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Gypsy Girl and Horse Lovin' Boys

Page 17

by K. D. Kinney

  “I’m so late. I have to get ready,” Noah jogged past us and started running.

  “I’ll come back in a few. I’m going to go help him.” Josh took off after Noah.

  I wanted to hug Josh again for all he’d done but he was gone. Instead I rubbed my arm, watching them run for the horse barn.

  “Umm. Before I go, I wanted to let you know one more time that I’m sorry.” Kelly startled me.

  “This helps us so much,” I spun around and nearly hugged her. However, I still didn’t like Kelly enough to do that.

  “My dad was able to show them how best to legally eliminate the paper trail they were working on. He’s good at giving advice like that. It took some convincing that it was the right thing to do. He’s good at that too, making sure people do the right thing for the right reasons.” Kelly hung her head. “That’s something I need to work on.”

  “This whole show, the animal training, it means everything to her. I was afraid my mom would have to quit.”

  “I didn’t want that to happen because of me. You probably already know I envy you. It’s not just because of how much Noah and Josh like you.”

  “I don’t think there is much about me to envy.”

  “You get a do-over everywhere you go. I’m stuck being the meanest mean girl at a small town school. I’ve been that for such a long time and even when I do good things, people still think I want something from them or have intentions to ambush them later.”

  “You should stop calling yourself that. It might help.”

  “I know it’s true and sometimes I don’t know how to be anything else. Like I said, when I try to do better, everyone doesn’t believe it will last.”

  “Being a gypsy just means you never have friends for long. There are as many goodbye’s as there are hello’s. Once I leave, everyone goes back to their lives and forget I still want to be their friend.”

  “I don’t think those boys will forget you.” Kelly picked at the wall.

  “As soon as some pretty girl comes along and flirts with them, it will change. Actually, that’s how it should be. At least that’s how the boys should look at it. For once I’m actually afraid they’re going to be stuck on me long after I’m gone.”

  “That’s not a bad thing. Just so you know, Josh is different this week. He’s always been such a clown around Noah, like he has to be louder, and funnier to get attention. Today he was all business and I didn’t realize what a great guy he is. I’m pretty sure it all has to do with you.” Kelly looked me in the eye. “I wish things started out differently for us. I would have loved to be friends with someone that understands what my family does. I only have myself to blame for that.” She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her short shorts and her eyes filled with tears. “I wish I could have a do-over with this week, and with my life.”

  All my animosity towards her melted away, I gave Kelly a hug. “You could make changes. Just stick with it a while, people need time to accept change.”

  “No, I’ve been this way a long time. I think I might change schools though. I’ve thought a lot about it, especially the past couple days. I need that kind of do-over where no one knows my reputation.”

  “I sure hope everything works out for you. My mom says live life with no regrets so you don’t have to look back and wish you tried something different. That’s the whole reason why we do this whole show thing.” I chewed on my lip. “Acting on her advice caused me some other problems though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, I really like Noah and Josh.” I didn’t want to open up anymore than that.

  “It’s hard not to. Those two, they are like puzzle pieces to a two piece puzzle. You can’t have one without the other to make it complete. Don’t sweat it.” Kelly’s dad called her over. “I have to go. At least you can spend the last couple days without drama from me.” She gave me a wave and walked over to her dad.

  Mom cancelled the shows for the rest of the day so Peppy could settle back in. He was really wound up and excited to be home. Cessie played with him in the Caravan. I watched Noah win first place while Josh held my hand tight the whole time.



  For once I was the one that sat bolt upright in bed super early and eagerly threw my clothes on. Kelly was gone. Peppy was back. The busiest last two days of the fair had arrived. I grabbed a package of muffins and went to meet everyone for breakfast before they fed their horses.

  Noah and Josh were milling around their tent. Josh brushed his teeth as he walked around their campsite.

  “You know she just doesn’t want to cause drama between us. What the heck does it matter? She’s leaving and then what? We keep fighting over her?” Noah’s back was to me as he sat down on the picnic table bench to pull on his boots.

