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Blaze Page 28

by Piper Stone

  “I didn’t mean to. I swear,” the young cowboy said more than once.

  “If you’ve learned your lesson, then good. If not, you’ll have to face my wrath.” Storming off, Stasha headed in Boone’s direction, a smile crossing her face. “Hi ya, sexy cowboy.”

  “A little rough on him, weren’t you?” Boone stroked Blaze as he studied her face. They’d been damn lucky. Thank God, Spence had called, reporting a Katrina sighting, the original information had been wrong. At least Katrina would be forced to face a judge. His shot had been succinct, cutting her down but not killing her. She’d spend the rest of her life in prison. The Press had been knocking at his door for the last three days. Well, Stasha’s door. He chuckled at the thought.

  “He deserved it and you know that.” She rubbed Boone’s face. “You sure you want to go through with this. Again?”

  “The whole Stampede was disqualified because of the money laundering. If I want to qualify for the rodeo in Billings, I have to at least repeat my performance.” There were no new competitors, but everyone else had been given a chance to practice. He studied the ring and was doubtful he could repeat the time.

  “Then you go out there and kick some ass or I’ll kick yours.” When he gave her a look, she gulped. “Sir. I mean sir.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. I have a hairbrush with your name on it.”

  “All right. We are ready for the steer ropin’ event. Are you ready?” The announcer called, jazzing the crowd.

  The audience roared, stomping their feet and clapping.

  Boone growled as he heard his team over everyone else. “I don’t know why I invited them.”

  “Because they are your friends. Remember? And, they are great people.”

  He leaned down, kissing her on the lips. “Wish me luck, babe. I’ll be in a surly mood tonight if I lose. You know what that means.” Laughing, he squeezed her arm before grabbing Blaze by the reins. He could feel her eyes following him and he couldn’t resist turning around, giving her an authoritative look. To think he could have lost her. Nothing meant more to him than the woman he loved.

  “Hey. So, you know. The new folks from the rodeo want me to consider becoming a traveling vet. If you qualify, you’ll have to deal with me.” Kicking her boot into the dirt, she grinned and licked her lips.

  “And you know who’s going to be in charge. Don’t you?”

  “Mmm… Yes, sir.”

  Boone remained nervous. He was the last to try and qualify and as he nuzzled Blaze, his stomach dropped, his nerves edging to the point of creating beads of sweat. Almost every competitor had done a little better than before. He had some wiggle room, but if the roper in front of him hit five seconds, he was in trouble.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. The second to the last competitor of the day. Give it up for Randy Watkins.”

  “Here we go, baby.” Boone hadn’t realized he’d remained holding his breath until Randy threw the rope, snagging the steer with ease. He was off the horse and down, the steer tied and Randy on his feet.

  “And let’s see Randy’s score. A solid five seconds on the nose. Oh, our last competitor has a lot to do here.”

  Boone exhaled. “All up to you, boy. You can help me win this. I know you can.” Blaze had been through so much but seemed strong. He walked up to the gate, getting in position.

  “Our last competitor of the day is Boone Martin. Way to go, Boone.”

  The crowd cheered but he drowned out the noise as he wrapped the reins around his hand and touched the rope. Everything was ready. When the gate was flung open, Blaze took off. He acted on instinct, his mind moving to a place of peace and reverence. He grabbed the rope, swinging. Swinging. Swinging.


  Everything happened in a blur. Boone was off the horse, down, and roped the steer. When he threw his hands into the air, he immediately looked for Stasha. She was jumping and cheering on the sidelines.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. What do we have? Did he make it? And we have…”

  Boone panted and glared at the scoreboard.

  “Four point eight! We have our final qualifier!”

  As Boone threw his arms into the air, moving in a complete circle, he caught the eye of almost every jumper on his team as well as a few from the Rattlesnakes. Vindication had never felt so damn good.

  “Where exactly are we going again?” Stasha asked as she slid her hand across Boone’s thigh. Fresh off his spectacular placement, they were both in amazing moods.

