi hissed, squeezing his hand. “And the shit show begins.”

  It didn’t take long for him to figure out who the woman was. Janice.

  Zion filled him in on the tea days ago. From what he was told, Janice was part of the reason, Naturi’s mother, Kimberly, suffered the heart attack that took her to her grave. Naturi believed her mother died of a broken heart. Apparently, Naturi’s father, Lester, had been having an affair with Janice for years. A month after Kimberly died, Lester moved Janice into his house as his live-in girlfriend. That’s when Naturi left Florida and moved to Georgia. When Lester fell ill, Janice skipped town, claiming she had a business to run, which was why Naturi stepped in to care for him.

  When Lester died, Naturi found out about several bank accounts he had. He shared one account with Janice. It had a little over ten thousand in it before Janice drained it dry. Janice didn’t know about the other two accounts because Lester put them in Naturi’s name. Even Naturi didn’t know about them. Both accounts held nearly half a million dollars, all of which Lester passed along to Naturi. He even named her as the beneficiary for his death insurance funds.

  As expected, many family members were bitter and angry about Lester’s decision. Two of Naturi’s brothers included. They hadn’t spoken to her since the meeting with the lawyer. But, no one was more furious than Janice, the woman who believed all of Lester’s funds should’ve gone to her.

  As Raven watched the woman approach, he pondered on his choices. He could either leave Naturi here to go fetch her older brother. That would most likely result in a parking lot brawl. Or, he could stay with Naturi and handle the situation accordingly.

  Raven slipped from behind Naturi and positioned himself at her side, with one leg partially in front her.

  Janice stopped short, glaring at him. Her angry bright eyes shifted too Naturi. “You know that money belongs to me and my kids!”

  Naturi clucked her tongue and huffed out a heavy sigh. “Please don’t start with me, Janice. I told you at the lawyer’s office, you and I have nothing to talk about—”

  “You haven’t been apart Lester’s life for years and you think you can just come around and collect…”

  “I’m warning you.”

  “…my money! I was with that man for seven years! I was there when he was trying his hardest to reach out to you, only to get the cold shoulder every time. You were a horrible daughter! Now, you think everything we worked hard for belongs to you?”

  “Hol’up! Where were you after his first stroke?” Naturi shot back. “Where were you when he was sick and couldn’t wipe his own ass? Where the hell were you when he needed you the most? Ohh, that’s right. Vegas. Lester didn’t have any ties in Vegas, yet you claimed you were out there taking of his business. Okay.”

  Janice fell silent, her teeth bared, her hands clutched into fists.

  “What? Nothing to say now?” Naturi continued. “Your side-hoe hustle came to a halt when he couldn’t take care of you and yours no more?”

  Lips curled into a snarl, Janice hissed, “Aaron and Reggie said you coerced him to write another will while you were with him. I’m starting to believe that’s exactly what you did.”

  Wow! Her own brothers started that vicious rumor? No wonder Naturi was so disassociated with her family.

  “Know what, I don’t care what those negroes told you. Believe what you want, Janice. You think you’re the only one ‘round here with their hands out, looking to fatten their pockets at Lester’s expense. All of y’all can go to hell for all I care.”

  “You little saditty black cunt—”

  A brush of hot wind shot past him. Took him a split second to realize it was Naturi. Damn, she moves fast! He caught her by the waist. Her hands clawed at the air, inches from Janice’s face.

  Janice leaped back, her expression veiled in shock. The innocent children at her side wore the same expression.

  “Lemme go, Raven,” Naturi growled, her voice low in rage as she struggled to break away from him. “This hoe been begging for a proper dragging. Let me oblige.”

  “You don’t really want to get stomped out in front of your children, do you?” Raven asked Janice, using all his energy to restrain Naturi. “This won’t end well for you. I suggest you take all of your grievances to the man in the casket in there.” He nodded toward the church. “Everything turned out this way because of the choices he made. Now, I will give you ten seconds to think about it, then I’m letting her go.”

  Janice’s searing stare briefly shifted to his right. Clenching her jaw even harder, she grabbed her children’s hands and hurried toward the church. “You’re gonna hear from my lawyer,” she grumbled over her shoulder.

  “And you’re gonna hear from these hands, hoe!”

  Upon hearing the familiar voice, he slowly turned to his right.

  Zion was next to him, slipping her feet into her high heels. “Sheeit, I was hoping she tried her luck today.” She began pinning gold hoops into her earlobes as if she’d just taken them off. “I was curious to see if you could stop both of us from getting all up in that ass, Rave.”

  Raven released Naturi, who was still staring at Janice. “I would’ve done my best. I didn’t even know you were there, Zion.”

  “Of course you didn’t, ‘cause I’m a hood ninja. I creep up in stealth mode and lay these hands down on unsuspecting bitches.” She tugged on the hem of her very snug and short black dress, adjusting her attire. “Fuckin’ with my sis… I was ready to give her all of this smoke… Turn this mafucka into a barbecue.”

  For the first time since he arrived, he heard a sound he thought he wouldn’t hear during this trip. Naturi’s cackling laughter.

  It warmed his heart. I wished I could’ve been the one to make her smile and laugh.

  “Anyways…” Zion looked him up and down in an appraisi
ng manner, grinning from ear to ear. “Okay, Rave. You ‘round here snatchin’ up all thee edges. Nigga, I see you.”

  He smiled. “I see you too, Zion.”

  Battling her eyelids at him, she sashayed passed him. “I know you do. ‘Cause I’m a bad bitch. Okurrr!” She grabbed Naturi’s hand and tugged her along.

  Naturi looked back at him, a spark of need in her glassy eyes. She reached out, grabbed his hand, and pulled him along for the ride.

  Zion tossed a smirk back at both of them. “C’mon, y’all. Let’s strut our sexy asses in there and stunt hard on these niggas.”

  Thinking back on that day, I realized that I needed to be with Naturi as much as she needed to be with me. Maybe I needed her more. That’s why I failed to control myself when she clearly just needed my support.

  Chapter 15


  Naturi placed both of her neon pink suitcases on the bedroom couch and popped them open.

  A smile touched her lips as she unpacked her clothes.

  This thing between Raven and I… Yes, it was frustrating and downright maddening at times, but there was something so right about it, invigorating even. Will I ever get used to him? Would she ever be able to be in his presence without suffering butterflies in her gut? It was ridiculous really. They’d been friends for over two years. She shouldn’t still be all giddy around him. Even when she was playing it cool, she was a hot mess. It felt like she was in grade school again, crushing on the popular hot guy. Only this time, that hot guy could be crushing on her a well.

  With her dresses hanging over her arm, she turned to make a beeline for the closet. Suddenly, she stumbled to a halt, with a gasp caught in her throat. “Jesus—Raven! Would you stop doing that! You could at least say something so I know you’re there.”

  With his shoulder propped against the doorframe, he watched her. His arms were folded over his chest, and one ankle crossed over the other. His light brown eyes glimmered as he nibbled on his lower lip. “Sorry.”


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