Compelled (Human Ranch Book 2)

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Compelled (Human Ranch Book 2) Page 3

by S. L. Hadley

  “You’re going to fucking drug me? Are you shitting me? You alien bastards don’t get what you want so you just decide you’re going to—”

  <> the alien said. <>

  “Implant? The hell you will!”

  <<—that will stimulate production of your own body’s physiological compounds. Over time, the organism will dissolve within your uterus. There will be no harm or discomfort.>>

  “English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?”


  “No! I’m the one who doesn’t understand! What are you doing to me?”

  At last, the open-chested alien emerged with something in its tentacle. Rather than a syringe, what it held was distinctly alien in appearance. Or, at least, it looked nothing like what Katie expected. If it hadn’t been for the preceding conversation, she would have simply written it off as a strange, pearly black orb the size of a tennis ball.

  <> maybe-Ambassador explained. <>

  “That’s even less helpful.”

  Ambassador’s tentacles wriggled agitatedly. Though his voice and expression gave no signs, Katie imagined he was getting frustrated and almost laughed. It was a bitter sort of humor.


  “Wait…” Katie said. Her body was suddenly very tense, this time with understanding. “You’re going to make me go into heat?”


  “No! Now, wait just a minute! Who do you think you are?”

  Despite her words, the Ambassadors did not wait. The one bearing the alien orb reached out a tentacle and held it between her legs. The feeling of its cold, almost rubbery skin brushing against her taint was enough to make Katie sit upright. She thrashed helplessly against the restraints, unable to tear her gaze away from what was happening.

  The very tip of the Ambassador’s tentacle splintered suddenly, separating into a dozen narrow spaghetti-like tentacles. Several slithered against Katie’s labia, clinging to the skin almost magnetically as they guided her folds apart. Several others rose higher to encircle her clit, sending a tingling thrill that trembled throughout her hips. Never before had something so pleasurable been so hateful to her mind. Not that the alien seemed to care, it worked with silent diligence, ignoring the squirming of her hips.

  “Stop,” Katie whispered. “I don’t want this.”

  And yet, most horrifying of all, was a subtle voice in the back of her mind that knew it was a lie. Maybe there was something in the air. Or, maybe, there had been something in the injection Ambassador gave her that heightened her body’s sensitivity. Or, worse still, maybe it was just the effects of a week spent teasing man after man to orgasm without the privacy to seek one of her own.

  Whatever the reason, Katie was horny as hell. And as much as she might fight against the alien’s strength, there was a hidden, shameful part of her that loved the sensations of what was happening to her.

  Slowly, like a snake uncoiling itself, the black orb on Ambassador’s palm sprang to life. It was featureless, so dark that any attempt to make out details left her eyes unfocused, and almost wraithlike in the way it moved. But as it swam forward through the air, there was no missing its destination.

  The moment the symbiote brushed against her skin, Katie nearly cried out from the pleasure. There was something about it, an unexpected warmth and slippery texture, that sent chills racing down her spine all the way to her elevated toes. In that instant, she knew—inexplicably and without the slightest doubt—that she could lose herself to this creature. Her body responded to it willingly, quite independent from any thought she might have. Indeed, without even meaning to, her hips had ceased to flee and were instead pressing forward as if begging the formless creature to penetrate her.

  Finally, just when Katie felt as though she might go mad from waiting, it did.

  Slowly, so slowly that the groan ripped from her lungs ran out of breath before the symbiote was more than halfway into her tight, quivering channel, the alien eased its way into the groove between her folds. Its body was like elastic air given life. With each passing second, its slithering form teased and caressed her insides, flooding her with heat. And yet, its body seemed so yielding that she couldn’t grasp it in the slightest. Each time her pussy squeezed down—first by choice, and then involuntarily—it seemed to evaporate beneath her, spreading out to pleasure other parts of her that hadn’t been touched.

  Before she knew what she was doing, Katie was begging.

  “Please!” she whispered, back arching. “More!”

  The symbiote was deaf to her pleas. Fortunately, it didn’t matter. The alien’s indeterminate form writhed for her, swirling against her textured insides like water down a drain. Then, as the last of its tail slipped inside her, the symbiote solidified.

  Katie cried out as the alien’s form pressed against her most sensitive spots. It seemed to squirm within her, prodding here and there with an electrifying heat that gripped her as forcefully as the shackles that held her limbs. She held out as long as she could, trying to muster natural disgust at having such a creature inside her. In the end, it wasn’t enough. The rapturous pressure grew and grew until it spilled over.

  Shuddering, Katie came harder than she could ever remember. She clenched down around the symbiote’s now-rigid body with enough intensity that it felt as though it was throbbing within her sex. Fluids gushed out around its rounded form and leaked down across her ass. Not that she noticed amid the waves of blistering pleasure that left her quivering and moaning.

  Then it happened. Just before her orgasm began to subside, while the delightful convulsions continued in a weaker form, Katie felt a sharp pinch deep inside. It stung, like a bee sting. And though she could not see what was happening, she felt the symbiote sliding deeper—far deeper than any cock could have reached.

