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Heart to Heart

Page 43

by Meline Nadeau

  “Uncle, did you have a favorite book?”

  “Yes. Asterix.”

  “But I’ve seen Asterix!”

  “Amazing. What have you been reading?”

  “Aunt Jane and I are still going through the Potters. But we haven’t watched the latest film, yet. It’s supposed to be brilliant, but I want to read the books, first. It’s taking an age. Auntie, can I have cocoa?”

  Jane was about to answer, when Serena came through the door. She had showered and changed before she left, so was in a dramatically eye-catching outfit. Her many packages betrayed how she’d spent her time.

  Nigel stood as she came in. “Retail therapy?”

  Serena laughed as though it was a private joke. Jackson said that he hadn’t cleaned his teeth. Please, Auntie. Jane rose from the sofa and made her way into the kitchen to make his cocoa.

  While she was in the kitchen, Nigel and Serena exchanged words that Jane couldn’t hear, and didn’t want to. Although Nigel appeared not to approve of Serena’s behavior towards Jane as a guest, Jane hadn’t sorted out exactly what his response was towards her, as far as “men and women’s chemistry” was concerned.

  How patronizing Serena had been. It was true Jane had had only two short-term boyfriends in her lifetime, but there was no need to speak to her as though she were an imbecile about human relationships. And she preferred to think of herself as ladylike, not as a prude, thank you very much.

  Jane gave Jackson his cocoa in his favorite thermos, and he headed to his room. Jane assured him that she and his uncle would be in to say goodnight.

  Jane walked cautiously towards Nigel and Serena. Serena turned to her with a forced smile and said. “Well, we’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for lunch, then.” She started to walk towards her room carrying her shopping bags, adding, “Sweet dreams,” over her shoulder. Obviously Serena was aware that Jane was leaving with Nigel for the hotel, to refer to lunch.

  Jane and Nigel bade goodnight to Jackson, and Jane had a bit of worry at leaving Jackson for the first time with Serena. “Yes, Auntie, I’ll be fine,” he said. “Of course I’ll clean my teeth when I am done with my cocoa.” He did seem rather ready for them to leave his room, his room in Texas, in the United States of America, where his father lives, Jane thought to herself. What would Lydia think of this? Nigel brought her back to the moment with a lift beneath her elbow. Accepting their kisses, Jackson immediately turned back to the computer.

  Without another word, Nigel picked up her case, her shopping bags, and showed Jane through the door. A limo was approaching the condo.

  Chapter 30

  It was a balmy night. Nigel sat closely to her in the long, sleek vehicle that drove them away from Billy’s residence. Embarrassed, she smiled at her lap and turned to look out the window. Within a few minutes, they pulled up in front of the exotic, multi-balconied ZaZa hotel. The driver helped Jane out of the car, and she was greeted by a large, lit splashy fountain. Soft music played in the distance, floating from an open bar, and she hesitated, listening.

  “Shall we?”

  Jane smiled a joyful consent. Nigel dealt with the porter, sending her cases upstairs, and offered his arm to his companion. They were given a table at the edge of a lush garden, poolside. The water reflected like modular cubes of ice outlined in blue beneath the strung party lights.

  “You’re far more beautiful than I remembered,” Nigel said.

  Jane was gobsmacked. She stared at him disbelievingly. Don’t wake me up, thought Jane, as her pulse raced. Nigel smiled at her stunned reaction, and Jane laughed luxuriously, her voice carried away on the gentle breeze and the band’s music.

  “Serena gave me a make-over. She could best Trinny and Susannah, you know. I clearly know What Not to Wear, but I admit a little regret at giving up my khaki trousers. Although it can’t be denied I look a bit smarter after all of her Herculean efforts.”

  “Darling, that’s a little polish, that’s all. But it does suit you.” Nigel signaled for a waiter, and ordered Cosmos for them. Jane admitted to being hungry, and added a small plate of mandarin short ribs.

