Rane's Mate

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Rane's Mate Page 8

by Hazel Gower

  Her brother knocked out the guy who had just spoken, then turned to everybody else. “Everyone shut the fuck up. That’s my baby sister.” The blond he had just punched sat up and Logan went after him again.

  Devlin intervened. “Kirby wants to talk to you, Logan, but I don’t know if I should let her.”

  Logan changed directions, lunging at Devlin. “She’s my sister! I would never hurt her. You need to keep your opinions to yourself.”

  Devlin laughed as he dodged her brother’s reach. “It’s not my opinions you need to worry about, it’s hers and her husband’s, your commanding officer. You need to calm down. If you make her cry or hurt her again, I don’t think the fact that you’re her brother will keep you alive. You will really learn what the exterminator can do.”

  Kirby had heard enough. Knowing neither of them would ever hurt her, she intervened, standing between them. “Come on, Logs, just give me ten minutes, please.”

  Her brother sighed and walked away without saying anything, heading to the changing room.

  Kirby looked to Devlin for help. “Do I follow him or wait? Is that a no or a yes?”

  Devlin laughed. “Yeah, follow him.”

  Kirby walked into the changing room, making lots of noise so her brother knew she was there. She found him sitting on a stool.

  “So, sis, how long have you known they exist? They are classified info. I only found out a couple of months ago.”

  Sighing, she ran her fingers through her hair as she replied, “Well, you found out before me. I had felt them before, only a few, one or two werewolves, maybe a different were, here or there, but I thought I was crazy. Friday was when I found out they’re not only real but so are demons. Later that night I found out I can control minions. Do you want to know the kicker out of all this? I find out these beings, werewolves and were creatures, save the world, and I’m a mate to one of them.” Kirby was getting pretty worked up.

  “So, you’re not married?” Logan asked with a smile coming to his face.

  Kirby gave a frustrated scream. “You have got to be joking. Out of all of that I just told you, all you got was that I’m not really married.” She couldn’t help herself, she knew it was childish, but she stomped her feet several times and punched her brother.

  She smiled when he winced and replied, “No. I got the other stuff. I’m focusing on one problem at a time.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you focusing on that? Who I marry has nothing to do with you, Logan. You are not my father. Dad is going to be bad enough as it is. What’s wrong with Rane anyway? He’s military, just like you and Hayden. You work with him and he’s teaching you how to kill demons. I never put you down as being racist.”

  His head snapped up, and he looked her in the eyes. “I’m not racist. They’re not even human. My working with them wasn’t my choice. I was chosen because I’m the best. Kirby, you’re my baby sister and he’s a killing machine, not to mention the fact that he turns into a massive wolf, and when he’s in half-shift he’s a frigging monster. So yes, of course I have some issues with my baby sister, who is probably one of the most sheltered people I know, taking up with a werewolf.”

  Kirby stared at her brother and sat down on the seat next to him. “Well, it’s nice to know how you feel, and you are right, I’m pretty much all of what you just said, but I have to grow up sometime. That was one of the reasons I moved out here, so you all couldn’t be so overprotective and I could learn for myself what’s going on in the world. Yes, he is a werewolf, but really don’t you think it’s kinda funny that I’m falling for one when I have an affinity for animals? And just so you know, if he wasn’t a killing machine we probably wouldn’t be here, because those demons and minions cause a lot of destruction and chaos. I, for one, am extremely grateful to them. I even intend to help.”

  “What! No way.”

  She held up her hand to stop him. “Let me finish. Look, if you really feel that way, why don’t I see if I can convince him to get you reassigned, but I’m staying here. I am going to help and do what I can. I’m not giving Rane up. I’m going to give him a chance.” A sad chuckle escaped her as she continued. “My friend said something to me the other night, which I think you need to hear. All werewolves and were creatures do what they do so you, me, and everyone else is safe. Just remember that they deserve love, fun, friendship, and a life too. Give them a chance.” Getting up, she walked out to let him think everything over.

