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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

Page 17

by Mia Moore

  Chapter 5

  As directed Brie appeared in the Great Room ten minutes later, wearing a white silk, three quarter length sleeve, scooped neck blouse and a navy pencil skirt that hugged her hips and tucked under the curve of her bum. Only Claire and Alex were there. She paused for just a second when she entered. What was that sinking feeling in her chest all about? True, Liam had been fun to talk to the other night and not hard to look at, but really!

  A buzzer sounded and she turned to the small video screen on the wall near the door. On closer examination, the foyer to the building and Liam’s lean, angular face staring back at her became evident.

  “Oh my. Liam’s always so punctual! Just press the black button to let him in, Brie.” Claire turned and rearranged one of the throw pillows on the leather sofa.

  Alex stood with his back to the room, hands clasped behind him, rocking from his toes to his heels, staring out at the vista of the cityscape. “Odd for him to pop by. We usually only see him a couple times a month.” He turned and once more his lips were pulled to the side in the smirk, eyes narrow watching her.

  Brie’s teeth clamped together as she pressed the button. The fluttery feeling in her stomach that Liam’s face had caused was gone. Why was everything a joke to Alex—a joke that she always seemed to be the butt of?

  “Would you mind getting me a glass of white wine, dear?” Claire graced Brie with a small smile before turning to her husband. “Alex, anything for you?”

  Brie glanced at him and walked behind the bar. There were a couple of dark wooden shelves on the wall, the top filled with a variety of glasses while the lower one contained an assortment of liquor bottles. Under the granite countertop was am aluminum bar fridge. She opened the door, pulled out a bottle of wine and poured a glass for Claire.

  When she turned to place the glass on a small black tray, Alex stood in front of her. “Scotch. Neat please.”

  She turned and peered for a moment at the bottles, finally seeing the stout, silver bottle of Chivas.

  “You may as well pour a second. Liam likes scotch,” His voice lowered and he chuckled. “...among other things.”

  Her hand jerked, causing the bottle to clink against the rim of the chunky low tumbler at his words. She took a deep breath, finished pouring a few fingers in each glass and handed him one. Her eyes met his for a moment and she placed the wine on a tray, leaving him standing at the bar.

  Claire’s gaze drifted over the neckline of her blouse when she leaned over offering the wine. “Lovely blouse.” She smiled and took the wineglass.

  A soft knock at the door caused Brie’s head to turn. She tucked the tray under her arm and walked over to open it, pausing a moment first to swallow and square her shoulders.

  Liam’s eyebrows rose and his lips fell open in a smile when she opened the door. “Oh! Brie. You DID take the job. I’m so glad.”

  In the navy suit his shoulders looked impossibly wide, the stark white of his shirt accentuating his tanned complexion.

  She ignored Alex’s derisive snort behind her and returned Liam’s smile. There was something hypnotic about Liam’s eyes--the intensity of the chocolate orbs softened by the laugh lines extending from the outer corners. Only the lower edge of his teeth showed between lips that were full, twitching upwards. The lines in his face, furrows in his forehead and deeply etched next to his mouth added to his attraction. When he stepped forward into the room, the suit jacket eased to the side, revealing a trim stomach and slim hips.

  Claire cleared her throat--LOUDLY it seemed, for such a delicate woman.

  Brie looked away briefly and everything below her stomach clenched tight before she looked at Liam again. Oh God. He was every bit as handsome as she remembered from the night of the party. Her gaze dropped slowly, lingering for a beat on his hips.

  “Liam. Yes. So far, so good.” She started to turn away but stopped. “I’ve poured a scotch for you. Alex said that’s what you drink.”

  He stepped forward and placed his hand on her arm. “Thanks.” His eyes lingered on hers for a moment before he turned to Claire. “Claire. You’re looking beautiful, as usual. Alex, I’m glad I caught you at home. This is early for you, isn’t it? You’re usually holed up looking over some corporate merger or some other piracy at the office.”

  He took a place next to Alex and clapped him on the back before turning once more to take the glass that Brie extended.

