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Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy

Page 21

by Mckoy, Cate

  "It's true. Ashley helped to protect our family, she died defending it. You saw how completely useless Ariel was."

  She got in the bed and pulled the covers to her chest, leaning back against a pile of pillows. Kyle sat down next to her, leaning in close. "Sweetheart, you were 11 years old."

  She turned somber eyes to him, "So was she." Her eyes were the blackest he had ever seen them. Kyle didn't like the defeated look in them.

  "Ariel, you did what you needed to do to survive. How many times have you told a victim you saved the same thing?"

  "It's not the same and I asked you to not call me by that name."

  With frustration mounting, Kyle stood and quickly striped to his boxers. He got in the bed and pulled her into his arms. She resisted for only a second before she laid her head against his chest, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

  Kyle felt relief. He knew her emotions were in a turmoil and he wanted to be her strength. His fingers found the end of her French braid and deftly unraveled her thick hair, running his fingers soothingly through her black tresses. After a few minutes of holding and caressing her she relaxed totally against him but she still remained awake.

  "So, Babydoll, is your brother right? Are we still getting married? Are you still mine?"

  Ashley leaned up her dark eyes ensnaring his. For what felt like a long time to Kyle she just stared, her expressive eyes roaming all over his facial features. "I love you, Kyle and want to marry you. If you still want me now that you know your future wife is a weak coward."

  Kyle's eyes burned bright with love as he took her shoulders and gently shook her. "That is enough! You are the least cowardly person I know. You were a child!" He held up a halting hand when he saw her about to speak. "Ashley was a child too, a brave little girl, a hero, yes, but still a little girl. The only one I saw in that room who was even remotely capable of handling that situation was your father and he was woefully outnumbered and was way too vulnerable with far too much to protect. He never had a chance. None of you did."

  "Daddy killed one of them and so did Ashley. While I blubbered like an idiot while my family was slaughtered."

  "Not to take away from what your Dad and Ashley did, 'cause God knows that scum deserved to die, but don't you see their actions combined with yours saved you and Jared that day."

  Confused, she questioned, "How did I help?"

  "One, your scream, even though you view it as weak, it is probably what gave your dad the chance to kill that guy. Otherwise, it would have been a complete blitz attack. Without your scream to alert the rest of your family that something was direly wrong, I doubt your dad or Ashley would have been able to put those men down."

  Kyle could tell she was listening to him. He pressed his advantage. "Two, your calls that brought immediate help. Did your dad tell you to do that?"

  She gave a sigh and lay back down in his arms her ear against his heartbeat. "Yes he did. One day when we were 10 he helped Ashley and me to memorize the number and the phrase activate guardian. He told us if anything bad ever happened to him or us that is what we were supposed to do, call the number say the words and hang up then immediately call 9-1-1 say nothing but leave the line open."

  "Three, you cuddled your mom. It was most likely your body warmth that help keep Jared alive long enough for the doctors to work their miracle."

  Kyle felt her tears on his chest. "I-I wasn't useless, I helped?"

  He pulled her even tighter, his heart breaking for the traumatized little girl she must have been. "Yes, Babydoll, you helped and you were never useless!"

  He held and caressed her until her silent tears ceased and she fell into a fitful sleep. He kissed the top of her head, changing their position so that he spooned her from behind. It was a long time later when he succumbed to slumber himself.


  Detective Carl Rider watched Buzz come slowly back to a more stable reality as he dropped a candy bar on the table. "I've been waiting to talk to you."

  His raggedy appearance was enhanced by the brightly streaming sunlight pouring in through the facilities dayroom windows. Even the bars against the glass couldn't stop the solar bath of light.

  Buzz groaned but snatched up the candy bar, tearing the paper off and shoving nearly the whole thing in his mouth. "Why can't you people leave me alone?" He mumbled with a full mouth.

  "Hey, asshole, the very second these people are done with you you're headed back to lockup."

  "Man I ain't done nothing. You can't pin no bum-wrap on me, pig."

