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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

Page 32

by Mia Moore

  At the end of the room, another door opened to a bathroom. Again, small but very clean. Even though the building was probably turn of the century, the fixtures, bathtub, sink and toilet had been updated.

  She could see herself living here. It was bright, clean and with the right furniture and pictures on the wall, it would be homey. Her home. Close to her school. She wandered back into the living room, where the real estate agent stood waiting.

  “I’ll take it.” Brie’s heart was light in her chest, reaching in her bag for her check book.

  The woman shook her head and gave a soft laugh. “Don’t you want to see the other one?”

  Brie could hardly contain her joy, face grinning from ear to ear. Her first place all on her own, in the big city. “No. This one feels right. You said yourself, it’s the better one. I don’t want to risk losing it.” She filled out the check and handed it to the woman.

  “God, wish all my clients were as easy as you.” She laughed, glancing at the check in her hand.

  “Oh, I’m not all that easy. But I know what I want. This place will help me get there.” She looked around the room and wandered over to check the kitchen a little more closely. She turned and faced the agent once more, totally convinced more than ever that she was doing the right thing. “Do you know that this is the first time I’ve been on my own?”

  “You’re not from around here are you?” The woman’s eyes narrowed but there was a smile on her face.

  “Nope. But New York’s my home now. I think everyone has a bit of New Yorker in them waiting to get out.”

  Laura laughed. “God forbid!”

  The only running she was going to do now would be to chase her dreams.

  Chapter 16

  Four years later...

  “Quiet everyone! She’s on her way up.” Claire stood in the doorway of the Great Room, her hands pushing high at the air, commanding attention.

  Alex stood behind the bar, pouring wine into Chris’s glass. He shook his head and winked at Chris before smirking at his wife. “Claire. It’s not like she’s going to be surprised. It’s a week away from the usual party night. She knows something’s up. After all, she just graduated Magna Cum Laude, she’s not stupid you know.”

  Michael was behind Chris. He tapped his shoulder and nodded towards the doorway. “You’ll want to be the first one she sees when she walks in. After all, a lot of her success is due to you.”

  Chris picked up his glass and allowed Michael to shepherd him across the room, threading through the throng of people. “Maybe. But mostly it was her. I knew the first night I laid eyes on her, she was special.” He turned from side to side, his eyes roaming over the room. “WHO are all these people?”

  Michael chuckled and patted Chris’s shoulder. Leaning in he spoke softly in his partner’s ear. “Obviously, you aren’t the only one who think she’d special. I’m pretty sure that these people are regulars at Claire and Alex’s parties. They’re also friends of Brie’s. So...”

  Chris closed his eyes, shaking his head. “Ewww! She’s like family to a daughter. I don’t want to know about her sex life!” His chin lowered and his grey eyes were flinty watching Michael. “WE will be leaving well before any of those shenanigans start.”

  Michael chuckled and took a sip of wine. “No argument from this corner. They’re too young and well...there’s way too many women here.”

  He turned when a hand clapped him on the shoulder. “Liam! It’s been too long. How is fatherhood treating you? Is Amanda here?”

  Liam laughed and pointed to a group of women standing near the window. “Over there.”

  Amanda's eyes met Liam’s, as if she’d sensed she was the object of his attention. Even from a distance of twenty feet, the intense color of her blue eyes was sharp, and the perpetual smile lit her face. She stroked her beach ball belly, idly.

  Chris clucked his tongue. “My. She’s positively glowing. I’ve heard it said pregnancy can do that, but I thought it would be a first time kind of thing.” His eyebrows drew together and he smiled. “But this is her third! And she looks like she could whelp at any minute.”

  “The term is give birth Chris. But sometimes it does seem like I’m living in a litter. And sleep. Forget it. If Sara isn’t awake demanding a bottle, it’s Joseph teething.”

  “Poor dear.” Once more Chris clucked his tongue. “Irish twins. At your age. How do you do it?”

  “I don’t. We’re not staying late. Amanda’s parent’s are staying the night. We’re getting a hotel room. It used to be for wild sex but now it’s sleep we crave.”

