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Heart to Heart

Page 13

by Meline Nadeau

  Leigh wound her hands through his hair and urged him on. “Don’t stop, please.”

  His answer came in the form of a tormented groan, even he didn’t recognize.

  • • •

  Leigh went to work on the buttons of his shirt, her entire body trembling with anticipation. One by one, they gave into her fumbling hands to reveal more of David’s sinewy torso. The warm tungsten light of a nearby lamp painted the peaks and valleys of his every muscle with an amber hue. A shiver rippled through her. Dear God, men shouldn’t be allowed to be this beautiful. He was even sexier than she’d imagined.

  She pressed her face against his bare chest and breathed in his scent. Cinnamon, sandalwood, and musk mingled with dizzying effect. Her blood coursed through her veins like an awakened river. To hell with propriety. She pushed away the urge to cover her bare breasts and teased the tip of his nipples with her tongue. She’d go back to worrying about her weight tomorrow. Tonight, she was a wanton goddess of love.

  David’s pecs hardened at her touch, and he urged her on with a muffled moan. She explored the lines of his chest with her mouth and covered his stomach with wet kisses. She brushed her lips against each muscle, lingering here and there to lick or tantalize with her tongue. The closer she got to his sex, the harder his erection pushed against the material of his jeans. Emboldened by his desire, Leigh unfastened his belt and pulled the zipper down. Once released, David’s rigid member sprang out. Hard. Heavy. Ready. A hot ache grew in her throat.

  “Oh, baby.” He growled rather than spoke. She curled her hand around his pulsing need. He shook and grew even harder at her touch. She pressed her mouth against his and nibbled on his bottom lip. He groaned and took her hands encouraging her to explore. His ragged breath came in waves as she caressed him. “Leigh.” Her whispered name sent her heart into a tailspin.

  She felt wanted and beautiful and so much more. Through the mist she marveled at his near perfect physique. Droplets of rain speckled the contours of his broad shoulders and dripped from his thick shock of blue-black hair. He looked like a wild, exotic prince conjured to fulfill her every wish. His touch sent waves of heat pulsing through her body. She couldn’t wait another second. She had to feel him inside her. “Take me, please,” she whispered. She guided his hands under her skirt, to her buttocks and shimmied out of her lace panties.

  “You deserve so much more, someplace classy, beautiful — ”

  She looked at him, then at the courtyard through the light mist. The air was heavy and still, almost tropical. Everything from the angles of his face to the cobblestone walk shone as if covered in a light dusting of gold. “This, you … it’s beautiful, enchanting … I don’t want to wait, I can’t — ” David leaned against the building and pulled her in close, his erection nestled in the space between her thighs. His mouth reclaimed her lips while his sex brushed against her mound, teasing.

  He sheathed himself, his mouth never leaving hers and then, before she could stop and worry about what kind of man carried condoms in his back pocket, he lifted her up around his waist as though she weighed little more than a feather. She wrapped her legs around his torso and gasped as his searing manhood penetrated her. She opened herself to him, accepting, urging. Heat, hunger, need filled her being. She moaned again and again as he lifted and rocked her into a pounding rhythm. Their bodies found the tempo that bound them together. Drizzle turned to rain and soon wind, water, and leaves swirled around them in keeping with the frantic beat of their lovemaking. Leigh barely had time to identify all the sensations taking over her body before she felt herself soaring higher and higher until she exploded in a downpour of fiery vibrations. The feelings at once thrilled and overwhelmed her, and she vaguely heard David yell out her name before nature drowned out their cries of bliss with a burst of thunder and a blinding flash of light.

  • • •

  As the fog of their lovemaking began to clear, David looked down at Leigh nestled in his arms. “I think I just had a religious experience.”

  Her gentle pearls of laughter rang through the air. The sound was light and playful, but she held on tight, as though the rain might take him away if she were to let go.