  Josh froze when he saw me and stared.

  I stopped when I realized they were talking, probably arguing, about me. “Umm, hi. I brought breakfast but I can meet you later.” I took a few steps back.

  “No, don’t go.” Noah turned so fast and was on his feet. His arm wrapped tight around my shoulders, guiding me back to the table. “We both want you to stay.”

  Josh spit out a mouth full of toothpaste in the grass and rinsed out his mouth, nodding when he sat down on the bench. “It was nothing. We just like to argue over who you like more. I like to bug Noah because he gets all green when I tell him you like me too.”

  “Is this what guys do when girls aren’t around?” My cheeks flamed.

  “Yeah, I can’t compete with him with horses and usually I can’t compete when it comes to girls. This time I can. You should see us when we play video games. Hashtag, sore loser.”

  “Yeah, it’s bad.” Noah agreed a little too eagerly.

  “Whatever. You know, I’ll go home right now and tell you both to go away if you’re going to start fighting again.”

  “Uh-huh. That’s why we made up just now and want you to stay. Besides you brought food that will straighten us out in a hurry.” Josh held out his hands for a muffin and gave me his best puppy eyes.

  “Food is good. Either we ate too much this week or we didn’t plan well for breakfasts.” Noah held out his hands too.

  “I guess it’s a good thing I came to rescue you from fighting and starving to death.” I sat down at the table.

  “My mom and dad are coming today. I think my mom was going to bring us some food for tomorrow and Monday morning so I believe we will recover.”

  “Your parents will be here?” I picked at my muffin.

  “This will be good. We have a plan.” Josh’s eyes danced as he rubbed his hands together.

  “No, Josh has a plan. I will go along with it because he’s willing to put up with my Mom’s interrogations. So I might enjoy it more than I think.”

  “Does it include me?” I mashed the crumbs between my fingers.

  “Of course.” Josh smiled. “They’re here to watch the final awards presentation for Noah. I’m sure he’ll win one of the top awards. The whole shebang happens when you aren’t performing so you can come see. If you want to. If not then we don’t need to enact our grand plan.”

  “Of course I want to go.” I looked up at Noah. He smiled and glanced away.

  “Okay, so we will probably be sitting together anyway. I just figured you should act like my girlfriend while she’s there. That way she doesn’t harass Noah. She’ll just be all worked up over me instead.”

  “Why would she harass Noah? Does she suspect anything?”

  “We aren’t sure. Because Kelly went home early, we don’t know what she might have told my mom. Especially since there was some sort of thing with those two before we got here.”

  “I see. I’m not sure I want to be around her if she suspects anything going on between either of you and me.”

  “Don’t worry. She doesn’t bite. She just makes lots of noise,” Josh said.

  “I don’t like hateful looks either.” I finished my muffin and mashed the wrapper u
ntil crumbs tumbled out the top.

  “Why have you been murdering that muffin?” Josh asked.

  “I don’t know. You guys are freaking me out a little maybe.”

  “You can sit there and hold my hand, cuddle my arm, and let me do all the talking. I know how to deal with her.” Josh gave me a mischievous smile.

  My mouth turned up at the side. “You’ve been an expert at dealing with all the drama all week.”

  Noah huffily left the table and went in the tent.

  “Did I say something wrong?” I whispered to Josh.

  “Nah. He doesn’t deal with insecurity well either,” Josh whispered.

  “I heard that,” Noah yelled from the tent. He climbed out with his toothbrush. “I’m not insecure.” He glared at Josh. “You just want to be the champion battling everyone who starts something with Sera.”

  “I’m the best to handle your mom, aren’t I?”

  “Yeah. Just shut-up about the rest. You aren’t looking like a hero. You just look like a wanna-be superhero.”

  “Look who put on their big girl panties today.” Josh glared back at Noah.

  “Hey, stop acting like that.” I stood up, pressing my fists against my hips. “You are both ridiculous.”

  “They’ve been like that all morning,” Rachel said, stepping out of the RV with Bree right behind her.