  "I have you positively I-Ded as the one to purchase this dog." Carl slammed on the table a photo of the dog before Buzz had him and one after in the chief's kitchen. "You can't worm your way out of this, we got you for breaking and entering, vandalism, defacing private property, animal cruelty and a whole host of other charges. So you better start talking about who put you up to such an asinine move like breaking into the Chief of Detectives' home."

  Buzz actually stopped chewing when he heard who owned the home. His beady eyes got big as saucers. Belatedly he tried to cover, "I, uh, I got that dog as a gift for my sis' b-day..."

  "You don't have a sister genius!"

  "I meant my cousin, a girl cousin."

  Carl made tsking sounds and made a big show of gathering the photos and putting them in the folder. "Well, Buzz I tried to help you. There is no telling what a judge is going to do to you with the charges against you, especially because the victim is one of our own." He gave the table one more tap with the folder before turning towards the door.

  Buzz urgently called out, "Wait, wait, I want a deal!"

  Carl turned back around and started slamming photos on the table until he had 2 rows of 3 photos of 6 different men. "If you want even a small chance of leniency from the judge you point out the fucker who paid you to do the job."

  Buzz nervously chewed his lip and then bowed his head, whispering, "I can't."

  Carl snatched up the photos with angry motion, "I hope the judge puts you under the prison this is your 3rd strike."

  "No, no, no, don't leave I wanna help but I can't pick out the guy!"

  Carl gave a long suffering sigh, "Yeah, why not, he your boyfriend?"

  Buzz rubbed at his arms and his legs jittered his beady eyes shifted from side to side as he anxiously stammered, " I-I-I can't pick no guy 'cause it ain't no guy. It was a woman."


  Bunny Bencroft sat in the dingy motel thinking about the man who had made her sink to this level. How positively absurd for a Bencroft to be in this disgusting place that rented by the hour. She was perched gingerly on the one and only chair in the gloomy room. There wasn't a single bright spot in all the place. The curtains were dank looking, the carpet had suspect stains, the sheets on the bed gave new meaning to the words threadbare and the bed had a huge permanent dip in the middle. And, was that a cockroach currently creeping across the small tv? Great!

  Bunny simmered in anger. She was in this place all thanks to one Kyle Michael Strong. She had thought she wanted to ruin his relationship with the black bitch but now all she wanted was to end Kyle's life. It would be a fitting solution. No one should be able to go into another relationship after being in one with a Bencroft.

  She sighed. She was actually tired. It had been days since she followed Kyle and his whore from Richmond. Bunny had used her cell phone to contact her cousin, Talon Bencroft. Their fathers were brothers. Talon was known as a black sheep of the family. He did drugs, well, he did them openly. There were other Bencrofts who did the occasional toke but only behind closed doors and most definitely never in mixed company. Talon had been arrested and had even done some jail time. It was with his sketchy past in mind Bunny had elicited Talon's help via an introduction to the shady side of life. The first imbecile made through Talon's connection had pulled a couple pranks and had already been arrested. Bunny had been livid when she called Talon back and said she didn't want the amateur hour but true bad to the bone thugs.

had asked her if she was sure because the badass thugs he knew would slit her throat if she didn't keep her end of the deal. She had assured her cousin she was beyond sure and needed some serious wet work done by tomorrow night. Talon gave one last warning before giving Bunny the contact information she craved.

  The rain which had started hours earlier, and continued to fall, had driven her from her hiding place in the woods surrounding the house in which Kyle was staying. The place was certainly busy. There had been cops and ambulances on the scene quite often. Bunny felt the satisfied grin slip across her lips. She knew she was definitely responsible for some of the commotion. A frown quickly replaced her grin. But, she hadn't been the cause of the uproar yesterday. She wondered at the reason.

  There were 3 sharp rapid knocks on her door. Bunny quickly stood and opened the poor excuse for a barrier. A very large white man stood on the threshold.

  "Mr. Spencer?"

  The man raised an eyebrow. "Just Spencer, no mister."

  "Come in," she waved him inside and quietly closed the door. She turned and studied him with keen eyes. He was at least 6' 4" and had massive shoulders and a tank-size chest. His huge hands matched the rest of him as did his equally large feet.

