The Callback

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The Callback Page 19

by Brandy L Rivers

  Anyway, I should stop rambling and let you open your gifts, all from the heart.

  Yours always,


  The fact she held no hesitation lit him on fire. No more barriers, besides the distance.

  Making himself comfortable on the bed, he pulled out the first box. It rattled and he cocked his head and tore the wrapping paper open. She’d framed a copy of the first picture she’d posted on Instablast. The one of them on the hammock. The frame had something etched around it.

  You gave me hope, brought back a piece of me I didn’t realize I had lost. Missing your arms, your steady heartbeat in my ear, your breath in my hair. I’m missing you.

  He pounded his hand on the bed and dropped back, staring at that picture. She was beautiful, that smile. He never wanted this much time without her again.

  He’d been right about her being worth fighting for.

  There was a knock at his door. Slowly he climbed to his feet, wondering what was up. Ryan stood on the other side of the door.

  “Hey, this important?” Luke asked.

  Grinning, Ryan peaked around the door. “Oh, and here I thought she came out. Just presents?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  Ryan shrugged. “I’m trying to imagine being apart from someone as long as you have. Maybe she’ll come out to France.”

  “She’s settling into her new place.” And as tempted as he was to ask, he knew next time she’d come for the whole shoot.

  “She bought a house in New York?”

  “Nope, she is renting, north of New York.”

  “No roots. Interesting. And you were worried nothing was going to work out.”

  “Oh, it’s working out. So, what’s up?”

  “My brother is getting in deep with Tara, but I’m really doubting she’s into him. Think you can talk to him?”

  “Sure, but doubt Manny wants to listen to me. Last time I told him to be careful, he told me to shut the hell up. That I didn’t really understand her.”

  “Fuck, okay, but try. All right?”

  “I’ll do what I can. Now, let me finish opening the rest of the box.”

  “Anything good?”

  “Very, now go.” He shoved Ryan back out and closed the door

  The prick laughed. “Hey, we’re leaving for the airport in an hour. See you then.”

  Right, off to Paris. Another place he’d love to enjoy with Leona. She would find so much inspiration there. Rome too. Next movie, especially internationally set, he would somehow convince her to come along.

  He pulled out another box and unwrapped it.

  A scrap album full of pictures of them together. Mostly his. Each page held little cutouts and things to remind him of each day, beautiful thoughts she had about each.

  There was a T-shirt with her logo, and he immediately swapped his shirt to put it on. He’d asked her if she had any a few weeks back because he wanted one, and she laughed. But then she went and had one made.

  There was an assortment of candy and healthy snacks he had eaten in her presence.

  The last box felt like a paperback. Cocking his head, he opened it and found a copy of Midnight Daughter: Legacy. Or at least, the cover appeared to be. He found another title and message when he opened the cover.

  Luke, the only man I want.

  I promised a sneak peek. You’re the only person I have ever done this for. Please don’t share it.



  The characters weren’t ones he recognized. This was a new story. Swiping up his phone, he dialed Leona’s number.

  She answered after a single ring. “Hey, Luke. Get your gift?”

  “Hey, dreamer. Yeah, you have the perfect timing. We’re heading to the airport in an hour.”

  “Man, I rushed the delivery. I’m sorry. International mail always takes forever.”

  “It can. And you rushed it? Why?”

  “To get there before you left Rome. Thought maybe you might want to read something on the plane.”

  His whole face burst out in a smile. “Thank you for that.”

  “Please don’t share it with anyone, not even Raven.”

  “Of course not. Am I the first to read it?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “And yes, you inspired the character, but he’s not you. What happens in the story is just a story. Don’t read too much into that.”

  “I inspired a leading man in your story?” he asked, feeling fucking amazing about that fact.

  “Inspired, yes, but you aren’t the only influence. He does look like you.” She sucked in a breath. “And okay, you may have given me a couple scenes, but don’t read much into anything. Please. Honest, this isn’t our story. The leading female isn’t me, though she has a few of my traits. They all do.”

  “Hey, Leona, chill. I got it. Don’t assume you think this is us.”


  “Why are you so nervous? Are you always this nervous about a story?”

  “No, not usually. This time, I’m doing something different than I normally do, and it’s going to be obvious you were my muse. It’s not edited, it’s probably rough, and I only printed it that way, with an old cover so no one questioned it. Please don’t let Raven have it.”

  “I’ll guard it with my life. And don’t you usually send ARCs in eBook format?”

  “Normally, but you had a stack of paperbacks, and some people don’t read eBooks.”

  “I’ll read anything you write, no matter how you send it.”

  “Thank you. And the sexy parts are all you. The rest, well, it’s a story, one I think people will enjoy. God, I hope so.”

  “Doubt you could write anything bad.”

  Now she really did laugh. “Trust me, it can happen. I have books I wrote before I started publishing, and they are bad. Truly, one hundred percent bad.”

  “I’m sure they’re not nearly as bad as you believe.”

