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Finally Found

Page 18

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  “What difference is a few hours going to make? Come over. Relax. And I’ll help you tackle it in the morning. Please.”

  She was silent on the other end of the phone. He held his tongue. He waited. Silence was a good thing. It meant she was considering it.

  “I can’t be up having sex with you half the night when I have a hundred things to do,” she finally explained. “I’m not making that number up either, it may be on the low side.”

  “Okay. No sex. Just come over.” His determination to spend time with her was shocking even himself. Had he really just given up sex? That didn’t seem possible. Only as he replayed the conversation in his head…he realized he had. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he meant it. He smiled. This was new.

  “Promise?” She asked. “I’m not going to get there and you are going to spend hours working to change my mind? I’m beyond exhausted. It’s rough enough at the end of the semester, but this is so much more than I’ve ever taken on before. I love it. I feel like I’m finally doing something I care about; finally I’m headed in the direction of my dream. And I just need to focus. Your timing is horrible. Promise?” He heard hear sigh.

  “I promise. No sex. No trying to get sex. Just let me draw you a bath, rub your feet and massage your neck. Then it’s off to bed with you.” He felt calmer just knowing she was coming over. “Will you at least let me hold you tonight?”

  “Yes,” she said a bit breathlessly.

  “Great. I’ll see you soon. I’m going to start your bath.” He ended the call and headed into the bathroom to begin keeping his promise. He liked the way this felt, being a man of honor. He liked doing for Cammie. Most of all, he liked the idea of her walking through that door like she belonged here with him. He thought it would be…scarier. Only he wasn’t scared at all of having her around, of having her stay over, or even of not having sex. He was more afraid of the time apart than he was of the time together. This had to mean something. Only before he could give it much thought, the door opened.

  “Hi,” she said quietly, sounding a bit embarrassed.

  He looked at his watch. “How is this possible?” He asked. “We just got off the phone.”

  She chuckled as she walked into his arms. “I was chickening out in the parking garage.” She dropped her head and pressed her body against his.

  “Silly, woman,” he laughed. “Now go get undressed. I’ve already started your bath.

  True to his word, Adam had massaged her neck while she was in the bathtub. He rubbed her feet while they sat and talked on the couch. Then, when they finally went to bed close to 1am, he had simply allowed her to find her comfortable sleeping position and wrapped himself around her. He replayed the night in his head as he lay there holding her when he woke. Her hair was soft as silk. Her skin felt smooth and warm to his touch. Every bit of her was inviting him. Yet he was determined to keep his word. He stayed far away from any erogenous zone. She deserved her rest. If this worked out, he’d have a lifetime of lovemaking with this woman. For the first time in his life, he wanted it to work out. How had it happened so quickly that he wanted a life with her? He sent his brother that text. It was an SOS. His brother hadn’t responded, but Haley did.

  Don’t fight this. Accept that your heart is ready. Cammie is perfect for you!

  He had smiled at her response. He could almost picture the conversation that had resulted in that text. He knew his brother was never comfortable discussing matters of the heart. They were all lucky to have Haley.

  In his arms, Cammie began to stir. She stretched like a cat, all luxuriously, as though she was feeling each muscle. Her eyes were open and she was staring up at him. It was so perfect. He wanted this moment to continue, but he knew that she would probably have a meltdown if he tried to keep her from working at the moment.

  “Well, now that you’re up, I’ll go pick up breakfast. Bagels, okay? And then we’ll conquer the wedding problems and prepare for the office party.” He kissed her nose. “Sound good?” He started to throw back the covers and extricate her from his arms to attack the day.

  “Almost,” she said, all confident and rested. “Just one thing first.”

  “What’s that?” He looked at her. She had this sultry playful look in her eye. Before he could wonder what it meant, her hand was down his boxer briefs. He was too shocked and pleased to object.

  Within minutes she had them off. She had kissed down his chest, and then grabbed his erection in her amazing hands. Before he had a chance to react further, she had taken him in her mouth. He couldn’t even move. He didn’t want to stop her. He didn’t dare question. He just felt and enjoyed. He just closed his eyes and relaxed into it. Let the feeling build until he could hold back no longer. She was amazing, the way she was making love to him with her mouth. There was nothing raunchy or dirty about it. This was the best blowjob ever. He warned her. He did.

  “Doll, I’m about to come.” He had learned through the years that women tended to want to know these things. Not everyone appreciated a mouthful and he wanted to respect her more than he had ever respected anyone before.

  She dove deeper and tightened her grip around the base of his cock. God help him, he couldn’t hold back. Before he knew it, before he could stop and yank her mouth off of him, he was letting out this guttural groan and shooting his load in her mouth. He was almost afraid of her reaction, but he had to know. When he looked down, he saw she was smiling. She had swallowed it. “What?” He could barely breathe, let alone talk.

