The Callback

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The Callback Page 18

by Brandy L Rivers

  Her phone rang. Grinning, she pressed talk. Her headset picked it up. “Hey, Luke, a pleasant surprise. Thought you were filming all day.”

  “Got a few free hours while Ryan and Raven have some screen time. Figured I’d call you. Sounds like you’re driving.”

  “Yeah, have my headset on. Good news, someone bought my house. I’m headed out to look at a rental.”


  “Yeah. It’s a bit out of town. I’m hoping less people notice me there.”

  He paused, then worry filled his tone. “Is it that bad?”

  She shrugged. “It’s just weird. Not bad. I’m just tired of, oh, you’re the chick with Luke Chance. Yeah, yeah, I am, but I have a name, and I have my own accomplishments. And I’m sorry if that’s bitchy, but it’s aggravating.”

  He laughed. “Well, I ran into one of your readers, and I got the opposite.”


  “Ask Raven. It was pretty funny. I think she snapped a couple pictures.”

  “I’m sorry. I understand the frustration.”

  “Actually, I was pretty damned proud to call you mine. But I get it. You want to be known for your stuff.”

  “Honestly, I prefer not to be noticed. I never had anyone come up to me and know who I was, except at a signing.”

  He let out a breath. “That a problem?”

  “No, sorry I said anything.” She pushed her hair behind her ear.

  “I want you to talk to me. I don’t want to lose you because this gets pent-up and you don’t let it out. I’m not upset by the reaction.”

  “Honest, I’m fine, I’m adjusting. You can’t expect that to happen overnight.”

  “That’s not the reason you want the rental? And to sell the house?”

  She smiled. “No, I was planning to sell it even before I met you.”

  “Did he want the house?”

  “Not until after Mindy dumped him. Can we talk about something else? Like, what kind of crazy stuff have you filmed so far…and your secret is safe with me.”

  “A car chase, and uh…” He let out a breath. “There is a kissing scene with Raven. Do you have any idea how awkward those are?”

  She laughed, amused. “Sorry, must be difficult to kiss a beautiful woman.”

  “We’ve been friends for a long time. This isn’t our first movie together, and she has a policy to never date co-stars after Jackson Crabtree. So, it was awkward for both of us.”

  A flash of jealousy rocked through her, even though she knew better. He treated Raven like one of the guys, not a love interest. Still, the words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. “You wanted her?”

  He sighed. “Briefly, when we first met, years ago. And after seeing her relationship to Jackson play out, I realized it was a good policy. Besides, she’s fun to hang out with. I’m glad I never attempted to take things there. And she doesn’t know, so let’s keep it that way.”

  “For her sake or mine?” Leona teased.

  “Hers. I’m admitting it to you so you know why.”

  “I appreciate that. But it was long before you met me. I’m the one you want now.” It felt good to say it, to realize the truth.

  “I do. You, only you. The kiss would have been awkward no matter what, but knowing I can’t kiss you, and I have to do this, just makes it worse.”

  “You’re sweet.” Leona tapped the steering wheel and sorted her head. “Look, you get paid to act. Kissing her is an act to tell a story. Don’t read more into it than that.”

  “Don’t love that part,” he muttered.

  She could hear the embarrassment, nerves, whatever in his tone. She wasn’t concerned. “I’m not worried. I can’t imagine Raven doing that if it wasn’t part of the role.”

  “Nope. And I wouldn’t either. Like I said, we’re friends. Nothing more, ever.”

  “Luke, I have nothing to worry about. Relax.”

  His laugh sounded relieved. “God, I love you.”

  “You too, but is it that weird for whoever you’re with not to be jealous of a part in a movie?”

  “Only when it involves being intimate with a beautiful actress.”

  “I’m not generally jealous. Not without a good reason.”

  “I never want you to doubt me, Leona.”

  “Don’t anymore. Now, are you done for the night?”

  “Yeah, we’re meeting downstairs for dinner in a bit, but I’m waiting on their call when they finish.”

  “Okay, well, I have a long drive if you want to chat.”

  “I’m not going to distract you too much?”

  She laughed. “No, just don’t make it too sexy, and we’re good.”

  “You could tell me about your current project,” he teased.

  “That’s not fair. I don’t talk about it until I have the first draft nearly finished.”

  “Maybe one day I’ll be the person you come to with ideas.”

  “Only if you promise not to expect your direction to stick.”

  He laughed. “Nope. I may offer ideas if you’re stuck, but it’s your world, your story, your rules.”

  Grinning, she asked, “How’d I get so lucky to meet you?”

  “I keep wondering how I got so lucky to run into you.”

  “Fate maybe? Whatever, I’m happy to have you. So, tell me about your day, whatever you want to share.”

  “Gladly.” He told her all about the car chase, the stunts.

  Chapter 31

  Three weeks later, Leona was set up in her new lake house and feeling pretty damned good about her relationship with Luke. She was getting used to the random questions, picture requests, and all of that.

  Her sales were doing great. Somewhere along the way the stress of possibly wrecking her reader relationship faded. Luke didn’t stop interacting with her on her pages. She heard from him at least twice a day, though sometimes only for a few minutes if he was tired.

