Compelled (Human Ranch Book 2)

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Compelled (Human Ranch Book 2) Page 2

by S. L. Hadley

  “Don’t be afraid to really give it to him,” Katie whispered. She wrapped her free arm around Amber’s shoulder and held the girl close. Strangely, as indecent as the whole affair was, there was something strangely intimate about working so closely in tandem. “As long as you don’t hit him in balls or anything. Unless he’s into that.”

  Amber didn’t laugh, but she nodded shyly and held the tube more confidently.

  “Don’t be afraid to experiment,” Katie continued. She demonstrated with one hand, twisting her hand about in all sorts of creative ways. “He can’t see or hear you, so this is your chance to really learn what men like.”

  “I’ve never done anything like this,” Amber whispered.

  Chuckling, Katie rested her head against the younger girl’s.

  “You’re a virgin, huh?” she said. “Got a boyfriend?”

  Amber shook her head.

  “You do like boys though, right?”

  A nod.

  “They’re nothing all that special,” Katie said, grinning. “But when you meet the right one… well, I’m going to teach you how to rock his world, okay?”

  Amber nodded again, finally breaking out in a shy smile. It was so adorable that Katie wanted nothing more than to just soak it in. But, at that very moment, the member in her hand gave a telltale throb.

  “And speaking of,” she said, giving a few more firm, powerful strokes. “Careful. Hold that thing steady. He’s about to—”

  The man came, hips thrusting forcefully against the restraints. Despite the warning, Amber yelped but managed to keep her hands steady. It was a good thing, too. Thanks to the inexperienced teasing she’d put him through, the man’s ejaculation was tremendous. A week of intensive training had given Katie a decent intuition about such things, but even she found herself surprised by the sheer volume. A full third of the tube was filled by the time the man’s orgasm subsided and Amber’s hands had resumed shaking as she returned it to the attached holster.

  “He’s going to remember that one!” Katie teased gently, cocking her head so Amber could see the full extent of her grin. “Now, how about we trade places on the next one?”

  Panic filled the woman’s eyes but Katie had already wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulders. She guided Amber to the next man in the row.

  The sight of the man’s member was enough to make her second-guess herself. Definitely a two-hander and the man wasn’t even hard yet. Still, it wasn’t as though they were doing anything crazy so what did she have to worry about?

  “Go ahead and lube him up,” Katie prompted, retrieving the vial and waiting for Amber to obey. The girl’s hands were trembling like crazy, but she did as instructed, even as she pulled against Katie’s outstretched arm in a weak attempt to flee.

  It was odd, after a week and God-only-knew how many handjobs, Katie hadn’t expected watching one to be such a compelling experience. Amber held the man’s enormous member on the flat of her palm, anxiously coaxing him to full erectness. It worked splendidly and, before long, he dwarfed her slender, delicate fingers with his impressive girth. The sight was enough to make Katie’s mouth water.

  “Big boy, isn’t he?” she teased.

  Amber blushed harder and said nothing. Behind her outward shyness, however, an inkling of curiosity began to manifest as a gleam in her eye.

  “You should play with his balls,” Katie suggested, grinning.

  “No!” Amber yelped. If it hadn’t been for Katie’s arm around her shoulders, she might have fled. “I can’t do something like that!”

  “Are you sure? Just look at them.”

  Katie reached out, intending to do more than just look at them. A split-second before her fingers brushed the loose, stubble-covered sac, she glanced down—

  --and froze.

  On the back of the man’s leg, just barely visible above the restraints, was a horrifyingly familiar tattoo. Though she could only glimpse a third of the overall clockwork-moon design, that partial image was enough to drive the breath from her lungs.

  No. It wasn’t possible. There was no way in hell.

  And yet, there it was. She’d recognize the tattoo anywhere—she’d help him design the damn thing!

