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Blaze Page 27

by Piper Stone

  “You go, Boone.”

  “Way to go, Boone.”

  Moose gave him a nod of respect before shooting the men another nasty glare. “They won’t give you any more trouble.”

  Rock shook his head. “A whole lot of testosterone going on today. Funny how a drop with a new parachute might highlight the men from the boys. Let’s get going.”

  Boone was by no means more comfortable, but knowing his team was behind him was something he could never forget. The men who stood by his side would and had almost died to keep them all safe. He would do the same, no matter what he had to do. “Let’s go. Team D. You’re up on deck.”

  As he sat in the seat, turning on the required instruments, he allowed his thoughts to drift to Stasha. She’d been given a raw deal by a man she thought she loved. He would promise to protect her for the rest of his life.

  If only she’d allow it.

  The men piled on and he could see such nervousness on their faces. They would be the first team to drop men, to see if the parachutes worked. They would be the first to know or experience any issues.

  Any deaths.

  The weight of the world was on his shoulders as he took off, taking the bird into the air with ease.

  A hand was placed on his shoulder, the grip firm. “You got this, Boone. We all trust you.”

  While there wasn’t a man on the helicopter that he recognized, he was content with his position. “We’re rollin’ team. We will be over our destination in less than five minutes. Enjoy the scenery. Please keep your seatback tables in an upright position and I apologize but there won’t be a beverage service on this flight.”

  “Boo!” They all called as they laughed. The tension had been broken.

  He lifted the bird, taking them over the edges of the mountains. The controls were easy, the bird one of the best he’d flown, the equipment state of the art. He was relaxed, keeping the altitude low enough for the crew to be able to see where they were going.

  The plane drifted in another direction, taking the teams to their drop off point. He was proud to be a member of the Jackals. “Three minutes out. Get ready.”

  When he was near Quigg Peak, he could feel the tension, the fear increasing, becoming debilitating as it had before. This couldn’t happen. He shallowed hard, his hand shaking, and he had difficulty focusing. Relax. Breathe.

  “This is where your team almost died.” The voice and words were full of angst.

  And for some reason, they broke him out of the damning moment. “But we lived. Now, I get to torture you.” Laughing, he breathed out, now fully in control.

  “Rat ass bastard,” another man teased.

  “One minute. Once you’re on the ground, you’ll have ten minutes to land, and pull in the parachute. You know the drill. Get ready.” Boone held his breath as he flew over the area, hovering. As the men began to drop out, one by one, he prayed. The last man out, he lifted the bird and swung around, waiting. Watching.

  Waiting. Praying.

  As each parachute popped open, one after the other, he counted. Only when the last one opened, allowing the team to fall safely to the ground, did he swing around and press a button for the microphone. “This is flight 452 reporting a safe landing for all passengers. Repeat, flight 452 reporting a safe landing.”


  Boone could hear the cheering in the background. As he took off, heading for the turnaround point, he realized this was just the beginning of another faction of his life. A do over.

  And he was more than ready to face the future.

  “The Jackals and the Rattlesnakes are in the house!” Moose called as he strutted into Ziggy’s.

  Several of the customers cheered.

  Boone shook his head as Garcia wrapped his arm around him, dragging him further into the bar. “One drink.”

  “You’re the damn hero for the day. You’re going to have more than one drink,” Garcia huffed. “Shannon!”

  “I heard you the moment you came in.” Shannon walked from around the bar, hugging the various jumpers as they came into the bar. “And you. A helicopter pilot?” Taking both sides of his face into her hands, she kissed Boone on the lips, making a loud sound. “Shit. I hope Stasha isn’t going to try and kick my ass. Notice I say try.” Laughing, she eased back.

  Landen grabbed her around the waist, pulling her against his chest. “Flirting with another man? That’ll be several spankings tonight.”

  They all laughed as Shannon pushed him back.

  “You don’t have to worry about that tonight,” Boone said under his breath.

  “This is a party. What are you buying us?” Riker leaned over the bar, winking.

  Shannon tsked her finger. “Oh, no you don’t. I’ll buy this man here one drink. The rest of you are on your own.” Pointing to Boone, she offered a salacious smile.

  “You don’t have to.” Boone moved closer to the bar, leaning against it as he watched the crazy antics of the thirty or so men and women who were all hyped up on a successful practice. Every mission had gone according to plan with no episodes. He’d said more prayers in one day than he had in his life.

  “For you, you bet I do. You lost everything, and you came back with flying colors.” Shannon rolled her eyes. “No pun intended.”

  “Then I’ll take a Budweiser, scotch on the side.”

  “Oh, drinking heavy tonight. Letting go. When’s Stasha due to arrive and how is that new living arrangement?” Shannon motioned to her bartender.

  Boone shrugged as Sawyer shot him a look and walked closer.

  “Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise.” Shannon leaned in closer. “What’s up?”

  “She needs time to herself. That means I need a place to stay tonight.” Boone groaned.

  “Well, the lady has been through a hell of a lot,” Sawyer stated as he flanked Boone’s side.

  “Haven’t we all?”

  “Yeah, but she was kidnapped and basically tortured. You have to remember that.”