  The door to the great Room opened and everyone turned. The air was filled with cries of ‘surprise! congratulations!’

  Brie’s hands flew to her open mouth, bending forward. “Oh my God!” She looked from one side of the room to the other, finally settling on Chris and Michael. Tears blurred her vision.

  Chris strode forward and took her hand in his. He kissed her cheek and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “The first time I ever saw you, you were crying. Some things never change, huh?”

  She squeezed his hand and then wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Smart ass. These are tears of joy!”

  “Michael!” She took a step and threw her arms around his neck. Good old Michael. He’d never change. The same cologne and handsome, if not more lined, face.

  “Congratulations Brie. We’re proud of you.” He kissed her cheek and gave her a tight squeeze in his arms.

  “Hey! What about me?” Liam stepped forward and tapped her shoulder.

  She stepped away from Michael and smiled at Liam. Oh God. He looked like hell, with the dark circles under his eyes. His face was wan and sallow, but the warmth of his smile was still there. He pulled her to him and hugged her long and hard. “You made it, Brie. You finished school and followed your dream. Congrats.”

  It was bittersweet being in his arms. Sure, Amanda was nice. She’d even asked Brie to be Joseph’s god-mother but that would have been too weird. But Liam was the first man she’d really liked, almost loved, when she came to the city. But that was then and this was now. “Thanks.” She murmured into his ear.

  When she eased back from Liam, Alex appeared offering a glass of wine in one hand and in the other, a small box gift wrapped in white tissue with a gold ribbon. The small smile on his lips and in his eyes was genuine, not a hint of sarcasm. “This is from Claire and me. Your graduation present.”

  Her eyes welled with tears once more as she looked from Claire to Alex. “You shouldn’t have. If not for you, I wouldn’t have graduated.”

  Claire shook her head, “That’s not true.”

  “Okay. I would still have graduated but it would have taken four more years, working and going to school.” Brie laughed and took the gift from Alex. “You really shouldn’t have....” She slid the ribbon off and peeled back the tissue. Oh God. Her breath caught in her throat. The insignia on the box was Tiffany’s. She lifted the lid and a diamond studded tennis bracelet lay stretched over royal blue velvet.

  “Oh my God. It’s beautiful.” Her fingers shook as she lifted it out of the box.

  Claire held her hand up, wiggling it and flashing her own bracelet. “See, it’s exactly like mine. Let me help you put it on.”

  Brie lifted her hand and gazed at Alex as Claire fastened the bracelet on her wrist. She could tell that he was thinking of Martha and the horrible incidence that had started this. If she hadn’t come back to New York and confronted Martha, none of this would ever have happened. This was a constant reminder of who she was, a determined woman following her dreams.

  “Don’t flash that on the street. All the self defense classes in the world wouldn’t help you!” Carly pushed her way to the other side of Claire. Oh my God! They’d even asked Carly?

  Claire finished fastening the bracelet and released her hand. Immediately, Carly’s arms were around her in a warm hug, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Don’t worry, I won’t!”

  The other gue
sts pressed forward, a sea of well wishers hugging and congratulating her. Over the years, she’d come to know them all.

  An hour later, Chris and Michael made their way over to her. Chris squeezed her hand and leaned close for one final kiss on her cheek. “We’re leaving Brie. We’ll drop Carly off on our way. Have dinner with us this week?”

  She grinned. “I’d like that. I’ll be putting out resumes for a teaching spot, pounding the pavement so I will probably need a break.” Michael’s eyebrows rose and he grinned. “Are you kidding me? You name the school you want to teach at. You’ve got friends in the Mayor’s office.”

  Brie’s chest was light watching Chris and Michael. How much did she owe them for how well things had turned out and they were still on her side, helping out.

  Carly appeared behind them. She stepped forward and once more hugged Brie. “I can’t stay. David’s at home with Chloe. He’ll be tearing his hair out about now, changing diapers.” She wrinkled her nose for a moment and then winked at Brie. “See you Thursday? We can do lunch after class.”

