Book Read Free

Love Happens

Page 36

by Claudia Burgoa

  “Oh.” Well, now I feel stupid. I’d jumped to conclusions and—

  “I’ll sleep on the floor. I rough it all the time when I camp, so it’s not a big deal. There’s even a bathroom where we can change privately and no one will ever know.” His big hands slide up to cup my jaw and I feel my resolve crumbling beneath that simple touch. Damn it, I’m not supposed to like this guy. I’m just supposed to pretend I do.

  “I guess that’s fine.” And if I’m honest, there’s a little part of me that enjoys knowing his sister’s friend will be close by, thinking I’m snuggled up with the man she wants for herself. Mine. If only for the weekend.

  “You hungry?” Luke brushes a kiss across my forehead and I nod. “Good, because Mom’s made enough food for an Army and she’s going to expect you to eat like you’ve been having dinner with us for years.”

  From the way Luke talked about Grace, I thought I’d find her annoying and entitled. She’s actually a gem compared to Jamie, the freaking doctor.

  “So, where did you two meet?” Luke’s sister asks while Cecilia dishes out lemon meringue pie for dessert.

  Luke clears his throat. “We met at the diner in Brighton.”

  “How cute!” his mother exclaims. “I love those cozy little places. They’re usually a bit on the dingy side, but they always have the best food. I bet you meet there for lunch, don’t you?”

  Luke squeezes my fingers beneath the table. “Actually, we do meet there, but—”

  “I bring him his food. I’m usually too busy with other customers to sit and share a meal,” I blurt out so Luke doesn’t have to. I swear every pair of eyes sitting around the Donovan dinner table blinks at me. In surprise or disappointment, I don’t know. Maybe both.

  Finally, Luke’s mother speaks up. “So, you’re a waitress?”

  As if the heat that’s flooded my cheeks isn’t bad enough, I catch Jamie’s smarmy grin from the corner of my eye. She saves lives and hearts for a living and I serve the greasy diner food that clogs them up.

  “Yes. I’m a waitress.” I hold my chin high and refrain from sharing my full credentials, which probably wouldn’t help my cause anyway. I have a degree in graphic design, but I haven’t had any luck finding my dream job in Brighton. So, the diner it is. For now.

  “Well, at least you keep my brother fed,” Grace murmurs and Todd, her fiancé, shoots her a glare. The gesture takes off some of the edge and I smile. I’m not ashamed of my temporary job, per se. I know I’m good at it and, without me, people would starve. Maybe that’s dramatic, but the point is … I may not be a doctor, but I’m happy.

  “Tell us about your family,” Mr. Donovan chimes in with a kind smile from the end of the table. Relieved at the change of subject, I tell them about my parents and older brother, all of who live within miles of me. We’re close and see each other often, which I notice causes Cecilia to glance pointedly at Luke.

  The rest of the dinner conversation shifts to Grace and Todd’s wedding and the plans for the weekend. The rehearsal dinner is tomorrow night and, whereas my family has always been informal about that particular event, Grace and Cecilia have decided to make it as extravagant as the wedding itself. Thank God I brought along that second dress.

  It’s well after ten o’clock when Luke gets up from the couch where we’ve been camped out for what seems like days, listening to Grace and Todd—but mostly Grace—gush about their honeymoon and future plans.

  “You ready for bed, Love Bug?” Luke winks down at me as he stretches his arms above his head. His T-shirt rides up a bit, flashing a few inches of tight, toned abs and, if I wasn’t interested in being holed up in a bedroom with him before, I am now.

  “Definitely.” My fake yawn turns into a real one and, before I know it, I’m tucked against Luke’s side as he says goodnight to his family. “It was really nice meeting everyone today,” I offer politely. “I can’t wait for the wedding, Grace, and Mr. and Mrs. Donovan, I can’t thank you enough for allowing me stay here.”

  Luke’s father smiles from his recliner. “You just keep making that boy of mine happy and you’ll always be welcome here, Mia.”