  She glanced at him and felt her neck grow hot. THAT wasn’t the only place on her body growing warm. Those kegel muscles fairly quivered with the force of her strain. Her eyes flashed to Claire, who was sipping wine slowly, gazing at her over the rim of the glass with twinkling eyes. Oh my God! She even winked.

  The tingling between her legs became more insistent as she flexed and released her muscles repeatedly, all the while sneaking peaks at Liam. Alex’s witty reply to Liam’s remark didn’t even register. This was crazy, how hot and pleasant it felt. And to think Claire had encouraged her to do it—make herself aroused watching Liam.

  She took a deep breath and eased out from behind the bar, walking slowly over to Claire. The guys were background noise, talking about something or another that didn’t concern her. Claire smiled at her like the proverbial Cheshire cat.

  “Everything all right, Brie?” Her voice was a soft purr.

  “OhmyGod.” Brie’s hand went to her chest and she leaned closer to Claire. “I can’t...I mean, it’s...ohmyGod.” Her eyes widened and she gasped.

  Claire set her glass on the table and she rose to her feet. After a quick glance over to Liam and Alex, she took Brie’s fingers in hers, leading the way to the doorway. She stopped and leaned closer to Brie. “Stimulating isn’t it? I love being a woman. We can get so excited, we’re ready to lay on a table and beg to be fucked...the equivalent to a man’s erection but without the telltale bulk.”

  “Claire, I need some water. A tall glass of ice water. Please. I’d better go into the kitchen and start thinking of dinner...anything else but this.”

  Claire giggled and squeezed her fingers. “Okay. You’re a neophyte. I’ll take pity on you and let you take a breather.” She released Brie’s fingers and her eyebrow arched above her curled lips. “I might just ask Liam to stay for dinner. What do you think of that?”

  Brie gulped and her eyes widened. OhmyGod! She’d have to keep doing this while serving dinner! Already, the spot between her legs felt full and damp.

  She smiled and went through the door. Claire was a witch, casting her spells. It had been erotic as hell, what had happened in the bedroom earlier, the novel excitement of a woman’s caress. But now, it was torture, being physically so close to a totally jacked guy like Liam. All the while, clenching the kegel exercises, creating an intense ache for his body.

  Chapter 6

  Her fingers shook as she opened the recipe book, scanning the table of contents for the meat section. She flipped the pages and came upon the recipe that Rose had indicated with a sticky note. Her eyes took in the ingredients and directions. Thank God it was stupid simple. After the experience in the Great Room, she needed simple; autopilot, actually.

  She propped the book open and laid it on the counter, before reaching for a glass and pouring a drink of icy water. Claire was really an unusual woman. She’d never met anyone who was so easy to talk to, especially about sex. Claire made it sound like the body was a continent to be explored, finding new treasures of pleasure and sensuality. Exercising her kegel muscles was something she’d only ever done when she had sex, increasing the feeling of fullness. But tightening them on the sly, while doing her job was sweet, tortuous bliss.

  Her eyes rolled and she puffed a sigh. At the moment, she needed to focus on dinner. Oh God. The first meal she’d be making and Claire had her so distracted.

  She bent and reached in the fridge for the peaches, filling her hands with three.


  Her back jerked straight up at the sound of Alex’s voice. Her eyes were round as tennis b
alls when she turned to look at him.

  “Sorry to interrupt you but, Liam is staying for dinner. That’s not a problem, is it? Rose left enough meat defrosting, right?” For the first time, Alex’s face was serious, no smirking grin.

  She blinked and shook her head. “No problem. There’s lots here.” It would mean SHE wouldn’t eat but hunger wasn’t the appetite that Liam’s presence and Claire’s kegel instructions had whet.

  “Are you okay? You look a little flushed.” His eyes closed and a chuckle burbled from his throat. “Oh God. Don’t tell me. My nympho wife is up to something.” He turned and left the room.

  She held the cold fruit against her brow, closing her eyes for a moment to calm down. This was crazy. For sure, Alex knew what was wrong with her. She was horny. She might just as well, admit it.

