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Raven's Seduction

Page 15

by Yvonne Nicolas

  Teary eyed, she fixed herself a bowl of the cherry pie and a glass of Jim Beam. She shoveled a large spoonful into her mouth. “Oh Laaawd…” she mumbled, chewing ever so slowly. “So good.” It was perfect. Just like the man who baked it.

  Holding the bowl with one hand and her drink in the other, she climbed the steps. She glanced at her room door, but then she found herself crossing the bridge to head toward his room.

  A stream of light peeked from beneath the door. He was still awake. She hovered there, staring at the barrier separating them, hoping he would open it.

  Leave him alone, Naturi. He needs time.

  Minutes later, she dragged her feet across the bridge and headed to her room.

  Part of her wanted to run out to the garage and go riding into nowhere. Then part of her wanted to storm into his room and scream, ‘I love you, and I AM your woman, muthafucka!’

  She finished the pie and quaffed the whiskey, then stripped down to her panties. Not bothering to put on a nightshirt, she slid on her thigh high socks and crawled beneath the sheets, clutching her phone.

  Should I try again in the morning, or should I give him more space?

  She brought her phone to her face and found Remi’s number. ‘Might need a room for the rest of the week,’ she texted. ‘Pretty sure Raven is mad with me.’

  Remi’s reply was almost instantaneous. ‘You guys fight?’


  ‘Raven is NEVER mad with you. He’s just absorbed by his emotions. Give him a minute.’

  ‘Has he called you?’

  ‘No. I just know my brother.’

  ‘You don’t understand. I messed up pretty bad. AGAIN! I think he needs space.’

  ‘NO! Space is the last thing he needs. Don’t leave. He’ll just come after you and get even crazier than he is now. Stay and work it out.’


  ‘You think it’s not possible, but it is. Not trying to scare you, but Raven can take crazy to heights unknown. And then I’ll have to get involved. I’m not a couple’s counselor. I don’t wanna be dragged into whatever you two got going on over there.’

  She posted a laughing emoji, even though she wasn’t laughing.

  ‘You love him, don’t you?’

  Her heart swelled as she stared at his question. ‘I think I might just die without him.’

  He dropped a grinning emoji with an added message, ‘If you think you still need the room, it’ll be ready for you. But I think you should stay.’

  ‘That’s sound advice. How did you become so wise, ole’ great one?’ she joked.

  He responded with a middle finger emoji and winking one with its tongue out.

  Now that pulled an actual giggle from her. ‘Thanks, Remi.’

  I can’t run. That wouldn’t solve anything. Guess she’d be in his face again tomorrow morning. That was if her heart could take it.

  Grogginess clouded her mind. She stretched her body out, snuggled up to the pillow and allowed her thoughts to drift into nothingness.


  Something creaked in the room, snatching her eyes open.

  Naturi lifted her head, but couldn’t see much. Her vision had adjusted to the darkness. Still, she couldn’t make out anything. Too damn worn out to do anything but yawn, snuggled up with her pillow and resumed her comfortable position. Probably was hearing things anyway.

  Suddenly, the bed moved!

  Da fuck? Her eyes popped open. “Raven?” she gasped.

  “Who else would it be?” he teased on a croon as he climbed into the bed.

  “Oh-ma-gawd—boy! You trying to give me a heart attack?”

  He settled in next to her and cuddled up behind her. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Yes, you did,” she croaked out. “Creeping in here all ninja-like—you know I’m easily startled.”

  He rested his head on hers. “I believe we’re one and one now.” He reached around her waist and took her hand. Gripping it, he intertwined his fingers with hers.


  “You won the first fight, I won the second.”

  “Huh?” Took her a minute to wrap her mind around what he was referring to. “You seriously keeping score? Walking away doesn’t mean you won.”

  He chuckled. “You’re still here. I won.”

  She laid there, tense, breathing deeply, unsure what to do. He’d done this before when they were in Florida. At that time, she was so distressed over family drama and dad’s death, she couldn’t appreciate the moment as what it was.

