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The Pure Soul (Book 3)

Page 43

by Jeff Hale

“Because it very well may break her. She is not in a frame of mind to see you right now. She believes that she is dirty, worthless. I believe you are familiar with the state of mind that she is in,” Lucien directed at me.

  I nodded. I was very familiar with the feeling. While my father had never been sexually abusive, he had been physically and emotionally abusive. I was pretty sure he had always suspected I wasn’t his and he had taken it out on me at every turn.

  “She doesn’t want you to see her,” Lucien continued. “She believes that you will look at her differently, and if she sees anything in your eyes that says anything other than love, she’ll likely kill herself. That’s how fragile her state of mind is. And right now, your eyes tell me that you loathe yourself, which she is very likely to confuse for loathing for her.”

  “I will see her, Lucien. And you’re going to allow it!” Aerick insisted.

  “No, Aerick! I will not! I will not allow you to possibly be the cause of her death! You don’t want that. I know you don’t. We need her; she has information that could prove to be invaluable. She has been to a place that none of us can tread! Don’t you understand the significance of that?”

  “Why? Why won’t you help me, Lucien?” Aerick asked, his shoulders slumping.

  “I am trying to. I can heal physical wounds, but mental ones need to be healed on their own. Both yours and hers. I have called in a specialist of sorts to help out. She should be arriving soon,” Lucien said.

  “Fine. Then tell me why she’s so damned important to you,” Aerick demanded.

  “Did Merlin teach you anything of Purgatory?” Lucien asked

  “No,” Aerick replied.

  “I thought as much. You remember what MAGE told you of the place?”

  “That it’s a place where damned souls and those with unfinished business go. Ghosts are souls that escaped.” Aerick’s tone was bored and impatient.

  “Yes. Would you care to elaborate on Purgatory?” Lucien raised a silvered brow at me.

  “Purgatory isn’t exactly what you described, Rick. It’s… a hole in creation. Damned souls don’t go there. Damned souls only exist because someone made a pact with a demon. Those souls go to the demon realms to be tormented at the whim of their master. No. Purgatory is where lost souls go, souls that have somehow lost their tie to the Aether. It happens sometimes and for various reasons. In Purgatory there is no Aether, no Dark Aether. Nothing. In a way it’s also protected because of that. There is no way to get there from any of the three realms. We don’t even know what’s actually in there,” I said, remembering what Merlin had taught me.

  “Are you telling me that when Azryel killed Serena, that he somehow severed her tie to the Aether so she would go to Purgatory? Why wouldn’t he just take her to the demon realms?” Aerick asked, his face a mask of confused rage.

  “Her soul is too pure. He couldn’t take her there, but he wanted to keep her from reincarnating. As to why, it’s anyone’s guess. Likely, so she could be brought back and used against you,” Lucien surmised.

  “So in other words, to keep track of her soul,” I said, nodding. It made sense.

  “What did they do to you, Aerick?” Lucien asked suddenly, his eyes narrowing in concern and suspicion on Aerick. “Who did you see there?”

  “Lots of people. I don’t want to talk about it,” Aerick growled out, his eyes dropping to the floor.

  “Who, Aerick? This could be important.”

  “Baba Yaga was there,” Aerick finally answered grudgingly, his voice low. “So was Azryel, wearing some human’s skin. He’s likely dead now and Azryel is probably looking for another host, or trying to fully manifest at this point. There’s no way his human body survived that blast. Baba Yaga, on the other hand, vanished right before I got out.”

  “Azryel? What is that demon up to?” Lucien asked, although I got the idea the question was to no one in particular. He seemed genuinely worried.

  “Who is this Azryel, exactly?” I asked. “Merlin mentioned him but never did explain fully.”

  “One of Baba Yaga’s lieutenants. A demon of wrath, lust, and pride. He’s not high in their demonic hierarchy, a baron at best. He’s working for her, hoping for a chance to take a higher position. He’s supposed to be some kind of harbinger for the demon invasion,” Aerick said off-handedly.