  “I just wanted to say thank you. You kept your word. I love that. It helps me trust you.” She hopped out of bed and grabbed a pair of yoga pants from her bag, threw on a shirt, and started to walk from the room. Then she leaned in, looked him in the eye and said seriously, “And I really want to trust you.”

  It took him some time to recover from that. It took him his shower, his walk to the bagel shop and back to even begin to process it. First time out of the gate, first time he considered looking for love, had he really found it that easily with someone so incredible? She was damn near perfect. Saying that made him catalog her flaws, the moodiness, the argumentative nature, but even those made him laugh. He loved her fire, her drive, her determination. Hell, he might just love her.

  While Adam was out getting them breakfast, Cammie wondered over what had made her behave as she had. There was something about him. She did things she had never done before, not under duress, but because she genuinely wanted to. Was it the crush she had had on him so many years ago rearing its ugly head again? Was it some dark deep seeded desire to best her sister, to be the big big winner just once in her life? She couldn’t be certain. She just knew that she had given him a blowjob and that really said something. She even swallowed. That should say it all. For some reason, after he had taken such good care of her the night before and asked for nothing in return other than to be able to hold her, it touched her in ways that were beautiful and unexpected.

  His fame was so widespread that she knew…she just knew he had never done this with anyone before. She loved that he had picked her to be his first overnight guest. She loved that he didn’t do it based on sex because she had already made it abundantly clear that there would be none. More than that, even though she had woken up horny as hell from all that closeness and kindness and selflessness…she had decided to be selfless in return. There would be plenty of time for her to get hers. For some reason, she actually believed that they might be able to make this work. There was something special about the way they challenged each other. More than she expected, far more than she wanted, Cammie had decided to see how far this could go. She had to know. She was dying to experience it.

  Some time late in the afternoon, they had managed to prep everything for the party. Adam had offered once more to drive and surprisingly enough, this time she had agreed. It was after all, his family hosting the party and his early presence would be expected and acceptable. So, they drove to the building that was home to the Davenport Advertis
ing Agency. They carried everything up to the top floor and made their way to the executive wing. There were building maintenance men at the ready to help her hang decorations as needed. Set up tables where she requested, and make the experience as beautiful and memorable as everyone deserved.

  After seeing that she had everything under control, Adam bowed out. “I’ll be in my office if you need anything,” he told her. “Or call me and I’ll come running.” He had glanced about the room and when he was confident no one was paying attention, he had bent to quickly kiss the very tip of her nose. For some reason, with her, that had become his thing. While the first few times he had done it she hadn’t shown a reaction, this afternoon, she smiled. Her cheeks flushed, and her amazing blue eyes seemed to sparkle just a little bit brighter. It warmed him to think he had made her look like that.

  Once he was in his office, he called to check on Sam and Haley. They had returned from Philly late that night. They hadn’t made it to the Whittier’s party, but had promised to be at the office by 7pm. It was now closing in on 5pm.

  “Damn it, man!” Sam cried as he answered the phone. “What? Can you handle nothing without me?”

  “Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Nice to speak to you. I was just calling to tell you that everything was under control and you wouldn’t need to rush down here.” He sighed.

  “Oh.” He heard Sam sigh. “You just cost me an opportunity to shower with Haley.”

  “Seriously, you have a lifetime ahead of you with her. Pace yourself. You don’t want to get bored.” Adam chuckled.

  “Here’s the thing that you haven’t come to realize yet Adam. When you love someone, you are never bored. Every minute of every day that we have together is special, if only because I get to spend it with her .” He said earnestly.

  “Well, thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. Note to self…Sam’s not bored.” He tried to make light of the serious implications of the discussion. “I’ll just let you be. See you later.” He hung up the office phone and leaned back in his chair to consider.

  Cammie was the first girl he had slept with more than once. Ever. Even in high school. Already he had earned a reputation. Love them, and leave them, but never deceive them. That was his motto. He even had that as his senior quote. His parents thought it was in poor taste. He told them that he wasn’t into false advertising, and surely with the family business being what it was, they could respect that. Never was the subject brought up again.

  He was gazing at the skyline an hour later when his door opened. There she stood. “I thought maybe now would be a good time to change,” she explained as she entered with a garment bag.

  “Sure,” he said. “You can always use the executive bathrooms. I can show you where they are.”

  She hung the garment bag on the cabinet and turned to him. “I wanted to change here,” she said simply.

  Suddenly, he felt like this had very little to do with changing. He struggled to keep his cool. “Well, if you plan to disrobe in here, you should lock that door.” He watched her walk back over to the door and turn the lock. “And I’m in the middle of something, it would be a horribly inconvenient time for me to leave.” He tapped his lips with a pen that he had been holding for over an hour, but had yet to use.

  “I can see that,” she smirked as she lifted her shirt over her head to reveal her perfect B cup boobs. Then a moment later her yoga pants were in a heap on the floor as well.