  He put her down inches from his body and locked his gaze onto hers as though she were an apparition. Her eyes sparkled with the perfect blend of sass and vulnerability a woman has after she’s made love. But this time was different. Gone were the attitude and the bravado. Whether she, like him, still reeled from the power of their orgasms, he couldn’t tell. But, he was sure of one thing. It had been more than just a physical high. He’d felt a true connection. He ran his index finger along her cheek, too overcome by the moment to speak.

  The corners of her mouth lifted into a sweet smile flanked by two adorable dimples. Her eyes were big and shiny like the raindrops coming down in sheets around them. Her russet curls, now a dark auburn, were glued to her cheeks and shoulders like the surrounding leaves stuck to the branches waving in the wind. She shivered and covered herself with her wet blouse. Her hard pink nipples peeked through the drenched delicate material, her bra half on, half off. He watched in silence as she fastened the buttons one by one. Even soaking wet, she was breathtaking. The warning crack of thunder rang out, its angry growl bouncing off the nearby buildings. Lightning immediately followed. They were in the eye of the storm, nature in keeping with their emotions. Thunder struck again, pulling him from his thoughts.

  He pulled her into his chest and threw his arms over her to shield her from the elements. “We should go.” He angled her face to meet his and covered her mouth with a warm, reassuring kiss.

  She stepped back, a mischievous smile tugging at her features. “Come with me,” she said, her voice a husky whisper. David followed, intrigued. She led him through the courtyard through a narrow alleyway to the road. They ran through the old quarter hand in hand, their feet splashing through the giant puddles filling the streets.

  • • •

  David looked at the dimly lit rose-colored room. Clothes, newspapers, and magazines covered every inch of its Victorian charm. Amid the chaos he recognized the titles of some of Leigh’s recent columns and articles on the town’s prisons. Research materials fought for space with shoes next to the bed and he glimpsed a pair of stockings hanging from the shower rod through the open bathroom door. Something wet touched his hand, drawing his glance downward. Zeus, ears back and haunches low, sought refuge by his side, no doubt frightened by the roar of the thunder. David scratched the dog behind the ears as he took it all in. Leigh Cameron was a mix of contradictions. She looked and acted the ice queen and yet she burned with unparalleled passion. Her research and writing were meticulous, yet her home and personal space epitomized chaos.

  He watched her, a little perplexed, while she busied herself lighting candles and straightening up. Ever since they’d stepped foot inside the ocean front walk-up, dripping from the downpour, she’d seemed to be avoiding his glance. She handed him a soft fluffy pink towel and led him upstairs. Warm light and the scent of vanilla now filled the room.

  “Zeus?” A voice rang out from downstairs. “Is that you?”

  Leigh stifled a giggle and motioned for David to be quiet. “It’s okay, Mrs. Deery. It’s me.”

  “Shall I let the dog out?” the voice continued.

  “Yes, thank you. Goodnight Mrs. Deery.”

  David opened the door a crack and Zeus bounded out of the room. Closing it with a soft click, he locked it and turned, arms folded.

  Leigh glanced in his direction while stuffing a pastel explosion of underwear back into her dresser.

  “I didn’t come here for your domestic prowess,” he said, his gruff voice disturbing the silence. He pulled her into his arms and angled her face toward his.

  Eyes wide, she batted her eyelashes with mock wonder. “Then why did you?” Gone was the vulnerability he’d glimpsed only a moment ag

  “To make wild unbridled love to you.” He wound his right hand into her damp curls and looked deep into her eyes. “Interested?”

  A flame of passion flickered in her eyes, igniting a fire in his loins. “I could be.”

  Behind the fire, something sweet and sad haunted her gaze. Part of him wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be all right. The other wanted to run away before it was too late. He couldn’t do either.

  She was so soft and loving. Could it be love? He didn’t want her affection. Turmoil tugged at his heartstrings. Women could ruin you when they got a hold of your heart. He’d watched his mother destroy his father, and he wasn’t about to let Leigh or any other woman, do the same to him. He would share her bed and her life for while, but that would be all. He couldn’t be the man she needed him to be and, if she asked, he wouldn’t lie about it.

