For the Glory
Page 42
and EHL, post–1924 146–7
1923 championship 54–5, 56–8
1924 championship 78
American Air Force, and medicine for Weihsien 288–9
American Presbyterian mission, Weihsien 7
American Relocation Centres 228
and EHL as ‘Flying Parson’ 100–1, 113, 119
and Paris Olympics 79, 82, 84–99, 100–1, 102, 113
sportsmen, income potential 111–12
Amsterdam Olympics 1928
planning 119
preparation for 146–7
Anglo-Chinese College, Tientsin 115, 121, 136, 137–40, 171, 179, 180
Nationalist interference 175–6
Sports 146
anti-Semitism, Abrahams and 55–6
Antwerp Games 1920 61
Arizona sunk 222
Armadale, Evangelical meeting 44–5, 46–8, 50
Army Service Corps, Thomson in 48–9
art, Weihsien 274
Ashes, The (cricket) 45
Associated Press 221
Athletic News and Cyclists Journal 76, 112, 120
athletics fitness
McKerchar and 21–3
theories 20, 21–2
athletics trainers, 1920s 19–29
Atlas, Charles 27
Babe Ruth 111, 112, 113
ball games, Weihsien 274
bandits, Siaochang river journey 186–8
Barbuti, Ray 148, 149
Bardgett, Frank, on Thomson 50
Bassano Limited 65
Paris Olympics reports 105
Shanghai 220
Beamon, Bob 284–5
Begbie, Harold, Life Changers 50
Olympics 2008 321
see also Peking
Belfast, Triangular International 54
Benham, John 81
and marathon 90
Berwick on Tweed 29
Best, George 12
Betjeman, John 114
betting, athletics meetings 20
Binks, Joe 75–6, 92, 93, 94
Birkenhead, Earl of 64
black market, Weihsien camp 249, 260–4, 281
Bloch, Carl, Sermon on the Mount 227
Bolton Wanderers 111
Boxer Protocol 32, 175
Boxer Rebellion 29, 31–3, 34, 152, 153, 174
British, China prejudice against 135
British Olympic Association 9
and EHL, post–1924 146–7
and professional outlook 64–73
EHL and Sunday heats 64, 66–73, 74, 77
EHL at reception 110–11
McKerchar and 74
team funding 65–6
British public, and China 156–7
Buchan, Annie, and EHL 292, 295, 297, 314
at Peitaiho 134–5
in Siaochang 188–93
on EHL move to 194–6
on end of mission 212
on nursing in 141–4
shot at 148
in Tientsin 195i
in Weihsien 277, 280–1, 282–4, 292
moves to Peking 220
on Japanese anti-Semitism 212
on Tientsin Times photo debacle 145
passport photo 141i
return to China 314
Buchman, Frank 50, 156
Buck, Pearl S., The Good Earth 7
Bunyan, John, Pilgrim’s Progress 231
Burghley, David 61, 67
Burns, Robert 10, 153
Butler, Guy 56, 60–1, 81, 83, 84, 85, 88, 92, 94, 107, 115, 119
on donations 147
Cadogan, Gerald Oakley 6th Earl 65, 67, 268
on EHL 80
Cambridge athletes 56, 61–2, 81, 83, 114, 147, 275
Cambridge University 23
Cameron Highlanders, ‘Scotland The Brave’ 93
Campsie Fields 29
Carcant, Liddell family at 207–8
EHL overtakes rabbit 250–1
Carnegie, Andrew 10
Ch’ao Yang, JDL missionary in 29–32
Chamberlain, Neville, Munich Agreement 198, 205
Chang-tu-fu, missionaries killed 153
Chaplin, Charlie 48
Chariots of Fire, EHL portrayal 9, 10, 13, 15, 55, 67, 110, 314, 315
Florence and 319
Charleson, Ian 9, 319
Chefoo, China Inland Mission School interned 265, 274
Chen Duxiu 173, 174
Chenki, missionaries hostaged 153
Chi-nai-nai (amah) 35, 36
Chiang Kai-shek 173
‘Encirclement Campaigns’ against Red Army 174, 175
hopeful after Pearl Harbor 222
‘Northern Expedition’ against warlords 173
orders fight to finish 179–80
