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New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1)

Page 3

by W. R. Benton

  “She's not home, and is away visiting her grand-babies. Do you think I should call her?”

  “No, but if you have her number, let me have it and if they're not home by tomorrow morning I'll contact her.”

  She walked away and returned a few minutes later with the number. Handing it to Frank, she said, “Anything else I should know?”

  “Do not speak about Jerry being taken on the phone or computer, because both are being monitored, I'm sure.”

  “This can't be happening in the United States this day and age, can it? Jerry's no criminal, just an old retired military guy that drinks too much beer at times and gets obnoxious on the computer. He has very strong opinions about being patriotic and is worried about our county. He's very open about both.”

  Frank met her eyes and said, “I think it may be more common than we realize. Let's just hope they're both returned safely and soon. I'll do some digging around and see what I can find.”

  “You be careful, because we have no idea who is behind all of this.”

  James was out in the garage painting a doll house he'd made for his granddaughter, when Frank pulled into his driveway. Seeing his friend of many long years, he placed the paintbrush on the top of the can and was wiping his hands with a rag when Wilson neared.

  “Top, we need to talk and your house is not the place. Let's go for a ride in my car for a bit.”

  “Okay, but what's going on?”

  “We'll talk in the car and it's about a basketball game.”

  Basketball game? Hell, he knows I can't stand round-ball at all, Top thought as he moved to Wilson's car.

  Once they were moving, Frank turned on some music and said, “We'll talk in a minute.”

  “It's your dime.”

  He then pulled into a large parking lot for a department store and said, “Let's take a walk.”

  As they walked, Frank told him all he knew and James was stunned. He'd spoken to a lot of men, intelligent men, who believed in the NWO, but never, until now, had he had any solid proof the organization even existed.

  “Is she sure of the plate being NWO666?”

  “She even wrote it down.”

  “I can't believe this; did you run a check on the plate?”

  “I did and there is no such plate. Never has been a plate like that made in the USA.”

  “She's positive about the plate?”

  “Her husband was being taken and he was placed in a van, so I'm damned sure she got the right plate. She was terrified and while she didn't say anything about being scared for herself, her eyes spoke a great deal.”

  “I just can't believe this NWO crap.” James said, his frustration obvious over the missing men.

  “This is not new, and they've been around since the 1700's, but most people thought they were part of the Masons.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “Look, a lot of folks know John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln, but few know why. See, Lincoln had been meeting with the leaders of the blacks and his goal was to have all of them relocated to someplace else, at the expense of the Federal Government. Lincoln was one of the biggest racists in the history of America. They'd been going over places that were similar to Africa in weather, when the NWO had the man killed. The NWO at that time knew the blacks would eventually demand equality and they did, only it was the 1960's before a lot was done about it. The NWO wants countries to fight internally and collapse.”

  “I don't know if I can believe that.” James said, and shook his head.

  “Okay, what if I told you I suspect JFK wasn't assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald alone, but by the NWO, using Oswald as the trigger finger? JFK had threatened to release some pretty good news in a few weeks and from what I gathered, it was about the elite rich and powerful. He was killed to shut him up.”

  “Okay, let's say you're correct, what in the world would the NWO want with two old retired military men like Jerry and Thomas?” James asked.

  “That I can't answer, unless it's to make both of them an example.”

  “Let's pray that's not the case or we may never find their bodies.”

  “I don't think they'll kill them, but they might.”

  “What now?”

  Glancing at his watch, Frank said, “It's 1534, so I have to get you back home and then pick up my wife at the hospital. Her shift ends at 1600.” He turned and they started walking back to his car.

  “You going to be online tonight?”

  “Yep, but don't bring any of this stuff up or even discuss it on the phone.” Frank warned.

  “No, of course not. Do you think our homes are bugged?”

  “I honestly don't know, but we're small time for NWO. I think they just want to shut Jerry's big mouth so he doesn't stir up the general population.”

  “Do you think the President is stupid enough to declare martial law and bring the UN into this country?” James asked.

  “I don't think the man is stupid by any imagination, but someone else is calling the shots, not him.” He shrugged and then unlocked the car doors.

  “Well, I think it would be a huge mistake for him and he'd have a Civil War on his hands that would kill millions. Lawdy, can you imagine the veterans and hunters giving up their guns? Hell, the deep South has been waiting for another civil war and I suspect this would be bloody. I don't see the rednecks or cowboys giving up their weapons, it just won't happen.”

  “I'll not give up mine without a fight. How about you?”

  “No way in hell. I earned the right to have my guns during my military service, not that earning a right is needed. Like most Americans, I feel the Constitution is all the right I need. Carrying a gun to me is a God given right.”

  “Well, let me get you home so I can pick up my wife from work.” Frank said and started the car.

  The next morning after Donna left for work, James moved to the computer to see if anything had been heard from the two missing men.