  The crease between Cecilia’s brows suggests she may think otherwise, but I try not to get too hung up on that possibility. After Sunday, I’ll probably never seen these people again, let alone seek shelter in their home.

  By the time Luke closes the bedroom door behind us a few minutes later, my momentary hope to see him out of his T-shirt has been replaced with the sad realization that, money aside, this effort with his family is for nothing. When Luke and I return to Brighton, he’ll go back to being the cute guy who comes in for cheeseburgers and iced tea. There’ll be no more sharing of secret smiles or gentle touches. No pet names or stolen kisses. Obviously, I knew all of this, but still …

  “What’s wrong?”

  I glance up to find him watching me carefully as we stand at the foot of the bed, unmoving.

  “I can sleep on the couch, if you’d rather,” he offers kindly, and I shake my head, suddenly feeling like a fool for letting myself get caught up in the lie.

  “Don’t be silly. I’m just tired.” I start for my suitcase, so I can grab my pajamas and change, but his fingers curl around my wrist and pull me back to him.

  “Thank you for today,” he says, his breath warm against my forehead before he presses his lips to my skin. His arms slide around my waist and I let myself melt into the embrace like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  Falling asleep in his arms would feel even better.

  “I knew they would like you,” he continues on. “And we did such a good job playing it up that I think my mom actually buys us together.”

  “Well, I am kind of cute, so …”

  Luke throws his head back and laughs. “You’re more than cute, Love Bug. You’re fucking gorgeous. Especially when you’re burning invisible holes into Jamie’s head with your super stealth death glare.”

  “You noticed that, huh? Damn.”

  “Don’t feel bad. I kind of dig that you’re a little territorial over me.” He lets go of me with a wink. “Feel free to keep that up all weekend.”

  “I’m not sure, Luke. Donovan.” He chuckles at my joke while I find my pajamas and toiletries in my bag. “I’m just a lowly diner waitress. You sure you don’t want a shot with the cardiologist?”

  “Not a chance in hell. And about that waitress conversation, why didn’t you tell them about your graphic design plans? You seemed so excited when you told me earlier.”

  “I am excited. I just …” Ugh. I should’ve kept my mouth shut.

  “You just what, Mia?”

  “I wasn’t sure it really mattered, okay? After this weekend, they’ll never see me again.”

  His expression drops and I hate the disappointment I see in his eyes. I don’t know what it means … or if it means anything at all. So, I head to the bathroom before I say something I might regret. Something like I like him and maybe I should have told his family after all, because I want them to like me, too.


  I have my bed made up on the floor before Mia finally comes out of the bathroom, showered and smelling good enough to make my dick ache.

  All of the kissing and touching we’ve done has screwed with my head—both of them apparently—and the knowledge that there had been nothing but a door between me and her naked body certainly doesn’t help.

  She freezes when she sees me spread out on the floor with my arms folded behind my head. No matter which direction I lay, my feet touch a wall or a piece of furniture, but it seems like a small price to pay for the pleasure of sleeping in the same room as my incredibly attractive fake girlfriend.

  “You can’t sleep like that,” she rasps, her eyes darting around my makeshift bed and semi-folded body. “Luke, that’s not going to work. No way will I be able to sleep knowing you’re down there like an accordion.”

  I laugh. “Don’t worry—I won’t randomly start playing music in the middle o
f the night.”

  She gives an adorable snort and throws back the blankets on one side of the bed … and then the other. “Get your spectacular ass up here, King Arthur.”

  “King Arthur?”

  “But I swear to God, if you get that sword penis anywhere near me, I’ll chop it off and have Diego put it on next week’s menu.”

  I sit upright and narrow my eyes. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I totally would. When that door is closed and it’s just us …” She points for emphasis and I’m momentarily distracted by the jiggle of her braless breasts in her purple tank top. “It’s intermission on the playacting. No kissing, no batting your eyes at me … no grinding your junk on my butt.”

  “I don’t bat my eyes at you.”

  “Yes, you do. But, as you said earlier, feel free to keep that up all weekend.”