  Katie shut her eyes, but the sight of Daryl’s cock might as well have been burned into her retinas for all the good it did. She shuddered, bile rising and stinging her throat. God, she’d almost touched him!

  “Um, Katie?” Amber said. “You okay? Is something wrong?”

  Katie shook her head, eyes still clenched shut. She could feel Daryl’s tip pressed against the tube in her hand and the slight pressure was enough to leave her nauseous.

  “I think I know him,” Katie said. The sound of Amber’s hand sliding wetly along his shaft was like nails on a chalkboard and it was only complacency that kept her from dropping the tube to cover her ears. She shuddered in disgust. “Could you take over?”

  “I, uh, kind of have my hands full…” Amber said. It was obvious she didn’t want to be left alone. “Could you maybe just help me a little longer?”

  Katie grimaced, setting her jaw. She hadn’t really expected to get off that easy, but it was proving increasingly difficult to keep her mind off what was occurring inches away from her.

  “Okay,” she said, sighing. “Let’s get this over with.”

  The next five minutes were easily the most uncomfortable ones of Katie’s life. She stood there, arms stiff and face burning, trying not to think of anything. It didn’t work. Daryl’s hips were beginning to thrust forward, pressing against Amber’s tight grip—and the tip of the sample tube. Each one sent a shiver down Katie’s spine and filled her nostrils with the pungent, alcohol odor. Over the past week, she’d almost forgotten the smell existed but now it made her want to gag.

  And then, at the moment of truth, things somehow got much, much worse.

  As Daryl’s hips thrust forward in a final, ecstatic motion, the sudden throbbing of his member caught Amber off guard. She yelped, leaping backward and abandoning her grip on his shaft. The timing was disastrous. The unguided tip of Daryl’s lubricated member slipped easily against the top of the tube, unleashing the first splatter of cum directly across Katie’s knuckles.

  She shrieked, dropping the tube and waving her hand about in disgust. Another eruption followed immediately after and she didn’t quite manage to avoid it spilling over her bare hip. By the time Katie managed to scramble out of the line of fire, she was already doubled over, dry-heaving.

  “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Amber said, looking on in horror. “Are you okay? Oh, God, I’m sorry, Katie! It was an accident.

  Shuddering, Katie stumbled to the next man’s side and poured an endless stream of the alcohol-smelling solution over her hand and down her side. The smell was dizzyingly strong, especially since she was practically showering in the stuff, but it certainly beat being covered in Daryl’s.

  “It’s okay,” she said, finally. Another involuntary shudder ran through her. “You just need practice. Why don’t you go start on my row? I’ll be right there.”

  Wordlessly, Amber hastened to obey. As soon as the girl—and her wide-eyed expression of horror—were out of sight, Katie let out a shaky breath.

  God, please let it be coincidence. Please, let her be wrong.

  Navigating a wide path around Daryl to avoid accidentally stepping in any of his… stuff, Katie made her way back toward him. Her fingers trembled as she touched the controls, carefully adjusting them. If she was right, the very last thing she wanted was to accidentally enable his vision.

  The murky, bubble-like mask surrounding the man’s head greyed slowly before settling into a consistent swirl.

  She took a deep breath.

  “Daryl? Darry, are you there?”

  From within the mask, she heard the sound of a gasp. The visible parts of his body tensed.

  “Katie? Is that really you, sis?”

  Well, fuck.

  “I guess they got you too, huh?” Katie sa
id. She stared up at the high, slate grey ceiling and tried to fight down the wave of despair that swirled in her gut. Or, perhaps it was just residual nausea.

  “What are you talking about?” Daryl said, voice slightly distorted as though they were speaking over walkie-talkies. “What’s going on? Was—oh, fuck! That… stuff that just happened. Please tell me that wasn’t you!”

  “It wasn’t,” she assured him quickly. “But….”

  Shit, where did she even start?

  Katie started from the beginning—not that she made it very far. She’d barely gotten to the word aliens when her brother groaned.