  “Howdy, Top.” Frank answered quickly enough.

  He must live on this site, James thought and typed, “Any word on Thomas or Jerry?”

  “Yes and we're going to take another walk where we did yesterday.”


  “Right now, okay?”

  “Sure. Later, Frank.”

  “Stay safe.”

  James jumped on his motorcycle and drove to the department store parking lot and saw Frank leaning against his car door. He was smoking and, as far as James knew, he'd stopped smoking twenty years ago.

  He parked his bike, removed his helmet and placed the brain bucket on a mirror.

  “Well?” he asked as he walked toward his friend.

  “They're back, but they ain't pretty.”

  “Don't you know smoking isn't good for you?”

  “Lay off, because I'm in the mood to start drinking again too.”

  Leaning on the car as well, James asked, “What do you mean by they're not pretty?”

  “Late last night, near midnight, a van drove by the house and our two boys were rolled out onto the pavement. Jerry has two broken legs and two broken arms. One of the arms, I think it's his left, is a compound fracture. Thomas looks like hell and lost all the nails on both hands, has a nasty cut to his forehead and both legs are broken. According to the VA doctor, it looks like the breaks were made with a steel pipe. He's got a couple of cracked ribs and he's complaining of his back hurting.”

  “How do you know all of this?”

  “Joan called me last night crying and thinking the broken bones would kill them. I had her call an ambulance and have them taken to the VA hospital in Houston. I visited both of them this morning and had a chance to speak with their doctor during his rounds.”

  “How do they look?”

  “Rough, man, rough. Both are skinned up and bruised. Jerry was out of it when I visited, but Thomas came around long enough to talk to me. He clearly said, 'The New World Order wants 'all veterans to stand down and not interfere in the
coming years,' but I'm not sure if it was him or the drugs talking.”

  “I find this hard to believe, man. This sounds more like a couple of men holding out on a drug dealer or pimp and being taught a lesson. Let me have one of your cigarettes.”

  Tossing the pack to him, along with the lighter, Frank said, “Now it's like old times, you never did have enough money to buy a whole pack of smokes.”

  James laughed and then said, “Did he say anything else?”

  “Yes, he said for us to watch television tonight, when the President speaks.”

  “You mean he's been beat to hell and wants me to watch the President lie to us again?” James gave a confused look as he spoke.

  “He said he was warned that the comments about the NWO are to stop and right now. He said the President will be talking about the NWO and the UN. Tonight he's to make a very serious announcement to the American people. Thomas warned that all veterans will be declared legally insane and admitted to medical facilities for treatment.”

  “Facilities, my ass. They'll murder us is what they'll do.” James said, his anger obvious.

  “Well, let’s listen to the President tonight and see what the man says. He'd be pretty stupid to piss off over 12 million veterans by calling them insane.”

  “You know, he's about useless as a man and even less effective as a leader. I suspect the dumb-ass is going to announce that the UN is coming for our guns, and I hope that won't happen. The second he says that and declares martial law, the people will rise up in revolt.”

  “Tonight, just like always, when you're online, we'll communicate. If martial law is declared and they're coming for our guns, I'll ask you to meet me for a card game this weekend. Once I say that, you reply with an okay and we'll wrap up the talking. As soon as you're off the computer, bring Donna and meet me at my hunting lodge. I know it's safe to talk there and I've already told a number of people I really trust with this information. Keep the information secret, and tell Donna it's a weekend camping trip.”

  “Oh, this is going to really mess this country up. I just don't believe this. I pray we're all wrong about this.”

  “It's real, and my primary concern is how the military is going to react.”

  James thought for a moment and then said, “Our enlistment oaths have this covered, remember; “I, insert your name, swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.'”

  The key words are: defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. First, the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution, that's not open to debate; an order given to take our guns away is unlawful according to the UCMJ. I think the military will side with the people on this one.”

  “Well, I need to get home, but let me know this evening what we're going to do.”

  “Will do, and you stay safe. I trust no one these days. You carrying?”

  “Always, and I have been since I retired. You?”

  “I wasn't earlier, but I am now. Later.”

  At 1800 on the dot the President of the United States walked behind a podium at the White House and said, “My fellow Americans, it is only after much thought that I speak to you tonight to share a decision I have made. As the man you elected to carry out your wishes, I could not delegate this responsibility to anyone else. After seeing the great progress that gun control has experienced in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Saint Louis, and other places in our great nation, I have asked the United Nations to become actively involved with collecting firearms from all owners throughout the United States, effective immediately. This is with the hope that most of you will voluntarily surrender your guns. Additionally, in order to suppress any violence, and there will be violence, I am declaring martial law throughout the land effective tonight at midnight. The UN is already in place, so all they have to do is don their uniforms tonight. If you are out after midnight this evening you run the risk of being arrested or shot. Let me assure you, this is no joke and I am being dead serious here. Starting tomorrow, we'll be collecting registered weapons that are listed by owners in our computer system. I am aware that by taking your guns I am violating your second amendment rights, but our safety is more important than allowing a bunch of rednecks and cowboys to have guns. I think by disarming our country we can roll into the New World Order smoothly. I thank all of you for your time.” The man then turned and walked away.