  The drinks came almost immediately, and Jane thought the citrusy concoction was an absolute delight. And she drank in Nigel’s handsome face, looking over a wedge of pineapple that was pinched on the side of her ruby glass.

  “Jane, I have an ulterior motive for bringing you here.” Nigel looked uncharacteristically ill at ease. He grinned sheepishly, ringing his finger ’round the rim of his cocktail glass.

  The fantasy atmosphere seemed to tip to one side, and took Jane sloshing with it. She felt slightly dizzy. Her thoughts went a bit mad. Oh, no. He’s in love with Serena. He’s going to leave me here, and head back to Billy’s place. He feels badly, but needs to confess.

  “I have quite a confession to make.”

  I’ll say, thought Jane. Determined to kindly hear him out, she took another long drag on her drink, and then boldly set it aside. The waiter came with her food. She couldn’t eat it now, with the cold tonic coating her stomach, and the dangerous fizziness floating about them in this magical place. She realized she must have looked to be ignoring him, taking in the exotic poolside surroundings and with a startled expression, she gazed up. He took her hand. For once in her life, she didn’t want to touch him. How would his holding her hand make his announcement of bad news, whatever it was, any less difficult?

  “I am sorry. My timing is poor. You look rather distraught.” Nigel apologized.

  “No… well, yes. But it’s my fault.” Deep breath. “I’ve just been processing so many changes, so many emotions, that I feel a bit odd. And what with the heat here, and sleeping on that sofa, it’s all left me a little exhausted,” Jane felt better, admitting the challenges she’d faced since coming to America. She calmed down, and smiled at him. “But, please, I am all right, Nigel, so please continue.”

  Another smile. He was a god. Did he know? His eyes were so blue. Sparkling.

  “Jane, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. You see, I’ve been preparing to leave my job.”

  She refused to entertain thoughts of possible illness or other calamity. She firmly told herself that she was done having inner hysterics, that they’d become quite an awful habit. She drew a deep breath and prepared to hear him out.

  “It’s always been the arrangement, actually. When you’re hired on, you’re told that you’ll be at the beck and call of the prince for five years, or less time if you don’t suit. And you’re told coming on that you’ll be paid handsomely, but that you’ll give up nearly the whole of your life for those years. Family, everything, comes second to the job. Oh, I am doing this badly, Jane. It sounds as though it’s all about me. But it isn’t. I couldn’t be more concerned for your happiness.”

  “My happiness? Nigel, I am sorry, I don’t understand.”

  “No, I don’t suppose.” Nigel rubbed his forehead in agitation, and gave a clipped laugh. “I got an excellent response from Jackson, and was full of confidence about this earlier.”

  “Nigel. Come to the point, please.”

  “I’ve booked you on the return flight. We leave tomorrow evening. For home, Jane.”

  Jane heard herself gasp softly.

  “Of course, if you refuse, I shall respect your decision.”


  “Why, what?”

  “Nigel, why am I flying to England with you tomorrow?”

  “Because I love you, Jane.”

  “Be serious.”

  Nigel became earnest, leaning in towards her. Close. So close. “I am quite serious, my love. I’ve dated, literally around the world. And … you’re so very special.”

  “Me? But you’ve scarcely spoken to me, all these years. Unless you wanted something.”

  “I am rather shy, I suppose.”

l, you cannot tell me you’re shy. You’ve been more than authoritative with me. About Jackson.”

  “That was sort of like business, though, wasn’t it? I had an objective. Personal feelings are quite different. I’ve never been good at expressing them. Quite hopeless, really.”

  She laughed again. “I am sorry, I feel this drink is messing with my head. I shall wake up, somewhere, with Serena peering down at me and ridiculing me.” She pulled one hand away and supported her spinning head. “I really ought not to drink, Nigel. I can’t handle alcohol, but it was so pretty, wasn’t it?”