  But now that wasn’t the case.

  She felt every inch of him, even the rapid thundering beneath his chest. Her pussy throbbed, her nipples budded up. Ooo, he feels so good. Could he feel her? Did he know she was damn near naked under this sheet?

  Chapter 24

  Passionately Hysterical

  For the longest, neither one of them said a word.

  Naturi stared into the darkness, nibbling on her lower lip. Each time she inhaled, she held her breath just a little. This was her chance to tell him everything she wanted to say to him, but she couldn’t speak. All she could do was feel. His frantic heartbeat, his hard body… He smelled fresh and clean, like he’d just taken a shower.

  “You’ve been digging into my pie,” he whispered. “And partaking in my whiskey.”

  She smiled. “Sorry, couldn’t resist. Whiskey and pie are my kryptonite.”

  “Did you like it? The pie?”

  “I loved it. It tasted very similar to my mom’s cherry pie. Ya gonna tell me how you came across that recipe?”


  “It was Zion, wasn’t it?”

  “Weirdest thing happened to me tonight. I think I witnessed a murder.”

  She knew he was a deflecting, but still, that was a strange thing to say. “Oh-kaaay,” she muttered incredulously.

  “Well more like heard a murder.”

  “How much did you have to drink tonight, Raven?”

  “Someone left me proof in a voice message. I heard glass breaking, and some guy hollering, and a woman… she was saying, I hope you hear me this time…”

  Why does that sound familiar? Oh shit, wait! It sounds familiar ‘cause I SAID IT! Her heart lurched up in her throat. How could he have…? Oh noo! I forgot to hang up the damn phone. “Ohhh gaaawd,” she groaned, covering her face.

  “It was horrifying to listen to.” Chuckles laced his voice as he continued. “I think she killed him. And I’m wondering if I should go collect the body and bury him so no one will ever find it, ‘cause I don’t want her to go to jail.”

  She released his hand and rolled away from him, so she could face him. Clutching the sheet over her naked breasts, she stared at his shadowy form. “You weren’t supposed to hear all that.”

  “That was a scary ass voice message, Nat.” Laid on his side, he scooted closer to her. “Did you kill him? I’m convinced you killed him.”

  She buried her face in the pillow and muffled, “I lost my cool, okay, but I didn’t kill anyone.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, Rave,” she muttered. “I’m not a psycho.” They gazed at each other through the darkness.

  “Sorry for being such a dick to you,” he whispered.

  “Are you only saying that ‘cause you think I killed someone?”

  “Well, I don’t wanna add to your body count,” he teased.

  “It’s okay,” she huffed out on a shaky breath. “I should’ve been honest with you. I should’ve told you I was going to see him.”

  “Why didn’t you? You’ve done it in the past.”

  “I didn’t want you to think it was something it wasn’t. He was my man then. That’s not the case now.”

  “From now on, I promise not to be so hard to talk to. I’m hanging on to things you’ve said in the past and I shouldn’t—”

  “I didn’t mean what I said, Raven. The way it came out—the timing was just—I was still hurt by what Darius did to me. An
d it’s not because I feel anything for him, ‘cause I most certainly don’t. It just left a scar on my heart. Then before I left for Florida, I found out Luca was cheating on me. Again. That’s why I dipped out the way I did. It wasn’t so much for my dad; it was to run away from another asshole boyfriend and his fuckboy tendencies. I hadn’t told anybody about it. No one except for Zion.”

  “But we’re friends, Nat—best friends. You should’ve called me,” he said softly, feathering her face with his peppermint-scented breath. “I would’ve come to you so much earlier.”

  “I know. I was embarrassed, and I was trying to work things out for myself. I figured there was something wrong with me, ‘cause I kept putting myself in these fucked up relationships.” She reached across the small space between them and found his hand. Raven immediately latched onto her. “When you showed up in Florida, oh my God…” New tears formed and trickled down her face. “It’s like you heard me calling out to you and you appeared, like an angel. When we kissed, a flame of emotions exploded inside of me. The feelings for you that I tried to suppress… To be honest, that fire was lit long before we kissed, and long before you worked me over on that dance floor… Ooo, boy…” she breathed out.

