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New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1)

Page 8

by W. R. Benton

  Looked like metal flashing, so it may mean someone is coming for Frank, he thought and then said, “I just saw sunlight flash off of metal to the west of me, so we have company.”

  Joda said, “Frank, pull your pistol and come with me.”

  “Take these boys, too.” Blake said and handed both men a 12 gauge pump shotgun. “They're both filled with buckshot.”

  “What about me?” Richard “Dick” Williams asked. He was an old 11 bravo, or infantry man from way back in the 70's.

  “Can you handle a 30.06 with a good scope?” James asked.

  “Sure I can.”

  “There's one right above the door in the lodge. Fetch it and see if you can help them from the patio if you can.”

  Dick was soon sitting on the patio, glassing the area, rifle close by. Joda and Frank were long gone. Suddenly, the sound of a rifle shot was heard, followed almost instantly by two shotguns. Then it grew quiet.

  Dick using the field glasses said, “They have a man down, but I can't see if he's hurt bad or not.”

  “One of our men is down?” James asked.

  “Nope, looks to be a man I've never seen before.”

  “Blake, take the four wheeler ATV to 'em and see if they need help.”

  “Sure thing, because I love drivin' a four wheeler.”

  Thirty minutes later, X1 was on the patio, leaking from a gunshot wound to his left leg. His Russian sniper rifle was gone, all his pistols were gone, and his hands were handcuffed behind his back.

  “Who are you?” Frank asked.

  “You have my wallet, it's on my driver’s license.”

  “What were you doing up there, and don't tell me hunting.”

  “I was hunting, but hunting for a spot to try my new rifle. I did nothing wrong and —”

  “My land is posted no trespassing, and you saw the signs.” James said.

  “The rifle you have is a professional sniper weapon and not designed for hunting.”

  “Go to hell. Call the police, so I can go home.”

  “Donna, ask your friends at dispatch to run a background check on an Anton W. Cash.” James handed his cell phone to his wife and the man's driver’s license. Tell them we caught him trespassing a few minutes ago.”

  Franks wife, Nancy, moved to Agent X1 and using a pocket knife, cut his pant leg so she could see his wound.

  “You're a very lucky man. I see only four holes with buckshot, and you could have been killed.” She then used tweezers to pull the lead from his calf.

  As she doctored the man, Donna was on hold with the dispatcher. She'd given X1's name and information, so now she was waiting for the computer check.

  Nancy cleaned the area with Hydrogen Peroxide and then smeared triple-antibiotic ointment on the four holes.

  Donna began speaking and in a minute closed the phone.

  “He has no warrants, he's a college history professor and he's an important member of the NWO, according to Sergeant Hanes. His computer documents all have the triangle with the eye in the middle of the image. He is to be released immediately by the authority of the President.”

  James said, “The President is dead so he has no authority over me, and I'll not release him.”

  Feeling brave now, Agent X1 said, “I demand to be released right now. I am a simple university history professor.”

  “Name one Indian that attacked General Custer.”

  “Look, you know I'm harmless and even the President waives my arrest. I am no threat to any of you.”

  “Shut up,” James said and continued, “because you're not what you seem to be. I can't see a college professor, usually a damned Liberal, running around on my land with a sniper rifle unless you were out to kill one of us.”

  Frank said to X1, “Stand.”

  When the man stood, Frank looked his forearms over and said, “He's been implanted with a chip. We'll get nothing out of him as long as the chip is in him. It has GPS tracking too, controls his thoughts, records his thoughts, and controls him.”

  Nancy said, “I can remove it with a scalpel. I can give him a local to kill the pain.”

  “Frank, bring his ass over here and bend him over the table. We'll do the job there.” James said and then opened another beer. “Give him a local if you want, but I don't care one way or the other.”

  Frank and Joda held Agent X1 over the table, Nancy administered the local and then taking her thumb located the chip. She then took the scalpel and sliced down to a small plastic capsule looking container. Using a pair of tweezers she removed it and James threw it in the BBQ grill flames. Nancy cleaned the small wound and wrapped it.

