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Faith (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 1)

Page 18

by Lisa Helen Gray

  Aiden looks at everyone around my living room for answers, but none of my cousins who arrived with him back him up. He swallows his eggs as he prepares to answer. “Nothing, Julie. It’s not Beau we have a problem with, it’s the fact our baby sister/cousin is dating. We’ve worked hard to keep the boys away. It seems your son is immune to our threats.”

  Much to Beau’s dismay, his mum actually melts at Aiden’s confession. “Oh, dear, that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard in my life.” She looks up at her husband who is sitting on the arm of my armchair. “Isn’t that just sweet, Barry.” Her gaze turns back to Aiden, all soft and mushy. I want to giggle but I’m worried if I do, Beau will find some way to pay me back. “You keep being protective of your sister, Aiden. If we had a daughter, we’d expect nothing less from Beau. But I do have to tell you, my boy is a good boy. He’ll do right by your sister.”

  Aiden doesn’t look convinced, but nods anyway.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” I start, my attention turning to my brother. “But why are you here this early? I didn’t realise you ever even saw this time of day.”

  My cousins laugh, knowing how much my brother loves his sleeps. It was hard to get him to school when he was younger because he never wanted to get up. It wouldn’t matter if he went to bed early, or in the early hours of the morning, he still hated getting up before midday.

  He narrows his eyes at my dig, but then his face lights up with a smile. “I came to tell you I’ve found a house to move in to.”

  “A house?” I ask doubtfully, wondering what idiot rented a house out to him. I know for sure my dad wouldn’t. Since we were teenagers, my dad always said that unless Aiden got his shit together, he wouldn’t let him live in his shed, let alone one of his homes.

  “Um, yeah.”

  “Wait for it.” Mark grins as he gets up to take his plate to the kitchen.

  “What am I missing?” I ask, looking at each of my cousins. Ashton is on the verge of laughing and Maddox looks ready to die—whether from a hangover or because what I’m about to be told is too funny, I don’t know. It’s only Landon who doesn’t seem interested, busily typing away on his phone, frowning every now and then.

  “Shut up, you lot. You’re just jealous you won’t have it so good.”

  “I still don’t see how you think you’ll have it good,” Mark calls out from the kitchen, helping himself to another plate of food Julie and her husband cooked up.

  “The suspense is killing me.” Julie giggles, nearly bouncing in her seat.

  With a sigh, Aiden faces me. “I’m moving in with an old lady on Sparks Lane. She’s needed help around the house since she moved back from Cyprus two months ago.”

  Okay, so wasn’t expecting that.

  “Um, how old is this lady? And how did you qualify to help her out?”

  Please don’t say you slept with her. Please.

  “Before you go thinking I slept with her, I didn’t. She’s sixty-two, for Christ sakes.”

  “I don’t know, a woman a few doors down to us is in her sixties and she’s married to a guy in his forties.”

  We all make a grossed-out face.

  Aiden shakes his head. “Look, I didn’t sleep with her. The ad only said they had a guest house to rent. When I got there, she took one look at my strapping body and made me a deal. She said if I helped fix up her house, she would knock rent off. The first few months will be basically free. The person who was supposed to be housekeeping, wasn’t actually doing it. They were getting paid each month but never actually did any work.”

  “Oh, my, what a terrible thing,” Julie gasps.

  “You didn’t tell us that,” my other brother and cousins bark.

  One thing we can’t stand is people being mugged over, especially older people.

  “Because I knew you would take the piss out of me. I wasn’t going to say yes, not wanting to add more work to my schedule now that I’m starting work for Mason at the restaurant and starting culinary school next September. Then she told me about what happened and I couldn’t refuse. The guest house is pretty cool. She had it extended above her garage.”

  The silence in the room is deafening. Even Landon looks up from his phone to gape up at Aiden in shock.

  “You’ve got a job?”

  He blushes. “Yeah, my other one wasn’t something I could keep doing.”