  I thought of the Aether-nullifying cube and pulled it from the shadow pocket I’d made for it. Aerick visibly flinched when he saw it. “Speaking of other realms, is this thing from the demon realms?”

  Lucien gave the object a distasteful appraisal. “Yes. It is.” A purifying wave of flame came from his hand, destroying it but leaving my own skin untouched.

  “Why would the Purity Movement have an object from the demon realms?” I asked, confused.

  “The Purity Movement is formed from hatred, and that hatred has corrupted them. Obviously, Baba Yaga and Azryel took note of it and twisted it to their advantage. I believe that most of them are also fanatically religious. Most churches have been… corrupted by my own brethren for centuries. It’s a long story and not one I wish to talk about right now. It’s not hard for demons to take control of churches and church run organizations due to most church’s ties with the three Corruptors.” Lucien’s tone was filled with disgust.

  “Your brethren? I thought that Primal Aspects couldn’t be worshipped, that it was against your laws,” I said, again recalling what I had learned from Merlin.

  “That’s correct. Like I said, it’s a story that is neither here nor there. Let it drop, Valencia,” Lucien said, a warning in his voice.

  I nodded.

  “Wait a minute…Valencia? Is that you, Val?” Aerick asked, moving towards me. He had only given me passing notice as he argued with Lucien, and back at the Purity Movement building, he’d been out of his mind with anger. I wasn’t wholly surprised that he hadn’t recognized me. As he scrutinized me, he still didn’t look entirely right in the eyes. There was a cold, murderous rage simmering just under the surface, and I could tell he was still constantly replaying events in his head, remembering what they had done to poor Serena.

  “Yeah. It’s me. Surprise?” I gave him an embarrassed smile.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I’m a Sentinel, like you,” I stated proudly.

  “What, how?”

  “Guess my soul was awakened after the Barrier fell. Merlin kept me hidden and safe and taught me a lot of things.”

  “Then how come I never saw you while I was there?” Aerick asked, sitting on the stool next to me.

  “Where were you?”


  “Yeah, I was in Colorado for a short time, but then I moved to England.”

  “Merlin is a character of many tricks,” Lucien commented with a bemused smile.

  “What happened after… you know,” Aerick asked.

  “Merlin adopted me, and kept MAGE from coming for me. He started training me early, even though my soul wasn’t active yet. He taught me Aetheric theory and such. He knew that when the Barrier fell that my soul would awaken,” I explained.

  “I was worried about you.” Aerick looked me over. “You’ve… grown.”

  “Thanks, I like to think so,” I said, grinning at him.

  He was silent for a few seconds, then glanced around the bar. “Where are Alex and Kat?” Aerick asked, although I had the idea he was really only asking about Kat.

  “They left. Katelyn went to get some overnight things. I asked her to stay here to help you through this, Aerick. You will need someone to talk to, someone you’re intimately familiar with. Someone you can trust. I believe it will be the only way you can begin the healing process,” Lucien informed him.

  “What about Serena?” Aerick asked, exhaling loudly through his nose.

  “I was going to ask Valencia to step in,” Lucien said, looking at me. “After all, she is female, and I think that Serena will need a softer touch from someone she doesn’t know to help rebuild her tru
st of people.”

  “Yeah, anything to help.” I nodded quickly.

  “Fine. Whatever. Then get started,” Aerick commanded, turning to stalk off back to the alcove and the upstairs rooms.

  I felt for him, I did, but he just had to understand that Serena needed time. “So where am I staying?” I asked.

  “Right this way,” Lucien stated, leading me back towards another alcove, and a set of stairs that led down. “You’ll be a couple of doors down from Serena’s room. Feel free to check in on her whenever you get a chance. Here is the key to Travis’s cell in case you need to question him for any reason. I’m going to entrust Katelyn with another copy, for the same reason.”

  “Kat? I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Lucien. Why her?” I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, the key dangling from my fingers.

  “I think you already know the answer to that, Valencia, or at least suspect. Come along, this way,” he said.