  A few times she talked him to sleep. And some nights he did the same for her.

  Two months until she saw him again.

  There was a knock on her door and Leona hopped up to open it. She found Mona there with a gift basket.

  “Um…what’s this?”

  Mona nodded inside. “Let me in and I’ll show you what Luke sent.”

  “Okay?” she answered slowly and stepped back.

  Leona closed the door behind Mona and turned with her brow cocked. “Let me guess, he sent something that needed some preparation?”

  Mona giggled. “Uh, proper packaging. Don’t worry, I think you’ll like it. And keep in mind, he sent it to me so all of it could come at once, and you weren’t opening it wondering what the hell. Read the note first. Very first.”

  Grabbing the red envelope, Mona waved it around.

  Snatching it out of her hand, Leona opened it up.

  Luke’s message was written in black ink.

  My dreamer, Leona,

  We’ve had a few conversations about toys. I couldn’t help thinking maybe this would help ease the need while you wait for me. Hoping you can show me, or at least let me hear you come undone.

  There are a few more things I sent. Those caramels from Minae’s you loved, candles, and things I saw and wanted you to have.

  I love you, miss you, can’t wait to have you in my arms again.

  Yours, now and forever


  Leona nearly swallowed her tongue as she snatched the basket away and started opening every object wrapped in red tissue paper.

  Yup, caramels, chocolates, candles, a bottle of the same wine they enjoyed together, a scarf, a mix CD he created, a book of poetry, a charm bracelet that stopped her heart.

  Tears welled up. So damned perfect.

  “What’s wrong?” Mona sank down beside her. “Is that a charm bracelet?”

  One of those Italian charm bracelets. Each link had its own charm. A book, a bottle of wine, a rowboat, horses, a cat, and the list went on.

  “It’s our whole two week
s together before he started filming. Things we’ve talked about, things we did.”

  “Luke put a lot of thought into this. He must love you.”

  Leona put the bracelet on. “Yeah, he really does.”

  Mona pulled the last box out and handed it to Leona with a wicked smile.

  She tore the wrapping paper off. The box read Romantic Rabbit and she couldn’t help laughing.

  “You talk about vibrators too?”

  “Uh, yeah, it came up. Asked him if he was opposed to them. He was all for it.”

  “I think he proved it. Talk about the perfect guy.”

  “Tell me about it.” She quickly placed everything back in the basket. “Let me put this away and we can hang out on the dock.”

  “Nope, I need to run. I wanted to bring this to you, instead of making you come out. But I’ll stay with you this weekend.”

  Leona sat the basket down and gave her a hug. “Thank you. You really didn’t have to drive more than an hour each way to deliver this.”

  “Anything for my girl.”

  “Thanks. Now go. I don’t want to keep you, and maybe I can reach Luke.”

  “Good luck.” She rushed out the door and Leona went up to her room with the basket and laptop. They usually wrapped around now.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she dialed his number. After two rings, he answered. “Hey, just on my way up to my room.”

  “I wanted to thank you for the special delivery.”

  A warm chuckle tripped along her nerves. “Good choices?”

  “Very. And you requested a show?” Her voice broke slightly. Yeah, nervous, but they had done similar in the past. Not every night, but he made her feel desired like no one ever had.

  “Not until I lock myself in my room. I don’t want anyone else to see you that way.”

  “Trust me, I don’t want anyone to watch you getting off while I am.”

  “I’m not an exhibitionist.” He hummed a low sound. “What did you think about the rest?”

  “Perfect. And that bracelet was better than anything you could have done. Those charms were everything, Luke. Every one of them was another memory. All the best of them.”

  The bell of the elevator dinged. Luke murmured, “Excuse me,” to someone. A moment later the door shut and a lock clicked into place.

  “I went shopping, picked them all out by hand. Put them on the bracelet in order. I wanted you to remember every second we had together before our time apart.”

  “I do, every second, Luke.”

  “So, you have the rental, where am I booking a flight to? What’s your new address? I figure if you’re on a lake, away from most, I could come to you, not drag you back to LA.”

  “I’ll be wherever you want me.” Hell, if he asked her then, she would fly to Italy on the next flight. No questions, just go there to see him, even for a few hours.

  “Your house. On the lake. I want to see what you call home.”

  “I’m still decorating, and it is a rental. Came with most of the furniture, decorations, but I’m making it mine.”

  “You have eight weeks to do that. I’ll be there, Leona. My turn to stay with you. Whatever you want to do, we’ll do it. Take me anywhere, show me everything you love. I want to learn everything there is to know about you.” That sexy lower register took over his voice, the almost growly note that revved her engine.

  “Tell me you’re alone, Luke,” she pleaded.

  “You thinking about me?” he purred.

  “Always, can’t stop. If you were here, God, if you were here, I wouldn’t be able to wait. I would take you the first second I saw you. Don’t bring anyone when you come.”

  “God no. I’ll be dying for you.”

  “If you were here, I’d need more than a taste.”

  “Shit, I might just bend you over the nearest surface and enter you hard if you need it that bad. I’m starved for you.”

