[Canyon Cove 02.0] No Regrets

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[Canyon Cove 02.0] No Regrets Page 14

by Liliana Rhodes

  "You look like you have something on your mind," Stewart said as he closed his eyes and leaned his chair back.

  I sighed. "Yes, I do. You brought all my things to the house. What if Will doesn't want me there anymore? I just realized I don't have anyplace to go."

  "I know Will better than anyone, Deborah. I also know you feel closer to him because of everything you both went through. I'm sure he feels the same."

  "Yes, but--"

  "But," he said, interrupting me, "just because you haven't heard from him doesn't mean he's not thinking of you. Trust me on that."

  It was hard to not trust anything Stewart said. While normally a man of few words, he never said anything unless it was true. Although Will's father made the wrong choice of abandoning his son, despite his reasons, I definitely thought he made a good decision when it came to who raised him. Stewart was a dangerous man, but at his core he was one of the best men I knew.

  It was late when we finally landed at the Canyon Cove airport, and I couldn't help but think about my cat Trap and wonder how he was doing with Ashley and Xander. I sent her a text figuring that if she was asleep she wouldn't respond until morning, but instead she called me back.

  "Hello? Ashley?"

  "You sound surprised," she said as she laughed.

  "I was worried it was too late. It's 10pm and you have a baby."

  "Exactly, I have a baby. That means I don't sleep. I'm kidding, but seriously, I've always been a night owl. Ten is too early for sleep. Is everything okay? I didn't expect to hear from you while you were away."

  "I just got back. I'm actually still on the plane. I was wondering how Trap was doing without me."

  "He's great. I'm not sure he even realizes you're gone."

  "Damn cat. That sounds about right," I said, laughing.

  "What's really going on, Deborah? You're home early, Fashion Week hasn't even started, and all you're talking about is your cat. I'm not stupid."

  "Fine, yes, you're right. I just...don't want to go home just yet. That's all."

  "Come over. I'll make some hot chocolate and you can stay in the guest room and take Trap home in the morning."

  "You sure? I don't want to intrude. It’s late."

  "It's not that late and I could use the company. Xander had to go away overnight on business."

  "Okay, I'll see you soon then."

  As I turned onto the gravel driveway of the Boone's home, I was surprised by how noisy it was. If they weren't awake before, I definitely woke them now. Ashley stepped out of the old Georgian mansion with a large blue crocheted blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.

  "Hurry up!" she said. "I'm already heating up the milk."

  I followed her through the house to the long kitchen where she turned off the stove and portioned the milk into a couple of large mugs before dropping pieces of chocolate inside.

  "This was how my mom used to make it when I was real little," she said, smiling. "I'm trying to redo all the things I remember fondly of her."

  As I sat down at the kitchen table, I felt the familiar nudge of Trap against my leg and reached down to pet him.

  "Spill, Deb. What's going on?"

  "It's so complicated, I really don't know what to say."

  "What's complicated?"

  "Will. Paris. Now. I don't even know if he wants to see me. For all I know, he wants nothing to do with me. I mean it's okay, I'm not going to go psycho or anything. I respect his decision, but I just wish I knew what to do."

  "You're really not making any sense. Back up."

  I told Ashley how Will gave me my own room in his mansion and how I let go of my apartment and moved all my things there. Then I told her a brief version of the trip, steering clear from giving her too many details and focusing on Will's departure almost two days ago.

  "That's pretty much everything. I guess I just don't feel comfortable showing up at his house when he couldn't even be bothered to leave a note to say goodbye. What if things have changed?"

  "Then don't. Stay here as long as you want to. But can I say something?" I nodded to answer her before she continued. "If you really love him, you should go to him. You don't know what he's going through right now. He might think he wants no one around, but I bet that'll change once he sees you came back early. Have you tried calling him?"

  "No," I said softly. "I was afraid he'd tell me to fuck off."

  "Listen, I don't know exactly what you've been through, but the Deborah I know is the one who tells people to fuck off, not the other way around. Sleep here tonight, but I really think you should see him in the morning. It's the only way you'll know for sure what he's really thinking."

  Ashley was right. I wasn't acting like myself. I didn't know if it was the trauma of the kidnapping or the residual effects of the drug, but I needed to move on from this selfishness and be there for the man I loved. First thing in the morning, I would head over to King Manor and find him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I left Ashley's in the morning, ready to face whatever might happen at Will's. I couldn't avoid it any longer, and I didn't want to. It was time to see how he really was doing and see how I could help, if he would let me. Unsure what to expect, my hands felt moist and my stomach turned a little, but I wasn't going to back down.

  Slowing down at the entrance, I was surprised to find the gate wide open. My first thought was of the men who kidnapped us in Paris, and I worried for Will's safety as I felt a chill overtake me again.

  The loud honk behind me startled me out of my fear and back to the King Manor driveway. I quickly moved my car over to the side as a plumbing truck drove past.

  "That's odd. I wonder what's going on," I said out loud.