‘White Terror’ 1927 against CPC/dissidents 173–4
Chief of the West River 184–7
and change 178–9
British public and 156–7
claims EHL refused repatriation 321
countryside, effect of war 184–7
disruption 130–1, 132
foreign concessions 136–7
hostility to foreigners 131, 132
map 1943 ix
political situation 1920s/30s 172–6, 179–80
Japanese occupation 209–12
unrest 1927–8 147–8
China Inland Mission 153, 260
School, Chefoo, interned 265
China Times 174
Chinese dealers, Japanese punish 263
Chinese International Broadcasting Station 224
Cholmondeley, 5th Marquess 64–5
choral society, Weihsien 273
Christison, Philip ‘Christie’ 81–2, 94, 108
and Japanese surrender 303
Christmas, Weihsien 275
Churchill, Winston 65, 222, 251, 252
and convoys 205
on China 211
on war 221, 232
Civilian Assembly Centres 229
see also Weihsien prisoner of war camp
Clare, John 126
Collier’s 97
Colombes Stadium 58, 82–3
Comfort Money 259, 264
Communist Party of China (CPC) 131, 173
Confucius 178
Cooper, Merian C., King Kong 244
Cotterill, Joe, on EHL 271, 277, 321
on EHL’s death 297
on EHL’s failing health 290, 293
country evangelism 194–204, 221
Country Life 65
Coward, Noël, Hay Fever 274
Craiglockhart stadium 23–4, 24–6, 54, 77, 78, 285
Cregan, John and Sunday Olympics heats 68
Crystal Palace 61
Cullen, Augustus Pountney ‘AP’ 38i, 39
at Anglo-Chinese College 138
attacked at Peitaiho 154–5
living with EHL 220, 222
on EHL in occupied Tientsin 224–8
surrenders radio 222
Curzon, Viscount 65
cycling, EHL and 25–6
Daily Mail 12, 65, 120
on 1928 preparations 147
on EHL and Sundays 71
Dairen, Japan vs France athletics competition 148–9
de Coubertin, Baron Pierre 101–2, 103
de Gaulle-Anthonioz, Genevieve, God Remained Outside 271
de Jaegher, Raymond, and escapes 281
de Jaegher, Raymond, letter schemes 252–3
Dempsey, Jack 111–12, 113
Dickens, Charles, Tale of Two Cities 290
Dictionary of National Biography 56
Drymen 29, 37–8
Duck Mission paratroops 304
Dundas Street Congregational, EHL preaches 122
Dundee 48
Durbin, Deanna 252
Edinburgh Central Mosque 310
Edinburgh Evening News 210, 86, 100
on EHL and Sunda
ys 71
Edinburgh University Athletic Club 19–29
Edinburgh University
Annual Sports 24–6
EHL and athletics 24–9, 40–3
Edward Prince of Wales 65
EHL as Li Mu Shi 194–5
Eight Nation Alliance, and Boxer Rebellion 32, 33
Eighth Red Army, near Siaochang 191
Eltham College 36, 37–40, 58, 108, 265
Enola Gay B29 303
Epstein, Jacob, Manhood 256
Eric Liddell Centre, Edinburgh 314
European war 1941 218
Evening Standard, on EHL and Sundays 71
FA Cup final 111
Fairbanks, Douglas 85
Federer, Roger 12
Fenby, Jonathan, Penguin History of Modern China 173, 176, 180
Fenners, Cambridge 61
Fitch, Horatio 79, 84, 86–8, 92, 94–5, 96i, 97i, 98i, 99
4x400m at Stamford Bridge 120
Olympic diary 84–5
Fleming, Peter, on Trans-Siberian Express 133–4
Florence, on EHL transfer to Siaochang 172
Flying Finns, Paris 1924 89
food smuggling, Weihsien 260–4
Freddie and Edith 77, 100
Fryer, Peter, Mrs Grundy 70
Gallico, Paul 112
Gamages 66
Gandhi 227
Garland, Judy 252
Garrett, Robert and Sunday Olympics heats 68
George, Alfred 71, 72
Olympics lantern show 119
on EHL 80–1, 84
George Square gardens 78
George, Walter 71–2
invades Soviet Union 221