  Through spread fingers, Jane saw that his head was cast down. Was it possible that she might have accidentally hurt his feelings? Could this be real? How could she get on a plane tomorrow? She was Jackson’s nanny. It wasn’t over, yet. She had something important to do, perhaps. Or perhaps not. Maybe she wasn’t ever needed, by anybody, to come to America, after all.

  “Nigel, I am sorry, darling. I am just shocked. Thrilled, mind you. But surprised. Tell me more!”

  It was Nigel’s turn to chuckle. He squeezed her hands. “Jane, I know it’s outrageous. I am sorry I’ve been silent all these years, doing my work, but I couldn’t start with you and then get on a flight and leave, next day.”

  He stopped and studied her face. Jane was amazed to see the love in his eyes. For her.

  “This is the grand scheme, Jane, all right? I should like to go into politics. I don’t need the money, so people’ll know they can trust me, won’t they? There are some things in the county that are too disturbing not to do anything about. That by-pass road proposal, that would round the village, for a start. No real representation. And the mismanagement of historical properties. I want to do something useful.”

  “That’s lovely,” Jane whispered. “The village? You said the village.”

  “Yes, of course, Hartsbury. Home.”

  Icy fingers tickled Jane’s middle. “There isn’t any … home. You, you actually feel, still rooted there? I — ”

  “Jane, listen. You’ve only lost the shop, darling, and your flat; the village is still standing, love! And everyone misses you.”

  “They miss … me?”

  “Yes. I was there last week, checking in on the upstairs bath. And they all asked after you, everyone misses you awfully — ”

  “The upstairs bath?”

  “Yes, darling, you know it needed work,” Nigel said. “You’ve not put it together, have you?” He smiled. Like a pirate.

  Jane stared back. It couldn’t be. “You couldn’t be talking about the wonky toilet at …at Brambleberry House?”

  “Yes, darling. You’re looking at the new owner. I had to keep it under wraps, didn’t I? Mum was trying to work out what I should inherit years from now, which is madness, I don’t want — or need — anything from her. But I confess I’ve always had a bit of love for the old heap, and well, you’ve always been the heart of that house, Jane, quite as much as my family. Mum knows, now, that I am the mystery buyer. A good laugh, that. So, you’ll like living in the old house, won’t you? I should think it might even be a comfort to Jackson, to be able to come back. Of course, you’ll want to put your own touches on the place. Tear down the old wallpapers for a start. The garden’s already looking seedy.”

  All of Lydia’s roses. The lilac wallpaper. She’d keep them always. “Oh, Nigel.”

  “Darling, I am sorry to spring it all on you. That’s it in a nutshell, really, my being a country politician and us living in the same old house we’ve come and gone from for ages.”

  Jane continued to stare. It was all so wonderful. An answered prayer … .

  “But, again, that’s all me. I would give anything to make you happy, Jane. You could do whatever you like. Start another shop, go to school, organize the church jumble sale or just have a lovely time being a kept woman. Whatever you wish, darling.”

  “But what about Jackson?”

  “I’ve been in touch with Billy. In fact, I spoke to him again, today. And I had a bit of a chat with Serena about Jackson, yesterday. I’ll come to the point, Jane. She has her moments, but she is intelligent, and genuinely is interested in the care of my nephew. Somehow she has a way with Jackson. He’s content with them both. I am sorry, darling, but it’s true, and she’s about to become his stepmother. He wants to stay.”

  “Yes, of course, you’re right.”

  “Serena has properly laid plans about where Jackson should go to school, and I was rather impressed with her initiative. Billy’s family is close by, and wishes to be involved in Jackson’s life, as well. Jacks thinks they’re a decent lot. So, I should think Jackson should get on all right, despite Billy’s lifestyle as an entertainer. We’ve discussed him coming to visit, and have set a holiday schedule. We’ve even had a chinwag about Dudley, but now that Jackson’s been on a horse, a pony is out. Harry is rather happy with Jackson’s spaniel, and Jacks made a gift of Ausfrid to his new grandfather. And Serena seems to have a Yorkie somewhere to be the family’s new dog. Darling, you look so lost, but I assure you this is all for the best. It’s sort of as though we’ll have shared custody, so you needn’t worry that you’re saying goodbye to him forever, Jane.”