  As I reached the circular part of the driveway with the fountain, I couldn't believe how many trucks were there. Parking closer to the garden than the house, I surveyed each of the trucks as I tried to guess why they were there but couldn't come up with anything.

  Walking up the path to the house, I noticed a man in jeans and a button shirt directing the contractors to different locations on the first floor and outside.

  "Excuse me," I said as I tapped his shoulder, hoping to find out where Will was.

  "Deborah!" Will exclaimed as he turned around. "I was hoping you'd come home."

  He picked me up and spun me around then kissed me after dipping me back, leaving me breathless and woozy.

  "What's going on here? And where's your suit?" I said, teasing him.

  "Come, walk with me," he said, slipping his arm around my shoulders and pressing me against him. "I want to show you something."

  We walked past the gardens and towards the furthest part of the property, away from the mansion. Following a stone path that curved through the fields, I wondered where he was taking me.

  "After everything that happened in Paris, I had to leave. I needed to get as far away as possible. I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I needed some time alone to think about things."

  "I figured that's what happened, Will. But I was still really worried."

  "I know. And for that, I apologize. My whole life came into question. Everything I believed about my father was wrong. All this time I thought he was dead, I remembered his words to live life without regrets and I did the complete opposite. I hid away, not wanting to feel loss again. I let the danger he put me in rule everything I did. Instead of living without regrets, I regretted not only everything I did but even the things I didn't do." He stopped and turned to look into my eyes. "That is, until I met you.

  "That first day I saw you in the store changed everything for me. Suddenly I wanted to live, to be a part of something. You were so full of life it was contagious. I began changing things, and letting myself be vulnerable to you was one of them.

  "When you got upset on the plane, I almost came home. I realized how hard everything was and I didn't want to deal with it. It was easier to hide and be alone, but I realized I'd regr
et it if I never spent another minute with you, so I waited for you to stop being so stubborn and realize what happened wasn't that big of a deal. Even if I was wrong and should have told you exactly who I was," he said with a lopsided grin.

  "Jeez, if this is an apology, I think it needs some work," I said, grinning back at him.

  "Just listen to me. I took that commercial flight back instead of my jet because I didn't want to be Will King for once. I just wanted to be like everyone else. What I saw while I waited were families and couples. I watched how they were with each other, and I understood that my father faking his death wasn't a selfish act like I first thought, he did it because it was the only way he knew how to protect me. He had just lost his wife and didn't want to lose his son, too.

  "The ironic thing is what he did kept me from having my own love. But I didn't realize I was missing that until I met you."

  We arrived at a large clearing where bulldozers and other construction vehicles were digging and moving dirt around as they flattened the area. Behind the clearing was the gentle slope of the lush green valley just beginning to change colors for fall, and in the distance I could see the ocean.

  "Oh wow, what a gorgeous view!" I said. "What's going on here?"

  "The night I lost my parents, my father wanted to show me my future. He said that future was Hargrove's and he was right. If it wasn't for Hargrove's and that particular store, I would have never met you."

  Will took both my hands into his as he spoke. The world stood still as I listened to him intently over the noise of the construction, lost in the glittering green flecks of his eyes.

  "You are my future, Deborah Hansen. In the past two days I've been home, I've begun transforming the original mansion and the grounds surrounding it into an art museum to show off all of my mother's collections. I also started this," he said as he waved his hand to point to the construction. "I only have preliminary sketches so they can begin clearing the land, but I want us to design a home together for us to live in. It can have whatever we want. If you want a design studio, then we can build one there, too."

  "I...I don't know what to say--"

  "Don't say anything at all, I'm not done. You are incredible, you know that? I love how you're so passionate about things that you can sometimes get irrational and crazy. I love how you're so stubborn that even though you know you're being a little nutty, you won't apologize for it."

  "Umm, I'm not sure I like where this is going," I said as I crossed my arms in front of me.

  He laughed and took my hands back and held them. "Bear with me. I'm not used to talking about my feelings."

  "Okay then, keep talking."

  "See, right there. I love how your brow furrows whenever you're not sure about something. Or how every single thought is reflected on your face. I love how you know you're talented but refuse to accept it at the same time. And I love your body, your curves, your softness."

  He lowered himself down on one knee as he looked up at me. Letting go of my hands, he reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a small Tiffany ring box. My hands flew to my open mouth in surprise as I held my breath while Will opened the box. It was the longest two seconds of my life.

  The ring had an oval deep blue sapphire surrounded by a halo of small glittering diamonds. It was set in platinum and sparkled as if it had a life all its own.

  "My world began when you entered it and it would end if you left it. I can't imagine my life without you. Deborah, I love you. Will you marry me?"

  "Yes, oh yes!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him, knocking him off balance. "I love you too, Will. Oh my God, yes!"

  He laughed and kissed me, making my heart pound wildly in my chest.

  "I went shopping for it as soon as I got home. I know it's not a traditional engagement ring, but as soon as I saw it, I knew you would love it."