  “Stoker and Jessica’s ranch. We get to see the new baby boy,” Boone commented, a smile on his face.

  “I have a feeling there’s more to this.”

  Laughing, he shook his head. “You’re too perceptive for your own good.”

  “Then I’ll take that as a yes.” Stasha nuzzled closer, kneading his leg as he drove. The nightmares continued, but she was finally able to breathe a little easier. The new technician certainly knew what she was doing and given the increased volume of customers, she’d been able to hire the recent college grad full time. She’d heard all the ugly details of the investigation, at least what the sheriff and a single agent from the FBI had been forthcoming with. The fact remained. Bo Dreyfus remained at large.

  Would they always look over their shoulder? Possibly, but the chances of the monster exacting revenge were slim. Bo had too many enemies.

  “There’s a funeral service for Drake Dreyfus tomorrow. I didn’t know if you’d want to attend.”

  She wasn’t surprised at Boone’s candor or his ability to forgo digging into her past. He was an amazing friend and an even better lover. “I don’t think so. The memories I have of Drake are sordid, brutal.”

  “There’s a thing called closure.” Boone slowed down, making a turn into a wooded area.

  “We’re here already?”

  “No. I wanted to have a private moment with you.”

  She studied the landscaping as well as the signs and knew they were in some kind of park. When he pulled close to a clearing, planting the Mustang nose first in the direction of the mountains, she craned her next, admiring the gorgeous scenery. “This is so beautiful.”

  “A hidden gem. Very few tourists hear about this place. On a clear day, you can see for miles down the river.” Boone cut the engine and unclipped his seat belt.

  “What do you have on your mind, my handsome cowboy.” Unfastening her seatbelt, she leaned in, kissing his cheek, his chin then darting a lick across his lips. She squeezed his leg and purred before rubbing her hand across his groin.

  He shuddered as he grabbed her hand, kneading her fingers. “Not yet, insatiable one.”

  Stasha could tell he had certain thoughts on his mind. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong. I’ve learned so many aspects about myself these last couple of weeks. While I’m saddened that the ranch is gone, I’m happy we get to start over together. That is if you want to. I meant what I said to you before. Nothing matters to me if you’re not in my life. I can’t promise you everything will be perfect, but I can promise I’ll love and protect you for the rest of my life.”

  “Does that mean I have to obey you?” The tease suddenly didn’t mean as much as it once did. “Boone, I love you. I’m not perfect and there is no way I can erase the past, but there is nothing I want more than to share my life with you.”

  His look stern, he dropped his head until their lips were almost touching. “Then you will have to obey me.” Unable to keep the authoritative look, he grinned. “I just hope you’ll feel comfortable enough to share with me details about your past. My opinion, and I’m certainly no psychologist, but I think you need to get it off your chest.”

  Stasha didn’t pull away but she gazed out of the windshield, drinking in the incredible view. “I think what’s important for you to know is Drake was very loving in the beginning. After reflecting, I do believe he cared about me, but he didn’t understand what that meant. I’ve been told bits and pieces about his life as a child during the last few days an
d he and his siblings had a ruthless and angry father, a mother that disappeared out of their life and no real childhood. They were taught to take what they wanted and in turn, they developed their own very powerful worlds. I was caught up in the glamor of money and fine dinners, gifts and trinkets. That was never me. I allowed myself to be blinded by his wealth and good looks.”

  Boone nodded, his eyes never leaving her.

  “And in turn, I wanted to please him, so much so that I lost myself. When he locked me in his cage, I believed that it was deserved. At least for about two days. After that, the lightbulb clicked but by then it was almost too late. Finding the courage to get away then walk away from him was emotional, but I’m learning to live with my decisions.”

  “You’re the most courageous woman I know.”

  Inhaling, even the scent of his cologne, so very all male with a country boy heart was thrilling, creating a wet spot on her panties. “You’ve allowed me to be me again. I can never thank you enough.”