moving to war 198, 205
Gilkey, Langdon 259–60
on food shortage 282–3
on nationality irrelevant 290–1
on sight of B24 Liberator 303
on teenage activity 270
Shantung Compound 232, 234, 235
Glasgow Bible Training Institute 49
Glasgow, EHL meeting overflows 128–9
Glasgow Herald 42–3, 86, 96–7, 110
Glasgow Students Evangelical Union 44
Gobi Desert 141
Goldsmith, Oliver, The Deserted Village 188
Good Housekeeping, on Eileen Soper 62
Goyas, Jacob 264, 270
Gracie, A. L. 58
Graham-Dixon, Andrew 125
Grandon, Aubrey 255i, 256, 257–8, 274
and EHL’s last race 285, 286–7
on EHL 314–15
Great Plain, Siaochang 141
Green Gang (KMT supporters) 174
Greenock 43
Guang-Wen Street, Weifang 4, 6, 15, 310
Gunther, John, Inside Asia 273
Hagen, Walter 111, 112, 113
Haig, Sir Douglas 65
Hall, Jeannie 319
Hall, Murray, Florence marries 1951 319
Halswelle, Wyndham 24, 121
Hamilton, Duncan, Scottish origins 9–10
Hampden Park 54, 128
Hangzhou Bay, assault from 179
Harrison, E. G. W. W. 268
Harvard Stadium 79
Hawks Club 56
health, Weihsien 275–7
Heart of Africa Mission 45–6
Heart of Midlothian 19
Hemingway, Ernest 80
Hitler dead 301
Hobbs, Jack 111, 114
Home Mission Union 48
Hong Kong, missionaries killed 154
Hoover, Herbert, in Tientsin 33
Housman, A. E., ‘To an Athlete Dying Young’ 299
Hubbard, William DeHart, first African-American champion 89
Hughes, Thomas, Tom Brown’s Schooldays 37
Hume, David 10
Hummel, Arthur, escapes from Weihsien 281–2, 288
Hunstanton 62
Hutuo River, Siaochang journey 184–7
Imbach, Josef 87, 88, 92, 94, 107
internees, photographed 232
internees, possessions looted by Japanese 231–2
Italians, in Weihsien 275
Jack, David 111
and China
and Shandong Province 131
attacks Jehol 1933 175
attacks Shanghai 174–5
Boxer Protocol 32, 175
commercial/cultural dominance 197
invades North China 175
moves towards Changsha 221
persecutes locals 211–12
sends missionaries to camps 229
takes Manchuria 1931 174
war begins 1937 176–7
attacks South Pacific and Australia 228
Kobe, Nitta Maru sails from 219–20
Tripartite Pact with Germany/Italy 212
US nuclear attack on 303
Japanese civilians, US to swap for Allied non-combatants 228
Japanese Consular Service, runs Weihsien 235
jazz band, Weihsien 273, 274
Jehol, Japanese attack 175
Jews, Japanese persecute 212
Johnson, David 92
Jones, E. Stanley, The Christ of the Mount 227–8, 231
Keaton, Buster 66
Kentish, Brigadier General Reginald 65, 67
Kilmarnock, EHL preaches 122
King’s College Chapel 114
Kinsey, Dan 268
Kristallnacht 198
Kuomintang (KMT) 130, 173–6
Kwantung Army takes Manchuria 174
Kweichow Province, famine 130
Larkin, Philip, ‘An Arundel Tomb’ 316
Lavington-Hart, Dr Samuel 137–8, 179
Lazoi 178
Le Dao Yuan (Courtyard of the Happy Way), Weihsien 7
Lewis, Isle of, Mary Liddell at 35
Li Dazhao 173, 174
Li Mu Shi, EHL as 194–5
Liddell, Eric Henry
timeline 329–30
early life
appearance/physique 12–13
as seminal Scot 10
birth/childhood 3, 14, 29–40
born in Tientsin 33
as baby, with JDL 33i
as child 34i, 35–40
as child, thinks Chinese 35–7
at Eltham College 36i, 37i, 37–40, 42–3
confirmed 40
sports champion 39
cycling holiday to Ben Nevis 25–6
and Eileen Soper 62–3, 63i
BSc degree
finals 78–9
chaired 105–7, 106i