  His hazel eyes gave her a once over and then his lips turn into a knowing snare. "Listen lady, you got a job for me or am I going to just drip rainwater all over your rug all night?"

  She walked into her gruesome bathroom, taking the one towel by the very tips of her index finger and thumb she offered it to him.

  He rolled his eyes, ignored the towel, wiping his brow with his hands and then shaking them. It was then Bunny noticed the swastikas on each of his hands on the cagina area. Talon had chosen well.

  "This needs to happen tomorrow night. I am sick of this disgusting town. But I won't go home until I know it's done."

  "Putting a rush on the job is going to cost you extra." The man's voice was big like the rest of him without being loud. He certainly got his point across. "And I get half up front."

  She had already taken care of the finances using one of her offshore accounts unconnected to the Bencroft name. Bunny went to the closet and grabbed the duffle bag she had prepared earlier. A matching duffle was in the trunk of her car waiting for the job's completion.

  "I must warn you, the residence is full and seems to be busy. I can't give you a good time to execute your plan. Just ensure it's done by midnight tomorrow night."

  Spencer shouldered the duffle after taking a peek inside. He held out his hand.

  Bunny rose condescending brows, "Yes?"

  He smirked, "A picture, an address, any of this ringing a bell?"

  "Yes, of course." Bunny took out several photos of her and Kyle and a slip of paper with the address.

  Spencer scanned the pictures before giving a snort, "Trouble in paradise?"

  "That's none of your business, handled the part that is yours!"

  Spencer slipped the information and photos into the duffle, "Don't get your panties in a bunch. Before I go I need to ask are you very sure? And is there anyone who may be at the house you don't want hurt or involved?"

  Bunny' s cold blue eyes didn't flinch as she directed, "Kill the entire house if you have to, I don't care. And I am always sure!"

  With a quick nod Spencer opened the door and disappeared into the downpour.

  Bunny walked over to the failed attempt for a bed and flipped the paper thin pillow. She stared down at her new purchase of the day. She liked the gleaming black metal. She caressed it like a lover enjoying the cold feel. Tomorrow it will all be over one way or another.


  Ashley hesitatingly entered the kitchen, frowning when she didn't find Kyle with the others at the table having breakfast. She had to admit she missed waking up in his arms.

  "Morning, Ash-- uh, Ariel, uh, I mean Mackenzie." Jack stuttered over his greeting.

  "It's okay you guys," she made sure to include Catlyn and Jared by looking them all in their eyes. "I had my name legally changed to Ashley when I was 18 but I’ve been known as Ashley since I entered the orphanage."

  Jared pulled out the chair next to him. "Take a load off sis." Ashley laughed, glad of his easy acceptance.

  She sat and ruffled his hair, "Good morning bro."

  Jared stared at her and touched her cheek with a gentle finger, giving a sad smile. "You look so much like Mom."

  Ashley repeated the gesture. "And you are the spitting image of Daddy. In fact you look like him when he had time to tan in the summer. He tanned really well."

  Jared quirked a brow, "Yeah it's pretty cool when you can pass for a multitude of races and nationalities. And while in prep school I ran the gambit of personas. I was Alan Waterford-Smythe the third from England, Daniel Connor O'Brien from Dublin, Marley Kingston from Jamaica and I even had my 'I'm black and proud' rebellion." Jared changed his accent for each alias he gave doing a more than credible job at sounding authentic.

  Jack laughed, "That's quite a trick you got."

  "It helped me get in just enough trouble over the years and drive Grandpa crazy."

  At the mention of the director the whole atmosphere changed. Catlyn passed Mackenzie a cup of coffee made to her liking. "We asked Jared to stay with us and join us at the wedding."

  A real smile spread across Mackenzie's face and reached her eyes. "Thank you, Cat and Jack."

  "No thanks required. That's what our wedding day is all about, sharing it with friends and family." Jack wanted them to feel comfortable. And after viewing that video he couldn't agree with Catlyn more when she told him the siblings needed some time to get to know one another. Their story was a heartbreaker.