  It was like watching the best strip tease ever. He should have had the foresight to install a pole in here. He had seen her work a tree, there was no doubt in his mind that she could rock a pole. Oh, the images rushing through his mind. When he focused again, her hair was loose and flowing around her shoulders and down her back. He wanted to stand, but then her bra came off and he couldn’t even move. Was he about to get thanked again? This being giving and honest and trustworthy thing could really pay off.

  She had come over to him, taken him by the hand and led him to the couch. When she stood him before it, she dropped his pants and yanked down his boxers before pushing him back onto the waiting leather. It was cool on his bare ass, but he had nothing to complain about because a moment later, this incredible woman was making his cock warm by taking it into her body. She rode him, slowly at first. For once in his life he had no idea what to do with his hands.

  Lucky for him, she was there to show him. Soon his hands were around her tiny waist. She had leaned toward him so that he could suck and lick and nip at her breasts and neck. It was incredible. He only hoped he could hold on long enough for her to get her orgasm.

  “Can you?” She asked simply, the picture of beauty all pink and fresh. When he didn’t answer, she moaned and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Come with me, Adam. Come.”

  That was all the encouragement he needed. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her as close as possible. He could feel her tightening around him. That only helped him relax and release. It was over, but he couldn’t let go. He had buried his face in her neck. She smelled like vanilla. She was everything he wanted in a home and forever. He could never let her go.

  “Time to get ready,” she murmured, breaking the reverie. Slowly she pulled herself off of him.

  He gazed up at her. That word came to mind. Bereft. He felt too much empty space between them. Soon they would have to talk. He had to know if they were in this, on the same page, wanting the same things. She had complained that he wasn’t dating material before, but surely she didn’t think that any more.

  There was a knock on his office door. “Adam?” Sam called.

  He sighed loudly. “Just a minute.”

  Then he heard Haley. “Sam, let’s go to the party. Adam will join us shortly. I’m sure he’s just busy…”

  Smiling up at Cammie, Adam shook his head. Haley always knew. He stood, pulled his pants back up after a quick clean up. When he turned back around, she was wearing a black strapless dress and a simple pearl necklace. She was putting the finishing touches on some smoky eyes, and her lips were covered in a very nude, very natural gloss. She was completely kissable. Minutes ago she had been completely his.

  Feeling this indescribable warmth, he went over to her, took her hand, and kissed it. “You look amazing.” He said proudly. “I can’t wait to see what you’ve done.”

  He felt these other words come to mind, foreign words, words he must choke back. More and more, he felt himself saying it, thinking it, practicing it. Soon enough. When it was safe. That was when those words would be spoken.

  Together, they headed out to enjoy the party.

  Cammie watched for his reaction as he entered the newly decorated executive café. It was her masterpiece, not that she had many to choose from yet. He stood in the doorway taking it all in. He looked…in awe. She liked it. This would be a great night. She wasn’t so sure that the same could be said for the engagement party. Though she had tried desperately to avoid it, Cin would be there. She needed the help, Cin needed the cash, and there was no way her sister would ever make a scene or do anything to harm Cammie’s business. Just to be certain, they would have that discussion at dinner tomorrow. She would lay the ground rules, and cover them once more. It was logical. If she was completely honest, she’d admit that she wanted to see Adam’s reaction to her sister. Cammie was dangerously close to having her heart involved in this. That could never be allowed if there would be problems with Cin.

  For tonight, she would enjoy every minute. In the morning she would talk to Sam and Haley over brunch about the new changes to the wedding that she and Adam had made. In one short week, they would be celebrating the engagement with a party at Adam’s loft. She had no doubt that he would want her to stay over, and dammit, she really wanted to. She would be done with finals. She would have completed her final project and given her last presentation. Soon enough, she would have that pretty paper with her degree to display. She considered for a moment where she could possibly hang it, realized there was nowhere, and decided to simply
be thrilled to have earned it.

  “You are amazing,” he said, breaking her reverie. “I am so proud of you.” With that he squeezed her just a bit tighter. The night was off to the best of starts.

  Still flying high from his weekend, Adam walked into work on Monday morning with a spring in his step. He was determined to have a productive week. He had learned the week before that if he simply kept busy, he could pass the time away from Cammie almost painlessly. The problem, as far as he could imagine, was that he would now be working at a desk that when seated, gave him the perfect view of the couch they had sex on. That could pose a serious distraction.

  Yet Adam powered through. The workweek passed with only one moment of note. It was the call from Jake. As focused as he was in other areas, he hadn’t even considered that he hadn’t heard back from Jake. So when he saw Jake’s number appear on his screen, he racked his brain for a moment trying to understand why he would be calling. Then it came to him. He still needed to know Cammie’s sister. Things were good, but this was hanging over their heads, potentially preventing their future. He grabbed at the phone and answered it. “Jake! Jake what’s going on?”


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