  * * * *

  Rane looked at the major and general. “With all due respect, we’re not set up for that many men. I don’t have the man power to spare to even think about training that many.”

  The general stood up and in a booming voice told Rane, “You don’t have a choice. Last night was a major statement to us all, and another attack that took place in another very public venue. I’ve called back eight werewolves from other missions, and they’ll be joining you on this force. The epidemic is getting worse. I’ve spoken to other packs and we will have one other training facility in Western Australia, as these seem to be the best location. From what I was told you’ve rescued the most supernaturals. You have a soothsayer, and your land is near water. We’re donating all of our surrounding land to you for your help.”

  Rane frowned. “Fifty more is a lot to take on and train. The ones you sent three months ago still aren’t halfway ready. We lost one last night.” He turned to Major Samuel Black. “You saw what was involved when you came out that night. At a minimum, it takes two werewolves to take down a demon.”

  Major Black cleared his throat. “Well, it did only take Faith and I to kill one.”

  Rane growled, fighting his wolf. “For starters, Faith has been training with us since she was five, and secondly, she is supernatural and she’s also mated to one of us. Lastly, she almost fucking died thanks to that stunt.” He held up his hand before the major or the general had a chance to say anything. “Before you even start to think about giving your men some enhancers I have to tell you they don’t help, there’s always some kind of drawback. I know you think we don’t know about you working with our blood and your secret tests. What we are can’t be explained by science. Dumping these new recruits to train is a lot to ask given that I haven’t had the time to train the others yet.”

  The general’s brows creased. “You still don’t have a choice. They’ll arrive by the end of the week. You’ll be receiving the new facility, and any help you need is at your disposal. We’re also making it a priority to find the demons’ underground operations. I have spoken to your alphas. We are also giving you an extra facility for the paranormal people and they will be given a choice to live close to you safely and help. As I said, you will have those eight other werewolves under your command tomorrow. Major Cullen will be your CO to work on this. I’ll be back in a week to check on the progress and the new recruits. Send me a report if you recruit more werewolves, I will add them on and it can add to time if they owe us. Women are welcome.”

  Rane gritted his teeth, and they left without letting him say anything else on the matters at hand. Collapsing in his seat, he pulled out his phone and messaged his father to meet him. Shit! What they wanted was a miracle.

  His father arrived ten minutes later in wolf form. After he changed to his human form and put the clothes from his backpack on, Rane told him what had been said and how he thought it would affect them.

  His dad sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. “It sounds like we will have a lot of work. Together, I think we can do it. It should also help that we’re going to have a larger pack soon. England’s ten or so should arrive any day now. On an even brighter note, the extra land will be a huge help. Ava is going to come and organize things, get all the paperwork done, I think that would be the best job for her.”

  Rane nodded. Ava would have everything running smoothly. She was perfect for the job. “Have Ava start next week. These are the men I want if you spare them... Sebastian, he has already agreed if you give the okay. Tra
y, but he’s in the same boat as me, except with Sara. Blake and Devlin. Alex and David, and I know they’re young but the general said he would class it as their military time if they wanted. Jamie just got out of the military. He said he would come back and help a day or two a week. Lastly, I did want Tristan and Arden. Thanks to everything going on, Arden will be home earlier and in the same situation as Tray and I. Griffen is even going to help. So if you give the okay, with all their help I should be able to pull it off.”

  His dad sighed. He looked exhausted. “If they all agree I think it will work, and the people you named shouldn’t screw up my away teams too much or the enforcers’ squad. You need to find a woman to train all the females, but it can’t be Faith as Kane wants her to start taking it easy.”

  His father’s mobile rang, and Rane raised his eyebrows in surprise that he hadn’t turned it off when he came into the room. His dad looked at the caller ID and put the phone on speaker.

  “Don’t listen to Kane,” Faith said,

  They could hear Kane talking in the background.

