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Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy

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by Mckoy, Cate

  Something deadly flashed in Kyle’s eyes, reminding Mackenzie that although he could be jovial, he was still a very dangerous man and shouldn’t be trifled with for any reason.

  Kyle’s hands went to Mackenzie’s waist slowly, he pulled her to him. He lowered his head maintaining eye contact until her eyes fluttered closed. He touched their lips softly and smoothly rubbed them together. He was pulling back when he felt Mackenzie’s teeth give his bottom lip a nip and then her tongue glide a soothing stroke across the mark her teeth had left.

  At the sensations flashing through his body, his eyes sprang open and he took in a sharp breath. Her eyes were hot and her lips glistened invitingly. An invitation he took hungrily. He pulled Mackenzie flushed against him as his mouth took hers, his tongue pushing pass her lips, tasting her, teasing her. When she moaned into his mouth, his senses just took completely over. He filled his hands with her ass cheeks and deepened the kiss, grinding their pelvises together.

  He remained in euphoria until he heard his sister’s laughter and Bunny’s outrage. “Woo, hoo, my brother has got game!”

  “Kyle!” An angry tug on his arm followed the equally angry shout.

  Kyle had stumbled back in a daze, looking deeply into Ashley’s eyes. Ashley swayed towards Kyle, her body automatically following his before she jerked to attention, standing straight.

  “Well, now, brother, that was some hot kiss. All the other guys just gave her a peck on the cheek or a chaste touch of the lips.” Nancy laughed and then looked at Bunny before adding, “And, look at that, my girl didn’t even have to get butt ass naked and offer to suck his cock.”

  When Bunny understood the full import of Nancy’s words she looked down at the large bulge in the front of Kyle’s pants. Giving another one of her signature angry shouts, Bunny stomped from the room.

  Nancy laughed and shook the donation bank in front of Kyle’s face, drawing his attention from Ashley’s eyes. “Ok, Kyle, give up the dead presidents. The orphanage needs a new minivan.”

  Kyle looked away, pulling out his wallet. He opened his billfold, exposing the cash. “Here, take it all.” Then while catching Ashley’s gaze again, he added in a husky voice, “It was worth it and more.”

  Nancy snatched all the bills from their slot. “Don’t mind if I do.” Then in her best Elvis voice she said, “Thank you, thank you very much.”

  Kyle had excused himself to get his body back into his control. Because, kissing Ashley had sent his body into overdrive, he had cooled off in the bathroom and then went to find Bunny. Bunny had shrewishly screeched her objections to him.

  “How dare you humiliate me like that, kissing that… that…n—“

  Kyle had been enduring Bunny’s rant in silence but at her searching hesitation for a word for Ashley, Kyle had snapped to sharp attention, narrowing his eyes on Bunny and in a quietly deadly voice warned, “I’d be very, very, careful about the next word that comes out of your mouth.”

  Taken aback, Bunny instantly stopped talking and stepped back. “I-I wasn’t going to say that!”

  Kyle studied her for a few more seconds. “Good,” He then sighed, “Look, Bunny, it was just a stupid kiss under the mistletoe and it was for charity.”

  “You told me there is nothing going on between you two.”

  “There isn’t! Our relationship is strictly that of boss and employee.”

  “So, you kiss all your employees and fondle their asses and get ragging hard-ons for them?”

  “Listen, I am only going to say this once more and then I am done with this conversation. There has never or is there now anything between me and Agent Mackenzie. Other than constantly being summoned to her hospital bed after she has pulled one of her crazy, death wish stunts or me having to reprimand her for not following protocol and policy, and to assign her duties, I don’t have interaction with S.S.A. Mackenzie!”

  Bunny had smiled then. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t get upset. I know there could never be anything between you and that woman.”