  “Are you kidding me? Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “I wish,” she said, slumping against the wall beside him. She kept one eye closed to block out the sight of his nakedness.

  “Fuck. Why us? Do you know what they want?”

  Katie took a deep breath. “It’s, uh, some sort of breeding program. For endangered species.”


  Katie nearly looked over in surprise, but caught herself at the last moment. She’d expected Daryl to scream and curse, demanding she try and cut him loose so they could escape. Instead, he seemed completely indifferent.

  “Well,” he said. “I suppose that could be a lot worse.”

  “Speak for yourself!” Katie snapped. She jabbed his defenseless side with her elbow. “All you have to do is stand there and get jerked off! It’s not like you did much else at home!”

  “That’s not… I did way more than that!” Daryl protested. Even through the distortion, Katie could hear the smile in his voice.

  “I dunno about that.” She walked her alcohol-slickened fingers up her brother’s ribs until he began to thrash and squirm in a ticklish frenzy. “You spent a lot of time alone in your room.”

  “Stop!” he pleaded. “Stop it!”

  “Make me.”

  “Katie, I swear to God, I will piss all over you!”

  She pulled back at once, but not because she actually believed the threat. Ambassador rounded the far end of the aisle, spider-like legs carrying him with a silence she hadn’t thought possible.

  “You still there? Katie? You know I was joking, right?”

  She didn’t answer. Her attention was focused on the alien and the nearly imperceptible echo of his hooved claws as he approached. Ambassador stared back. Though his face gave no telltale signs of displeasure, the agitated wriggling of his tentacle-arms as he glanced down at the abandoned sample tube and puddle of Daryl’s seed was enough for Katie to read between the lines.

  <> he asked.

  “It…” Katie’s mouth suddenly felt very dry. She reached up and adjusted Daryl’s console to ensure he couldn’t hear her. “It was an accident. I was teaching one of the other girls.”


  “I know,” Katie said, trying not to shudder at the implications. “I’ll make sure the girls are careful.”


  For a second, the alien’s meaning was so unthinkable that Katie merely stared at him, uncomprehending. Then, fighting down nausea, she covered her mouth with a hand and shook her head.

  “No,” she said. “I can’t.”


  “He’s my brother!” she said. Deep inside, Katie’s gut was screaming out a warning. Perhaps it was simply the well-deserved distrust she’d developed toward Ambassador, but something told her that nothing good would come from the revelation. But, what else could she do?

  Ambassador cocked his head, not expressively, but rather so he could read some sort of meaning from Daryl’s indecipherable console.


  Katie folded her arms as her hands balled into fists. She ground her teeth, fighting the urge to lash out at the alien for being so damn… alien.

  “We’re not related,” she explained. “Not by blood, at least. Our parents remarried when I was four. But I grew up with him. So I can’t… do anything to him.”

  If she hadn’t known better, she would have thought the alien speechless. Ambassador almost seemed to fidget, clattering side to side on his slender, multi-jointed legs. Eventually, he moved forward and scooped up the sample tube.

  <> he said, offering her the tube. <>

  Katie took the tube from him without thinking. Then, as Ambassador’s words registered, she promptly dropped it again.

  “What are you saying?” she demanded, legs going weak. “No. No! I won’t do this!”

  For the very first time, Katie read emotion on the alien’s face. All six of Ambassador’s glossy, silver eyes went black and seemed to withdraw into the scales. They practically vanished beneath the brow, leaving only the faintest impression of the face that had been there before.


  Katie recoiled, fear seizing ahold of her chest. She tried to answer, even just to squeak out an explanation—to assure him that she would keep working, just not on Daryl. But overcome with such terror, she couldn’t even manage a breath, much less form words.