  “We told them to shut-up a few times already.” Bree looked at Noah and then Josh. “Should we tell her why?”

  “No,” they said in unison.

  “You don’t have to. I already know. Maybe I’ll go home and see you boys later.”

  “No, don’t go.” Josh rested his hand on mine. “I’ve been bugging Noah all morning. I’ll stop.”

  “And I think I’m tense because last time my parents came, things got a little messed up.” Noah stuffed his hands in his pockets and gave me an awkward side-glance.

  “Just include me this time,” I said. “I’ll play along with Josh if that’s what you want.”

  “Girls, just so you know, Sera is my girlfriend today. Don’t say anything about Noah having anything to do with her except hanging-out with us making sure we behave. Okay?”

  “Totally. Not going to tread in those waters.” Rachel’s eyes widened and she was in complete agreement.

  “I don’t even want to be around when she finds out Josh has a girl.” Bree hitched her thumbs in her shorts belt loops, shaking her head.

  “Well at least she’ll figure out that I’m not gay,” Josh said.

  Everyone laughed at Josh’s face.

  “All right. Well let’s go take care of the horses and get this day started,” Bree said as she took the muffin I offered and took off. Rachel followed.

  Josh stopped to wait for Noah when he didn’t move to go.

  “You go ahead. Can you toss some hay to Ezra for me? I need to talk to Sera.”

  Josh’s hands went to his hips and his head turned to the side.

  Noah sighed. “Do you remember when you were there the first time my mom met Katie?”

  Josh’s eyes widened when he remembered. He waved and took off after the girls.

  “You are seriously freaking me out now.”

  Noah shook his head. “I just wanted him to go away. It’s not that bad. I’m sure my mom will ask questions when she meets you. Just let Josh answer. Not a big deal. It’s not me and she’ll get over wanting to know if we’re gay or whatever all that is about and start wondering if Josh’s mom will be getting a call in nine months instead.”

  “What’s in nine months?”

  Noah’s eyes dropped to my stomach and then gave me a look. I got it and flushed.

  Noah slid his arm around my back. He walked me to the bike path. It didn’t look as creepy as it did the night the carnie attacked me. Noah walked me over to a bench along the trail.

  He sat down, pressing his hands together and placed them in between his knees looking vulnerable and lacking confidence. “Okay, Josh has been bugging me all morning about you. He says you have boyfriend feelings for us both, and that’s why you’re pulling away so much, putting us both in the friend zone instead. He keeps rubbing it in my face that you’re liking him more because I didn’t save you from the carnie or help much when it came to Kelly and getting your monkey back.”

  I was speechless.

  “You’re not pulling away because I didn’t do more, are you?” Noah’s finger brushed against my knee.

  “No! You were there when Josh was off taking care of those things. Was I supposed to sit there alone? I feel like you both did what needed to be done with each situation.” I slid my fingers along his arms to hold his hands, leaning on his lap. When I looked at him, his blue eyes sucked me in. “I do keep telling you that we should be friends and you push past that every time. Have I stopped you?” I gave him a teasing look.

  “No.” Noah’s face brightened some and he moved my hair over my shoulder. His hand stayed lost in my hair.

  “Why’s that?’

  “Because you like to kiss.” He looked at the ground.

  “Well, yeah, but I don’t let everyone kiss me. Why have I let you do that?” I asked playfully.

  Instead of answering, his lips met mine. He kissed me gentle and slow only once. I kept my eyes closed when he stopped, leaning into him, wanting more.

  “Because you still like me that much,” he whispered in my ear and I shivered.

  I opened my eyes. “How can I not?” I pulled his hat off and ran my hands through his hair. He wanted his hat back but I moved it out of his reach behind me. “I don’t care if you want your hat. I want to look at you.”

  “What about that kiss with Josh? Did you let him kiss you the same way?”

