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Raven's Seduction

Page 18

by Yvonne Nicolas

Her chest swelled so big she could hardly breathe. Her vision blurred as tears formed and trickled down her face. Quietly crying, she allowed them to flow. She knew in her heart that Raven truly loved her. She’d known it all along. In the past, she never had the courage to let herself believe it, because there was no way a man like him could love a woman like her. At least that what she told herself.

  I’m so glad I was wrong.


  Raven’s movement woke her.

  She rolled over to see him sitting upright, glaring at his phone. “Everything okay?”

  He smiled down at her. “It’s always okay when you’re at my side.”

  She stretched out and beamed up at him. “You and your sweet nothings… You make my heart smile.”

  He leaned in and softly pressed his lips to hers. It went from a gentle puckered kiss to a tongue-caressing make-out session.

  The heat and flutters awakened. Her pussy throbbed. Just like that, she was ready to go again! Even though she knew physically she wasn’t quite ready for another long loving session with him.

  The vajayjay needed just a couple more hours of recuperation.

  Suddenly, he pulled back. “I need to stop before I dive back in.” He briefly kissed her lips again, offering her a boyish grin. “One day, I’ll be able to kiss you without craving more.”

  “I like it when you crave more,” she admitted timidly. “It makes me feel beautiful.”

  “Nothing I love more than making you feel beautiful.” He rolled off of her and flipped out of bed. He stood and stretched his arms out, giving her a full view of his dynamic physique. “Been a long time since I slept this late. The emails are ridiculous. You’d think I’ve been MIA for a whole week. I take one evening to myself, and fires start.”

  She sat up, her eyes roaming over his body. “Why don’t you… uhhm….” Her sights traveled downward to his very erect penis. Her mouth watered. Nibbling on her lower lip, she allowed her eyes to drift back to his face.

  His eyes glimmered in desire. “I know what you’re thinking. Keep in mind that if you have me, I’m gonna have you.”

  A rapid shudder rushed down her spine. “I was gonna say… why don’t you go check your emails, and I’ll get breakfast ready.”



  “Today is our day. No emails.”

  “Our day?”

  “Hope you don’t have any plans.” He reached across the bed, took her by the hands, and pulled her close to him.

  “No, I’m free.”


  Unconsciously, she reached out to touch his shaft, only because it was so stiff and pretty.

  Raven caught her by the wrist. “If you touch it, I’m gonna put it in you.”

  She burst out laughing. “You’re a whole trip, boy.”

  He smiled. “I’m serious.”

  “I know you are. That’s why it’s funny.”

  “This is what we’re gonna do today.” Kneeling down, he pressed his soft lips against her forehead. “We’re gonna have breakfast—”

  “Brunch,” she corrected him.

  “Brunch,” he continued. “And while we have brunch, we’ll talk…”


  “I know you have questions. I know there are things you’re afraid to ask me. Let’s spend the day unraveling all of that. Does that sound good?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Then after I’ve talked your ear off and you’ve grown tired my voice…”

  “As if that would ever happen.”

  “…I’m gonna make love to you again.” He winked at her and kissed her. “And again, and again…”

  “And again,” she breathed out between his kisses, palming the sides of his face.

  He pulled back, leaving her reaching for him, his eyes glazed, his lips smirking. “I’m gonna take a quick shower.”

  “Steak and eggs?”

  “Steak… and eggs!” He harped in excitement. “I want some of that yummy pesto you made on my steak. Mmm…”

  She watched him walk out of the room in all his naked glory, body taut, muscles on fleek, the raven tattoos looking fresh. “I love you, Raven Chan,” she announced.

  “I know you do,” he tossed over his shoulder.

  Chapter 28

  Worth It

  “My mother was a beautiful, brilliant woman who excelled in everything. But she was also a lovesick idiot who gave her devotion to the wrong man.” Crossing her legs, Naturi relaxed in the chair and took in Raven’s loving gaze.

