Compelled (Human Ranch Book 2)

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Compelled (Human Ranch Book 2) Page 1

by S. L. Hadley

  Copyright 2017 by S. L. Hadley

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  Human Ranch

  Volume Two

  By S. L. Hadley

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  Katie lay on her bed, exhausted as always. She was naked too, as always. And, as always, she stared numbly up at the dark, featureless ceiling.

  She’d been here a week and Katie already felt like she was losing her mind from boredom. Of course, even the week was a mere estimate without a clock. The only thing she had to judge the passing of time was sleep, work, and the nutrient injections Ambassador administered.

  Things had gotten so bad that she was even looking forward to the next round of handjobs. Sure, it was still a degrading experience, but at least it provided welcome relief from the monotony. Plus, in a bizarre sort of way, it was somehow empowering to see man after man groaning and squirming at her slightest touch. It was a sort of human interaction. Even if horny men being milked to orgasm didn’t make for the best conversation partners, they were loads better than the alien.

  Which only made Katie more ecstatic when the lights came on and she stepped into the hall and spotted Ambassador escorting three naked, terrified-looking young women toward her.

  With a squeal, Katie launched herself at the nearest girl, a curly haired redhead who couldn’t have been older than nineteen, and wrapped her up in a furious hug. The girl’s breasts pressed against hers but, rather than feeling awkward, Katie had never in her life been more grateful to touch another human being.

  “Thank God!” she whispered. “Thank God, thank God, thank God!”

  The girl kicked suddenly, struggling free of Katie’s embrace.

  “Who are you?” she demanded. “What is this? Where the hell are we?”

  Katie gave her a brief, reassuring smile then glared at Ambassador. She did her best to pour all her frustrations out through both her words and her scowl.

  “You didn’t tell them?” she said.

  Ambassador’s perpetually blank face didn’t change but his tentacle-like arms swayed in what she imagined was a shrug.

  <> he said. <>

  Katie’s glare did not waver. “You want me to do your dirty work? Guess I should be used to that by now.”


  “Just keep the damn doors unlocked,” she interrupted. Turning her attention back to the frightened women, Katie adopted a comforting grin and nodded to each one in turn.

  All three of them were shaking, arms folded shyly in front of their unclothed bodies. Only one looked to be her age, the other two young enough to summon Katie’s long-dormant big-sister instincts.

  “I know you’re scared,” she said. “I was too. But you’re going to be okay. No one is going to hurt you.”

  “Where are we?” the redhead asked again. She glanced at Ambassador from the corner of her eye.

  “Space,” Katie said. She nodded toward the alien. “This ugly bastard is called Ambassador. I’m Katie. And, weird as it sounds, we all got abducted to be part of some… endangered species program.”

  The women stared, each one growing pale in unison. The sight made Katie wince inwardly. Should she have built up to that part? Not that it really mattered. If she’d adjusted, the others would too.

  “What are your names?” Katie asked.

  The women looked at one another, none willing to speak first.

  Katie sighed and pointed at the redhead. “You. What’s your name?”

  The girl flinched at being addressed and eyed Katie with nearly the same level of resentment she’d aimed at Ambassador. The expression caught Katie off guard, but she held her ground.

  “Carli,” the girl said at last. “With an I.”

  “Carli with an I,” Katie echoed, ignoring her continued glare. She turned to the other youngster, a pretty, dark-haired, Asian girl. “What about you?”

  The girl stammered a bit before squeaking out a timid, “A-Amber.”

  The last girl, the blonde about Katie’s age, didn’t wait to be addressed. Instead, she made a rude gesture in Ambassador’s direction and growled. “I’m Zoey.”

  Katie liked her already.

  “Great,” she said. Leaning against one of the walls, she made a shooing motion in Ambassador’s direction. “You can leave. I’ll take it from here.”

  Ambassador merely stared at her.


  Rolling her eyes, Katie threw up her arms in an exasperated gesture that was only partly for the trio’s benefit.

  “Well, that’s rude,” she said. Stepping forward, she placed herself directly between the alien and the women, winking at them as if sharing a secret. “That’s better.”

  The girls continued staring, though a ghost of a smile appeared on Zoey’s face. The sight of it warmed Katie’s heart. She wouldn’t have to worry about that one. The other two, though…

  “There’s no easy way to say this,” Katie continued. “These alien bastards think humanity’s going to die out so they brought us here to help a bunch of dudes get off.”

  A stunned silence filled the hall, broken only by a sudden whimper from Amber. Far from abating, the girl’s trembling had worsened and her eyes were swiftly filling with tears.

  “What are you talking about?” Amber nearly shrieked. “You mean sex? I can’t—this can’t be happening! There’s no way! I can’t!”

  Before the girl had a chance to completely lose herself to hysterics, Katie rushed forward and wrapped her in a tight hug. Unlike Carli-with-an-I, Amber did not pull away. Instead, she buried her face against Katie’s breast and began to sob.