  His chesty chuckle vibrated through the bed. “Got a little outta hand that night, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, you did.” She smiled, even as tears continued to fall. “But it was good, euphoric. You made me forget we lived in a world with other people; you made me forget my problems. Instead of just giving in, I squashed that wonderful feeling you gave me to wallow in the shitty emotions Darius and Luca left me with. And I took it out on you. Plus, I was PMSing, so there’s that.”

  “I should’ve been more understanding of your situation.”

  “You couldn’t understand if I didn’t tell you. I was trying to protect you from my chaotic feelings and ended up drawing you in.”

  They both fell silent.

  “Naturi…” he sighed on a hitched whisper. “You know I’m in love with you, right?”

  Her mouth fell open. Ahhh, oh my God, he actually said it! Hearing the words leave his tantalizing lips revealed what her heart had been trying to tell her all along. But I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe this amazing man loved me.

  “That’s why I’m so passionately hysterical around you,” he continued. “I didn’t know how to control what I felt for you, so I—”

  Rising up on her knees, Naturi threw the sheet aside. She then shoved him onto his back and straddled him. Resting her pussy right on top of his rigid erection, she leaned in and claimed his lips. She swallowed his startled gasp and fed him a moan.

  She couldn’t take it; she couldn’t hold back anymore. It was like someone flipped a switch on inside of her. Her body was on fire. She felt ravenous, hungrier for him than she’d ever been.

  His shock was short-lived. He wrapped his arms around her waist and clung to her. Mouth clamped over hers, he tilted his head and accepted every bit of her hungry kiss. Their teeth softly clashed, and their tongues caressed.

  This moment could’ve happened so much sooner, but he was being cautious. She knew it; she could feel it. He needed her just as much as she needed him, but he didn’t want to repeat what happened in Florida, so he waited for her to make her move.

  I knew I should’ve jumped his ass the second he climbed into this bed!

  Her naked breasts were smashed against his chest, nothing but a thin cotton shirt separating their skin. Their heartbeat rumbled at the same erratic rhythm. Erect against her panty-covered slit, his cock raged in stiff perfection. She began to grind on him, yearning to feel him inside.

  His hands smoothed over the dip of her back to the curve of her ass, where he gripped her. She moaned into his mouth as she bucked against him. Lifting his hips, he adjusted his position. Their combined movement elicited much-needed friction against her slit. Her warm arousal formed over her sensitive flesh. A dazzling heat followed, and it engulfed her.

  Raven bent his knees and widened his thighs. Then he rolled his hips upward, increasing the pressure to her pussy, slow and steady, working her body just like he’d done on that dance floor weeks ago.

  The fire in her core erupted. Her breathing hitched, and she tensed up, just briefly. In that split second, her pussy clenched and her hot essence oozed out of her, completely soaking her panties. Trembling, she moaned, “Mmm… Rave…” while immersed within their wet and passionate kissing.

  “Mm-hmm,” he responded on a throaty hum.

  She felt like a lightweight having come so quickly. But her body’s reaction was understandable. This moment was long overdue.

  The overwhelming desire took ahold of her. Bracing against his taut chest, she lifted up just slightly then wedged her hand between their bodies. Her fingers slipped beneath the waist of his silky slacks. His pulsating meat filled her hand.

  Fuck, he’s thick! Thicker than she expected him to be.

  Sure, she’d gotten a good view of his mighty bulge the last time they were together like this. She even felt it rub against her on many occasions, but she had no idea he was working with this much muscle.

  Naturi moved her hand along his veiny appendage to his mushroomed tip, feeling his brawny length.

  Still clutching him possessively, she dragged her wet kiss over his chin.

  He tilted his head, baring his throat submissively.

  Her lips found his neck. She kissed, licked and nibbled on his flesh, drawing out unrestrained moans. His cock stirred and throbbed in her grip.