  “It's an admirable thing you have accomplished, but all you've done is place this whole place on the New World Order's death list. They will suspect I'm dead now, so even if I do show, I will soon be dead. Damn it to hell, you've just killed everyone of us. You fools!”

  “Do you feel differently now?” Joda asked.

  “I . . . I can think better, clearer, and we're all in serious trouble.”

  “Why are we in trouble?” James asked, and took a swig of his beer.

  “If the NWO determines I'm alive, they'll move mountains or wipe out nations to kill me. I know too much.”

  “Oh?” Frank asked.

  “I was, until just now, a professional killer for them. I went to work for the CIA after I got out of the Army, got a GPS chip implanted as part of my indoctrination into special ops, and have not had any emotions or thoughts of my own in years. At some point, I was transferred from the CIA to the New World Order, but don't remember how or when that happened. It's as if my long term memory is gone, completely. I know I have a wife, kids, but know nothing beyond that. I know my address but can't even give you the name of my wife or a child's name.”

  “How do we know he's tellin' us the truth?” James asked.

  “I'll try truth serum on him in a few minutes.” Frank said, and then smiled.

  Taking a swig of his beer and then wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand, James asked, “Does sodium pentothal really work?”

  “Yes and no. He'll talk, but we'll have to separate the truth from the bullshit. In his case, I think most of what he speaks today will be truth.” Frank said, as Nancy nodded in agreement.

  “It won't hold up in a court of law.” May said.

  “I don't think we want to even try to take the New World Order to court, when they are some of the richest and most powerful people in the world.” Dick said.

  “You can be sure, they own most judges.” Blake said and took a sip of his brew.

  Four hours later, after X1 had rambled on for hours, everyone was loaded in the motor-home, jeep, and Frank was on the motorcycle. The lodge had been locked up, windows boarded up and all the supplies, including food, were taken. Even the top of the RV had boxes and boxes of various items secured, because they would all be needed. They headed north by east, moving from Houston, Texas to Southern Missouri. James owned some land in the Ozarks and on his land was a fairly large cave. The cave was the final destination.

  Gas stations were still open, but prices were insane, at $10.99 a gallon, but all filled up. All but James had emptied their accounts at ATM's. Agent X1 had less than eight thousand dollars on him, but knew if he took money out of an ATM, the NWO would know he was alive. James drove into town and transferred all his cash into gold bars, except for $5000 in cash, all of which he brought to the camper with him. X1 wanted to stop and get his wife, but then remembered she'd been part of his cover and had a chip implanted too. The children had been implanted by NWO just months after their births. Finally, feeling he could not trust his wife, he continued on with the rest.

  Then he remembered the times with his wife before the chip was installed and his deep love for her. Neither had the chip then and life had been so good. Suddenly, he was flooded with emotions, because he loved his wife and kids, but none could be trusted. Tears began to fall harder as he, the big hit man, cried over the loss of his famil

  James, tired of the man's crying, drove to X1's house. When Carol answered the door, Frank, X1, and Dick quickly moved inside and gagged and handcuffed her. The two kids were still small, so they were all taken back to the lodge. At the lodge, each was given a local to kill pain, and the chips were removed. Each child was then medicated by Nancy to help them sleep.

  Carol was confused, but knowing X1 was her husband, she moved to him and he placed his arm around her shoulder. He turned to her, lifted her face by using his finger on her chin and he asked, “Do you remember who you are?”

  “I am your wife and I love you; we have two sons.”

  “What is your name?”

  “Carol? I think.”

  Hugging her, he said, “And, your last name?”

  “Hall, and you're Ben.” She then kissed him on the nose.

  “Okay,” James said, “we're on our way to the Ozark Mountains.”

  As they drove, they watched TV and the news was disturbing.