  They had hugged and Kyle had given Bunny a makeup kiss before returning to the party. But something had changed inside Kyle when he kissed Agent Mackenzie. The all-consuming electricity that had arced between them the instant their lips touched had him trying to recreate the feeling with Bunny. But, it was useless. No matter how amorous he was with Bunny, he could not bring back the wonderful tingling sensation he had had with Agent Mackenzie.

  In the past several years since that perception altering kiss, Kyle had been doing his best to cement his relationship with Bunny and forget Ashley, forget her soft luscious lips, forget her sexy firm ass, forget the heat of her mouth and the honey glide of her tongue. Absolutely nothing he had done -- extra exercises, extra mile or two added to his run in the mornings, all and any kind of sexual position he could think of to do with Bunny, sexy weekend getaways and steamy hot tub trysts -- could make him forget the wonderful heat between him and his agent.

  He tried to avoid her at work except when it was absolutely necessary. But each time Ashley had gotten hurt or almost hurt, Kyle hadn’t been able to control his emotions towards her. He had gone rushing to her side as though Ashley were his. He had used his position as her boss to get personal medical information, very personal information.

  And the information he had received during her last hospital stay had sent him reeling. He still constantly thought about the doctor’s words. At least once a day, the words, Ashley Mackenzie has an intact hymen. Ashley is a virgin, went through his mind.

  When he had first inquired whether or not Ashley had been raped by the Newburgh Slasher, Kyle had really wanted to know for both business and personal reasons. He still felt the rage he had felt the first time hearing Ashley had been sodomized. But, as he listened to the horrible news from the doctor, Kyle was also given a miracle, only seconds later, when the doctor informed him that although Ashley’s anus had needed repair, she still had an intact hymen.

  And from that day on Kyle had thanked God for sparing Ashley that pain. It was also why he asked about her memory every day. Kyle didn’t want Ashley to remember how she was violated. He had taken certain liberties regarding her medical information. When she had finally awakened from her coma he had asked the doctor to allow him to tell Ashley of her injuries. By the time she had been fully cognizant she was almost completely healed. She had needed some PT to regain her muscle strength and flexibility. He had told her about the blunt trauma to her head, the removal of her gall bladder and the many bumps, bruises and abrasions. Kyle had felt no guilt leaving out the information that would haunt and possibly hinder Ashley’s healing progression.

  He knew he would have a lot to answer for if she actually ever remembered or if it came up in her therapy. Kyle would deal with that situation if and when it ever arose. For now he had to follow his instincts and feelings. They were telling him he would do anything to protect Ashley.

  And, with protecting Ashley uppermost in his mind he said, “I won’t be taking Bunny to the wedding.”

  Ashley’s dark gaze probed his for long seconds. She cleared her throat. “I’ve remembered something else from our investigation of the Newburgh Slasher.”

  Kyle tensed. “And, that is?”

  He grew even more tense and nervous when Ashley hesitated in answering, her hands clasping and unclasping in agitation. “I-I remember you kissing me, holding me in your arms. D-did that really happen?”

  His eyes became hooded as he watched her closely. Oh, he remembered every single second of their shared kisses in Newburgh, NY. He had heard via the grapevine that Ashley once again ignored his direct orders to remain on desk duty until further notice and he had went tearing after her like a crazed lover in the guise of her superior.

  When he first reached Ashley she had been in, what he thought at the time to be, a life and death struggle with a stranger, while wearing only panties. Kyle had seen red and had ripped the man away from Ashley, flinging him several feet into a dresser. It had been
a misunderstanding which was straightened out fairly quickly. But Kyle couldn’t forget the very real fear he had felt for Ashley when she had been fighting Chief of Detectives, Jack Gard.

  It had been with relief and guilt that he later taken Ashley into his arms and kissed her senseless. Now he looked at her studying him with her very expressively, curious brown eyes. The truth slipped easily from his lips. “Yes, that really happened.”

  When all she did was tilt her head and regard him with curiosity, focusing on his lips with a heated intensity and then say, “Ok.” Kyle gave a sigh in relief.