  "So, Jared, you were told by your grandfather that your entire family died in a car accident?"

  "Jack!" Catlyn admonished.

  "What? You know you're curious. Your big profiler brain must be tweaking off the charts."

  "Hey!" Catlyn slapped his shoulder.

  Jack took her hand, bringing it to his lips, "Sorry Kitten, you know I love you for your body." He laughed at her annoyed look and tasted her frown before she could say more. After a quick kiss on her cheek as well he turned his attention on the siblings who watched him and Catlyn with happy smiles.

  "Sorry to put you on the spot man. You don't have to answer."

  "No it's alright." He sighed, giving Mackenzie an apologetic look. "I really had no idea you had survived. I was told you all died in a car accident and the doctors were able to save me last minute."

  "Where did you live?" Mackenzie was more than curious about her brother.

  "At Grandpa's place in Richmond. I use to go into your room, play with your toys, not the dolls, but for girls, you had some pretty cool stuff."

  "He kept our room at his place?"

  No one needed to ask which 'he' Mackenzie was referring.

  "Oh yes, and tons of pictures. I used to stare at your faces in all kinds of photos, all kinds of expressions. Your faces became a part of me, made me feel as though I knew you a little."

  Jared took Mackenzie's hand. "You have to believe me, if I even had a hint you were alive, I would have found you, insisted on seeing you, living with you. I had been missing you guys-- and, yes, it is possible to miss someone you never met-- so I needed something to occupy my mind. A friend from college invited me to her hometown for a visit. I think I was trying to get over missing you all so deeply and it was working until she took me to the Newburgh Waterfront. I was having a really good time. Then I saw this gorgeous girl with the D-J."

  "So, it was you Mackenzie saw that day at the dance? Why'd you run?" Catlyn asked.

  "Mainly because I had people I care about very worried over my mental state and I thought I had totally gone nuts, seeing my sisters' likeness in women around me. I had always missed you but I had never conjured up a hallucination before, I thought, this is it, Grandpa was right I obsessed so much over my lost family that my mind was manufacturing mirages!"

  "Don't worry, y
ou’re not alone. I chased you because I thought you were Dad! How is that for crazy?"

  Jared laughed, "I guess it runs in the family."

  Jack pointed out, "It turns out you were both right, well almost Mackenzie. You can't get any closer to the father than the son."

  Catlyn gave Jared a smile, "You know you unwittingly help bring down the Newburgh Slasher."

  Jared guffaw, "How's that now?"

  "Well if you hadn't caught Mackenzie's eye she never would have seen something she wasn't supposed to see."

  "Like what?"

  Mackenzie and then Jack gave Jared a rundown of the events that followed which culminated in the fatal capture of the Newburgh Slasher.

  "Jesus! A coma, sis, you don't do things small do ya?"

  Jack gave a bark of laughter, "Mackenzie doesn't know what small is, do you?" Jack winked at her, "It's why we love you Mack, never a dull moment."

  The landline rang. Jack gently pushed Catlyn back in her seat. "I got it sweetheart."

  "Mackenzie what were you told about Jared?"

  “To be honest Director Mackenzie never said Jared was dead. I just assumed he died with Mom."

  Jared stood, "An assumption the old fool never corrected. Why are you calling that bastard 'Director Mackenzie'? He doesn't deserve respect, especially not yours."

  "Jared, he's your grandfather, whether we like it or not that position deserves respect."

  "How can I continue to respect and love someone who has wronged me and someone I love so grievously?"

  "Like I did. One day at a time, try to make him proud, and pray one day he'll forgive you."

  Jared sat back down and hugged her. "Oh, little one, there is nothing to forgive. You were practically a baby. Nothing, and I mean, nothing on that video is your fault. It's a tragedy but not your fault."

  Mackenzie held him tight, hiding her tears against his shoulder. "You do know I am older than you right? Why are you calling me little one?"

  "Hey, you may be older but I am way bigger." The siblings shared a laugh.

  Catlyn smiled too, "He does have a point."


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