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Diary of the dead: The end has come (The diaries of the dead Book 1)

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by Jack Kelly

  Suddenly a corpse jumped on the Rebecca a dragged her to the ground. Rebecca struggled to get it off of her, she trying to keep its teeth away from her, as she was battling for her life more corpse ran out of the dark and ran for them Lauren hit whatever came at her and Jack used the gun in his hand to gun down the dead.

  Rebecca finally got the corpse to the ground giving her the advantage, she lifted up the pole that she had and drove it through the eye socket of the corpse.

  "We need to get the hell out of here" Rebecca shouted. Lauren seen a clearing to run, her and Rebecca took the opportunity and ran for it. Jack stayed to fend of the dead, he didn't much bullets left so he ran out in the direction of the two girls. He finally caught up with them and they kept running from the dead. As they ran they could see a window and that was the what they need right now a way out.

  As they got closer Jack lifted the gun in his hand and fired two shots he tried fire another shot but it was empty.

  The glass didn’t break completely and was still standing, not having much choice Jack ran ahead of the girls and jumped through the glass causing to break and create an opening for Lauren and Rebecca.

  Jack landed on the ground, because of the glass he got a few cuts on his face and arm. Jack did move off the ground "Jack please get up" Lauren started to worry. Jack opened his eyes and then lifted himself up off of the ground, Lauren sighed in relief.

  They ran out to the streets to find that it was empty but not for long as they were still being chased by the dead. Jack seen a car that was in a perfect condition so they ran for it. Thank the lord it was unlocked, the opened the car door to find that it didn't have the keys in it.

  Jack took out a panel underneath the steering wheel and quickly found the two wires that he needed to attach to hotwire the car.

  Jack looked in rear view mirror to see that the running horde was getting closer and closer. Lauren got into the back seat and Rebecca got into the front seat. Jack roared the engine to life, he quickly put in reverse and as we pulled back he hit a corpse with the car, once he seen a perfect clearing to drive he slammed his foot on ignition and sped away, he looked into the rearview mirror and seen the horde get further and further away as they drove.

  Jack didn't take his foot off of the pedal until he knew it was safe too, he kept driving, dodging cars that have been left by their owners.

  When they reached the moterway Jack took his foot off of the pedal just a little, he turned to Lauren "Well what's the plan", before Lauren had a chance to speak Rebecca butted in "We go to Galway, we go to my granddad's farm my parents are there".

  Rebecca's idea seemed like the best and smartest idea, with the city like this the best place to be is as far away as possible from the city.

  "So Galway you say Rebecca, I've always wanted to go there" Jack said calmly as he sped the car up.

  "It's gonna be a long and hard journey are you's ready for it" Jack asked "Yes" Lauren and Rebecca both answered "Well then, let's go to Galway.”

  Chapter 3

  Rebecca kept switching from station to station trying to get any reports on the news but all there was, was just static, some stations had emergency messages like stay in doors, don't approach the infected all of that crap which isn't really helpful in there situation.

  "Okay let's put on some music" Jack said as we reached for his phone, keeping an eye on the road Jack scrolled through his song list for any good songs, Jack decided to put on Burn by The Vamps, Lauren protested against it as she didn't like the vamps.

  Listening to the song made Jack tear up a little as it was the last song he listened to before everything's went to shit.

  The road ahead was littered with dead bodies in abandoned cars, the smell of the corpses started to fill the car causing everyone to cover their noises. Jack couldn't stand the smell of rotten corpses so he pressed his foot as hard as he could on the pedal and drove away as fast as he could.

  Due to the adrenaline Jack didn't notice the blood rolling down his face from when he jumped through a window "Rebecca you need to drive" Jack said as he pulled the car over to the side of the road, he got out and ran around the back of the car, Rebecca jumped into the drivers seat and made sure everyone had their seat belts on before she drove off.

  "So how's your first aid skills" Jack ask Lauren as he searched for a kit in the back of the car, he lifted up the seat to reveal a first aid kit.