  Faith groaned. “Oh okay, if it’s important to everyone I won’t teach the fighting, but I have the perfect woman who can. Although, I don’t think Kirby will like it, just tell her to trust me. Sandra, call Sandra. Oh, and Leaf. Retirement is boring and his mate says he’s driving her nuts.”

  Rane grinned. Leaf was one hundred and twenty-five years old and had come to Australia to retire, although he was always trying to be busy. He would make a great instructor.

  Faith interrupted his musing. “Rane, don’t forget Richard, he would be perfect with his sword and knife training. It also helps that he makes all the weapons.”

  Rane shook his head. “Faith, you are unreal, I really don’t know how we got on without you.”

  She laughed. “I hope I remembered everything from my vision of the meeting you’re having now. I’m having so many visions lately it’s easy to forget something. And I have no idea what you did without me either.” She laughed again, and it was nice to hear, especially with everything that had been going on. “Rane, before I go, how are Kirby’s brothers?”

  He chuckled. “There was only one and you obviously know how they are.”

  “Oh, well, I have to go now. You know me, busy, busy. Love you. Bye.” She hung up before he could even respond.

  Kane turned to his dad. “I hate it when she does that. Now I really feel on edge. Let’s go, I need to be with my little red.”

  His dad patted him on the back and laughed the whole way to the gym-workout room.

  * * * *

  Devlin had taught Kirby some basic fighting moves and they were now practicing controlling her animal mind control. The werewolves were shocked and not too happy to learn she could speak into their minds and, as they had now learnt, control them. This scared them as they thought they were immune to stuff like she was doing and any other magic bar their own. She did admit it was a lot harder to control them than the minions. Sebastian had left as two new recruits had turned up, so while Rane was busy Sebastian took the job of looking after them.

  Her brother still wasn’t happy and stood against the wall, watching her like a hawk. It didn’t bother her as she was having so much fun.

  Devlin turned wolf again and she knelt down so she was face to face with him. This time they were going to see how far he got to attacking someone at the other end of the gym before she stopped him. They had also made it harder by spreading the men out to block her path.

  Kirby stood up, took a deep breath, and nodded. Devlin was off. She focused on his unique thread and yelled, “Stop, freeze.” He didn’t and kept going, Devlin was almost to his goal when she finally caught the thread she needed. “Stop. Freeze.”

  He seemed to almost freeze mid-air pounce. Vaguely hearing the clapping, she held Devlin in place for as long as she could.

  The opening of the door as Sebastian came in with her other brother Hayden and another man broke her concentration, and Devlin unfroze.

  She sat on the floor with a splitting headache. Devlin came over to her still in his wolf form and changed just as black came over her vision.

  Kirby came to moments later in Devlin’s arms, clutching at her head. Logan and Hayden yelled over the top of her, at a naked Devlin. “Hand over our sister now!”

  She tried to block out the arguing and sighed in relief when she felt Rane. He came through the door and seemed to take in the situation before he roared, “What the hell is going on? Report now!”

  As most of the men were terrified of Rane they all tried to talk at once, until Rane cleared everyone out who wasn’t supposed to be there with one roar. “Out.”

  Feeling a lot better now that Rane was there, she sat up in Devlin’s arms only to be snatched out of them by Logan, as Hayden got between her and everyone else. Rane went straight up to her brother and tried to get her, but her brothers wouldn’t give her up.

  Devlin broke the strained silence. “Rane, Kirby was practicing controlling her animal talent. She was doing amazingly well, she stopped me several times. The last time we put an obstacle in her way, and she had to stop me before I reached the opposite end of the room and see how long she could hold me. Kirby held me for a good five minutes before she got distracted. I think she could have done longer. Just before you came in she sat on the ground, touching her head. I went over to see if she was all right, and she fainted. I was going to go bring her to you.”

  Rane nodded at Devlin, then turned back to her brothers and very slowly said, “Give her to me!”

  “Over our cold, dead bodies! There is no way you’re taking our sister.”

  “That first part can be arranged.”