  “For sure! Give my love to David.” Brie smiled watching the trio thread their way to the door. Liam and Amanda had left a few minutes earlier after making her promise to visit. Now that classes were over, there was no excuse not to.

  Claire sidled up to her and leaned in to whisper. "Alex has gone upstairs. Charles, Lorraine and some others have joined him. I think they’re waiting for the guest of honor.”

  Chapter 17

  Brie opened the door to the poolroom and stepped inside. The faint but familiar chlorine scent infused the air mixed with the spicy scented candles, sitting on the bar and the scattering of low tables. A white banner, the word ‘Congratulations!’ in bright colored letters hung above the bar where Alex was a fixture, pouring drinks. He held up a glass of wine and beckoned her over.

  Standing waist deep in the pool, Lorraine turned and fluttered her fingers. Brie smiled and blew a kiss, sauntering by her naked friend. She shook her head and a grin spread on her face recalling the first time she’d seen Lorraine with Charles in the pool. She’d flushed red as a fire engine, denying the spark of lust that flared in her pussy. Now, how many times had she and Lorraine got it on? Countless.

  Alex‘s hands pressed against the bar, his forearms bare to the elbow, while he watched her approach with that familiar smirk. She picked up her glass and looked him in the eye, no longer intimidated by his confident, sardonic sense of humor. “Hiding behind the bar again, Alex? In all this time, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you participate except to pour drinks.”

  Claire slid her arm around Brie’s waste. “It’s not his thing dear. He’s a voyeur. I more than make up for him.”

  Brie turned, cupping Claire’s face with her free hand. She leaned closer and kissed her lips, lingering for a few beats. “I know. I wish I’d known you were throwing this get together. I’m dressed for a dinner party, not a party party.” The bolero jacket above the knee length linen dress was suddenly uncomfortably hot. She slipped it off and draped it over her arm.

  “Not to worry. You look great and besides Chris and Michael were there. And your friend Carly? That’s the first time I’ve met her. Why don’t you ask her and her husband over some time?”

  Brie shook her head and laughed. “Not everyone is as liberal minded as you Claire. I don’t talk to Carly about these parties. She’d freak.”

  Claire sniffed and tossed her head to the side. “Whatever. Why don’t we get out of these clothes? We’re waaay overdressed.” She grinned, took the glass of wine from Brie’s hand and led the way around the pool to the change room.

  Inside Cerise was telling Sophie about the problems she was having with Jason’s pre-school teacher as she hung up her dress. Brie smiled remembering the first time she’d seen Cerise, still carrying a little weight from her pregnancy. Now she was a size one, working out at the Krav Magna gym twice a week, already an advanced student of Carly’s.

  She turned and flashed a smile at Brie. “Hey Brie. I need to talk to you about my kid.”

  Sophie rose and pressed against Cerise, her fingers tweaking Cerise’s nipple. “Not tonight. No school. No kids. It’s Brie’s night.”

  Cerise giggled and slid her hands over Sophie’s generous ass. “Shhh...That was supposed to be a secret silly.” Together, they walked outside to the pool area.

  Brie’s eyes were wide turning to Claire. She watched Claire wiggle out of the sheath-like dress and hang it up. She’d seen Claire naked many times over the past few years but the sight, never failed to make her wet. Was it because Claire had been the first to break her girl-cherry, showing her how sensuous being with a woman could be? Claire slid her panties down and stepping high in the heels, stepped out of them. With her lithe body, and artful make-up, Claire could pass for a woman in her thirties.

  “What have you and Alex got cooking? What did Sophie mean it’s my night?” Brie slid the zipper on the back of her dress as far down as she could, before turning to let Claire do the rest.

  Claire tugged at the dress and leaned in to kiss Brie’s earlobe. “It’s always your night Brie. You have your pick of anyone out there. Men and women!” Her hands slid over Brie’s waist and cupped her breast. “God, I wish I had half as much as this.”

  Brie turned and smiled down at Claire. It was true. She may be a few pounds more than she wanted to be, but those extra pounds were in exactly the right places--her hips and breasts. Claire had always been jealous even while lusting after them. “Not everyone. I’ve never been with Alex.”