  Jack handed Lauren the first aid kit "I don't know first aid" Lauren said, again being blonde Lauren wasn't to good at first aid, "Don't worry I'll teach you."

  Jack was a senior member of The order of Malta and after he finished school he was going to study to be an EMT or a Doctor he hadn't really decided yet well I guess he doesn't have to anymore.

  Jack showed Lauren how to clean the cuts on his face " Sorry about this" Lauren said right before she put sanitary wipes on his face, Jack jumped up a little from the sting.

  Jack wondered how Lauren could be some calm about the whole situation like she just lost her sister her only family left, the only reason Jack is calm is because he still had hope that his brothers were still alive, he couldn't even begin to imagine how Lauren was feeling.

  Suddenly the car turned of and was just left rolling down the dark motorway, the car came to a full stop. Rebecca tried to figure out what was wrong but she wasn't that good at cars and neither was Jack and Lauren, Rebecca looked at petrol gage to see that the tank was empty, I guess the owner of the car wasn't kind enough to fill it up before he became a human happy meal.

  Everyone got out of the car and took in their surroundings "Lovely middle of nowhere" Lauren said "Not helping" Rebecca said.

  Jack took out his phone to see that he still had signal, thank god the cell towers were still working.

  Jack quickly clicked on to the maps, so they were still in Dublin but it was the empty part, lovely.

  Jack looked up the nearest petrol station; the result came back straight away. "So how far away is it??" Rebecca questioned "One mile".

  Rebecca and Lauren looked at Jack like he was crazy "One mile, that's not gonna happen" Lauren said, Jack didn't like the idea of traveling one mile in the dark in the middle of nowhere just as much as Lauren and Rebecca but it was the only way they would survive.

  It took a minute but Jack convinced the girls to make the journey.

  Before setting off they went to the trunk to check if there was anything that they could use as a weapon, just to there look there was a full golf set. Lauren took a 9 iron, Rebecca took a 8 iron and Jack took a wedge, now they were ready to leave.

  The three of them set off down the road, I feel like there should be a wizard of oz joke in there.


  Just ten short minutes of running and walking and they finally got to the petrol station and they didn't want to be in there a minute longer then they had to be.

  Jack went to the back of the shop and found petrol containers and grabbed six of them, when he was at the back he could hear banging coming from the other side of a door, before leaving he went a check the door only to find it locked, thank god he thought.

  Lauren and Rebecca stayed inside the shop getting food and drinks for the journey ahead. Jack quickly ran out to the pumps and began to fill up the containers, he got six so each person can hold two.

  When Jack finished filling up the containers Rebecca and Lauren ran out to him, "Okay we can leave now" Lauren said as she took two containers and walked ahead of Jack. Rebecca walks to him and took another two containers; it was a little awkward for her to hold as she was already holding the bags with the food and drinks.

  When they got to the road all of the lights in the petrol station suddenly shut off and so did the streetlights ahead of them "Shit!!" Lauren shouted. They all took out their Iphones and turned on the flashlight but it barely helped light up the road but it would do.

  They all walked very fast, always keeping an eye behind them. Lauren pointed her flashlight all around, she pointed it into
the field beside the road only to see something that scared the shit out of her and probably the other two, it was a giant horde of corpses.

  In shock Rebecca dropped the bag of drinks "Shit" she whispered but that wasn't what got there attention it was glass bottle that was rolling out of the bag.

  Half of the horde looked over to see them "Hi" Jack said sarcastically. One corpse made a run for Jack and he quickly dropped the containers and lifted up the golf club and when he was at the right distance to hit it he swung as hard as he could knocking it to the ground, it was about to get back up when he went for another swing which killed it when he slammed into his head.

  More and more corpse ran at them "Run!!!!!" lauren shouted. After running for a second she dropped one of the containers and turned around, she ripped a strip off her top and opened the lid and then she put the clot into the container leaving a bit of it out, she whipped out a light from her pocket and set light to the clot and through it at the horde.