  She shivered and looked him in the eyes with that air of defiance he knew only too well. “What are you waiting for?” She tugged at the wet lace covering her breasts and pressed her erect nipples against his chest to accentuate her point.

  “You.” Doubt ate at him. It might be different with her. He willed his conscience to be quiet. Then, before she could say another word, he shushed her with a lingering kiss and lifted her into his arms. This time, he’d take his time and tease her until she begged him to take her.

  • • •

  Before she could fully grasp what was happening, Leigh’s feet left the ground. “Oh God, what are you…? You’re going to break your back.”

  His sheer physical strength and size made her feel small and delicate. Leigh closed her eyes and surrendered to his embrace. She felt more exposed now in the warm cocoon of her bedroom than she had out in the pouring rain. He put her down on the four-poster bed’s coverlet, his touch light, almost hesitant. His gentleness made her eyes burn with unshed tears. There was no denying it. She loved him and leaving Watford would tear her apart. Feelings of euphoria and utter despair fought for space in her heart.

  He whispered sweet nothings in her ears and covered her body with his, warming her. He was being so sweet, so loving, his actions only made her want to cry even more.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Make love to me,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  His answer came in the form of a shower of kisses.

  Leigh closed her eyes to savor the tingling sensations. One by one, her blouse, bra, and skirt, joined her wet shoes by the side of the bed. David traced a path with his mouth from her swollen lips to her breasts, tantalizing each bud until she thought she’d go crazy with need. She whispered his name, reveling in its sound rolling off her lips. How easy it would be to stay here and keep calling his name every day for the rest of her life. She surrendered to the waves of pleasure flowing through her body.

  David pulled his wet T-shirt off and eased himself out of his jeans. She watched, scarcely believing that she, the boss’s nerdy kid, was lying naked with Watford’s most eligible bachelor. Couldn’t he tell she didn’t have a clue what to do next? Candlelight flickered and cast a magical glow on his nude torso. She rolled onto her side, conscious of the generous swell of her breasts and thighs. “David, I … .”

  “Shhhh. Close your eyes. Just lie back and let yourself go.”

  She did as he asked, focusing on her other senses. The steady tapping of raindrops on the roof and familiar smell of vanilla-scented candles lulled her into a state of delicious anticipation. David continued his exploration, drawing a line from her navel to the edge of her panties with his lips. Anticipation raced through Leigh’s body, and she held her breath as he slipped a finger under the lacy material and eased it down over her hips. His appreciative moan mixed with the sound of her pounding heartbeat. If he’d had any doubts on whether she was a true redhead, he didn’t anymore. His hot breath against her inner thighs sent a thrill of excitement and near panic though her body. What if she didn’t, if she couldn’t — he parted her delicate folds and found her sweet spot with his tongue, ending any and all coherent thoughts.

  “Oh God.” Leigh arched her back, her entire body throbbing with raw need. David’s teased and plundered her core with his mouth until she thought she would go mad. Her body burned with a thousand fires, like a volcano awakened after years of slumber.

  “Condoms?” His hurried question came as a plea, urgent, almost desperate. She pointed to the bedside table where a brand new box of prophylactics had recently found a home. What kind of girl stocked a box of condoms next to her bed? Certainly not the old Leigh. But ever since she’d met David, she’d fantasized about sex with him. Through the haze, she felt the cool air against her wet flesh when he removed his mouth.

  “Hurry.” Her body screamed for his touch. More. Now. Please.

  He tore the box open and pulled out one of the shiny packets. She watched as he sheathed himself. Need altered the contours of his face. In his eyes she saw fire, thirst, and desire. For her. All for her. He penetrated her, his actions slow, deliberate and soon, the burning embers of their lovemaking became one long raging river of ecstasy that shook her body into oblivion.