  “No, not sex,” she assured her. Glancing at the other two as she stroked the teen’s hair, Katie grimaced. “We just have to jerk them off. Kind of nasty, but you get used to it. Don’t worry, they can’t even see you.”

  “This is sick,” Carli snapped, stomping past Katie to gesture furiously at Ambassador. “Do you hear me? I’m not doing this! You sick alien fucks can go straight to—!”

  Before Katie could blink, Ambassador moved. The suddenness of it took her breath away and she pressed Amber’s face tighter against her chest to block the view.

  One of Ambassador’s tentacles had seized Carli by the throat and pressed her against the wall. The redness of the girl’s face, now practically the same shade as her hair, made Katie think for a moment that she was choking. But, a second later, the sound of Carli’s panting alleviated that particular fear.

  <> Ambassador said, the calmness of his psionic voice somehow more frightening than if it had sounded angry. <>

  It took Katie a second to recover her voice.

  “Carli,” she said, voice hoarse as though she was the one with the tentacle around her neck. “I need you to trust me for a bit, okay? Just do what he says. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  Carli nodded desperately, fingers clawing futilely at the alien tendril. There was terror in her eyes. It lessened only slightly as Ambassador released her. Scrambling away, she scurried to Zoey’s side and hid there with the body language of a cornered animal.

  “Will they ever let us go?” Zoey asked quietly. Out of all of them, Katie included, she seemed to be the least affected by Ambassador’s sudden violence. She never took her eyes off the alien, though, even as she asked the question.

  Katie wanted to shrug, but she nodded instead.

  “He says they will once they’ve collected enough… you know… jizz.”

  Zoey sighed, shoulders sagging as if she’d expected the answer.

  “Well,” she said. “Let’s get this over with, then.”


  The girls’ reactions as they entered the collection room were about what Katie expected, in that they reacted the exact same way she had a week earlier. They recoiled with cries of horror and it was only Ambassador’s strategic presence in the open doorway that kept them from fleeing back down the hall.

  Truthfully, Katie couldn’t blame them; he was quite taken aback as well. The collection room, rather than containing the usual dozen or so male subjects, now hosted at least four times that number—possibly more. The walls were no longer claustrophobically tight, either. They’d been expanded to fill nearly the space of a basketball court.

  Katie doubted there had ever been a basketball court with so many dangling dicks, though.

  “Okay,” Katie said, stepping forward to place herself between the girls and the rows of bound men. Had this been what her freshman year Health class teacher had felt like? She pushed the thought aside. “Here’s where things get kind of gross.”

  Tripping over her words, Katie walked them through their assigned task. If she found it embarrassing, there was no missing the fact it was even more so for the trio of blushing newcomers. Carli glared, as always, Amber looked as though she might faint at any second, and even Zoey watched with wide eyes as Katie reached up and gave the nearest member a casual tug.

  She’d gotten so much practice over the past few weeks that she could probably have gotten the man off in her sleep. Every twitch of his hips clued her in to his preferences and desires. Under normal circumstances, she might have toyed with him a bit, both because Ambassador seemed to approve and to delay having to return to that boring, godforsaken room. But, because she had an audience, and because she had no desire to torture Amber with unrealistic expectations, Katie worked as quickly and efficiently as she could. She barely got the receptacle in place before the man began to cum and returned it to the holster as soon as his cock ceased to twitch in her grasp.

  “That’s it,” she said, cleaning her hands with the pungent alcohol solution and waving them dry. “Then you move on to the next one.”

  Apparently, Katie wasn’t the only one reminded of health class. Amber raised her hand. Her face was scarlet, but she no longer looked as though she was about to pass out.

  “Um,” she said, fidgeting. “So… do we have to do that to all of these?”

  Katie nodded. “It’ll go faster than you think.”

  “And then we can go home?”

  Katie’s heart felt like it was breaking. She looked at Ambassador.

  <> he said. <>

  Katie eyed the girls and, when it became obvious they had not heard Ambassador’s words, she sighed and shook her head.

  “There are more,” she explained. “We’ll probably be here about a week.”

  The look on Amber’s face was so dismayed, Katie couldn’t help feeling like she’d just told a child that Santa wasn’t real. She turned away to hide her own tears. It wasn’t right and it wasn’t fair, but what could she do? After studying the floor for a bit, she moved on to the next man in the row.

  “You should get started,” she said. “No point in dragging it out. Let me know if you have any questions.”


  Despite her instructions, the day’s work proved a comedy of errors. Katie had been so relieved to have company that she failed to notice until her sixth man that she was the only one making real progress. Sighing as she returned the sperm-filled tube, she wiped the sweat from her brow on the back of her forearm and went to check on the others.

  Zoey needed the least help of the three. She’d at least managed to jerk a few of the men to completion. Her problem was timing, as evidenced by the streaks of drying cum in her hair. Nevertheless, she flashed an irritated smile as Katie approached.