  There was a flash of bright light then dim light from the fire that was burning the running corpses, some of them were running in circles but some of them were still chasing them but they didn't have to worry about the horde, good thinking lauren. A corpse came running for Lauren she was ready, she raised her club into the air and swung as hard as she could into its face giving it a face full of a 9 iron, it fell to the ground but didn't get back up.

  They didn't stop running it felt like they were running forever, they nearly ran past the car luckily one of them spotted it.

  Jack quickly popped open the tank and poured the petrol as fast as he could. He hopped into the driver's seat and roared the engine to life he slammed down on the on pedal bringing the car to full speed, he stopped the car and put it in reverse they couldn't go forward so they had to go around a different way.

  Lauren went through the bag of drinks and pulled out a bottle of coke and then past Jack a bottle of water, just as he took it out of her hand he got a text notification, he picked up his phone but kept an eye on the road. when he read the text his heart dropped it was a text he was expecting it was from Lorna "WE NEED HELP!!"

  Chapter 4

  Jack suddenly stopped the car with the sight of the message "Jack what's wrong" Lauren question, "I got a text" he replied, "from who", he didn't answer her " Who did you get the text from" Lauren asked again " Lorna" he finally gave her the answer.

  Jack picked up his phone and quickly typed back "Where are you" he wanted to wait for a reply but they couldn't stay there they need to keep moving so he pressed his foot down on the pedal and drove away. The sun had just begun to come up and the light was piercing through the trees along the road. Wow, it's 6 o'clock already Jack thought to himself time moves fast when you're running for survival.

  Jack turned the car to an exit on the motorway that leads to a place called Tallaght but most people called it Talafornia. "Why are we going here" Lauren questioned, "We need to get supplies" Jack answered.

  Jack pulled the car up to a woodies DIY, everyone got out of the car and walked forward into the store. "Okay meet back here in half an hour and scream if you need help" Jack instructed the girls.

  The only reason Jack wanted to come was to blow off some steam and I think Lauren and Rebecca wanted to do the same.

  Jack went over to where they had the sledgehammers and pick up one and then he walked over to where the show kitchens where.

  When he walked up to one of the presses that was covered with glass and raised the sledgehammer into the air and slammed it full force into the press causing all the glass on it to shatter and fall off, he went over to the marble sink and lift the sledgehammer high into the air and let it go full speed into the sick causing the marble to shatter into bits that covered the ground, he dropped the sledgehammer and ran over to the timbre area.

  Jack grabbed the first nail gun he seen and grabbed a pick of nails and ran to the paints, he found a plug socket for it pretty easy. He loaded up the nail gun and aimed at all the cans of paint, all those colours he thought, he pulled the trigger causing the first nail to fly from the gun to a can of paint, the paint that it hit was red Jack's favourite colour, at that point he figured it was just fire at will and pulled the trigger and didn't let it go until all the nails were gone and even then he filled it back up with the second round of nails he got. when the nails ran out the floor was a rainbow of colours, red, white, blue, green and yellow to name a few.

  Jack heard something fall from the aisle behind the paints, he went around to check what it was when he walked around he was surprised to see that it was a corpse, he hoped it was a slow one or maybe a friendly one.

  When it took notice of him it look at him for a few seconds and then ran for him, it was probably thinking food!.

  When Jack realised that it was running after him he ran away from it, he ran to the sports section and grabbed a metal baseball bat and raised it into the air and when it finally caught up with him swung the bat into his face cause it to fall straight down to the ground, he went and raised the bat and swung it down to hit the corpse again and again and again I guess Jack's way of coping was making a laugh of the situation and smashing things beyond repair like that corpses face.

  "Guys we should go!!" Jack screamed all over the store, so what if any corpse hear him.

  "Yeah well be at the door" Jack could hear from a distance, he ran over to the sledgehammer and grabbed two and then ran to the door, it wasn't easy running with two sledgehammers but he can manage.