  I did have my suspicions, but they were just that, suspicions and nothing more. I followed Lucien down a plushly carpeted and brightly lit hallway. He indicated a door on the left and told me that it was Serena’s, then went past it two more doors before stopping and opening the door in front of us.

  I went inside when he gestured that I should, staring in wonder at the room. It was perfect. The walls and ceiling were magic images of the night sky, filled with glittering stars, and the floor seemed to be made of clouds. They moved every so minutely, a soft breeze that I could feel on my skin playing through them. The bed was a four poster with filmy sapphire curtains and a canopy. Through an archway was a second room, with a couch and entertainment center. A door off of that room led to a huge bathroom complete with a hot tub. None of the hotels on the Strip had anything on this place. Of course, none of them were run by a Primal Aspect.

  Lucien took his leave and I spent a couple of hours soaking in the hot tub. I redressed, then I headed back upstairs to the club proper. As I reached the top of the steps, I heard a commotion from the main room.

  I watched from the alcove as Aerick turned towards Lucien, both blades ready to strike at anyone who got in his way. Aerick’s face was a mask of fury again, flames flickering through his eyes. Lucien took a step back, smiled sadly, then made a simple motion with his hand. Aerick’s swords winked out of existence and he crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

  “What’s going on?” I asked in concern as I approached Lucien.

  “I have been informed that we need to isolate him in one of the rooms here to help with his mental and emotional healing. Advice from the specialist I called. Aerick didn’t care for the idea.” Lucien seemed to sigh, then he bent and picked Aerick’s unconscious form up with ease and carried him up the stairs.

  I followed, hoping to find out more. Lucien opened the door that was the second to the right and continued inside. I looked around as Lucien made Aerick comfortable in the bed. It was a four poster like mine, with gauzy grey curtains, and sat in the middle of the right hand wall. The room itself was pretty Spartan, the carpeting white and the walls a light grey. The furniture was luxurious, but was limited to a dresser, armoire and nightstand.

  The walls were decorated with various articles of medieval weaponry, all functional and easy to take off their hooks. A pile of scrolls sat on top of the dresser, one of them open as though it had been recently read. Through the archway where I had a living room, Aerick had what seemed to be a training dojo. There were more weapons in here, and practice dummies that were designed to withstand spells and elemental attacks. There was a door off the room that I could only assume was a bathroom like mine.

  I turned back to Lucien and Aerick, feeling like an intruder when I noted the fondness on Lucien’s face as he put a hand to Aerick’s brow before taking a step back. It dawned on me that there was a very strong connection between Aerick and Lucien, and there was a reason Lucien was here.

  “You’re his Aspect. Aren’t you?” I asked, referring to the fact that every Sentinel drew from a Primal Aspect.

  A Primal Aspect was a power within the world. They represented things that were abstracts or absolutes. Some would call them gods of a sort, but they were much more than that. They were the very essence of the things they embodied. Gods were formed from the Aspects, borrowing their power from them briefly while the belief of the people kept them active. Lucien was the Phoenix, the Essence of Life, Death, and Rebirth. The cycle of life. He was how reincarnation was possible.

  Lucien turned towards me suddenly, eyes flashing. “Do not speak of this to Aerick. He must not know. But, yes. I am his Aspect. He draws his powers indirectly from me as he always has.”

  “I’m just trying to figure out why fire and ice. I know he’s a Paragon, but I’m surprised water isn’t in his purview.”

  “It is, he just hasn’t bothered to study its applications yet. Now, never speak of this to Aerick. He cannot know I am the source of his power. At least not yet. He isn’t ready.”

  “You have my word,” I said solemnly.

  “Good. Now let us go. He needs his rest. The healing process will be long and arduous. And I still have guests waiting below.” Lucien turned and headed to the door, holding it open for me. I nodded in appreciation at his gesture and headed out.

  We went back downstairs. There was a very ethereal looking woman standing in the middle of the club. She was tall and slender with silvery hair and a gaze that seemed to look through you.

  “We must speak further, Lord Phoenix,” the woman said in a soft, melodic voice.

  “Then speak. And please, call me Lucien,” he responded.