  “You’ll never know.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he teased. Though he wanted to take a peek, wanted to see the early stuff no one else did. He wanted everything with her.

  “This flight a long one?” she asked.

  “Not from Italy. You’ll hear from me later. If you’re up.”

  “I’ll always answer your call.”

  He grinned. She had answered every phone call, even when she was in the middle of a dinner with friends, who all decided to freak out so bad, he made her promise to call back later.

  He wasn’t sure if he wanted to mention the fact they were ahead of schedule and that he might be there early. Not real early, but enough to surprise her.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  “Went for a swim. Been working on this story all day.”

  “The one you sent me?”

  A laugh bubbled up. “No, the one I was working on before the new story wouldn’t let me go.”

  He chuckled. “Kind of like me not letting you go?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Are you out by the lake? Maybe in a bikini?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Maybe. I suppose you want a picture?”

  “Any and all pictures you want to send that aren’t totally naked. I don’t mind people seeing how sexy you are, but I want a little all to myself.”

  Her breath left on an exhale. “No one needs to see me naked but you.”

  “Why do I hear insecurity in your voice?”

  “I’ve never been one to flaunt everything. I’ll flaunt around you, though.”

  “You can flaunt it, you definitely have it,” he purred.

  She cleared her throat. “So, what are you doing?”

  “Lying here, trying to motivate myself to toss my shit in my bags and head out. I’d rather stay here, on the phone, or better yet, be there with you.”

  “Yeah, same here, but you should go. Don’t want to hold up production because your…uh…” she trailed off.

  “Girlfriend. Guess we should have covered that. Figur
ed with the way I call you my dreamer, everyone, including you, knew.”

  A real laugh escaped her. “I thought maybe, but I didn’t want to make assumptions.”

  “You’re mine, Leona. There is no doubt in my mind. Thank you for the gifts.”

  “You’re welcome. Love you, Luke.”

  “Love you too.” The phone clicked off and he hopped up to pack.

  Chapter 33

  Over a month later, and two more days until Leona would see Luke, up close and personal. She ached for him. Didn’t matter how many times they got off while on the phone, online, or whatever, she needed the real thing.

  Sitting at the kitchen island, she tapped away at the keyboard, the music blaring. The scene between Zack and Azia was hot and heavy, and she could only picture herself and Luke there.

  Biting her lip, she detailed every touch, taste, sensation. Her imagination had kicked up a couple gears because she could feel his mouth on her shoulder, his hands around her hips.

  Then he bit down lightly and she jumped, a sound caught between a gasp and scream as she spun the stool around. Her heart slammed against her ribs, her breath coming in great gasps.

  Luke took a step back, his hands up as he chuckled. “Didn’t mean to startle you, but you were so fucking delicious, biting your lip, swaying to the music, your eyes hazed over like I just fucked you silly, I couldn’t help it.”

  She was up and in his arms a second later. “You scared the hell out of me.” Then she kissed him, needing more contact. When she leaned back, she blurted out, “How did you get in?”

  “Asked for Mona’s help once again. She let me borrow her key. I hope that’s okay.”

  She brought his mouth back to hers for another kiss before answering, “Yeah. Next time, give me some warning.”

  He pulled her face up and lowered his mouth to hers. “Sorry,” he murmured against her lips, then kissed her breathless. “Needed you, and I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Succeeded.” She pulled him back for more.

  Luke lifted her up and placed her on the stool, then leaned back with a single arched brow. “You always write without pants?”

  Gulping, she looked down at the oversized flannel and panties she had on.

  “Thought I was going to be alone all day. Didn’t see the point of getting dressed unless I decided to go outside.”

  “You’re out in the woods. Who would see?”

  “The lake isn’t as private as your parents’.”

  “Hmm, but unless you’re skinny dipping with your neighbors out back, I don’t see the problem.”

  She laughed. “Oh, I missed you.”

  “Not nearly as bad as I missed you.”

  “Trust me, I did.”

  Leona got his pants open, gripping his length. His cock jerked in her hand. Yup, he needed her.

  Luke pulled a condom out of his pocket. “I came prepared.”

  She snatched the package out of his hand, ripped the foil and rolled it down his length.

  He reached behind her, closing the laptop and sliding it out of the way, then he picked her up and sat her on the counter, kicking the chair to the side. It went over with a bang, but she didn’t care as he pushed her panties to the side.

  She slid his head through her slick heat and moaned. “Missed you.”

  “Gonna be hard and rough.”

  “Need that, now.” She placed him at her entrance and moved her hand as she pulled him into her with her heels.

  He gripped her shirt and yanked the front open. The buttons flew, then he cupped her breast with one hand, gripping her hip with the other, his mouth connected with hers.

  He was everywhere, all over her, and she loved it. She needed more and yanked his shirt up until he let go long enough to let her pull it from his body.

  And she couldn’t help wondering if he was better and hotter than before, but that couldn’t be possible, could it?”

  Maybe she was just craving him worse than ever before.

  One arm banded around her waist, the other gripped her ass as he carried her to the wall where he thrust harder, faster, his grunts matching his rhythm.