  And then, with a wet, crackling sound like the shattering of a dropped egg, the flesh of Ambassador’s torso split open. Past the scaly exterior, a cavern of oily looking, silver-pink flesh seemed to hollow out the alien’s chest. If would have been disgusting if it hadn’t been so utterly frightening. And only grew more so as one of Ambassador’s tentacles curled in to penetrate his chest. It wriggled for a moment, then emerged clutching something in narrow, surprisingly nimble finger-like splinters.

  It held a syringe—a perfectly ordinary one—that was somehow all the more horrifying for its familiarity.


  It was a small mercy that Ambassador could move so quickly when he wanted to. Katie didn’t even have a chance to be afraid. At least, not more than she already was. In the time it took her to blink, Ambassador had skittered forward, pricked her arm with the syringe, and emptied its contents.

  The dizziness came first, turning her legs to jelly. Katie struggled to stay upright for a moment, then sank weakly to the ground. She knew the floor ought to be cold beneath her, but the only things she could feel were less significant. There was a faint pressure on her temples, like the first signs of an oncoming headache, and a tingling where the needle had pricked her.

  And—because, why the hell not?—as her vision went black, she could feel the lukewarm slickness of Daryl’s spilled seed against her ankle.

  In some ways, it was a blessing, her last thought before the world faded was of her brother. There was no frantic gulping for breath or fight to remain conscious. No life flashing before her eyes. Just a few hazy memories of childhood.

  And then, Katie knew no more.


  When Katie awoke, she was almost surprised. Everything had happened so fast that she hadn’t really managed to think about it. But, between Ambassador’s expression and her refusal to follow his orders, she’d actually expected the alien to kill her.

  But he hadn’t. And, as blinked her eyes into focus and took stock of her surroundings, Katie almost wished that he had.

  She was in a room that she hadn’t seen before. It wasn’t the collection room and there was no sign of the other girls, but it certainly wasn’t her sleeping chamber. Instead, it reminded her of a doctor’s office. Both because the size was about the same, and because she was lying on her back with her legs elevated into stirrups. Terrifying to be sure, especially when she noticed the same wrist and ankle shackles she’d worn when she first arrived.

  Scared, naked, and exposed. The only thing missing was the flimsy hospital gown so, truth be told, there wasn’t much difference from any gynecologist’s office she’d ever been to.

  Unlike her hometown do
ctor, however, they didn’t keep her waiting long.

  Ambassador entered through a side-door she hadn’t noticed. Or, at least, she assumed it was him. That notion was put to the test an instant later when a second alien followed after. They were nearly identical, enough to make her frown in confusion. The only difference she could perceive was a minute difference in the shade of silver of their facial scales.

  “Let me guess,” she said. “You’re Ambassador too?”

  The two Ambassadors exchanged glances but said nothing.

  “You’re here to cut me open, right?” Just saying the words made Katie’s heart pound and settled on her chest like a lead weight. But in such a helpless state, being so brashly forthright was the only defiance she could muster. “I mean, it’s not like you can just neuter me.”


  The voice in her head was general and indistinct. More than before, Katie realized she couldn’t pinpoint which of the aliens was speaking to her.

  “What then?” she demanded. “I swear to God, I will piss all over you.”


  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  The aliens exchanged another look. When it continued longer than the previous one, it occurred to Katie that they were likely conversing between the two of them. Despite her lingering anxiety, it was enough to rile her.

  “Hey! Hey, fuckers! I’m talking to you!”

  Whether or not the aliens understood the word, her tone certainly got their attention. They turned to look at her, faced impassive and unreadable.

  “Why am I here?” she snapped. “And what the hell are you doing here?”

  There was another breaking-eggshell sound as one of the aliens opened the hole in its chest. Katie shuddered at the sound. She wanted to close her eyes but didn’t dare look away.

  <> one of the Ambassadors said. Given the way the one was busy reaching into its own chest, Katie focused her glare on the other. <>

  Technical and unfamiliar as the phrase was, Katie understood enough. Her eyes went wide and she struggled vainly against her restraints.


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