  “But how can we just leave him?”

  “Because we must let go. Darling, think about it this way: we’ll have children of our own.”

  The depth of Nigel’s words struck her heart. Her heart’s desires met his words.

  “You’re happy, then?”

  “Ecstatic. And silly, that’s all. Nigel, say it, please … .”

  “I love you, Jane. I want--desperately — for you to marry me. End the loneliness for both of us. Become a family. Jackson has always thought of you as his aunt, and now you surely will be!”

  “But, why? I still don’t understand, Nigel. You’ve got to be on the U.K.’s most desirable bachelor list or something … . Why me?”

  “Jane! Have you so lowly an opinion of yourself? I respect your humility and sweetness, but it’s only me. Lydia’s brother. We’ve known each other for ages, I’ve been secretly in love with you for years, you must know that. I’ve acted a complete fool when you’ve come to the house, scarcely could say a word. So often I’ve thought about how there’s a special energy when you come ’round. It was you I always hated leaving most; didn’t you ever notice that I usually got away to the airport when you were away from the house?”

  He stroked her cheek. And he wasn’t done, yet. “You’re so brilliant, Jane. You took that woman’s failing florist’s business and made a go of it, all on your own. You ingratiate yourself to everyone you meet, Jane. Why, you even got a rock star to bring you to America. I can’t think of anyone I’d be so honored to share my life with, to raise a family with, than you.” His passionate voice became a lover’s whisper. “There. That really wasn’t so frightening once I got going.”

  He held Jane’s face in his hands, watching her comprehending smile, and the love dancing in her eyes. Nigel leaned over and kissed her tenderly, careless that his silk tie lashed through the saucy spare ribs on Jane’s plate.

  A Sneak Peek from Crimson Romance

  Drive Me Sane by Dena Rogers

  Love Restored

  Lieze Gerber

  Avon, Massachusetts

  This edition published by

  Crimson Romance

  an imprint of F+W Media, Inc.

  10151 Carver Road, Suite 200

  Blue Ash, Ohio 45242

  Copyright © 2012 by Wietzie Lieze Gerber

  ISBN 10: 1-4405-5440-4

  ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-5440-7

  eISBN 10: 1-4405-5441-2

  eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-5441-4

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, corporations, institutions, organizations, events, or locales in this novel are either the product of the au
thor’s imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. The resemblance of any character to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

  Cover art © Lange, David Hughes, mocker

  To all the people and pets who supported me on this crazy, wonderful journey, and to every romance writer out there.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  About the Author

  A Sneak Peek from Crimson Romance

  Chapter One

  “Oh come on, Rachel, you owe it to yourself. It’s been three years since that wretched husband of yours ran away, and you’ve been working nonstop since then.”

  Recognizing the familiar ring of determination in her friend’s voice, Rachel rolled her eyes to the ceiling and stood from her desk to close her office door. She returned, crossed her legs, and sat back in her executive leather chair with a soft sigh. From past experiences, she knew Tina wouldn’t easily be swayed.

  “Just think of it — warm sun, fabulous food, excellent wine … and there may even be a handsome French gentleman to enchant you,” Tina continued. Rachel laughed at Tina’s glib remark.

  “So?” Tina’s question sounded in her ear.

  Blissful — a week in the south of France. Rachel deliberated and twirled a long coil of hair around her finger at the memories of the grand old house in Cassis she’d helped renovate. The image of long, lazy lunches in the shade of the massive plane trees in the back garden brought a soft smile to Rachel’s lips. But she had so much on her plate right now.


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