  Claire’s face fell open and she strained back watching Brie. “But I told you. That’s not Alex’s thing. Not that I’d mind seeing you with him. As long as I can be part of it, of course.” She grinned and spun Brie around to slip the hooks of her bra free.

  “Well, if it IS my night. That’s what I want. To fuck Alex. Think I can do it, Claire?” Her heart beat hard in her chest while the spot between her legs tingled hotly.

  Claire slid the straps of her bra over her shoulders and leaned in to lick Brie’s earlobe. “God, it would be my fantasy. He’s incredible in bed, you know? After these parties, we fuck like minxes...for weeks! At least until the next party.”

  Brie turned and there was an evil grin on Claire’s face. Her voice was soft, “It was always Martha’s fantasy. To do a threesome with Alex and me. He never would. I think she had a crush on him.”

  Brie’s chest expanded and she lifted her chin high. It was a challenge if ever there was one. “Claire? Do you still correspond with Martha?”

  She looked down at her feet for a moment. “I’m the god-mother for both of her kids. Martha’s a tool but the kids are nice. Must take after their father. I skype with her once a month or so to see how they’re doing.”

  Claire’s eyes narrowed and she planted a gentle kiss on Brie’s mouth. “Tonight might be a perfect time to chat with Martha.” She giggled and her shoulders shook with glee. “I’ll get my laptop and set it up. We’re going to put on a little show for Martha.”

  Brie’s eyebrows drew together. “But Alex...He’ll never go along with this.”

  Claire patted her arm. “Don’t worry about Alex. There’s no love lost there between him and her.”

  Brie led the way from the change room. She turned and whispered in Claire’s ear. “Maybe it’s time I broke Alex’s swinging cherry. No more voyeur for him.”

  Claire squeezed her hand and scampered along the opposite edge of the pool heading towards the door.

  Brie took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, staring at Alex as she strutted to the bar. Alex looked up from a conversation with Charles and Sophie. The smile on his lips froze as his eyes met Brie’s.

  Chapter 18

  She eased in behind the bar, taking a place next to Alex. His eyes were narrow above finely etched cheekbones, his lips parted. She allowed her eyes to wander from his eyes to his lips and smiled.

  “Thanks Brie, but I have the bar covered. You go on and have
a good time.” He stepped away from her and handed a drink to Sophie.

  She followed him until her breasts pressed against his arm. Yes! He looked a little puzzled but his gaze lowered to her chest, lingering there.

  Her breath caught in her throat watching his face. Alex had always been unattainable, sexy but aloof at these parties. She’d always wondered what it would be like to have sex with him. Hell, if she were honest, she’d fantasized about it. Fantasized, like Martha, about a threesome.

  “It’s not the bar, I’d like you covering Alex.” Her voice was a husky purr, hand sliding down the washboard tightness of his stomach until it rested on his crotch. She sighed and blinked slowly feeling the thickness of his cock under the soft cotton of his trousers. “I think you know what I mean.”

  She was conscious of Sophie and Charles watching them. This was totally out there. Everyone knew and accepted the fact that Alex never did more than serve drinks.

  The strains of a jazz song could be heard as conversation in the room faltered. It seemed that all eyes were focused on the scene at the bar.

  Alex cleared his throat and a soft chuckle erupted before he glanced over at Sophie and Charles. “Brie. There’s guys here lining up to be with you. Isn’t that right Charles?”

  “I’ll get to them later. For now, I want you.”

  His eyes closed and she felt his cock grow even harder. “But Claire...” It was barely audible, a sigh from his lips.

  Brie’s hand skimmed up his body and her fingers pried at the buttons of his shirt. She looked up into his eyes. “Claire wants this. She told me.”

  His eyes were soft gazing into hers, the longing and lust evident. She pushed at the loose flaps of his shirt, scraping them off his shoulders and down muscular arms. His chest was sprinkled with fine dark hair that thinned over bulging pecs. She’d always known he was in good shape, exercising every day but he had the body of a thirty year old, not a guy pushing fifty.


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