  I leaned against his shoulder. I wouldn’t look at him. “You’re insecure again. We aren’t talking about Josh right now.” I tucked my head under his chin so I could kiss his neck. I needed to shift his thoughts. His vocal cords tickled my lips when he let out a little moan. How I loved it when his hand was lost in my hair.

  “Don’t do that or nobody will be finding us for a while.” He didn’t make me stop. I kissed his neck, under his chin, and then his mouth.

  “Now stop complaining and letting Josh get under your skin.” I stood and pulled Noah up off the bench. He held me tight against his chest. I pressed my lips together and closed my eyes tight. I didn’t want to let him go. I was failing miserably at keeping my distance.


  The day started fantastic with a great first show. We had the biggest crowd ever for our early performance. I was a little edgy with Peppy on my shoulder so close to my face. However, he didn’t misbehave at all.

  I slipped out of the Caravan quietly when Cessie was preoccupied with a cartoon on the tablet when I headed for Noah’s awards thing

  Josh practically bounced in his boisterous way across the field to meet me. He gave me a hug once I was in arms reach. Instantly I was nervous with how far he would take the girlfriend thing this time. When he tucked his head close to my neck, I relaxed. He gripped my shirt, holding me tighter before he suddenly let me go.

  “I’m sorry.” Josh studied the clouds in the sky, bouncing a little on his toes. “I feel like the clock is ticking and our time is almost up even though we still have tomorrow.” Josh held out his hand.

  I didn’t hesitate to take it and he squeezed my hand as we walked to the bleachers. Josh stepped on each bleacher bench never letting me go, bringing me right to the woman with the same dark hair as Noah, only it was longer and styled to perfection, perched on the edge of the bench.

  Noah’s mom glanced over at Josh and smiled before doing a double take. Her eyes fixated on our hands.

  I held my breath. Josh planted his butt on the bench and slid even closer to her. She studied me as if I were a piece of art. The kind of art she was determining if she despised it or not. It was easy to tell she was leaning towards despise.

  “Who do you have there, Josh?” she asked, crinkling up her nose,
never taking her eyes of me.

  I wanted to shrivel up and disappear. My faced burned. I had to look away. Studying Josh’s shirt was much better. Sitting so close that his leg touched mine was even more reassuring.

  “This is Sera. She performs in the Gypsy show over there.” Josh made sure he moved our hand holding where she could see it.

  “That sounds questionable.” Noah’s mom huffed as she searched for Noah.

  “Why?” I asked. I had heard plenty from judgmental types in the past. Wait, I was supposed to let Josh do the talking.

  “It’s not questionable, Mrs.Carroll. It’s a children’s storytelling show.” Josh rubbed the back of my hand.

  I leaned back so the instant death laser eyes couldn’t kill me.

  “Well, you have made fast friends I see.” Mrs.Carroll leered at our hands instead.

  I jumped when Rachel and Bree slid over to sit beside me.

  “Hi there,” Bree said. Rachel echoed Bree’s greeting.

  “Did you girls know about this?” Noah’s mom pointed at Josh and me.

  Mrs. Carroll should know wrinkling her nose like that was very unattractive. I was able to keep my mouth shut by clenching my jaw.

  “What? Oh Sera? She’s our new friend too so we know about her.” Bree nodded excessively and watched the arena where nothing was happening. “Yep.”

  “That’s not what I mean. So, Josh, you holding hands, is that a friend thing?”

  “Mrs. Carroll, Sera is my girlfriend. And if my mom cared, she would have been here sometime this week and she hasn’t been here at all. So you don’t need to worry for her. I know how to behave myself.”

  Josh pushed my hair over my shoulder and whispered in my ear. “They made Noah turn in all his ribbons this morning. He’s nervous they’re taking them away because of a judging glitch. He’s concerned that maybe he’s been disqualified. He’s an absolute wreck.”

  “Should we go help him?”

  “No, it’s already about to start.”

  Mrs. Carroll kept glancing over at me. A knot tightened in my chest. Finally, a group of people walked into the arena leading their horses. Noah was in the middle of the group and they all spread out in a line with their horses behind them.


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