  Kissing her lips, he brushed his fingers across her cheek. “You’re the most special treasure that I could ever hope for.”

  “I love you. I really love you.”

  “I love you.” Easing back, he winked. “I also brought you here for another reason.”

  “Dare I ask, lover boy?” She rubbed his crotch again.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Boone tapped on the steering wheel. “You were very nasty to the cowboys at the rodeo.”

  “They deserved every bit of it.”

  “Uh-huh. What have I said about that mouth of yours?”

  Stasha could feel the heat rising along the outside of her neck, popping along her cheeks. “That was business.”

  “That doesn’t mean you can have a smart mouth. My rules. Remember?” Leaning over, he opened the glove compartment, pulling out a hairbrush.

  She swallowed and folded her arms. “A spanking?”

  “A spanking.” Boone twirled the wooden implement.


  “Right here.” His expression commanding, he nodded toward the door. “This is what’s going to happen. I’m going to walk around to your side. You’re going to get out and pull down your jeans and panties. After I sit down, you’re going to slide onto my lap and we’ll take care of the situation right here.”

  “But what if someone comes?”

  “What if? They’ll learn that women are required to obey rules and if they break them, there are consequences. Do you understand?”

  Stasha searched his eyes. He was dead serious. “Yes, sir.” Grumbling, she opened the door and eased out, glancing around her as her lower lip quivered. She heard the other door open and could swear the sound of Boone’s boots hitting the ground was more like thumping, echoing into the trees. She fumbled with her button and zipper, looking over her shoulder before pulling both her jeans and panties down together.

  Boone took his time walking around the car and easing onto the passenger seat. He adjusted the level, sliding the entire seat back to give adequate space. Then he patted his lap. “Come on, my dearest. Let’s get this over with. A solid reminder is very much in order. You simply must learn to be respectful of others.”

  “Yes, sir.” Dear God, she was not sniveling. When she was over his lap, her ass high in the air and a cool breeze wafting across it, she closed her eyes. This was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her.

  Whap! Crack!

  The brush hit her square on the sit spots and given her spanking two days before, she was still tender. “Ouch!”

  “Spankings are supposed to hurt.”

  Smack! Pop!

  “Yes, but Jesus!” she huffed, her legs kicking out involuntarily.

  “We’re starting again.”

  “No. No! I’ll be good.”

  “I know you will,” he whispered, the tone husky.

  Smack! Crack!

  She clenched her fists and shoved her face into the cool leather. She was not going to cry. Nope. Not here.

  Pop! Whack! Slap! Crack!

  The spanking was harsh, his hand moving back and forth, peppering each ass cheek in a solid rhythm.

  Smack! Pop!

  “We’ll resume every day spankings until you’re on an even keel.” Boone’s voice was louder than normal.

  “Yes, sir.” Every day? She was going to die.

  Whack! Slap!

  “Every day.”

  Crack! Pop! Slap! Smack!

  She gritted her teeth and as he peppered her ass, taking his time to caress and soothe before issuing another hard series of strikes, she fell into a place of peace.

  Smack! Pop!

  “You’re doing very well. Just a few more,” Boone stated as he placed his hand on the small of her back.

  Crack! Pop!

  Stasha teared up and allowed the salty beads to slip from her eyes. This man and this moment was almost perfect.

  Whack! Crack!

  “I love you with all my heart, Stasha Parker.”

  “Boone. Stasha. I’m so glad you’re here.” Jessica opened the door, her face lighting up. “Come in. Everyone is outside.”

  “Thank you for having us.” Stasha gave her a hug. “Where’s the little one?”

  “Out back with Daddy. You know how Stoker is. Howdy cowboy. Sorry I missed your show. Just not ready for prime time yet. The little man keeps me busy.” Jessica rose onto her tiptoes, hugging and kissing him.

  “I’m just glad you’re doing all right. We were all worried.” Boone had been thinking about children. While he wasn’t ready to have that talk with Stasha, they would at some point. Seeing Stoker and the love between the two, he was more than ready.