  She glanced my way. “I would rather we spoke in private. To better preserve the privacy of the two individuals involved.”

  “Very well. Valencia will come with me, however, as this involves her very heavily.”

  “Good enough,” the woman said and stood to one said, obviously motioning for Lucien to lead the way.

  We made our way back to Lucien’s office, which seemed normal at this point. A simple wooden desk, a chair on his side of the desk, and two on our side. A small filing cabinet sat in the corner and a birdcage hung over it.

  “Now, perhaps you can tell me what is going on, and why you are taking liberties with my hospitality, sorcerer,” Lucien said as he sat down. I took up the corner behind him, opposite the filing cabinet. I crossed my arms under my breasts and kept a close eye on the woman.

  “Gayle, please. And remember, you were the one who called me here, who asked for my help. I didn’t get a chance to tell you everything I learned from them when I read them due to Aerick’s… disagreement with my suggestions. I wanted to inform you of the depths of the damage done to both Serena and Aerick. They have been severely mentally and emotionally traumatized,” she said softly.

  “No fucking shit, lady!” I couldn’t help my outburst. “They watched each other get tortured, and he watched her get brutally raped in ways that a girl like her should never get touched.”

  “Valencia. That’s enough. Let our guest speak. She’s right; I did invite her after all,” Lucien chided gently.

  “As I told you already, they cannot come into contact with each other, and I would limit the contact they had with others for now. Choose three or four people whom you know they are close to and allow no one else to see them. Keep them isolated otherwise, and give them time to heal. If they do not, it may break the girl, and drive Aerick to complete psychosis. He’s borderline as it is. As I suggested, you should have someone close to each person talk them through this as best as possible. They will likely talk to someone they know and trust. I will be on hand if you need my assistance in this.”

  “Aerick doesn’t like the idea of being separated from Serena,” I said, pissed that this woman thought she could just come and dictate what was best for Aerick, regardless of the fact that I agreed with her.

  “That may be, but it will be for the best in the long run. Right now, he’s not sure how he feels about her, what he saw her go throug
h, and whether or not he can ever touch her again, let alone look at her the same way,” Gayle said calmly, that peaceful expression never once wavering.

  “Very well. We will do as you suggest for now. But if I think for a second that there is another solution, I will take it,” Lucien said, obviously dismissing her.

  “Thank you, Lucien. They may not understand my methods, but it is in their best interests. Please see to it that my requests are met.”

  “I will do that. Although I do believe that Valencia is correct, and I fear for the structural integrity of my establishment if Aerick decides he truly wants to get to where Serena is.” Lucien stood.

  “I am sure you have the power to control him,” Gayle said simply as she walked out of the office.

  “I don’t like her,” I said, glaring holes in the door where she had just been standing.

  “I’m not overly fond of her either, but she knows what she is talking about. I called her for a reason.”

  “I’m going to go check in on Aerick.” I walked out of the office and headed upstairs.

  Upon reaching Aerick’s door, I started to second guess my decision. I could hear what sounded like furniture being destroyed and I could feel the power of extreme Aetheric energies being released. I cracked the door, and nearly got fried in the process.

  “What right does he have? I want to be freed! Now!” Aerick screamed at me, tossing the nightstand towards me. I ducked just in time and the nightstand shattered against the wall. Debris rained onto me as I slowly stood upright again.

  “Listen. Rick. Just calm down. This is for the best,” I said, holding my hands up in a placating manner.

  “Fuck calming down! Let me go! Serena is still out there! I need to get to her now!”

  “Serena’s fine. She’s here. In another room, resting. You know that,” I reminded him.

  “What? Let me see her then!” He took a step towards the door and I blocked it.

  “You can’t, you heard what Lucien said,” I told him.

  “The fuck I can’t! Out of my way!” He rushed me, blades appearing suddenly in his hands. I had never seen them form that quickly before, ever, and I had watched him quite a bit using Merlin’s scrying crystal. I barely got my whip formed in time, and I felt the blades enter my stomach just before I could even begin to think of raising a defense. He was in my face, eyes wild, and an evil grin on his lips.


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