  “Ow!” she yelped, shaken from her recent orgasm by the sudden pain. But even before the word left her lips, the sensation had passed. Her pussy was now empty, and she felt the loss as an ache.

  And then, as an awkwardness when she realized the two Ambassadors were still watching her. Silent and impassive.

  “Is…” Katie stammered, clearing her throat. “Is that it?”

  With a soft click, the shackles fell from her limbs. Katie scrambled back, away from the aliens, folding her knees up against her chest. Something, a sort of mental fog, seemed to swirl through her thoughts in a way that could not be mistaken for the aftereffects of her climax. Her thighs were sticky, as was everything in between. Strangely, at the moment, little else seemed to matter.

  Apparently, the symbiote’s slow progression had been more for her benefit than out of need. A split-second was all it had taken to claw its way into her uterus and the notion that it was now concealed there was enough to make her want to claw it out. But, compared to the humiliation she’d faced over the last week, an alien organism living inside her womb felt somehow insignificant by comparison. Or perhaps she was simply incapable of processing that reality at the moment.

  <> Ambassador said, startling her and momentarily breaking through her fugue. <>

  Katie nodded, overcome by sudden exhaustion. It wasn’t physical, just… the rest of her. Her thoughts felt sluggish, as though she’d begun drifting off to sleep without realizing it. Part of her suspected it might be an effect of the symbiote—why else would the Ambassadors not simply send her back to work?—but she was too worn out to care. She climbed down from the stirrups-table and onto unsteady legs.

  One of the Ambassadors, she didn’t think to note which one, led her from the room. She followed blindly, eyes glued to th
e alien’s spindly legs as it led her back to her room. In her current state, she didn’t even bother trying to memorize the maze-like passageways. And, when the door opened, she stumbled in without protest. She didn’t have time to position herself on the mattress—by the time she landed upon it she was already asleep.


  When Katie awoke, the first thing she noticed was that everything south of her ribs ached like she’d been struck by a car.

  The next was that she was no longer alone.

  An arm, slender and tattooed, lay across her side. The woman it belonged to lay behind her, breasts soft and warm against her shoulder blades.

  “Zoey!” Katie whispered, rising and twisting to prop herself up on an elbow. The motion made her wince. “Why are you--?”

  “Shhh,” Zoey whispered, opening her eyes. Her arm tugged at Katie’s shoulder and guided her back down onto the mattress. “You’ll wake the others.”

  “The others?” Katie said without thinking. She turned, and froze.

  Inches away, Amber slumbered against Katie’s hip. Her face was tense and twisted as if by a nightmare but she did not stir. Against the opposite wall, on a second, newly arrived mattress, Carli-with-an-I slept with her back turned.

  Inhaling deeply, Katie rolled to face the opposite direction. She was careful to mask her wince and to avoid disturbing Amber’s rest and so the movement took several times longer than normal. By the time she’d accomplished it, Zoey was propped up on an elbow as well. They met one another’s eyes, lying so close together they may as well have spent the last hour tangled up in ecstasy.

  It reminded Katie of a slumber party from her childhood, although she’d never been quite so naked at one before.

  “Did… did they…” Katie whispered, chest growing tight. “Do anything to you?”

  Zoey dropped her gaze for an instant and said nothing. But the response was as telling as words would have been.

  “I am so sorry,” Katie said. She felt tears beginning to well up at the corners of her eyes. “I… I never meant—”

  Zoey shushed her again. This time, however, she pressed a finger to Katie’s lips.

  “Don’t fret,” she murmured. “It wasn’t your fault, Katie. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “But, I… if I had just….”

  Zoey shushed her a third time. This time, rather than a finger, she pressed her lips to Katie’s in a soft, reassuring kiss that shocked the tears from her. Katie’s chest tightened further, but not from grief.

  “I have a question,” Zoey said, as their lips parted. Hers curled into a conspiratorial smile.


  Zoey chuckled under her breath and, though it was difficult to see in the near-darkness, went red.

  “When they… you know, put it inside you? Did it feel, like—“

  “Way better than it should have?” Katie finished for her.

  Zoey laughed outright and, fearing the sound would wake Amber, Katie leaned in and silenced her with another kiss. For a few seconds, they remained like that, lost in each other’s arms and lips. Anything to keep the fear and future at bay a moment longer.

  “Does this mean we’re going to have, like… alien babies?”

  In a flash, Katie suddenly remembered that she was the only one of the girls able to communicate with the Ambassadors. She blew out a breath, shaking her head and smiling at the look of relief that appeared on Zoey’s face.

  “No,” she assured her. “It’s just supposed to make us super horny or something.”

  “Hell!” Zoey laughed. “Could’ve just given me some tequila!”


  “But, you know…” Zoey’s voice grew so quiet that Katie felt the warmth of her breath rather than the words themselves. At the same time, one of the woman’s arms slipped between their bodies, starting between their breasts and trailing hesitantly downward. “I’m pretty sure it’s working.”

  Katie’s breath caught in her lungs. She trembled softly, shutting her eyes and pressing her brow against Zoey’s. A heat kindled gently in her belly, tingling and spreading throughout her body. She could feel the woman’s fingers as they slipped past her navel. They felt more real than the mattress beneath her. Hell, they felt more real than her own fingers.