  James, sitting on the sofa with his arm around Donna, said, “Awww shit.”


  Agent X1 walked around the old abandoned warehouse and out of habit, he stayed in the darker shadows. He smiled as he thought of his interrogation of the two old men and how defiant they'd been at first. Near the end, they'd begged him to kill them. He'd worked the two retired military men over hard, and knew he'd gotten carried away with his crowbar. However, before he'd started being rough his brain received a thought impulse to leave the men alone, at least for a while, and to question them. He had no idea this thought was the result of a chip planted in his left arm, slightly below his wrist, in his hand. With the chip installed, every thought of Agent X1 was recorded, and new thoughts could be sent to his brain. Christians in some third world nations had refused to be implanted with the chip, calling it the mark of the beast, and they'd died in large numbers. To date, many who were once Christians were carrying a chip. They'd renounced their religion to save their lives.

  He'd learned nothing from interrogating the two men, except they were a couple of old men who disliked the current President, as well as the President elect. They were both hardcore Republicans who were tired of the “free” society that had been created by the Liberals in America. There were now more folks on public assistance than off, and the worker bees were paying out the nose to provide the free support to their fellow Americans. They were both extremely upset that American tax dollars were paying for sex change operations, providing free assistance to illegal aliens, relocating refugees and providing them large sums of money, and supplying free birth control pills for women, while veterans died waiting to see a doctor at their local VA hospital. Once he'd questioned them, he beat both men hard to teach them they must avoid discussing the New World Order or they'd be killed the next time.

  His cell phone rang and he opened it, “Yes?”

  A familiar voice only said three words, “Begin phase three.”

  “I understand, begin phase three.”

  “Correct.” the voice replied and then the phone went dead.

  X1 knew his job now was to kill large numbers of innocent people, but he felt no emotion.

  He returned to his office, opened his safe, and removed a cylinder marked, “Polonium 210.” There was a National Basketball Association playoff game this evening and X1 would need to service the air conditioners.

  It is said a single gram of Polonium 210 could easily kill 10 million people if ingested, inhaled, or injected. Another advantage of using Polonium is if the radiation doesn’t kill you, which would be rare, you are then a perfect candidate to get cancer. Some scientists claim it's 250,000 times deadlier than hydrogen cyanide, but X1 didn't know or care about that. He had been trained that high doses would result in the victim experiencing confusion, convulsion, and coma within just minutes of inhaling the poison. Phase Three put Agent X1 and all the other agents in the United States into an action mode.

  The purpose of Phase Three was to reduce the world's population to a more manageable level. To coincide with X1's basketball game, agents across the states were to bring their various groups into action. All the minority groups would start huge riots, with looting and the killing of police officers, all inst
igated by NWO agents. Agents in the Republican state militia groups would bring them out of the woodwork to assist the local and state police in controlling the violence caused by the looters. Given time, these agents would eventually resort to shooting and killing.

  Even the illegal aliens and refugees had, over time, been infiltrated as well and they would step forward to add their protests. Many of the refugees were Muslims and they'd make their presence felt by using suicide bombers in busy areas, detonation of road side bombs, and through assassinations. There were also a number of dirty bombs owned by the Muslims and they'd not hesitate to detonate all of them. They already had selected locations for the weapons, and now they would be used. It was hoped that a massive civil war would develop in the middle of all this chaos.

  Glancing at his watch, X1 went to the garage, took a white van and then placed a large magnetic sign on both sides that advertised A-1 Air Conditioning and Heating. He loaded his Polonium 210, dressed in a pair of coveralls and then drove to the event. By now, it was just starting and he knew people had been lined up for hours, because newsmen had covered that very well on the 6 o'clock news. By looking at the blueprints of the building, X1 knew where the air conditioning and heating unit was located. He'd drive to the entry gate and have a guard let him in. He had a fake driver’s license, a fake company ID and even had the gas cylinder marked as R-410A. He'd been taught that R-410A, a replacement for Freon, contained no chlorine and was considered ozone-friendly, so the container would not be suspect. Even if eyed closely, he would gain access, but if he ran into trouble, he'd just kill the guard.

  When he neared the location of the game, the streets were filled with folks going to the playoffs, so X1 smiled. None of them suspected that within a few minutes, most would be breathing Polonium 210 and be dead shortly. He pulled up to a gate shack.

  “What do you need?” the guard asked; his name tag read Jones.

  “I've been sent to top off the Freon for the game tonight.”


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