  Boone looked at his friend. “I know. She’s holding something back. I can feel it.”

  “Give her some breathing room. My best advice.” Shannon patted him on the shoulder.

  “I will try. Mind if I stay with you tonight?” Boone asked Sawyer as the nightly news caught his eye.

  “You can stay with me as long as you like, buddy. But I don’t agree with Shannon. I think you need to talk with her.”

  “Women know women. Isn’t that right, sweet Trinity?” Shannon asked then winked.

  Trinity and Riker moved closer. “She needs to talk to you. That much I know.” Trinity’s voice was clear and almost demanding.

  “I tried,” Boone whispered and as soon as the beer was placed in front of him, he gulped almost half the bottle.

  “Try again. She’s worried about your judgment.” Trinity inched closer. “But I told her you were a good guy. Prove me wrong and I sick Riker on you.”

  Boone almost choked on his drink. “I am a good guy. At least my horses think so.”

  They all laughed and as everyone ordered a round of drinks, he studied the broadcast. His skin began to crawl as he noticed pictures of the various Dreyfus family. “Shannon. Turn up the television please.”

  Shannon eyed the screen. “You don’t need this shit right now, Boone. Okay?”

  “Turn up the television. Those monsters did their best to destroy a hell of a lot of lives. I need to know what is happening.” Boone could feel his heart rate increasing.

  Shannon gave Landen a look before nodding. “Just take a deep breath.”

  “The investigation is centered around Katrina Dreyfus and her brother, Bo Dreyfus. They are wanted for the abduction of Dr. Stasha Parker as well as several recent fires occurring from Idaho through Montana, with additional reports in Wyoming. The theft ring is all centered around a Saudi Arabian connection as well as several prominent families in and around Missoula. While several arrests have already been made in connection with these horrific crimes, the two mem
bers of the Dreyfus family remain at large. They should be considered armed and dangerous.”

  “Fuck.” Boone took a swig of his scotch, enjoying the way the smooth liquor felt on his throat.

  “The sheriff will catch them, Boone. You know they will.” Riker huffed as he shook his head.

  “Don’t believe everything you hear.”

  The male voice was one that made Boone smile. Turning slightly, he grinned. “Colton Spencer as I live and breathe.” Easing his glass down on the bar, he walked to his old friend, giving the man a bear hug. “What are you doing here, Spence?”

  “I had to see you.” Spence said as he held his friend. When he eased back, he nodded to the others. “Damn sorry about your ranch.”

  “You know how it goes. Been through this before.” Boone laughed.

  “Yeah, I know you have. Still, what a shit storm you got yourself into.”

  “Everyone, this is Colton Spencer of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Park System.” Boone half shouted.

  As the others saluted, Spence grinned. “None of that. I’m just here as a friend.”

  “Right. You never go anywhere away from your home turf,” Boone commented. “So, what gives?”

  “Can we talk somewhere?” Spence asked after a few seconds.

  “Sure. Drink?”

  “Yeah, just a beer. Whatever you’re having.”

  They waited until the bartender slid a cold bottle of Budweiser across the bar. “Let’s go over here.” Boone led him to a table on the side and away from the other jumpers.

  Spence settled onto a bar stool and gave him a smile. “I heard about the helicopter event. That’s great for your team. We might be calling on your boys to help us with some issues.”

  “Issues. Sounds cagey.”

  “Caught the newscast. There is no way to catch these fuckers, at least not right now. They have too many layers over and under them. Protection. Money. Clout. What you’re hearing about is the tip of the iceberg.”

  “What does that have to do with the Dreyfus investigation?” Boone asked, swirling his bottle.

  “Nothing and everything. The Dreyfus kids are just bit players, at least as far as we’re concerned. Yeah, they exacted their brand of revenge on a few families, but I can tell you this, there are those who suspect that the various owners are involved knee deep in this. Horse theft. Money changing hands. There are no innocent parties. We got wind there is a huge push on taking the wild Mustangs from areas west of Missoula. Not big news to anyone here, but they will bring a pretty penny and we can’t afford to lose any more of them.”

  “Okay. You’re worried about fires being set to hide the dirty deeds?”

  Spence nodded. “No doubt. Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my involvement, but we’re doing everything we can to hide in plain sight. We want to catch these bastards. They’re destroying land, lives and they have no issue murdering anyone in their path.”

  Boone sat back, taking a sip of his beer as he thought about what Spence was saying. “The Dreyfus family got greedy.”

  “They did. Their days were numbered as in we have knowledge, and you know I can’t tell you from where, that there was a hit placed on all three. Bo wasn’t the mastermind. Katrina was. She had a vendetta against certain people in town and she got greedy. They were supposed to be soldiers, not take this on by themselves.”

  “I guess this is good to know, but I still have to ask, why are you telling me?”

  Leaning in, Spence lowered his voice. “Because we have it under good authority that both Katrina and Bo have been murdered, vigilante style. They drew too much attention.”

  Boone hadn’t realized how tense he’d been until his muscles started to relax. “You’re serious.”

  “I am. I know firsthand that this is being confirmed. I can’t tell you anymore than I have, but I think you can breathe easy, my friend.” His eyes twinkled. “Was that worth me coming all the way from Idaho?”