  She spoke softly, “I was wondering if it would be out of line for me to request an extra couple of weeks off before the wedding, seeing as I’ve only been back for 10 days?”

  “Agent Mackenzie, that was medical leave due to injuries received in the line of duty. It’s strictly apples and oranges. I do believe you have quite a bit of vacation time saved up. All you need to do is fill out the request forms and I will approve the time.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Kyle tried to hold back his unexplainable need to know all about his agent but failed miserably as he asked, “Going somewhere in particular?”

  “Catlyn Lyte and Jack Gard offered me a mini-vacation at their home in Newburgh, NY before the wedding. We thought we’d hit some of the local sights, hit the beach, just some nice leisurely hanging out before my girl gets married.”

  Kyle smiled warmly. “Sounds nice, Jack offered me the same invitation.” He smiled again, “Who knows? Maybe, I’ll join you guys in some sun and fun.”

  Kyle was stunned when Ashley gave him one of her most genuine smiles, all showy white teeth and sparkling eyes. It was the smile he had only ever seen her give her partner Catlyn Lyte, his sister, Nancy and his niece and nephew, Holly and Drew and his mother, Cheryl. It took her from the very pretty realm to the unbelievably beautiful.

  Still smiling, she stood. “Well, I hope to see you there Director Strong.” She headed for the door. “If I don’t see you during my time off, I will definitely see you on Saturday.”

  “Saturday?” Kyle questioned distractedly. He was watching Ashley’s ass.

  She looked at him over her shoulder, catching him staring. Her smile blossomed again. “Remember, Drew’s dance contest?”

  Bringing his eyes quickly to her face, he nodded. “Ah, yes, that hip-hop thing.”

  “Uh-uh, Director Strong, don’t say it like that. You’re Drew’s idol and he looks up to you so much. He wants to impress you. He was so psyched when you said you’d come and watch him compete.”

  Kyle tried not to roll his eyes. “I really don’t consider people jumping around to rancorous sounds dancing, but I love my nephew. There isn’t much I wouldn’t do for him.”

  “He’s very good.” Ashley quirked a brow, “He’s a mini-you.”

  Kyle laughed. “I don’t hip-hop.”

  Ashley shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant. He’s a mini-you because he excels in all he does; sports and academics, hip hop, also he is one of the good guys and is fine as hell.” Ashley winked and walked out the door.

  Kyle sat stunned for a few seconds before he smiled. He would definitely be seeing his agent during her mini-vacation.

  Chapter 2

  Ashley jack-knifed into a sitting position. Her night clothes were drenched. Her skin was soaked with sweat. Her heart was still hammering from the demon in her dream, which now, in the cold dead of night, she could not recall. She sluggishly untangled herself from the covers, making her way to the master bathroom.

  As she got herself a glass of water, she glimpsed her reflection by the dimly glowing night light. Her hair was in its naturally curly, kinky state, aided by the sweat. Her hair resembled a fluffy flower surrounding her head. She would need to wash, blow-dry and flat iron in the morning. Her eyes were tired looking. She actually looked her 31 years. For the first time, in forever --Ashley Anne Mackenzie-- looked her age.

  She went back to her bedroom, turning on the bedside lamp. Making quick work of changing her linens and switching night clothes and lying back down, because of her nightmares and waking up soaked in her own sweat she usually slept in panties only, diminishing the need to change during the night. Ashley wondered at the dream she had tonight. What had caused her nightmare tonight? Which monster chased her this time? She either had nightmares she couldn’t remember or hot steamy dreams about Director Strong she couldn’t forget.

  Interrupted sleep was common for her. Since she was 11 years old she had been a chronic insomniac. Her nightmarish sleep pattern had started, understandably, shortly after Ashley was the sole survivor of a home invasion, in which, she had lost her identical twin, her pregnant mother and her father.