  “Oh? Why’s that?” I chuckle and get to my feet, despite knowing better. Mia just a few inches away from me all night long? That’s a bad, bad idea.

  “It drives Jamie crazy,” she explains, as she climbs into bed, treating me to the sight of her bare legs in nothing but a skimpy pair of shorts.

  “You’re awfully concerned about what Jamie thinks about our relationship, don’t you think?” She shoots me a glare and I wink. “Be careful, Mia, or I might think you actually care about me.”

  “Don’t let it go to your head. I’m just a good actress.”

  “Oh, but it’s just us right now, remember? No acting allowed.”

  “Ugh!” She tosses a pillow at me and the bed shakes from my laughter as I crawl beneath the blankets. “I think I changed my mind. Back to the floor.”

  “It gets chilly in this room at night, especially in the fall. You’re going to want my body, trust me.” When I reach over her to click off the lamp, she sticks her finger in her mouth and makes a gagging sound. “Aww, don’t fight it, Love Bug. We both know you’re curious about my sword.”

  “You’re awfully cocky for a guy who needed to buy a date.”

  “Ohh!” A full-bellied laugh rolls up from my gut and my fingers are on her in a second, digging in to tickle her sides and make her squirm.

  “Stop! L-Luke, I’m going to pee my pants!” She writhes from side to side beneath me, giggling despite the fight.

  I can’t see the color in her face in the darkness, but I know it’s there, all beautiful and pink across those freckled cheeks I love so much.

  “I’ll stop when you admit I’m right,” I tell her, pretending that the way she bucks her hips in resistance doesn’t turn me on.

  “About what?” She chokes out a strangled laugh as her nails dig into my forearm. She thinks she’s tough, maybe even hurting me, but all she’s really doing is fueling the fire.

  No, I wasn’t supposed to want her the way I do, but damn if I can find it in me to care. Why? Because I’m pretty sure Mia’s into me, too, even if she won’t say it out loud. The proof? Well, that’s hard to deny …

  When my fingers relocate to her hair, sliding into her damp locks so I can lift her mouth to mine, she stops fighting. Her giggles turn into a whisper-like gasp that I barely hear before I crash my lips to hers …

  And she tells me what I need to know without speaking a single word.


  The obnoxious sound of Jamie’s laughter is what pulls me from my comfortable slumber. I groan and burrow my head deeper into the pillow, not wanting to break the amazing dream I’d been having. I dreamt that Mia and I had just finished having sex. Her lips were swollen from my kisses, face still flushed pink with lust, and her auburn hair had that just-fucked look about it. Guys know what I’m talking about. Oh, I know girls always think they look a mess, but I’m fairly certain I speak for most guys when I tell you that seeing our women looking that way only make us horny for her all over again.

  As much as I’d love to drift back into dreamland, my sister and her bitchy friend won’t stop cackling in the next room. I stretch my arms over my head and sneak a glance at Mia who appears to be fast asleep with one hand tucked under her cheek. Last night things got pretty heated between us. I never intended for that to happen, but I can’t deny having her next to me in bed feels right on so many levels.

  I take advantage of the moment to study her sleeping form. The quilt has been pushed down to her waist, affording me a good look at her curves. My eyes follow the slope of her slender neck down past her delicate shoulder, stopping momentarily to admire the swell of her breasts. I can’t see anything below the waist, but I think it’s already safe to say the rest of her is just as perfect as what’s on display. From top to bottom, Mia Wilde is all woman. And for the next two days she’s all mine.

  I slip out of bed, doing my best not to disturb her, and throw on a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt. After a quick stop in the bathroom to take care of business and brush my teeth, I head to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, noting that it doesn’t taste nearly as good as the stuff Mia serves me at the diner.

  I find Mom in her office, sitting at her usual spot in front of her computer. Growing up, we never had to ask Dad where Mom was; we always knew to come straight here if we ever needed anything. Mom published her first romance novel when I was just twelve and I remember being teased mercilessly when a guy from my class brought his mother’s paperback copy to school and stood on a table in the cafeteria and read one of the sex scenes to a large crowd that had gathered round. By the time I entered high school, I was used to attention I received because of her. Girls would invite themselves over to my house in hopes of getting her autograph, and I soon learned I could use her fame to my advantage.