in Paris 1921 58
Paris win, celebrates at Tango Tea Dance 100
portrait, 1920s 5i
Soper portrait 125–6, 126i, 309–10
and father 151–3, 157–8
and athletics 1–2, 4, 9, 10–13, 128
Abrahams and 56–7
and Cambridge athletes 61–2, 81, 83, 114, 147, 275
and relays
4x400m Stamford Bridge relay 119–21
University of Pennsylvania Relays 76
and rugby union 57–9
and Sunday races 9
at Paris Olympics 64, 66–73, 74, 77, 90
at Weihsien 268–9
and training 11, 139–40
and Max Sick’s precepts 27–8
and McKerchar 22i, 26, 28–9, 40–3, 57, 59
400m preparation 74–5, 77–8, 79, 81
on athletics trainers 23
preparation at Powderhall 26–9, 40–3
racing practice 40–3
running style 12–13, 41–2
and 440-yd/400m events 75–6, 77
wins 440-yd at Stoke 59–60, 75
as Chinese Olympic champion 4
as Scottish athlete 54–5
as student 19–29, 40–3
AAA Championships 1923 57–8
Edinburgh University athletics 24–9, 40–3
and University team 25i
at Paris Olympic Games 53, 74–103
bsp; and 200m 86
wins 400m 86–7, 87i, 88–103, 96i, 97i, 98i, 99i
withdraws from 100m 64, 69–73
refuses Sunday races 64, 66–73, 74, 77, 90
finally receives Olympic medal 124
return from Olympics 104–15
Chariots of Fire portrayal 9, 10, 13, 15, 55, 67, 110, 314, 315
early successes 53–5, 57–8
British 100-yd record 57
wins AAA 220-yd 57, 58i
wins at Scottish AAA 42
wins in AAA Championships 1924 78
wins in Scottish Championships 1924 78
in China
at Tientsin 145–6
bests Peltzer at Tientsin 149–51
at Dairen 148–9
in Weihsien 250–1, 266–7, 285–6
880yd race 254–9
last race 285, 286–8
indifference to money/celebrity 112–15
invited to tour US 113
on donations for 1928 147
on winning unimportant 254–5
withdraws from 1928 Olympics 147–8
marriage to Florence MacKenzie 160–9
with Florence in Toronto 166i
wedding photos 168–9i, 312
see also Liddell, Florence
as preacher/speaker 50–3
in UK 121–4, 128–30
and Oxford Group 156
Armadale Evangelical meeting 44–5, 46–8, 50
Edinburgh, for DP Thomson 44–8, 45i, 49–53, 59, 109–10, 121–4, 128–30
notemaking 52–3
on China 155–7, 207
women fans 129
ordination 30i, 153, 155, 157
and country evangelism 194–204, 221
and Sermon on the Mount 227–8
speaks on athletics career 275
status as James’s son 195
called to Tientsin
leaves Edinburgh 115, 129–30
Trans-Siberian Express to Tientsin 133–4
re-learning Chinese 139
at Tientsin Anglo-Chinese College 7, 115, 121, 132, 138–40
early 1930s 140i
family with bicycle 171i
in UK 1931 155–7
living with Cullen 220
social life 159–60
and Union Church congregation 139i
voluntary work 229
called to Siaochang
LMS urges transfer 171–2
journey 180–8, 182i
arrival 188–93, 189i
acting hospital superintendent 200
Tientsin visits 200
brings coal barge from Tientsin 200–1
smuggles in wounded from countryside 201–4
1940 return 210–12
Toronto interview 1932 322
UK wartime furlough 204–8
work curtailed post-Pearl Harbor 223
wartime contact with Florence 224
in Weihsien POW camp 1–4, 6–8, 15
and black market 261, 264
and Japanese 199
arrival/journey 229, 231, 232
athletics 250–1, 254–9, 266–7, 285–8
chemistry book 266
health 2–4
Buchan on 283–4
fails 286–8, 289–95
loses hope 292
last writing 296i, 306–8, 313
letters from/to Florence 234, 235, 278–80, 280i, 294, 296i, 305–6, 307i