  Her father had been a special agent for the FBI. In the years prior to his death he had been working his way up the chain of command. In fact, the night of the murders was the eve of his first day as the new director of a new division of the FBI specifically extended from the BAU. The HCD (Hate Crimes Division) was a brain child of several agents. It was agreed upon that David Mackenzie, top ranking special agent should head the new group with his hand-picked team.

  Ashley remembered her dad as a man full of life, a man whom had loved her mother deeply and endlessly. David Mackenzie had met and fallen in love with Linda Normers through work. Linda had worked in the secretarial pool in the government building. When his personal secretary was out due to maternity, Linda had been chosen to cover for David’s secretary.

  And it had been love at first sight for David Mackenzie. From that first moment of their working together David pursued Linda. He didn’t care that she was from another race. He didn’t care that she had newborn twins and was a single mother because the father had left Linda alone when she had told him she was pregnant. David happily adopted the twins of the woman he loved. By extension he loved them too.

  David took to the father role. He ended up loving the girls as much as their mother. He loved the twins as if he had fathered them. They quickly became Daddy’s little princesses. They were with him whenever he had a free moment.

  The girls had thought David hung the moon and was the greatest man on the planet. The twins Ashley and Ariel didn’t become curious about the difference in their skin color from their dad’s until they entered kindergarten and the twin’s classmates began to comment on the obvious difference. Once they voiced their curiosity to their dad, David had lovingly explained that, although he was not their biological father, he was indeed their Daddy. He told them they were so special he got to pick his girls and he was so very happy when he picked all three of his ladies. He told them they had belonged to him since they were 5 months old. The twins and their mother, from that day on were called his special ladies. The twins had thrived under David’s love and attention. They were one big happy family. Until the night the monsters came.

  Ashley referred to the criminals as monsters because that was how she saw them in her nightmares she remembered, feral eyed creatures with snarling fangs, slashing away at her family, leaving only Ashley in a stench of blood. Still today, Ashley got a little queasy at the smell of blood. She was haunted with the smell of death and the horror of her mother’s screams and the horrible wale of her dad’s anguish when he realized his beloved wife and unborn child were dead.

  Ashley also had intermittent, extremely vivid pictures of certain moments of the most horrible night of her life. The moment her twin’s blood spattered across her face from her throat being slashed; and the very instant her dad died, the spark of fight leaking from his eyes as he sank to the floor, clutching his chest wound, trying to keep his life-blood from seeping pass his fingers. And the even more horrible part; getting soaked with her mother’s blood as she lay curved around her very pregnant belly and feeling the slow moving ripples become slower and slower until they were no more.

  Ashley reached for her iPod. Putting the headphones on, she settled back down to sleep. She hit the play button. “Come on Be
yonce, make me forget.”


  “Put these in ASAP. And, let me know as soon as Bunny gets here, until then, no calls, no visits.” Kyle instructed Lisa, handing over Ashley’s request forms. He would put his request personally to the director. He hoped Director Mackenzie didn’t notice that he was taking off the exact days and amount of time as Ashley.

  Just before Lisa cleared the doorway Kyle added, “Unless it’s Agent Mackenzie, I don’t want to be disturbed.” Lisa acknowledged his amended instructions with a nod.

  Kyle was feeling anxious. He had made a decision last night that had actually been years in the making. He was going to make a play for Ashley. He was going to make her his! He was giving himself to the end of their vacation to make serious inroads towards having a deeply committed relationship with Ashley Mackenzie.

  He had several loose ends to take care of before he could go after Ashley without feeling like an ass. Actually there was only one loose end. Bunny!

  Bunny Bencroft was a nice enough woman, sexy, gorgeous and displayed loving traits at times. She was a bit of snob when it came to certain things but it wasn’t bad as outright bigotry. Kyle had enjoyed being with Bunny on and off these past several years, but, there was something missing between them. Something essential that Kyle found he needed very much. And, so far, he had only found, or rather felt, that missing element in Ashley.


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