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Emma's Secret

Page 1

by A. P. Jensen



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author

  Titles by A. P. Jensen


  A. P. Jensen

  Copyright © 2014 A. P. Jensen

  All rights reserved.



  Peter Logan stopped dead in front of a wall of floor to ceiling glass in his office in Seattle. His hand tightened on the phone. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was a short pause on the other end.

  “Shit. I guess Emma didn’t call you while she was there?” Tommy asked.

  “She was here for a week?”

  “I assumed that she would… Are you guys fighting?” Tommy floundered.

  Peter went rigid with anger. “We are now. Why the hell would she come to Seattle and not call?”

  “How the hell should I know?”

  “I gotta go,” Peter said and hung up.

  He began to dial Emma’s cell, then decided he wanted to see her expression when he asked her why the hell she didn’t call when she was in Seattle for a week to take care of business. The second bakery she opened with her best friend was a ten-minute walk from his office building. He wasn’t taking this well, not when he’d been sitting in his office, thinking of her instead of working. He yearned for her and all the while, she was only a few minutes away. He’d never felt so dismissed in his life. They’d been together almost a year and he hadn’t seen her in two months. Did Emma invite him to dinner, ask to see his place or ask to spend the night? No. She reserved a hotel room, spent a week in his city and drove back to Bellingham without once dialing his number.

  Peter called his driver. “Have my car at the curb in five minutes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  His office door opened and he glared at his business partner, Derek who took one look at him and held his hands up like a fugitive faced with a machine gun.

  “I didn’t do it,” Derek said.

  “I’m leaving for the day,” Peter snarled.

  Derek’s brows flew up. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean,” Peter said through clenched teeth, “I’m leaving and won’t be back until tomorrow.”


  “I need to see Emma.”

  Derek was bewildered. “Who?”

  “Emma,” Peter growled. “We’ve been together almost a year and you can’t remember her name?”

  Derek shrugged. “I remember names when I see a face to go with it. How can I remember a girl I’ve never met? She’s the baker chick, yeah?”

  “I have something to sort out with her. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “Why are you so ticked?”

  Peter shouldered past his business partner and eyed his ever-efficient secretary, Pat.

  “Hold all messages until tomorrow,” Peter said and she nodded.

  Peter strode through the hallways and saw people duck into their offices or avert their eyes. He was used to it and right now, he was grateful. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

  “We have that meeting tomorrow morning,” Derek said, keeping pace with him.

  “I know.” Peter tried to keep his voice controlled with effort.

  “Just reminding you. I didn’t know you were with the baker chick anymore. You haven’t seen her in, what? Two months?”

  “Keeping tabs on my sex life?”

  “Someone has to. Why are you so mad at her?”

  “She was in the city for a week and didn’t call me,” Peter hissed.

  Derek mulled that over for a moment. “Well, you haven’t seen her for two months. Maybe she thinks you’re not together. Do you call her?”

  Peter shot him a frosty glare. “That’s not the point.”

  Derek shrugged. “Oh, well. Get her out of your system and show up with a smile tomorrow for the meeting. It’s a huge one.”

  “I don’t smile,” Peter reminded him.

  Derek flashed his pearly whites. “Guess it’s a good thing I’m your partner then, huh? See you tomorrow.”

  Two minutes later, Peter walked out of the building, took the keys from his driver and revved the engine of his BMW. His temper was at a low level boil as he made his way out of the city and began the almost two hour drive to Bellingham, the small town where Emma lived. If Tommy hadn’t called, he never would have known Emma came to the city at all. What was wrong with her? Yeah, so it had been two months since he went to see her, but he was busy, damn it. Had he called? He raked his mind for the answer, but days passed in a jumble of phone calls, emails and paperwork. He couldn’t remember the last time he spoke to her, but that didn’t mean he forgot about her. The truth was, he thought about her too much, which was the real reason he didn’t find time in his schedule for her. He’d never felt this attached to a woman and he didn’t like it. Instead of feeding his obsession with Emma, he tried to starve it and now… Emma came to Seattle and never once dialed his number.

  His anger didn’t abate as he entered Bellingham and navigated his way to her neighborhood. He pulled into her driveway as the sun began to set. Her house had a walk around porch, fenced in lawn and lived in feel. He started for the front door, but on a hunch rounded the house. She sat on her back porch and watched the activity around the lake below. Her house was built into a hill that overlooked a large lake where people fished. She had her feet braced against the railing, but when she caught sight of him, she let out a startled yelp. Deep blue eyes flared wide and her rosebud mouth dropped open in surprise.


  The smile that spread across her face made the angry words he rehearsed disappear. He walked up the back porch steps and when she got to her feet, hauled her up against him. He tilted her chin up and kissed her. She didn’t resist. She let out a sound of pleasure and clasped her hands behind his neck.