  It excited to her to no end. She found herself inching down his body, eager to get to his cock. Her pussy ached to feel him deep inside, but her inner freak wanted a taste. Needed a taste. Besides that, she’d imagined herself swallowing his cock too many times to let this moment pass her by.

  In the midst of the moment, the lamp on the nightstand flickered on.

  The faint glow reflected in his eyes as he gazed down at her, lust painted all over his sexy face. His hair dangled down the sides of his face and over his shoulders. His cheeks were flushed, his lips slightly swollen from their aggressive kissing.

  In the dimness, she felt confident and driven by desire. But now that the light was shining on her through his eyes, she felt a bit timid, no less determined though.

  His fingertips brushed along her hairline, then he cupped her cheek. “I don’t want you feel like you have to do this to please me.”

  “I don’t.”

  He licked his lips then briefly caught his lower between his teeth. “I could literally kiss you all night and be very satisfied with that.”

  “Good for you. For me, kissing you only makes me want you more,” she admitted.

  He gifted her with a bashful smile. “Is that right?”

  “You’re taking it easy on me, aren’t you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Given our history and how forward you’ve been when it came to seduction, I always thought you were an aggressive lover.”

  “I can be. Believe me, I can turn the tables real quick. However, I’d rather sit back and see just how far you’re going to take this.”

  See, I knew he was playing it safe. Couldn’t fault him for that after what happened between them.

  She looked down. Holy shit, it’s pretty!

  His smooth olive skin tone reached across his length of his shaft, right up to the tip, where it had a slight mauve color.

  She slid her curved hand down to the base and worked it back up. “I wanna taste you.”

  The redness in his cheeks spread as a slow smirk made its way to his lips. “Then I won’t stop you.”

  Chapter 25

  Dangerous Curves

  Excitement dashed through him in waves. Shudders followed.

  Jesus Christ, I can’t believe this is about to happen!

  Though his body failed him, Raven did his best to maintain his composure.

  The woman he’d been in love with so long was about to put
her mouth on him. He’d imagined her doing it in the past. Each time the thought crossed his mind, he had to have a meeting with his hand. Hell, anytime he imagined doing anything sexual with her, he had to jerk off. It was always so much better with her on the brain.

  Naturi slipped a hand beneath his shirt and rubbed her palm along his abs.

  He sat up and yanked his shirt over his head. As he tossed it across the room, she tugged on the waist of his pants. He lifted his hips, allowing her to pull his pants around his thighs. Without the fabric restricting his lance’s upright position, it sprang toward her.

  Straddling his legs, she stared starry-eyed at his painfully erect member. Passion swept across her face.

  He tried not to tremble under her hungry gaze. His eyes drifted over the perfection of her full breasts, and her curvy body. The anticipation was burning him up. He wanted to grab her and feast on one those beautiful, bouncy mounds. He wanted her so badly, he could fucking scream.

  When she kissed him tonight, he made a promise to himself. He’d promised that he’d let her run the show, so she could get comfortable with his body, feeling his touch, being with him. That way, when it was time to unleash the beast, they would be past the exploration phase.

  She slid back and removed his pants, leaving him completely naked. She paused and just looked at him, her deep brown eyes glazed, her ample breasts rising and falling with heavy pants. “Damn, Raven.”


  “Your body… it’s insane.”

  “Insane in a good way? Or…?”

  “Don’t be cute. You know what I mean. You’re fuckin’ sexy! Like, it makes no sense how gorgeous you are.”

  “Oh staaawp,” he gushed with a wink.

  He expected her to move back into her original position, straddling his legs. Instead, she parted his thighs and crawled in between them, her eyes fixed on the prize.

  His temperature rose and his need heightened.

  “You look so bashful,” she pointed out softly, a giggle rife in her voice.

  He probably did. She had him in a vulnerable position, one he didn’t assume very often. Usually, he was the one taking charge, making his lover blush. “Only because it’s you.”


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