  Kirby sighed. Oh great, another pissing match. She tried to get out of Logan’s arms, because she’d had enough, and she had just used up most of her energy. It’d felt different to the other night when she used her gift. She didn’t have the added adrenaline running through her like she did when she’d controlled the minions.

  Gritting her teeth, she tried to get out of her brother’s arms again. When that didn’t work she tried interrupting, but she couldn’t get a word in.

  “You let my baby sister fight those monsters. What were you thinking? If I have my way, you will never see her again, you—”

  Okay, she had heard enough. Before Logan could finish, she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Shut up!”

  She instantly knew she must have also said it into the werewolves’ heads as all four touched their heads and stared at her in amazement.

  Surprised it had worked and the room was now silent, she elbowed her brother. “Put me down now!”

  Her brother reluctantly put her down, and she walked straight to Rane. His arms came around her just as her legs turned to jelly again. As she sighed and cuddled into him, he picked her up, cradling her, and kissed her forehead.

  As soon as she was comfortable, Rane turned and headed for the doors. Her brothers caught up and were still going on. She groaned, which made Rane growl. He stopped and turned to face her brothers.

  “I am taking my little red to my brother, who is a doctor. Do either of you have a problem with that?”

  Her brothers gave a reluctant shake of their heads.

  Rane smiled, flashing his canines, and looked Hayden up and down. “You must be Hayden. Lieutenant Hayden.” Her brother nodded. “I’m Major Rane Wolfen.”

  Hayden’s eyes grew wide. He glanced at Kirby and took a step toward her.

  “Ah, I see my name precedes me. This is my brother Devlin, you’ve already met Sebastian, and this is my father Jack. They’ll explain what they can. I have organized two days leave this Saturday and Sunday as your parents will be coming and staying for a visit. You two will be at our house to meet them. Call them tonight, and tell them Kirby has been seeing someone. That way they might not be so shocked when they find out she’s living with me. I’m leaving, taking my mate-wife, so if you have any questions, my brother or Sebastian will answer them.”
br />   Kirby gasped. Oh my God! What was he talking about? What had he done? She tried to get his attention, but he was too busy talking to her brothers. Trying to reach his wolf, she gave a frustrated moan as she came up against a wall. Seething, she crossed her arms over her chest, which is hard to do when you’re in someone’s arms, and came up with all sorts of ways to get him back.

  He walked outside and placed her in the car gently. She grabbed his face in her hands, making him focus on her. “When were you going to ask me to move in? Oh, how about, when are you going to ask to meet my parents, so I, me, I, can organize it?”

  “I want you with me, little red. You can’t go back to your apartment. You can finish our house this week. I’ll let you choose whatever you want.”

  She raised her eyebrow.

  “Okay, no pink or anything too girly.”

  She couldn’t help it, she laughed. He was irresistible, especially when he was trying to please her. He got into the car and started to drive. Her mind was going a million miles an hour as everything started to catch up with her. “What am I going to do about my lease? What about work? I don’t know much about demons, but sometimes I don’t finish work until eight PM, and I know Faith almost always has someone to pick her up if she works a late shift. Am I supposed to work my life around the demons and all this now?”

  Kirby was pissed. This weekend had definitely been an eye opener, but for Rane to assume that she would just move in and move her life around was too much. She’d only known him since Friday. She hoped she hadn’t gone from one overprotected situation to another.

  “Rane, I hardly know you. This is a lot to take in. I know I’m your mate, and last night was amazing, but I’m human. You can’t just put a magnificent ring on my finger and say we’re married, then call my parents. Don’t get me wrong, I really want to get to know you. Just remember I only met you two days ago. I don’t know if I’m ready to move in with you, or for any of this.”

  Rane parked in front of his house. Without saying anything, he got out of the car and walked into his house, leaving her sitting in the car like a fool. Angry, frustrated, and confused, she got out of the car, slamming the door, then walked into the house and slammed that door too. Kirby then went in search of one annoying werewolf.


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