  Simmering anger morphed into hot desire. He grasped her around the waist and let out a groan when she wrapped her legs around his waist. He shouldered through the back door into the house and moved through the kitchen to the living room. He wasn’t going to make it upstairs to the bedroom. His hands shook as they moved over her. He had to have her here, now. He set her on the couch and she didn’t resist when he tugged off her shirt and unbuttoned her jeans. When he pulled away to shuck out of his suit, sapphire eyes gleamed with need and he couldn’t get rid of their clothes fast enough. They slid from the couch to the floor. When he thrust into her, she arched her back. He brushed kissed over her pale throat and twisted dark strands of her hair around his fist. They burned each other up. When she climaxed, she bit the base of his neck and that sent him over the edge.

  While Peter took a shower, Emma called for a pizza delivery and pulled out beers. She sat at the table and jiggled her foot while she waited for him. Her body tingled and she couldn’t stop the excitement and anticipation she felt. She hadn’t seen Peter in two months and now he showed up out of the blue.

  She got back from Seattle only a couple of hours ago. It was a long week in the city while she tended to their second bakery. It was only a couple of months old and her business partner, Anna was needed at the bakery in Bellingham since she was doing the cake for a wedding. All week, Emma fiddled with her phone, debating whether to call Peter. The last time she heard from him, he told her he wouldn’t be a
ble to make it out to Bellingham because of business. He never rescheduled. She didn’t know how to take that.

  When they first began to date, Peter visited every other week. Now, she was lucky to see him once every other month. She wondered if this was how he would end their relationship- by not coming back. She knew Peter wasn’t the committed type. She knew that going into this relationship, so when Peter stopped calling she came to terms with it. Now, here he was.

  She answered the door and carried the steaming pizza to the table as Peter came downstairs. Sex oozed from his pores and even after being with him for almost a year, her mouth watered at the sight of him. There was something about his broody, piercing eyes that made her want to jump him. His eyes moved over her before he grabbed a beer and sat across from her. They ate in companionable silence for a while. They were both ravenous and although she was dying to ask what he was doing here, she didn’t want to pressure him. She enjoyed his company and… loved him. He was a friend of her business partner’s husband, Tommy. When they first met, she tried to ignore the chemistry between them, but Peter refused to be dismissed. He wooed her outrageously. Peter arrived in her life at a time where she was going into a downward spiral. He had no idea how badly she needed touch or how he got her through September without falling into depression. She and Peter would make a year next month and his presence gave her hope that she wouldn’t be alone again this September. Peter’s presence pushed away the nightmares waiting for her in sleep.

  “Tommy called me,” Peter said.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” Emma said, taken aback by the sharp look he settled on her. “Did he have something bad to tell you?”

  Peter took a slow pull from his beer. “Are we fighting?”

  Emma blinked. “How can we? I haven’t seen you in months.”

  Peter’s eyes narrowed. “I’ve been busy.”

  “You’re always busy.”

  He set his beer bottle down very deliberately. “You were in Seattle and didn’t contact me.”

  Emma sensed the anger in him. Peter was an imposing figure, even when he was dressed only in sweat pants. Strength and determination were imbedded in the lines of his face. It was an aspect of his personality that drew her to him. Right now, his dark eyes were moody and focused on her, but she wasn’t intimidated.

  She shrugged. “You’re always busy. I didn’t want to bother you.”

  A muscle twitched in his jaw. “I’m not too busy for you.”

  “Then why haven’t I seen you for two months?” she asked sweetly.

  He took another pull on his beer and her mouth tightened. She didn’t want to fight with him, but she wouldn’t let him make her feel guilty. How was she supposed to read a man who didn’t show his emotions?

  “For all I knew, I didn’t even know if we were together,” she said honestly.

  He stared at her. “I never said we were over.”

  “You never told me we were together either,” she tossed back. “What else am I supposed to think? I thought that’s how you do this sort of thing-”

  She stopped when he held up a hand.

  “I don’t end things by not coming back,” he informed her.

  “Well, how am I supposed to know?” she said defensively. “I’ve never been with a guy like you before.”

  He frowned. “I’m normal.”

  “You’re not. I went to the grocery store and saw your face on a magazine.”

  He shrugged. “That’s business.”

  She tapped her hands on the table. “Is that why you’re here? Because Tommy told you I was in the city?”

  “You should have called.”

  She had her pride. She didn’t want to leave voicemails that wouldn’t be returned. She knew she was out of her league where Peter was concerned. He never asked her to come to Seattle. He always came to Bellingham and she harbored the secret fear that he was embarrassed to introduce her to anyone in that area of his life. She was doing well for herself, but she couldn’t compare to the business arena Peter played in. She stuffed her insecurities deep down and told herself to enjoy Peter for the time being.

  “Things have been crazy at the office, but I’ll find time to visit,” he said.

  She heard it before. She didn’t want to hear promises he couldn’t keep. She got up from her chair and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and she tilted her head up for a kiss. Peter didn’t disappoint. She soaked in his presence and lost herself in him.