  Her hands dropped to set the fruit on the counter and she gazed out at the golden sun hanging low over the tall buildings of the city--such a wondrous, exciting place. If anyone had told her three months ago when she was barely living in Mumford, Ohio that she’d be living in a luxury penthouse for an over-sexed couple, she would have told them they were nuts. Living with Claire’s cousin Chris had been a dream. He’d showed her another life, where people’s lives were vibrant, reading, learning and...daring to dream.

  This was part of that enrichment. Chris had stimulated her mind while his cousin Claire had a different path of enlightenment—the sexual and sensual. Her attitude was so… so casual about sex. Even as liberal minded as Chris was, even he bordered on being shocked. Was SHE being too accepting?

  She turned and after glancing at the other ingredients and directions she rummaged in the cupboard for the spices needed.

  Her lips drew tight. No, she wasn’t. This was a world that was out there, no mistake about THAT, but Claire was fun. She was one of New York’s high society ladies. If this was an area of exploration that one of the Big Apple’s crème de la crème enjoyed, how bad could it be? Besides, it wouldn’t be forever. After a few years, she’d be done school and she’d become a teacher. For now, it was fun...Alex’s odd sense of humor aside.


  Everything was done. All she had to do now was wait for a word from Claire and she’d serve dinner.

  Claire appeared in the kitchen. “We’re just about to go in to dinner. How are things going in here?” The corners of her mouth twitched upward and her eyes fairly danced as she stood, slender arms crossed casually over her chest.

  Brie blinked and a grin slowly spread on her lips. “Things have settled down, if you know what I mean.” She rose to her feet and took a step towards the built-in oven. “Dinner is ready. I’ll start laying it out.”

  Claire’s finger rose and waggled in admonishment. “Remember what I said about our little game.” She giggled. “Exercise is good for the soul.” With that she fluttered her fingers and was gone.

  Brie prepared the plates with food and set them on a large ebony serving tray. She pushed through the swinging door into the dining room just as the Baders and Liam were sitting down. Avoiding Liam’s eyes, she set the steaming plate before Claire and then standing so close, her arm brushed against Liam’s, she set it down before him.

  “Wow. This looks and smells great.” His hand rose and he touched her forearm, his fingers warm and dry on her skin.

  Slowly, concentrating, she squeezed her muscles, stifling a gasp at the warmth infusing the spot between her legs. Her breath was ragged softly flowing from parted lips.

  Liam’s eyes were intense and she fell into their depths, barely even noting Alex’s murmur, “It’s the food, right? Or...”

  Her eyes widened for a second, watching Liam’s eyes become puzzled. The pelvic muscles had developed a slow tight cadence of tightness and release—so flushed and tingly. Her gaze dropped to his lips, the lower one softly full while the upper one was almost a straight line under the shadow of coarse moustache stubble. Kissable.

  Alex cleared his throat. Oh yeah. She hadn’t served him his dinner yet. She stepped away and scooped the plate from the tray, setting it before him. Her eyes sneaked a glance at Liam before she once more moved to leave the room. Oh God. That quiver in her pussy was almost an orgasm.

  Liam’s eyes became wide and then softened in a slow smile. He reached for the linen napkin beside his plate, unfolded it and placed it on his lap.

  Her head fell back as she pushed the door open and escaped into the kitchen. Oh fuck. She could have helped him with that. She walked to the counter and took a long swallow of the ice water, letting the cold cubes brush against her lips.

  Her knees were rubber and she grasped the hard curve of the marble counter with white knuckled fingers. Would she ever be able to get through this dinner without jumping the man? Those kegel muscles were getting a workout.

  The door opened and she spun around at the sound. Her eyes went wide and her face turned into a furnace. Liam?

  He grinned and held up his water glass. “Thought I’d save you the trip.”

  She barely dared to breathe, muscles twitching between her legs watching him walk to the refrigerator and place his glass under the water spout. She couldn’t help it, try as she might. Her gaze sunk lower, floating down his body, past the wide shoulders in the dark suit jacket, past the line of dark blue tie centered on a trim abdomen, the golden metal gleam cutting the dark leather of his belt and lower still...The slight curve of the fabric covering the zipper, folds of the navy wool creasing outwards.