  “And you’re going to school?” I ask, still trying to wrap my head around this being real.

  When he nods again, adding a shrug this time, I dive on him. He falls back, landing on the floor with a grunt. Roxie and Buster bark, rushing over to us and licking our faces. I laugh, shoving them off, but look down at my brother in awe.

  “I’m so proud of you, Aiden. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  His cheeks have turned red now, but he carries on playing it off as I get up and move back to my seat, but not before giving him a peck on the cheek.

  “It’s not a big deal, for god’s sake. It’s just a job and school.”

  Mark shakes his head, his hand still frozen half way to his mouth from when Aiden told us what he’s up to. He begins to choke before sorting himself out.

  “Aiden, what the fuck? Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “Language, you’re still young enough to go over the knee you know.”

  Mark audibly swallows. “Sorry, Mrs Johnson.” He turns back to Aiden, still looking dazed. “This is a big deal. We didn’t think you’d ever go to school and you’re finally doing something you’re good at.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  This time I roll my eyes. “Aiden, your cooking is amazing.”

  Aiden took a leaf out of my uncle Max’s book and pretended he couldn’t cook. Hearing he can will be a surprise to the others, that’s for sure. But he knew if they knew, he’d be the one cooking at all the family meals.

  “Yeah, but I can’t bake for shi—sugar. And don’t tell Mum or Dad, I want to tell them tonight. I just wanted you to know that I had found a place. But the reason I came over so early is because when she cleaned her shed out, she found a litter of kittens and their mum. She’s taken them inside but she can’t keep them. She thinks they’re old enough to be rehomed. I told her I’d ask you.”

  I’m still reeling over him going to school, but I break out of my haze to answer him. “If you give me the address I can go over to take a look at them. They’ll need vaccinations and a full health check. She shouldn’t have moved them. If they’re stray they could be a little vicious when handled.”

  His eyes widen in alarm. “Should I go over and put them back? She said that once she got the kittens inside, the mum followed. The mum hid them in her boiler cupboard.”

  “Ah, sounds about right. They like it dark and warm, so that’s perfect. If she hasn’t tried to escape with them, then they should be fine. She’ll also need to be checked for a chip. I’ll go over tomorrow morning. Just let her know I’ll be visiting.”

  He nods, taking his phone out. When I turn back to everyone, Julie is staring at me.

  “You really are a wonder, Faith. You have a heart of gold and a beautiful family.”

  “Thank you.” I blush at her praise and begin to fiddle with my fingers.

  “We’d like to take you out later for dinner. Our treat. All of your family, dear. Beau said you’re all really close. We’re only here for the night, as Barry has to get back to work. We just wanted to make sure everything is okay.”

  Barry nods in agreement and Beau’s hand tightens around mine. “Mum,” he starts, seeming unsure—probably worried over the size of my family and the cost of feeding them.

  And it doesn’t pass my notice that it’s the second time she’s indicated she and Beau have spoken about me at great length. It actually feels pretty amazing to know that.

  “It sounds like a plan, but for now, it should just be us four. My family is too big and could eat restaurants out of business.”

  “I take offence to that,” Maddox growls.

/>   I sigh. “Maddox, you’re the reason we can never go back to the steak house. All you can eat salad bar doesn’t mean eat the whole thing.”

  He rolls his eyes at me, grunting. “It said all you can eat. It was all I could eat and then some.”

  “Oh, dear.” Julie giggles, taking us in.

  “Sorry. As you can see, they can be a little difficult, but Beau and I would love to join you for dinner. Next time we have our family get together, I’ll make sure to let you know so you can book it off work. With the weather cooling down, we have to find space for it as none of our houses are big enough to hold us all.”

  Her smile grows. “We’d love to, wouldn’t we, Barry?”

  “Sure would. Always up for some grub.”

  “We’re going to pop over and see your aunt Wendy and uncle Harry. Is there anything you need while we’re out?”