  He got to the door where he was met with Lauren and Rebecca, there was a vending machine beside the door so Jack put one of the sledgehammers on the ground and raised the other one and slammed it into the machine causing all of the cans inside it to spill out, the girls picked up a few and so did Jack.

  Jack picked up the other sledgehammer and the three of them exited the building and walked to the car.

  The girls took the sledgehammers into the back seat and Jack got into the front and roared the engine to life he pressed his foot onto the pedal and began to drive the car forward when suddenly someone jumped onto the front of the car, Jack couldn't see who it was causing of the sun in his eyes but when he could see him he was so surprised to see who it was "Craig!!" Jack shouted.

  Chapter 5

  Jack was contemplating whether or not he should hit Craig with the car but he couldn't make a decision.

  Jack got out of the drivers seat and walked over to Craig "what the hell are you doing here, no wrong question how the hell are you here" Jack said in a frustrating tone, he wasn't on the best of terms with Craig he hated him more than anything, actually hate was too much of a weak word to describe how he felt towards Craig.

  "I was getting out of the city but then i saw your car" Jack didn't car about the reason he just didn't want him here," well how about you go back to your car and leave" Jack said and turned on his heels and walked to the car door "the car is gone" Jack wasn't gonna let him come with them "well good luck on your own" Jack said and opened the door and hopped into the car.

  "What are you doing" Lauren asked "He's not coming with us" "You can't just leave him on his own" Lauren and Jack argued for what felt like centuries on what to do about Craig, Rebecca and Lauren were all in for him coming but then there was Jack, again did I say Jack hated Craig so much.

  After a few minutes of arguing Jack pulled down his window and shouted "Get in" to Craig. Craig walked over to the passenger seat "Ha nice try in the back" Jack said with a serious tone, Lauren got out of the back and got into the front with Jack while Craig went beside Rebecca "Buckle up everybody" Jack said before driving off

  "So how are you doing," Jack asked Lauren, he was hoping she wouldn't answer the question as it would mean Lauren probably breaking into tears, Jack doesn't know why he hasn't broken down into tears. "I'm fine I'm just trying not to think about anything right now I just want to get to Galway and survive this mess" Lauren, a little tear developed in her eye from think about her sister, trying to be brav
e and not wanting anyone to see her weak side Lauren quickly brushed the tear away leaving a faint glossy wet smudge mark on the corner of her eye.

  "Lets put on some music," Jack said as he picked up his phone only to get an alert "5% of battery remaining" "Okay so no music then," Jack said as he put his phone down.

  They were gonna need to find a charger if they want to make it to Galway.

  "Jack I'm hungry," Lauren said " Somethings never change" Jack said with a giggle "hey don't be mean". Jack was getting hungry himself Craig and Rebecca eat all the snacks in the back, greedy bitches.

  Jack could see a lidl store in the distance and it look pretty safe so Lidls it is.

  The car slowly pulled into the car park and made a complete stop among the other cars that have been abandoned since yesterday evening, everyone exited the and walked to the door of the store keeping in mind to check their surroundings.

  The automatic doors wouldn't open, probably cause the power is still out. Lauren lifted one of the sledgehammers in her hand and flung it at the glass causing it the shatter into a million peace that covered the ground.

  The four of them entered the store, Lauren and Rebecca to get drinks and Jack went to get some food leaving Craig to wonder, "Wait up" Craig said chasing after Jack "Leave me alone" Jack kept walking "You are gonna have to talk to me at some point"

  "I don't have to do shit for you, you know what you did and I'm sure if the girls knew they wouldn't be so happy to have you here" Jack shouted and walked away leaving Craig standing there.

  Jack walked to the back of the store where the caned food were and packed some in a basket he got on his way in. The basket started to get full and really heavy with cans of fruit, beans, tomatoes and other caned vegetables, Jack dropped the basket and ran to the entireness of the store and jumped through where the door use to be, he went to the first trolly he saw and pull to get it but it was locked and he didn't have €2 for it so he lifted the up sledgehammer and dropped it on the lock of the trolly causing it to come free and he was able to pull it out.


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