  “Hey, Mom.” I bend and drop a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Good morning, baby.” Without turning, she circles a hand behind her to give me a pat on the arm. “Are you hungry? I could make blueberry pancakes, just like old times. Is Mia awake yet?”

  “No. She’s still upstairs sleeping. At least, she was when I left her. Grace and Jamie are up there squawking loud enough to wake the dead, so I’m pretty sure she’ll be joining us soon,” I chuckle before raising the mug to my lips and nodding toward her computer. “Working on a new book?”

  Her face lights up as she strokes the keyboard lovingly with her fingertips. Mom loves talking about her stories. “I am! I’m only ten chapters in but I have a really good feeling about this one.”

  She says that about each one of her books and every single time they’ve all gone on to hit the bestseller lists. In the world of romance novelists, I think it’s safe to say Cecilia Donovan has left her mark on the industry.

  “I’m really proud of you, Mom. Tell me about this one.”

  “Well, it’s about a man who’s wasted many years running away from love. He’s been hurt before, so he doesn’t consider himself worthy of true love. In fact, he isn’t one to believe in soulmates or forever love until one day he meets a woman whose very existence turns everything he knows on its axis. He finds himself inventing scenarios just so he can place himself where this woman will be. Over time, he slowly comes to realize he’s falling for her but, like him, she seems to have zero interest in being anything more than friends. Any other time, when faced with rejection, he would have walked away but something about this woman pushes him to keep trying in hopes that she’ll change her mind and open herself to falling in love.”

  I listen intently, wondering if, in some small part, it isn’t my life she’s describing. It’s no secret that after breaking up with Jessica three years ago, I’ve worked really hard at avoiding love again. Meeting Mia and developing feelings for her were never something I’d expected to happen, she just sort of fell into my life one fateful day. I know what I’m feeling isn’t anything close to love, but being with Mia makes me feel better than I have in a very long time. Even if she’s just pouring my iced tea or chatting about the weather.

  “So, what ends up happening? Does he get the girl?” I ask, partly because I’m caught up in what she’s saying, but also because for some st
range reason I really need to know.

  Mom merely looks at me and offers a shrug of her shoulder. “I’m not sure, sweetheart. The characters haven’t told me that part, yet. But you know me, I seem to have a fondness for happy endings.”

  “Do you think Todd is Grace’s happy ending?”

  “Well, I guess no one knows for certain how life ultimately pans out, but I’ve seen the way she looks at him and that tells me he must be doing something right” She smiles warmly.

  Without missing a beat, I ask the question that’s been burning inside me for the past ten minutes. Hell, maybe the past two days. “This happily ever after … You think I’ll ever find it?”

  Her eyes lock with mine and her expression softens. “I think that in order to find it you need to be open to love. Are you in love with Mia?”

  “I don’t know. We haven’t been together that long.” I shake my head at the idea.

  “Pfft. What is it with men and their need to analyze everything to death before taking the next step?” she scoffs.

  “Umm, maybe we’re trying to make sure that next step doesn’t send us falling over the side of a fucking cliff,” I answer dryly.

  “You see, that’s the difference between men and women. Men spend far too much time worrying about what’s going to happen when they fall, while a woman savors every second of the descent,” she replies. “Luke, I realize you’ve been hurt before, but that was a long time ago. Don’t be afraid of falling in love again, because I can promise you that nothing bad will happen when the right woman is there to catch you.”

  I leave Mom to keep working and head back upstairs to check on Mia. By now it’s quiet in the room where Jamie’s staying so I can only assume she and Grace have left the house to take care of wedding shit. Thank God. Finally, some peace and quiet.

  I step back in the bedroom and find Mia sitting up on the edge of the bed. She looks up at me with sleepy eyes and the sweetest smile and I know that, with Mia, my heart won’t simply fall …


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