  “No, thank you, Mum, we’re covered.”

  She bites her lip, looking doubtful. “I’ll just get a few things I think you’ll need. Oh, and maybe some nice yummy treats for the dogs.

  “Mum―” he starts, but she cuts him off.

  “It’s not every day I get to see my son finally settling down. Let me enjoy it. Now, we’ll be back in a few hours. If you need to pop out, just send me a text message on my mobile.”

  He chuckles. “I will, Mum. I’ll see you guys later.”

  We say goodbye to his parents and, not long after, to everyone else who’d raided my morning with Beau.

  But as soon as the door shuts, I jump in his arms, demanding he take me to the bedroom to finish what we started this morning.

  He grins against my lips and obeys my order with pleasure.

  One thing is for certain: Beau Johnson is my person.

  Life with him will never be boring.


  Last night’s meal was so much fun, as well as eye-opening. I’d got to see into Beau’s past like I’d lived it alongside him. His parents were so animated as they explained all the mischief he’d got into as a child.

  It also got us onto the topic of Beau’s friends. In the months I’ve known him, I’ve yet to see a friend of any sort visit him. Apparently, the two best friends he’d grown up with signed on for the army. He’s only seen them a handful of times over the past few years.

  His other friends all drifted apart when he started working as a PI. He was too focused on finding Noah, and still taking jobs to keep him afloat, to find the time to keep in touch.

  It made my heart hurt knowing he’d been alone for so long, but his parents assured me they pestered him every chance they got, making sure he didn’t become a homebody.

  The night was a blast, and although we planned it to be the four of us, my parents invited themselves when Aiden told them what Barry and Julie were planning. It was great, and a lot calmer than I thought it would be. My dad even made an effort to ask questions, getting to know Beau that little bit more.

  Beau and I had just finished waving goodbye to his parents and are standing outside my car. I’m off to go see Maggie, Aiden’s new landlord.

  “Are you sure about going out again tonight? We’ve still got my cousins’ birthday meal tomorrow at my uncle’s restaurant, and we’re going out clubbing the night after.”

  Beau pulls me against him by my waist, smiling softly at me. “Yes, I’m sure. I want to treat you to a nice meal and the movies. It’s what normal couples do. It only occurred to me last night when Mum mentioned it that we’ve only really gone out for something to eat a few times, and none of those were really a date as we were still friends.”

  My heart melts. “Okay. And are you sure you want to meet up with us after you’ve finished your shift on Saturday?”

  Although Lake and Max had arranged a massive family meal tomorrow for the triplets’ actual birthday, the triplets arranged their own party for Saturday, without the grownups. Beau had been invited to both, and although he had tomorrow off, he was working until midnight Saturday. But he’d promised he would meet us after. It just seems a lot for someone who will have been working a twelve-hour shift.

  “Wouldn’t miss it. I can’t wait to dance with my girl.”

  I blush, picturing how dirty we can get while dancing. If I get turned on by just being near him, I’m worried what my reaction will be to grinding all over him.

  “Well, in that case…”

  He chuckles, taking my face into the palm of his hands, before bringing his head forwards and kissing me. It’s soft at first, but then I reach behind his head for leverage as I flatten my body against his. He growls into my throat, his grip on my cheeks tightening as he presses his lips harder.

  His hands run down my back and grip the cheeks of my arse in a soft squeeze, this time causing me to moan.

  My body erupts with fire and, for a moment, I consider bailing on Maggie to go back upstairs with Beau.

  He pulls away after a few moments, his forehead pressing against mine as he tries to catch his breath.

  “Your kisses will be the death of me.”

  I smile, kissing him once more, before dragging my hands down his chest. “I wish I didn’t have to go, but I promised Aiden.”

  “I need to go into work too. I want to follow up a few other leads.”

  “Do you think you’ll find something?” I ask quietly.