  He sat across from her, his knees parted. A robe and a pair of silk, pajama pants draped his tall frame. His dark hair was drawn up in a man-bun, with two decorative chopsticks poking out from it.

  “My father treated her like garbage, ‘cause he knew she would always be there for him, regardless of how many beds he jumped in. When she died, I told myself I wouldn’t follow in her footsteps when it came to men. I wouldn’t make the same mistakes she did and wrap myself up with some undeserving negro. Then look at what I did.” She shook her head and chuckled. “I wrapped myself up with some undeserving negro. Two actually. Ya know, the crazy thing about it is, I didn’t even realize I was doing it until…” Lifting her leg, she pointed at him using her toes.

  Raven ran his fingertips up the length of her leg. “Me?”

  His teasing touch made her skin simmer and her body tremble. She cut a piece of the tender pesto slathered meat and offered it to him. “You.”

  “You’re giving me too much credit, sweetheart.” Leaning in, Raven slid his hands over her thighs. He opened his mouth and unrolled his tongue.

  Her nipples budded at the sight. She slowly fed him, eyes focused on his lips. “I’m giving you all the credit. Three years, Rave. Luca had me tied down for three years. And before him, I was with Darius for damn near the same amount of time. I was caught in a vicious pattern.”

  She swallowed the last bit of her mimosa. The effects of the champagne-OJ mixture spiraled through her body in waves. She felt amazing, more amazing than she’d felt in a long time! And it wasn’t because of the alcohol. It was the stunning man sitting across from her.

  Raven poured her another drink, filling her flute to the rim once again.

  “The time I spent taking care of my dad was enlightening, to say the least,” she continued. “I had a lot of time to think about me and the life I was living. I realized I was conditioned like this; I was conditioned to be a ride or die chick, no matter what. So stupid. I can’t believe how much time I wasted on basic ass men.” Resting her gaze on him, she rubbed her leg against his thigh. “I can’t believe I failed to see you standing right in front of me.”

  A rosy shade blossomed in his cheeks. “I’m just glad you see me now.”

  “Seriously, Rave. I’m so sorry—”

  Scooting to the edge of his seat, he leaned in and silenced her with a kiss. “We’re together now.” He settled back in the chair and reclaimed his relaxed position. “That’s all that matters.”

  She cut another piece of steak, paired it with the scrambled eggs, and fed it to him. “I believe it’s my turn now.”

  “Ask away,” he mumbled as he chewed, those seductive eyes on her.

  “About your sexapades with men…”

  He sat back and widened his legs as if he was bracing himself.

  “Is, or was it just sex…?” Honestly, she felt kind of awkward asking him this, but he said this was an open book session, so here we go. “Or… I guess what I’m trying to ask is… Have you ever had a relationship with a man? Like a real relationship?”

  Dragging his tongue over his teeth, he nodded. “Uhm… yeah, I have. My first real relationship was with a man.”



  “What happened to him? I mean, obviously you two broke up, but what happened?”

  “My career happened.” He paused, ate another bite then allowed his eyes to drift upwards. His gaze got glazy. “At that t
ime, I was a public figure in South Korea. And having a relationship when you’re basically a rock star is damn near impossible there. So, we kept our status a secret. It worked out for a while, then… then, it didn’t.” He grimaced and shook his head. “And we didn’t break up. He committed suicide.”

  The second he delivered that last line, it was like a record scratched in the back of her mind. She covered her mouth and stared at him wide-eyed. The question why would he do that sat on the edge of her tongue. But she didn’t dare let it slip past her lips.

  A grim expression claimed his face. “He wanted us to be official, a couple in the eyes of the public, but my PR team advised against it. I took my team’s advice over his feelings and I paid for it with his life.” Tears welled in his eyes. Biting on his lower lip, he tilted his head back. “I was so absorbed in that lifestyle full of glamour and fame that I didn’t realize I was breaking his heart. If I’m being honest, I didn’t care, until he was gone. You see, once upon a time, I was a selfish, egotistical prick.”