  As Zoey’s fingers reached their destination, Katie let out a shuddering breath. She hiked her leg a few degrees, blushing.

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “I’m pretty sure it’s working, too.”

  Thank you so much for reading!

  I hope you enjoyed Human Ranch: Compelled! I've already written many other stories like this one and hope you'll give them a chance as well.

  In particular, you may be interested in two of my other series, the Harem Ship Saga or the Alien Comfort Women trilogy! They’re both quite similar to this story, only with a fair bit more alien-on-human action. Keep reading for samples from each, and join my mailing list for a free, 10k word volume too extreme for Amazon! You’ll also be notified when the next volume of Human Ranch is released.

  The first thing Kitty noticed upon returning to the hold—after a satisfying nap, of course—was the growling of the man’s stomach. The second was how exhausted he looked. No that it was surprising; hours chained to the inside of a shipping container would leave anyone looking a little haggard.

  Apparently, at some point during her nap his strength had given out and he’d ended up sagging in his chains. His legs were long enough that he could prop himself up on his knees, offering a chance to take the weight off his feet. The cuffs still held his arms aloft but, otherwise, he appeared a model of shackled comfort.

  Kitty cleared her throat. The man stirred slightly but did not open his eyes.

  “Good morning,” she said, louder.

  His eyes opened and rose to stare up at her. Grunting a reply, he climbed stiffly to his feet. The man rolled his shoulders, making them crack and pop.

  “Morning,” he growled, at last.

  Smiling playfully, Kitty folded her arms and stepped closer.

  “So,” she purred. “Have you thought about my offer?”

  To her surprise, the man’s face went red and he briefly dropped his eyes. He swallowed hard.

  “If I do this,” he said, cautiously. “You’ll take the cuffs off? And provide meals and the like?”

  The corners of Kitty’s mouth curled further upward as she gave a small nod.

  “You said two years? And then I’m free?”

  Again, Kitty nodded.

  Sighing, the man glanced at his chafed wrists in disgust. Then he shrugged.

  “Fine,” he grumbled. “I’ll do it. Can’t be worse than this shit. Take them off, please?”

  Yet again, Kitty’s smile increased, this time into a wicked smirk. She approached slowly and chuckled throatily as she pressed herself sensuously against the man’s chest.

  “Tell me your name first,” she whispered.

  The man recoiled as if stung, then fixed her with a furious stare.

  “That wasn’t part of the deal,” he protested. “No way.”

  Clicking her tongue like a disappointed schoolteacher, Kitty leaned against him more forcefully. The front of her makeshift uniform, while firm, was both pliable and revealing enough to make the man gasp a bit.

  “Oh?” she murmured. “You don’t want the cuffs off? I must have misheard. I thought you wanted me to… take them off.”

  “Quit messing around!” the man said. “I’ve been stuck like this for—”

  With an audible click, Kitty popped open one of the metal fasteners securing her uniform’s corseted top. The man’s protests died at once. Kitty had to stifle a laugh as she turned away and continued to slowly undress. She could practically feel the man studying her rear through her tight-fitting trousers and made a show of swinging her hips as though dancing to music only she could hear. Keeping her back turned, she shrugged out of the jacket and allowed it to fall to the floor.

  Metal-on-metal squeaked behind her and
she peeked over her shoulder with exaggerated shyness. The man leaned forward, as far as his shackles would allow. Had it not been for the restraints, the intensity in his eyes would have been terrifying. As it was, Kitty found the expression exhilaratingly erotic.

  Cheeks warming from an involuntary blush, Kitty continued swaying her hips. Then, in a smooth, deliberately seductive maneuver, she slid her trousers down around her ankles.

  Another rattling of chains sounded and Kitty let out a soft giggle. Her panties and plain, racerback bra were flattering, sure, but not that sexy. For her new toy to react so eagerly, he must have been unimaginably pent up. Chained and sold by the underground… how long had it been since he’d gotten off? Weeks? Perhaps, longer?

  Stealing another peek, Kitty confirmed her suspicions immediately. An enormous bulge tented the front of the man’s tattered pants. The sight of it left her few remaining articles of clothing more than a little damp—one in particular—and deepened her blush for good measure.

  It always happened this way, every time she bought a new lover. She could lounge naked around the rest of them without a care, but merely teasing a stranger in her underwear left her face scarlet. Which meant there was only one thing to do.

  Taking a deep breath to keep her hands from shaking, Kitty peeled off her bra. Tossing the garment aside, she cupped her breasts in faux-modesty and turned back around.

  The hunger and desperation on the man’s face were so transparent that she couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Like what you see?” she teased, tiptoeing closer.

  He didn’t answer, so she didn’t remove her hands until the last possible second, shielding her stiff nipples from view but making no attempt to keep them from pressing firmly against his bare, muscular chest.

  “Well?” she asked. Reaching down, she brushed the flat of her palm lightly against his erection. “You like?”

  Grinding against his torso, Kitty could actually hear the man swallow nervously. When he spoke, his voice came out in a hoarse, almost strangled whisper.


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