  He waits a beat, probably wondering how to answer, but then he does with a resigned sigh. “I don’t know. Everything we’ve followed up on has been a dead end. My gut is telling me the guy he was staying with knows more than he’s letting on. I’ve got a friend of mine, who is good at hacking, looking into it for me.”

  “Isn’t that illegal?”

  He grins. “Yeah, but I don’t care. He hurt you, Faith. I’ll do everything in my power to find this scumbag.”

  I run my fingers over his cheek gently. My big bear of a man is really overprotective, but he’s also going to let this eat away at him if he keeps on. “Beau, I don’t doubt you for a moment, but you need to take a step back. You can’t run yourself ragged over this or get yourself into trouble. You can’t. I don’t know what I’d do if you got into trouble because of me.”

  My eyes start to sting, and a few tears fall free.

  “Hey, don’t get upset and don’t worry. I’ll be fine. He’s just pissing me off. He’s been getting away with this for too long. I can’t let him get away, especially now.”

  If I didn’t already know he had a big heart, I would certainly know now. But his big heart might get him into trouble.

  The urge to tell him I love him is on the tip of my tongue. It catches me by surprise, and before Beau can ask about it, I kiss him.

  “What time will you be back?” he whispers against my lips, just as affected as I am.

  I’m still reeling over my near slip of the tongue. “What?”

  He chuckles. “I’m glad our kisses affect you like they do me. What time will you be back from looking at the kittens?”


  Shaking my head, I try to give him my best smile, but my nerves are skyrocketing over the notion that I think I’m in love with Beau Johnson. I have to be. It nearly slipped past my lips so easily, but the feeling behind those words would have been one hundred percent real.

  “I’ll take them to the surgery to give them a health check and go from there. If they aren’t old enough then they can’t be parted from their mother. It’s up to Maggie to decide what she wants to do with them. For some reason, the mother feels they are safe there as she didn’t try to move or hide them anywhere else.”

  “Give me a text when you’re finished. I’m hoping to be a few hours at most but if not, I’ll meet you back here at six to take you out. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  We lean in close, like we can’t get enough of each other, which is true enough. His kisses are addictive, and I’m hooked.

  After saying goodbye, I get in the car and head over to the address Aiden gave me last night. From what I know about t
he area, it’s one of the most expensive. The houses are quite big and worth over half a million.

  It still surprises me she has agreed to let Aiden stay there. My brother would never hurt her, or let anyone else, but first glance at him and you expect trouble.

  He’s the most laid back of my family, but it doesn’t mean he hasn’t been in scraps over the years. In fact, he’s been in more than I count, but he’s not a bad person, and he doesn’t hit someone unless they start it. It’s something our parents drummed into us. They didn’t raise us to be bullies.

  But for an old lady living on her own, I’m surprised she didn’t go for someone different.

  However, I do know my brother will take care of her if she needs it, so in part, I’m glad he’ll be there. And although I don’t know the lady, it’s nice to know she won’t be getting ripped off again. Aiden wouldn’t do that to anyone.

  I just hope she knows what she’s getting herself into, because Aiden can be a little boisterous; blaring his music until early hours of the morning and coming home drunk. From what he explained about the layout, the garage is attached to the main house. Hopefully, her walls are thick, and she won’t hear the stuff he gets up to.

  As I pull into the road, I glance at each number, marvelling over the size of some of the houses. Some have even got gates at the end of their drives, like they are royalty or something.

  I could never picture myself living in something so extreme. I think you have to be born into that kind of life to fit into it. You have to have a certain look. Hell, if I wore something glamourous, I’d feel like a drag queen, so living in a house this size would make me feel like a squatter.

  Noticing the house number of Aiden’s soon to be new home, I pull into the curved driveway, noticing it’s not as nice as the others on the street. In fact, even their neighbour’s house looks a little unkept. The garden needs cutting, the weeds removing, and a lick of paint on the door would work wonders.


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