  "You're right, it's the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen. It's absolutely amazing!"

  I admired the ring as we sat on the ground in front of where our new home would one day stand. The sun caught the blue stone and reminded me of my ocean blue chiffon gown. I made the right decision coming home, but if I could be in two places at once, I would. Will leaned back as he examined my face, his head tilted.

  "Wait a second. What about Paris? I never meant for you to come home early," he said.

  "I was worried about you. I couldn't stay without knowing how you were. You went through a lot. We went through a lot in our short time out there. I don't know that I could do my best with the collection if my head was out here with you."

  "Then you have to go back. Take the jet. I couldn't forgive myself if you let your dream go because of me."

  "I don't have time to do all the alterations. Even with Dianna still out there, I have my samples here."

  "Then find another assistant. Surely between the three of you, you can do it. I'll call Mimi and see if I can get your slot switched."

  My mind raced. Another assistant? The only other person I really knew was Ashley, and she couldn't fly out to Paris with me. But wait, maybe...

  I pulled out my cell phone and found the number I had added just a few weeks ago. Joshua Cane was my only hope.

  "Hi, Joshua. It's Deborah Hansen. I don't know if you remember me, but--"

  "Of course I remember you, sweetheart. I've been keeping tabs on you since we met. How's Paris?"

  "I'm in Canyon Cove."

  "Did something happen?"

  "Yes and no. It's a long story. I need a favor that involves you flying with me back to Paris today. Any chance you can get away and help me out? You did say us designers needed to stick together."

  "Sweetie, you had me at Paris. Give me a couple of hours to take care of things here. We'll make sure your designs look fabulous on that runway."

  Will was able to get me a one-day extension because another designer dropped out due to time constraints. Joshua and I worked the entire flight using Dianna's measurements, but it still wasn't enough. We made alterations all the way to just before the show. While Dianna took care of planning hair, makeup, and accessories for the models, Joshua and I finished any last minute fixes right on the models as they wore the clothes.

  In the end, the models looked perfect and no one had any idea that we took it down to the wire. Dianna, Joshua, and I watched the show from a backstage monitor. The models worked it on the runway. Just like Joshua foretold, they looked fabulous.

  As I watched the models strut down the runway, I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. The clothing looked even better than I ever imagined. I had a permanent smile on my face and the day would have been perfect if Will had been there with me.

  We only had enough models for my original collection, but I couldn't let my new design go ignored. Knowing that as the designer I'd be going down the runway, I wore the Eiffel Tower inspired cream-colored dress. The last model wore my ocean blue chiffon gown and as she came back up the runway, I stepped out and walked with her as we led the rest of the models back out. The crowd applauded as my models lined up.

  Looking out at the faceless crowd for a moment, I thought about how lucky I was that I didn't fall on my face as I walked with the models. That was all I needed, to become fashion roadkill at my first show.

  Before turning back, the model next to me bent down closer to my level and pointed into the crowd. I looked where she pointed and had to blink in disbelief. Will sat in the crowd next to Amanda Cunning and Tim Ross, and the three of them rose to their feet as they clapped. Humbled, I lowered my head and curtsied, thanking them from afar. It was my dream come true.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The sun beat down, barely giving any escape even under the trees. Looking at the old brick campus buildings I had my classes in, I couldn't believe I was back at graduation just a year later. Wearing the black cap and gown again, this time with a different sash over my shoulders, I sat on a white wooden folding chair just off the side of the stage.

  Will sat beside
me in a tan suit with a green print tie that matched the flecks in his hazel eyes. As he held my hand, I couldn't help but admire my engagement ring. It didn't matter how many months I had worn it, the way the light caught the circle of diamonds around the large deep blue sapphire always took my breath away.

  Joshua Cane took the stage wearing a black cap and gown with the same sash I had over my shoulders. He winked in my direction as he approached the podium and smiled at the audience.

  "At this time last year, I had the opportunity to meet today's honoree, Deborah Hansen. I recognized her talent and practically begged her to work for me. She turned me down. Luckily for everyone else, she knew she was destined for better things.

  "Deborah has a way of endearing herself to people. It's in her smile, her personality, and her drive. She chased her dream by taking a job at Hargrove's and won the opportunity to show an original collection at Fashion Week in Paris, a feat many designers dream of but never reach.

  "So you can imagine my surprise when Deborah called me, home early from Paris after an emergency, and asked if I would fly back to Paris with her. Deborah is the most hardworking and creative person I have ever had the pleasure of working with. And it's because of our mutual work ethic that a partnership was born.

  "But I'm not here to talk about our success though. I'm here to talk about Deborah's.

  "In the past year, Deborah has had her first collection at Fashion Week, opened Hansen + Cane with her very handsome design partner, started her own line exclusively sold at Hargrove's fine department stores, and has been so busy she's been forced to turn down design requests from some of the hottest movie and music stars.

  "As if that wasn't enough, she was also instrumental in the creation of the Working Designer Grant for students like herself who have no choice but to juggle both work and school.


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