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Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy

Page 24

by Mckoy, Cate

  As his words slowly petered out, Ashley felt the warm wetness on her chest and hands. She began to scream Kyle’s name as his eyes slowly closed. “Kyle, Kyle! No, no, no, Kyle, don’t leave me!”

  “Fuck! I need a doctor over here, damnit!” Jack shouted as he tried to separate Mackenzie from Kyle. “Come on, Mackenzie. I need to see about getting Kyle help. Come, sweetie, give him to me.”

  Vaguely she felt Kyle pulled from her arms. She watched in a daze as he was placed flat on the ground and a medical team started to work on him. She stared not understanding the blood staining her hands and clothes. She screamed and continued to scream her pain and anguish.

  “…I don’t give a fuck about your policy, sedate her right fucking now… that’s her fiancé over there on the ground dying… she’s going to scream her voice and sanity away, sedate her, sedate her now!”


  Mackenzie sat under the canopy in a chair in front of the grave newly covered with dirt. She heard the hesitant footsteps behind her. “You can stop tip-toeing around me.”

  Catlyn Lyte sat in one of the vacated chairs next to Mackenzie that had been placed in front of the casket for immediate family. Cheryl, Nancy, Holly and Drew had been seated in the other chairs earlier.

  “Sorry for the kid gloves everyone has been using. But we’re just worried. We love you.”

  Mackenzie looked at Catlyn. She was one of her best friends. The only one greater was Nancy and she couldn’t lean on her right now, it was her brother buried in the grave before them.

  “It was really great of you guys to postpone your wedding and come to Virginia for his funeral. Thank you, Tasha too, that surprised me.”

  “No thanks required. Kyle was a friend. He and Jack grew to be very close. And Tasha likes you a lot.”

  “I didn’t even know Kyle had so many friends. The church was so full and so many had such wonderful things to say about him. Jack’s words made me cry even more if that were possible.”

  “Kyle was his friend. He felt his loss greatly and hated himself for being just seconds too late. It was your eulogy that brought me and the entire church to tears.”

  “It was hard and not. It was hard because I hurt so much and feel his loss so deeply. But it wasn’t hard at all to tell about what a wonderful man he was in his personal life and business life. A great man all around.”

  Catlyn reached into her purse and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “Cheryl gave this to me and asked that I pass it along to you. It was in his wallet when she received his personal effects from the hospital. It is for you. I think it’s his vows.” Catlyn gave her a kiss on the cheek. “We’ll wait for you at the condo. Take your time.”

  Mackenzie waited until there was silence. She looked up at the inappropriately bright sunny sky. She didn’t know how she’d make it without Kyle. With a heavy heart she unfolded the paper and read:

  Ashley, Ariel, My darling Babydoll,

  Since the day we met I’ve felt your pull

  Pulling me towards you until my heart was full

  Full to brimming with your sweet innocent touch

  From the first day you’ve given me so much

  To strangers, friends and family you have given your all

  I ask that you come to me and we will follow the call

  The call of an endless love is what we have and share

  We become one today from and individual pair

  We’ll give each other our love, attention and care

  As an agent you have risked your life numerous times

  I ask you today to risk it all again by being mine

  To love and live for us and our future kids too

  But most of all Ariel love and live for you

  With tears streaming down her face Mackenzie cried to the sky begging to the powers that be to ease her pain.


  Undisclosed location of a FBI/HCD Safe House

  The lone man in military attire leaned nonchalantly against the balcony door frame. Looks were deceiving for the man was aware of every sound, motion and every entrance into the house.

  His telecom came to life, “Base to Defender 1”

  “Defender 1, go base.”

  “Chief 1 wants a sit-rep on Chief 2.”

  “The doctors left about an hour ago. Situation is unchanged.”

  “Ok. Guardian 2 is relieving you tonight, after, report to location Beta 5.”

  “Copy that base, Defender 1 out.”

  As he did every day for the pass month Defender 1 watched the still man on the bed, protecting him against all.

  The End

  You have read Book 2 of a Trilogy

  Read Book 3: Double Dark coming

  Look for Ariel’s continued story in “Mackenzie’s Song” coming in the Fall of 2015


  Cate Mckoy is a life-long resident of Newburgh, NY. She is the happy mother of 5 and also a grandmother. She has worked as an IT-professional for many years. Also included in her many Jane of all Trades jobs is: AAA operator, hotel reservations clerk and instructor. Her most favorite job other than being a mom and a grandmother is of course an Author.




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