  “Can hardly wait,” she murmured.

  “You’re killing me, Leona.”

  “You going to open up Skype?”

  “Give me two minutes and I’ll be naked and online.”

  “Oh, I need to open that box all the way up. Didn’t want to do that with Mona here.”

  Laughing, he answered, “Well, hurry.”

  “I’ll be there as fast as I can.” She stripped out of her clothes and opened the box, pulled it out and went to her nightstand where she put the laptop and everything she needed.

  After a moment she was logged in, lounged back on the bed with the purple vibrator. Not pink. She once mentioned she didn’t care for pink, and he remembered.

  His smoldering eyes were the first thing she saw. His full mouth in that sexy smile was the second.

  “Hey, lover,” she murmured.

  “Hey, dreamer,” he answered. “Did I pick well?”

  She giggled. “I have one very similar. It’s the right color, more settings. I doubt you could have done better.”

  “Think you can angle the screen so I can see you use that and your face? I need to see your face when you come.”

  “Won’t be as good as when you touch me.”

  “If it is, I’ll learn something new to make it even better for you.”

  “You would, but, Luke, nothing feels as good as you.”

  “Oh, I love to hear that from you.” He pushed the laptop down, giving her a view of his thighs, cock, torso, and that gorgeous face of his.

  She did the same, spreading her legs, hoping he could see enough.

  “Beautiful, Leona.”

  He turned some low sexy music on and she bit her lip as he gripped his length. She turned on the vibrator and rubbed it over her clit. It wasn’t enough. She turned it up.

  A gasp left her lips.

  “You like a good hum, don’t you?” he asked, squeezing lube onto his hand before gripping his length again.

  “Mmhmm,” she moaned, laying her head down as she rubbed harder with the vibrator.

  He slipped his hand over his crown and slowly down to the base as he leaned closer to watch her. The muscles in his abs moved, making her mouth water.

  “Want you so bad,” she moaned, slowly pushing the tip into her, angling the vibrator so the small part fit over her clit. “Oh fuck, fuck, oh God.”

  “Imagine me inside you, pressing a bullet to your clit while I fuck you.”

  She did, which only made it better. She started the push and pull of the vibe, letting it massage her walls. He was so damned sexy stroking himself, as he watched her.

  “Luke, you close?”

  “Fuck yes, watching you, how could I not be.” He rolled to his back, stroking himself harder.

  Matching his pace, she pushed the length deeper and pinched her nipple

  “Leona, fuck, Leona.” He grunted and came, splashing his torso.

  She came with him, his name on her lips. Dropping her head back, she turned off the toy and laid it out of sight before moving the laptop up.”

  “Nothing I want more, Leona. Eight weeks and I’ll be there.”

  “Can hardly wait. Thank you for the gifts.” She held her wrist up and smiled. “Honest, the bracelet was the best present ever.”

  “I’d hoped it would be.”

  “I feel stupid for not sending you anything, but I’m not a hundred percent sure where you are.”

  “I don’t need anything.”

  She laughed. “Neither do I. And I think I know the perfect gift.”

  “I’ll send you a text with the information. But honestly, I don’t care about that.”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “And as much as I don’t care about gifts, it felt good to get all of that. I want to do the same for you. See if I can surprise you, make you feel this good.”

  “You make me feel this good.”

  His phone pinged and he picked it up, showing her Ryan’s message that he was ready. “Time for dinner. Need to clean up first. I’ll call before I go to bed, if that’s okay.”

  “You g
ot it. Love you, Luke.”

  “You too, Leona.”

  Chapter 32

  Three more weeks passed and Leona and Luke’s relationship grew stronger every day. But he felt the distance every single moment that passed. Not emotional distance. No, that was gone. The physical was killing him.

  Five more weeks.

  Two seconds after he shut the door, there was a knock. Confused, he turned and found the bellhop holding a box. “Delivery from a special woman in your life.”

  His brow arched as he took a peek at the package from Leona Shay. “Thank you.” Luke took the box and went to tip. “She’s already covered that.”


  “There was a note attached with the instructions to give it to whoever delivered the package. She was more than generous.”

  Luke grinned. “Never met a more amazing woman. Can’t wait until I’m back in the States with her.”

  The bellhop dipped his head and walked back down the hall. Shutting the door, Luke brought the box to the bed and opened it.

  The box had some weight to it. He had zero guesses as to what she may have sent. Instead of guessing, he opened the top of the box. There were several boxes, all wrapped with shiny gold paper, and an envelope in gold with his name scrolled across it.

  One corner of his mouth pulled up as he took the letter and opened it. Even her penmanship was beautiful.

  Missing you, Luke,

  I can’t sleep without dreaming of you. I can’t think without you in my mind. I’m counting seconds until you’re here with me.

  The random photographs and crazy questions stopped bothering me. I simply don’t answer anything too personal. Though yesterday I almost told a woman why I could please you when she couldn’t. I didn’t.

  I was thinking, maybe you should tell me when you’re going to land and I can pick you up at the airport, because honestly, as long as you’re mine, I don’t care what anyone else thinks.


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