  That was hard to believe, given how much of a sweetheart he was now. But she’d heard the life of fame could do horrible things to even the gentlest soul. Leaning forward, Naturi slipped her hand into his and gave it a comforting squeeze.

  “I’m okay, baby.” He offered a sad smile. “It happened a long time ago.”

  But he wasn’t okay. She could see it in his misty eyes. The memory still hurt him. He probably felt responsible for his lover’s death. “Have you talked to anyone about it?” she asked softly. “A therapist, Remi, anyone?”

  Briefly closing his eyes, he shook his head.

  “So, you’ve been carrying this pain around with you all this time?” Now it made sense—why he had his past life tucked away in boxes in the corner of a room.

  “Carrying pain.” Raven brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “That’s something we share.”

  He had a point there. Darius shattered a piece of her heart with his betrayal. Instead of talking about it, she tried to bury it away. Little good that did her.

  “I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I ruined the mood, didn’t I?”

  “Listen, Raven… Anytime you wanna talk about it, or need to talk about it, I’m here, okay. Anytime.”

  Smile widening, he tilted his head. “You’re starting to read me like my brother does. It’s annoying.”

  “This is actually a step up for me. It’s usually hard to read you, especially when you blind me with seduction.”

  “Give me a minute.” He sniffed and swept the back of his hand over his glassy eyes. “I’ll be back to seducing you in no time.”

  “You better chill with that.” Naturi stood and headed for the kitchen.

  “Where are you going?”

  She stepped into the pantry and retrieved the gift she hid in there yesterday. She placed the box on the table in front of him, then reclaimed her seat. She was supposed to give it to him last night, but after everything happened, it slipped her mind.

  “What’s thiiis?” he sang.

  “Open iiit,” she returned in song.

  Eyes locked on her, he pulled the box open. Slowly, his gaze lowered to the jewel peering up at him. His eyes grew wide. “What?” he whispered. “Diamonds? You bought me diamonds?”

  “Wasn’t my first thought.” She hopped to her feet and circled around to the back of his chair, then placed a soft kiss on his neck. “Nor my second. But when I saw it, it took me back to the first day we met, and how you stole my heart the second you took off that helmet,” she cooed in his ear. She plucked the platinum-studded diamond necklace from the box, placed it around his neck, and clipped it together. “What do you get the man that has everything? A diamond unicorn.”

  The sparkling unicorn head dangled right between his collarbone. The string of icy jewels fit close to his neck, like a choker.

  She returned to her seat to see the jewelry on the man who owned her heart. “Nice! Right when I thought it couldn’t get any prettier.” She thought the blingy charm would look a tad bit too feminine on him, but it gleamed perfectly against olive-toned skin. “Damn, it looks so good on you.”

  He touched the unicorn, tracing it with his fingertips. His eyes glimmered with emotion, yet his shocked expression didn’t change.

  Laughter exploded out of her. “Raaave… Stop looking like that.”

  Offering a bashful smile, he chuckled. “I don’t know what to say. No one has ever bought me diamonds before.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Your smile is enough for me. Okay, your turn now.”

  His glassy eyes danced. He lifted the unicorn and gazed at it for a long quiet moment. “Whoa, I love it!” As he examined the icy charm, his smile slowly faded. “Does it bother you?” he asked softly.

  “Does what bother me?”

  “My past affairs with men. Does it bother you…?” His timbre trembled a little as he continued. “‘Cause of what happened with your ex-fiancé?”

  “Oh gaaawd, Raven,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “You’re not really gonna take it there, are you? C’mon, man.”

  There was a combination of desperation and sadness in his eyes. “Be honest with me, Nat.”

  She briefly mulled over her reply before opening her mouth. “At first, it did bother me. It really did,” she admitted, taking in the sheer nervousness sweating from his pores. “But only ‘cause I was still suffering the effects of betrayal. It had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with me and my insecurities. I had to come to terms with myself in order to give you all of me. You know who you are, Raven Chan, and you’ve always been very open with me. If I’m baring it all here, I gotta say, your openness made it harder not to want you.”