  “I know. We’re just fine. Come on, you need to see the little tyke.” Jessica led them through the house to the back deck. “Everyone, the party has officially started.”

  “There you are!” Sawyer called.

  “About time, you guys. We were going to call the cavalry.” Cooper waved then lifted a beer. “Grab a cold one.”

  Stoker walked closer, holding the baby in his arms, a shit eating grin on his face. “I’m happy to see you. You were dynamite at the rodeo.”

  Boone blushed and eyed the baby boy. His chubby cheeks and tiny grin were precious. “He looks like his daddy.”

  “Thank God, he has his mother’s nose.” Stoker rolled his eyes.

  “What’s his name?” Stasha asked.

  Stoker gave a wry smile. “Grab a drink and you’ll learn soon enough.”

  Chuckling, Boone patted his friend on the arm. “So dramatic.”

  Stasha wrapped her arm around his. “They have a beautiful place.”

  “Stoker has been working on it. You should have seen it in the beginning.” He led Stasha toward the makeshift bar and they grabbed some cold drinks.

  “Our resident star,” Landen said as he walked closer.

  “I’ve been missing out on all the action,” Tyler commented as he held out his hand. “Heard you were damn good in that pilot’s seat. Welcome to the world of aviation.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not trying to take over your spotter job or any job for that matter.” Boone eyed Antonio, who seemed determined to keep his distance.

  Landen glanced over his shoulder. “Don’t worry about him. Antonio just gets in these moods. You know how he is.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Cooper said. “Or I’ll strangle him myself.”

  “Yeah, but we’re a team.” Boone took a sip of his beer then smiled at Stasha. “I’ll be right back.”

  Stasha gripped his arm.

  Boone moved through the crowd, shaking hands and high-fiving. When he reached Antonio, he flanked the jumper’s side, looking back at the deck. “Nice party.”


  “You going to talk to me?”

  “About?” Antonio didn’t look in his direction.

  “I’m not trying to take your job. That isn’t nor, will it be my intent. I have other interests I want to develop.” The tension

  Sighing, Antonio shifted then removed his sunglasses. “I know that.” He shook his head before continuing. “There’s talk of Captain Phillips retiring. Maybe at the end of the year. I guess I’m just nervous.”

  “And you’re an asshole.” Boone held his breath, hoping his friend wouldn’t lash out.

  Antonio burst into laughter. “Yeah. You’re right. I am.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, he chuckled. “You really think he’s going to retire?”

  “I do. He’s not the same man. His wife’s cancer took a lot out of him.”

  “Sickness will do that kind of thing.”

  “It will. I guess we’re just going to have to see.” Antonio’s voice was full of angst.

  “We will.”

  Stoker moved into the thick of the crowd. “My dear friends and rather motley lot of teammates.”

  “You’re bad!” Riker shouted.

  “Speak for yourself!” Garcia added.

  Jessica moved beside Stoker, rolling her eyes. “Don’t mind my husband. He thinks he’s something special now.”

  “Think again,” Moose chortled.

  “I’d give all of you my middle finger except my child is present.” Stoker gave them all a haughty look. “We’d like to introduce our son.”

  “Yes!” Shannon called as she moved in front of Landen, pulling his arms around her.

  Jessica had tears in her eyes.

  Stoker opened his mouth then dropped his head. When he was able to speak, his voice was shaky. “By the grace of God, please meet Jameson Brice Hanson.”

  “Yes!” The group roared.

  Boone watched as hugs and kisses, congratulations and joy were shared. They were a true team, a group of men who’d found unexpected happiness in each other as well as the women they loved. Exhaling, he looked up at the sky, saying his own word of thanks.

  “That might be us one day,” Stasha said softly.

  Surprised, he pulled her into his arms. “I hope so. I honestly do.” After watching the happy couple for a few minutes, he took her hand. “Come with me. I have another surprise.”

  “Uh-oh. Not another spanking.”


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