  • • •

  Leigh woke to the caress of warm morning light against her cheek. A gentle breeze drifted through the open balcony door, rustling the gauzy drapes. The aroma of fresh coffee and hum of a male baritone floated in from the kitchenette. She stretched like a house cat on its master’s bed. “Hmmmm. Smells good.”

  David came into the room, a cup of coffee in one hand and her dressing gown in the other. “Hi, sleepyhead.” He put the cup down on the night table and kissed her forehead. “Cream and brown sugar — just the way you like it.”

  She smiled, touched that he’d remembered, and sipped the hot beverage. “Mmmm. Perfect.”

  He tousled her hair. “Here. Put this on and join me outside.” She watched as he exited the room, glad he’d left her alone to pull her naked self out of bed. Acting wild and uninhibited felt a lot more natural under the veil of candlelight than by the harsh reality of morning light.

  She threw on the silky robe, and ducked into the bathroom for a quick mirror check. Dark mascara smudges rimmed her eyes and her hair looked like a bird’s nest. She twisted it up into a chignon — untangling it would take too long. She wiped off some of the more obvious black streaks and put a few drops of saline solution solution in each eye. Thank God for extended-wear lenses. She wasn’t quite ready to reveal her near-sighted and bespectacled self.

  She glimpsed David through the open French doors. Barefoot and shirtless, he soaked in the morning rays, clad only with a pair of faded jeans. Excitement and trepidation made her stomach churn. If he weren’t sitting on her balcony, she would have thought it all a dream. She joined him at the small wrought iron table in silence. The brisk morning smelled of tidal marshes and seashells, and brightly colored sails already dotted the horizon.

  “What do you say we play hooky, today?” A playful light danced in his eyes.

  She couldn’t help but smile at the idea. “People will talk if we both call in sick.”

  “Let ’em talk. It’d be a real shame to spend such a beautiful day indoors.”

  “Aren’t you the least bit curious about the fallout from the prison riot? I’ve got to get back there and figure out what caused it.”

  David grinned. “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that.” He pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “The only thing on my mind right now is making love to you, again.”

  “Leigh?” Mrs. Deery’s voice rang from inside. “Are you all right, dear? The door was open and I — ”

  Leigh and David exchanged amused glances. The door had definitely been locked.

  Zeus trotted out onto the balcony, tail wagging and tongue lolling. The landlady followed. “Leigh? Oh. Mr. Stone.” The snoop managed an uncomfortable smile.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Deery.” A flash of good humor crossed David’s face.

  Leigh smiled with as much candor as she could muster. “Thank you for taking care of Zeus for me, Mrs. Deery.”

  The old lady’s hawk-like eyes darted around, no doubt taking in every detail of the room — David’s nude torso, the unmade bed, Leigh’s unmentionables strewn about the floor. Leigh groaned. Whether they called in sick or not, there’d be no keeping last night a secret now.

  She escorted the old meddler back to the front door. “Well, I’m sure you have lots to do today, Mrs. Deery, so we won’t keep you. Thanks again for taking care of Zeus last night.” Leigh closed the door behind her, and locked it with a definitive click. She turned and grinned at David who’d followed them inside. “Think she suspected anything?”

  He threw his head back and burst out laughing. “Come here.”

  She nestled herself in his arms and giggled, her gaze melting into his. His laughter broke off and his eyes smoldered. “What do you say we really give her something to talk about?”

  Her heart sang with delight as they tumbled into bed. Never before had she felt so happy and alive.

  Chapter Six

  Leigh sipped her coffee and gazed around the meeting space. The usual suspects were gathered at the conference table for their morning story meeting. Jen and Sue discussed the layout of the weekend fashion supplement, while Geoff, James, Pam, and Carl did the previous day’s crossword puzzle.

  David was late. He’d rushed back to his place for a change of clothes and a shower. Leigh flushed at the memory of their early morning tryst. A good hour had gone by since then, and she still burned with pleasure and guilt. Even an awkward run-in with Mrs. Deery had done nothing to squelch the fire. A flash of longing filled her with heat as she remembered the feeling of his mouth on her breasts.


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