  “Need any help?” Katie asked.

  Zoey shook her head and continued to rhythmically pump the member she held. One-handed, of course, since the other stubbornly kept the empty tube placed over the man’s tip.

  “I’m fine,” Zoey said. “Not exactly my first rodeo.”

  Katie nodded and was turning to leave when Zoey continued.

  “So, what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?”

  Katie laughed—God, how long had it been since she’d done that?—and tried to ignore the rows of naked men surrounding them.

  “Oh, you know,” she said casually. “Decided college wasn’t for me.”

  It was Zoey’s turn to laugh.

  “Fair enough,” she said. “Good thing you had a fallback.” Then, in a hushed voice, “Katie? How long have you been here?”

  “About a week. At least, I think it’s been a week.”

  “Do you really think they’ll let us go?”

  “I…” Katie closed her eyes, reluctantly facing thoughts she’d purposefully blocked out during the seemingly endless nights of solitude. “I think so. I mean, Ambassador says they will. Why bother keeping us here?”

  “You actually believe that thing?”

  Katie shrugged. “What choice do we have?”

  Zoey fell silent as the man she was attending to stiffen and emptied himself into the tube. She didn’t speak, or even look in Katie’s direction, until he was done and she was washing her hands.

  “Fair enough,” Zoey said, eyes downcast. “Probably best if we don’t bring it up. Especially around Amber.”

  Katie nodded. She’d been about to say the same exact thing. Since there was no need, she instead jerked her head toward the corner of the room where the other two women had wandered.

  “Speaking of, I think I’ll go check on her. Just shout if you need anything.”

  To her surprise, Zoey grinned. She grabbed the next cock and wriggled it in Katie’s direction.

  “Careful,” she said. “I might just take you up on that.”


  Where Zoey had exceeded Katie’s expectations, Amber and Carli… did not. The latter sat on the ground, legs folded beneath her, and stared with outright loathing at the man in front of her. Amber, on the other hand, wasn’t accomplishing much more. She stood as far away from the man as her arms would allow, one hand holding the receptacle while two fingers of the other gingerly caressed the sides of his mostly-flaccid member.

  Katie sighed, struggling to decide which situation she ought to address first. In the end, Carli made that decision for her.

  “This is stupid,” she grumbled, hardly glancing in Katie’s direction. “You’re telling me that alien—aliens!—can fly across the galaxy and can’t come up with a better way of doing this shit?”

  “What does it matter?” Katie said, folding her arms. “The sooner we’re done, the sooner you get to go home.”

  “That’s bull and you know it. We’re going to be here forever.”

  From the corner of her eye, Katie saw Amber glance over. Alarm bells started going off in her head at once. If Amber believed they would be trapped here, there was no way Katie would be able to get her going again. And even if Ambassador didn’t just… throw the two of them out the airlock or something, there was no way Katie wanted to jerk off forty guys herself. Her arm was already aching after six.

  “We’re not going to be here forever,” Katie insisted. “We’re too valuable to them. We’re supposed to be an endangered species, remember? When was the last time you saw National Geographic gun down a

  Carli scoffed. “If we’re so valuable then why should I bother being some alien whore? What can they do to me?”

  Anger burned in Katie’s chest and she fought the urge to slap the girl. Instead, she planted herself in front of her and crouched down to stare her directly in the eye.

  “Why do you think they’re collecting all this?” she growled. “To add to their sperm collection? They’re going to want something else soon enough.”

  She jabbed Carli just below the navel to drive the point home. It took a great deal of self-control not to smirk at the way the girl’s face paled.

  “You don’t want to be an alien whore?” Katie said. “That’s fine. But don’t come crying to me when they turn you into egg donor.”

  She stomped away, exhaling heavily to calm herself. Before she’d even reached the end of the aisle, though, she heard Carli pick herself up off the ground. The girl was muttering a stream of curses that would have made a sailor blush but Katie didn’t care. What difference would it make as long as she did her fair share of the work?

  And speaking of fair share, Amber was certainly doing her best. Not that it amounted to much. Her subject was wriggling in torment, member now fully erect—despite Amber’s lackluster handjob. The young woman still used just two fingers and, from her nervous expression, even that was too much for her fragile psyche.

  “It’s not going to bite you,” Katie said.

  Amber jumped, whirling and dropping both the tube and the cock. Going red, she mumbled an apology and hastily retrieved the vial.

  “Here,” Katie said. Stepping forward, she took the girl’s trembling hands in hers and guided the tube into position. “Hold it there. Good, just like that. You can use both hands.”

  Then, collecting a dab of lubricant, Katie reached up and wrapped one hand firmly around the man’s cock. She squeezed tightly, angling and stroking him downward. It made her shoulder ache, but the look of relief on Amber’s face drove the thought from her mind.


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