  “How long are you here?” she mumbled into her bed sheets several hours later.

  “Just tonight. I have a meeting in the morning,” Peter said in a rumbly voice.

  Her heart gave a painful throb, but when he turned her to face him, she didn’t resist.

  Street lamps lit the bedroom in a dim orange glow. He didn’t have to look at the clock to know dawn was an hour away. Irritation pushed away his satisfaction. He was still angry. Derek was right. Emma thought they weren’t even together. She lay beside him with a small, pale hand splayed over his heart. She woke a hunger in him he couldn’t sate. He scowled as he examined her peaceful expression. He was grateful she wasn’t awake. Her eyes pierced him to the core and left him feeling stripped and vulnerable.

  Peter was torn between having her again or getting away as quick as possible. He and Emma had the kind of relationship he always wanted- mutual companionship, no strings. It was understood they were exclusive. Even though he didn’t like clingy women, he expected Emma to call. It was what he came to expect from past relationships but Emma, as usual, wasn’t acting like the others. Was he a hypocrite for wanting her to act like a normal woman in a relationship? He never wanted a woman to demand things from him, so why was he agitated that Emma didn’t try to put strings on him? Emma never asked for anything.

  He glanced around the room filled with old wooden chests, hand painted drawers and fresh flowers on the nightstand. He wasn’t sure when his mind decided this was home rather than the high rise he bought for an outrageous amount in Seattle. As far as he could tell, Emma wasn’t trying to keep or lose him. She enjoyed his company and never pushed for more. Being around Emma brought to life a part of him he didn’t know existed- a basic yearning to be needed, to belong to someone. He hated it. Emma accomplished what other women failed to do. She distracted him from business and had more power over him than he would admit.

  She arched against him and he grit his teeth. He pushed down the need that arose and pulled away. It was probably best he was going back to the city. He needed to clear his head. He did fine before Emma came into his life. He couldn’t figure out why a small town business owner with blue eyes turned him into a man filled with unrelenting need.

  Emma woke when Peter rose from the bed. She opened one eye to watch his well-defined body walk into the bathroom. A moment later, the shower came on. She sighed and rolled onto her back. Damn Peter’s internal clock. She’d been hoping he would postpone his trip back to the city for at least three more hours, but business always came first.

  Peter loved her through the night as if he couldn’t get enough of her and now he wanted to leave as if nothing happened. Again. She tried not to be irritated by his eagerness to leave, but what was she supposed to think? Was he trying to keep things casual between them or was he such a workaholic that he couldn’t bear to be away from his business? Either way she looked at it, Peter made sure she didn’t depend on him. Peter hadn’t given her false promises and she respected that. She didn’t need a man who said all the right things, but when hard times came, he was nowhere to be found. She already learned that lesson the hard way. Two years ago, she vowed she would never beg anyone to stay.

  She reached for a robe and headed into the kitchen. She started the preparations for an omelet. Her mind drifted to their fast approaching one-year anniversary… and the other anniversary that haunted her. Did Peter know they were coming up on a year? She let out a snort. Probably not. What she had with him wasn’t technically a relationship, but she didn’t focus
on that. In some ways, they were too alike- guarded workaholics that stayed far away from the emotional stuff. She couldn’t point the finger at Peter because her life was dominated by work as well, which is why their relationship worked. Work became her coping mechanism and it paid off when she and Anna opened a second bakery in the city.

  Her landline phone rang as she beat the eggs. She glanced at the clock, 5:15am. Emma squinted at the unfamiliar number on the screen. She let the phone ring and continued to whip eggs as the answering machine clicked and a voice she hadn’t heard in almost two years filled the kitchen. Her whole body turned to ice and the bowl of eggs splattered over the tile.

  “Emma, it’s me, Ben. I know it’s been a long time, but I need to talk to you. You haven’t answered any of my letters or calls. I know what I did was unforgivable. I know that, but… I still love you. I can’t help it. I’m sorry, Em. You have my number. Please, call me. Bye.”

  The only sound in the kitchen was Emma’s rapid breathing. She wasn’t aware of Peter calling her name until he swung her around. She stared at him blankly for several moments.

  “You look like you’re gonna pass out.” Peter pushed her into a chair and crouched in front of her. “Emma, who the hell is Ben?”

  She shook her head, unable to speak. How dare Ben call after all this time? Tears pricked her eyes and she was so pissed that Ben evoked her to feel this way after all this time. She screwed her eyes shut and fought for control.

  “You need to talk, baby. Who is he?” Peter couldn’t keep the anger out of his voice.

  “He’s not important,” she said through stiff lips.

  “You’re white as a sheet. Try again. He’s your ex?”

  She nodded. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Peter’s face was stiff with tension. He placed big hands on her thighs and rubbed up and down.

  “How long has it been since you’ve seen him?”

  “Years,” she whispered.


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