  Her foot faltered and body lurched before he thrust his hand to her armpit, catching her. “Brie?” His eyes were wide, alarm in the tenseness of his jaw.

  She gasped and her hand flew to his hip, righting herself. Oh God, the hard flesh there, so close to...oh no, can’t think of THAT. Her lower lip trembled and teeth bit down, eyes locked with his. “I’m sorry. Just felt faint for a moment.”

  His fingers rose to press her forehead. “You’re warm.” Then he was watching the rose hue of her neck. “Your pulse is going ninety miles an hour.”

  Contract. Release. Contra....

  Her eyes closed and she fell forward into his arms.

  Chapter 7

  “Oh dear.” Claire rushed forward and she stroked Brie’s back. “Brie. I think you should lie down for a little while.” Her head bobbed to the side, dismissing Liam. “I’ll look after things now.”

  Brie didn’t see her exaggerated mouthing of the words, “Girl stuff.”

  Her arm went over Brie’s shoulder and she walked her to the kitchen doorway, stopping to call softly over her shoulder, “Alex can serve the coffee. He knows where everything is, of course.”

  Brie let herself be comforted, feet plodding beside Claire’s down the hall and into her bedroom. When they were inside, Claire closed the door gently and walked her to the bed. She held Brie’s hands as Brie sat down on the pillowy surface, a sheepish smile on her face.

  “I’m sorry Brie. It was too much I guess, for the first time.” Her eyes were soft looking down at her.

  “I feel like such a jerk!” Brie looked down at her lap.

  “Why on earth do you say that?”

  “I’m supposed to be working, and instead, I get so turned on, I pass out!” She closed her eyes, embarrassed. Just another screw up in her life. “I’m twenty four years old! I should be able to handle being turned on!” Her felt her face heat up again, this time from shame. She hadn’t felt embarrassment or shame since her first night at Chris’… but it was a familiar feeling. Back in Mumsford, she felt like a jerk at least once a day…

  Claire looked at her quizzically, then away to look around the room. “This… this is all very new for you, Brie.”

  “Yeah,” Her voice was low and sullen. “I’m out of my league, and that’s just being your maid.” Passing out in the kitchen; how stupid could she be?

  “One thing at a time, dear.” Claire shook her head softly, from side to side. “I never played any games with Rose, you know.” She touched Brie under the chin. “I
got the sense from you right off the bat that you’d enjoy… being a little more than ‘the maid’ with me.” Her eyebrow arched. “Was I wrong in that assumption?”

  Brie couldn’t look her in the eye, but she shook her head no. “No… I don’t think so…” She looked back at Claire. “I like you, if that’s what you mean—but I’ve never… you know…” Her eyes grew wide. “You do know what I mean, don’t you?”

  “Never played risqué games with a girlfriend?”

  Brie nodded.

  Claire sighed. “It’s my fault. You just started a new job, you’re serving dinner to a man you’re attracted to—”

  “I didn’t say that!”

  Claire laughed and patted her arm. “No need to. It’s obvious from the look on your face!” Her face softened. “Honestly, Brie; I know you’re twenty four… but you come across so… so virginal!” The pats on Brie’s arm stopped and became soft circles. “I rushed you into this and it overwhelmed you. Let me make it up to you. Lay back and shove over.”

  Brie’s hands fluttered to her side and she shifted her bottom until she was in the center of the bed. Her embarrassment ebbed as Claire continued stroking her arm. Her heart had quieted but the lovely warmth in her pussy was still there. pulsing with every beat. It seemed to dominate her mind, that warm tingling longing. This was a total first for her—feeling like this. And the fact that she’d been working, trying to serve dinner gave it an altogether surreal quality.

  She laid back until her head settled on the pillow, her eyes watching Claire sit on the side of the bed facing her. Only the floor lamp across the floor was lit, casting amber light into the room.

  Claire’s hand rested hotly on Brie’s thigh. She began to stroke her leg with a touch as gentle as a butterfly’s wings. “What you’re’s a little overwhelming at first.” She gazed down into Brie’s eyes and she smiled. “Ever wonder what it’s like to be a sixteen year old boy? A perpetual walking hard-on?”


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