  “I’m going to buy you another round, my friend. You just made my night and you have no idea what you’ve done for my life.”

  Spence grinned. “I thought I’d make you happy. Glad to do it. Just remember, you owe me a favor.”

  He lifted his glass. “Anything you want my friend. Anything at all.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Boone wanted to call Stasha, to give her the good news, but he knew this was better given in person. They talked for a few minutes, shooting the shit but he continued to look at his phone.

  “You have something to do?” Spence gave him a sly smile.

  “You know? I do. How long you in town for?”

  “I decided to stay the night. Thought it might be fun to look around Missoula again.”

  “Good. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Boone polished off his drink. “Tomorrow?”

  “Just call me. I’m up for anything.”

  “That’s what I love about you.” He slid away from the table, waving to Shannon. “I’m not taking your advice.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear it!” Shannon called back.

  As Boone moved out into the parking lot, he tried to remember where there might be a florist on the way. He had a life to get to and one woman who would be in the center of it.

  After picking up the flowers, he stopped for a bottle of champagne and heard his phone as he climbed back into the car. Laughing, he answered on the third ring. “Uh-huh. What did you forget?”

  Stasha tidied up the clinic and stood in the middle of the reception area. She’d seen twelve patients and the schedule was booked well into the next two weeks. To say she was giddy was an understatement. Sighing, she turned off the lights one by one and glanced out the window. The sun was just setting and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The night would be perfect for stargazing.

  She walked around the clinic, touching the counter the chairs and the small aquarium that Megan had insisted that they purchase. The beautiful blue lights were soothing, a reminder that she was very much alive.

  Grabbing the small canister of food, she tapped out a hefty spoon full. “You guys deserve a little of the celebration.” She stood back and watched as the few fish went into a frenzy, eating and gulping the flecks of food. Contentment was something special and an emotion she wasn’t certain that she’d ever have again. After placing the food on the shelf, she turned in a full circle, resisting screaming for joy. She was free of the past. She was free of her demons. She could actually decide on her own what she wanted to do tomorrow and the next day and the next. What a joy and a relief.

  While she hadn’t been able to think about anything else but work all day, she realized that settling into a routine had been the best thing for her. She also knew one very important thing.

  She was desperately in love with Boone Martin. There was no doubt, no way of maneuvering around the understanding. He might have difficulty with her past, but he certainly would accept it and move on. That she was entirely certain of. She was going to grab a quick shower, find a dress that hadn’t been ripped to shreds in the attack and make a heated and very wicked call.

  Giggling, she unlocked the door and almost skipped into her apartment. She closed the door behind her and went to turn on some music. Tonight, they would have a celebration. A new life and one that would be about love and communication, spankings and well, more spankings. She rolled her eyes as she rubbed her ass. You bet the jeans hurt like hell, the friction a heady reminder that he was in charge.

  And damn if the thought alone didn’t make her mouth water.

  Singing, she yanked through her dresses, finally finding one she’d consider acceptable. She fed the last two puppies, who’d been in and out of the clinic on walks all day long. One little guy had her name on him and the other was due to be adopted the next day. She decided to keep them together tonight, to play at will while mommy dog played.

  The thought made her pussy wet. She would bet he was at Ziggy’s. To surprise him or call now? Sur
prise. She dropped her phone on the nightstand and sauntered into the bathroom. The music was just loud enough to drown out everything else, including the sweet little barking noises. She turned on the water and slipped inside the shower.

  The steam was almost instantaneous, and her skin tingled from the heat. Rubbing her skin, she felt invigorated, ready to take on the world. As she grabbed a towel and dried off, she could still hear the puppies over the music.

  The robe felt good against her skin and she made faces at her reflection before pulling out her make up bag.


  The sound caught her off guard. Turning her head, she could see a portion of the bedroom. Nothing. She would have to learn not to be so jumpy.


  “What the hell?” The words said under her breath, she pulled the edges of the robe closer to her, counting to five before padding out into the bedroom.

  Whoosh! Boom!

  The hit was across the back of her head. Dazed, she went down hard, slamming into the dresser. Scrambling to get up, she was kicked, the hard blow knocking the wind out of her.

  “You fucking bitch. Who do you think you are?”

  The voice was cold, calculated and very angry.

  It was also decidedly female.

  Looking up, she winced and knew she was staring into the face of Katrina Dreyfus. “What do you want?”

  “That’s easy. You. Dead.” Pointing the gun at Stasha’s chest, she laughed as she cocked the hammer. “What a shame but my father would be so proud of his baby girl.”


  Chapter 17

  If I see you treating your horses like this again, you will be barred for life from the rodeo. Do you hear me? Can that pea brain of yours begin to understand what I’m saying?”

  Boone chuckled as he watched Stasha berating what appeared to be a teenager. Yes, the kid had yanked the horse away from the water, chastising the mare with a loud voice. And Stasha had been right there on his ass. He had to admit, he adored her verve. Sighing, he glanced into the stands, thankful that every one of his team was in the audience. Waiting. He had to chuckle. With no additional training time, he might flub this second attempt at qualifying.


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