  She sank her fingers into his hair and kissed his throat, nipped at his ear, sucked the lobe.

  “Fuck, Leona,” he grunted, pushing faster.

  She came apart with another thrust, screaming his name. He followed.

  His fingers combed into her hair, bringing her face back, and brought his forehead to hers as he caught his breath. “Never felt the way you make me feel. My heart is yours, Leona.”

  “I’m yours,” she whispered, curling her hand around his neck. “You take my breath away.”

  “Where should I take you? I need you close.”

  “Put me down. I can show you the house. We can land in the bed.”

  “Just want to hold you,” he murmured.

  “Couch, you passed that on the way in.”

  He gripped her tighter and carried her back to the couch where he curled up with her.

  Luke’s fingers trailed to the charm bracelet she hardly took off for showers.

  He grinned up at her. “I wasn’t sure you’d wear it.”

  “All the time.” She trailed her fingers over his abs. “Thought about getting you jewelry, but wasn’t sure what you’d wear. I don’t ever see you in anything but a watch.”

  He placed her hand over his heart. “If it comes from you, I’ll put it on. Even if it’s a macaroni necklace.

  She laughed out loud. “My niece might make that for you.” She froze, her eyes locked on his as her heartbeat picked up.

  * * * *

  The absolute shock on her face stopped his heart. “What is it?”

  She giggled nervously. “Um, want to meet my family? I promised I’d go to my niece’s birthday dinner. That’s tonight. Oh my God, she’s going to freak out. Um…wow.”

  “Will you be upset if I come?”

  Her brow pinched and she shook her head. Then grinned. “No, not in the slightest. Just don’t be surprised if she turns into the biggest flirt you’ve ever seen.”

  “She’s fifteen?”

  “Yeah, fifteen. She’s never met anyone famous. And, um…she’s still crushing on you.”

  “She knows I’m your man, right?” he teased.

  “Yeah, and I mentioned she’s jealous, right? Not totally, just kid crush.”

  Smiling, he nudged her chin up. “We have time to stop by a store?”

  “Yeah, why? You don’t have to get her anything. Honest, you coming with me will be enough.”

  “Oh, I’m getting her something. You have to tell me what she’d like.”

  “She’s the artist in the family. She loves painting, drawing, sketching, you name it.”

  And you already got her a million supplies?”

  “Yeah. We all pretty much did.”

  “What else would she like?”

  “Let me call my sister and check if she got her the new Tomb Raider game. That would be a winner, but only if she doesn’t already have it.”

  He grinned. “A gamer?”

  “Learned it from me.” Then she ducked her head with a grin. “Can you handle being beaten by a girl?”

  “I’ll manage. Besides, if it gets us naked, I can handle anything.”

  “I’ll remember that. Hang on.” She slipped from his hold and made her way to the kitchen.

  Three months, and she was even more beautiful. She leaned against the door, running her fingers up and down her stomach as she held the phone up to her ear. Her dark eyes locked on his and she licked her lips.

  “Hey, Naydene. I’m bringing Luke with me. He came in early.”

  Humor danced through her eyes as she leaned her head against the frame.

  “Yeah, he’s bringing a present…I told him it was unnecessary, but he’s insisting. And really, he’s good at presents.”

  Her laugh danced over him and it took everything he had to stay in his seat. Last thing he wanted to do was embarrass her while
she was on the phone with her family.

  “Yeah, and we’ll be on time. I promised Allana I would be there. And I fully expect her to freak out. Oh, but did you get her the new Tomb Raider game?”

  She smirked. “I’ll see you in a few hours.” Crossing the room, she placed the phone on the coffee table and closed the distance.

  Sitting up, he hooked his fingers in the elastic of those silky panties and slid them down her long legs. “God, you’re gorgeous.” He rose up to get rid of the rest of his clothes and brought her down, into his lap.

  “So, how long does it take to drive to your sister’s?”

  “About an hour and a half. So, make love to me. I’ll show you the house, and then we should get going.”

  “Am I going to meet your parents?”

  She nodded. “You ready for that? They’re excited to meet someone who makes me smile as much as you do, even when you’re that far away.”

  “I’ll spend my life making you smile.” And he meant it, all the way to the bottom of his soul.

  “I believe you.” She sucked his lip into her mouth.

  Chapter 34

  Leona came out of the closet in a pair of holey jeans, a camouflage shirt that hung just right, and a pair of boots. Comfortable and gorgeous. She pushed her fingers through her hair and nodded to his shoes. “You are coming, right?”

  He shoved one foot in and bent to tie it. “Of course. Wanted to see what you were wearing.”

  “My family is anything but formal. You’re good in that.”

  Once both shoes were on, he stood up and moved to the door. “We should go, right?”

  “Yup, and if it wasn’t for Allana, I’d be sad I don’t get to keep you all to myself all night.”

  “It’s family. In fact, I want you to meet my family when we get back to my coast.”

  Her eyes sparkled as they locked on his. “Tell me when.”


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