  A bashful smirk claimed his face. “Thank you for telling me that,” he said, his voice so soft it sounded like he was whispering. “Your turn again.”

  She took a few bites of her steak and eggs, and enjoyed a sip of her mimosa as she pondered on her next question. “The day we met…”

  “Mm-hmm…” he hummed, retrieving his flute.

  “The accident—did you hit me on purpose?”

  In the middle of a sip, he choked. A series of strangled coughs exploded out of him.

  She reached over and patted him on the back, waiting patiently for an answer.

  “Who told you that?” he croaked out.

  “Who do you think?”

  He groaned, coughed again, then shook his head. “Fucking Remi…”.

  “So… is it true?”

  Pushing out a sigh, he relaxed back in his chair and splayed his legs. Guilt slid across his face.

  “Oh shit, Rave,” she gasped. “You serious?”

  He didn’t speak again until he’d consume the last bit of his mimosa. “I was in an antique shop at the mall, getting batteries put in my grandfather’s old watch when I saw you walk by. Before you came into view, I heard the clack of your heels hitting the floor. The sound echoed throughout my mind. It was so suspenseful. When I finally saw you, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You had on that salmon-colored, contour skirt with the split in the back and those black stilettos. Your calves were like pow-dow and your ass… Jesus! It sat like a shelf, perfectly round and leveled. This is gonna sound pervy, but I couldn’t get over how thick and stacked you were.”

  “Like you’ve never sounded pervy before, but okay, go on…” she grumbled, listening contently. If this man outright admits that he hit me on purpose, I’m gonna punch him!

  He stuck his tongue out at her then continued, “I called out to you, but you didn’t hear me. You were on the phone, having a heated conversation. I found myself going after you, hypnotized by the sassy way you walked. It wasn’t just that. Your voice… Even while irritated, your voice carried the most soothing tone. I wanted to talk to you, I wanted to know you, so I kept following you. I couldn’t help it, couldn’t control this feeling you gave me, which is something that had never happened to me. I followed you out to the parking lot, hoping you wo
uld get off the phone, hoping I could just talk to you if only for a second. I watched you sashay to your car, and then I thought to myself, if I let her go now, chances of me running into her again are slim to never, so… I made sure to connect with you.”

  A spell of silence drifted by as she gaped at him, shocked by everything that had just spilled out of his mouth. “And you hit me on purpose?”

  “And…” He paused and smiled. “I hit you on purpose.”

  “Holy shit!”

  “Yeah,” he sighed.

  She jabbed him in the chest.

  Smiling, he let out a dramatic, “Oww!”

  “You idiot!”

  “Why I gotta be an idiot?”

  “You could’ve hurt yourself.”

  “Would’ve been worth it.”

  “Raven! Good Lord, man,” she breathed out, staring at him awe. “I can’t believe you did that, with your crazy ass! You not only put your life in danger, but you put your bike in danger too. That’s unheard of.”

  “Like I said, worth it.” His hands slid over the sides of her thighs to her hips, where he gripped her. He drew her closer, making her chair screech across the floor. “If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.” Taking her by the hand and waist, he pulled her onto his lap. “I admit the first time I saw you I wanted to have you, but after I got to know you,” he crooned, his voice dripping with lust. “I wanted to consume you.”

  “Wow,” she moaned. “That only sounds mildly sinister.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to take a place inside your heart.”

  Dammit. How could she be mad at him? If it hadn’t hit her, they never would’ve met. And they never would’ve made it here, to this amazing place in their relationship.

  Twisting her body, Naturi palmed the sides of his face and took his lips hostage. The flavors of the mimosa lingered on his tongue. It tasted so much sweeter coming from him.

  “Promise me one thing,” he whispered against her lips.


  “That you’ll give me a lifetime of kisses like this.”

  She couldn’t help but grin like a schoolgirl. “I promise,” she whimpered, continuing to smooch him. “I have another question.”


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