  “This is Burt Wilcox and our top story for today is the FBI, working closely with FEMA, arrested more than four thousand Christians over this last weekend. According to the FBI, those arrested have violated the law of separation of religion and private businesses, by refusing to provide services or sale goods to those they feel violate their religious beliefs. Those arrested were immediately moved to FEMA camps and this was done to insure their safety. The FBI further stated that the Christians would be released if they accepted the controversial chip implant, which many Christians are calling the mark of the beast. This implant, just slightly larger than a medical capsule is being refused by most Christians, stating it's a sign of the devil or 666. Be sure to see our special tonight when I will show the chip is not the mark of the beast nor associated with the Biblical numbers 666. I will also discuss my personal implant and the almost completely painless procedure. The use of the chip will make identification for services or goods easier and faster as it confirms each person's identity and status instantly.”

  The camera switched to a female reporter sitting beside Burt, who said, “Good evening, I'm Jessica Williams. In other news today, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated that a battle with the United Nations troops has begun. The UN troops were originally brought in to collect guns from American gun owners who would not voluntarily surrender them. The US military, which is sworn to protect the Constitution, as old and useless as it is, refused to allow the UN to move. The military stated private citizens of this nation have a right to bear arms and that right will be protected by them. The UN has threatened the United States with a world war, if their troops were attacked. That attack against the UN was launched at approximately 1400 Houston time.”

  The camera switched back to Burt, who said, “Today NSA announced a great month for the security of our nation. In the last 30 days, over 10,000 people using social media have been investigated and only 376 have been brought in, interrogated, and then released. The remainder have been locked up in FEMA camps, local jails, or prisons. The judicial system will soon be swamped as each state slowly starts to agree to follow the imposed martial law. Now the weather.”

  “Interrogated my ass! Those bastards beat me and almost killed me!” Thomas said.

  Ben Hall remembered hurting the two men, but he'd had a hood over his face, so he knew he'd not been seen. It was not something he was proud of now.


  The wind was blowing little snow devils around and around, and the temperature was below freezing, as the Head of the American Secret Service met with the Boss in Darmstadt, Germany. It was early evening, with snow still falling, but dark already.

  “So, X1 is no longer available. What has happened to the man, or do we know?” the Boss asked after many long minutes of silence. His breath looked like smoke as he spoke.

  “His chip showed him being captured, the Infrared sensing device in the chip picked up the heat of two individuals, substantiated by his recorded thoughts. He was escorted about two miles away, maybe, and we encountered difficulty sending thoughts to him, until finally, his chip went dead. I think it was burned, because the registered temperature sent to us was that of a fire.”

  “And, what would cause his chip to die?”

  “Only a few things; his battery died, which is very unlikely, or his arm was destroyed, or he was blown to pieces, or it was removed and tossed into a fire.”

  The Boss stopped walking, turned to face Holley and asked, “Of the three, which do you suspect?”

  “X1 was no normal agent, sir. He may have gotten wind that he'd been selected to be hit as well. As the only man who'd thought he'd killed the President he may have quickly realized he was a dead man.”

  “Not exactly true, Holley, because one of your own Agents, Joda May, also knew you killed two men that night in the hospital. So, we now have two people loose in the United States, and both know you are a killer. I taunted X1 when I talked with him and told him someone else had killed the President. I was sure he'd seen you, but was told later he had not, so I'm unsure. My question is, what are you doing about this and when will they both be dead?”

  “We are picking up the signals from Agent X1's wife and two boys at a hunting lodge just outside of Houston. We know the devices have been removed from all three, because the chips temperature was less that the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and then they stopped working. We have reason to believe they are all there, along with a retired Air Force Security Policeman by the name of James Walker, and his wife Donna.”

  “What was the rank of this Walker while in uniform?”

  “An E-8, which is just a Senior Master Sergeant. Why?”

  “Less than 3 percent of the US military attains the E-8 and E-9 positions. So, this James Walker is not a stupid man by any means. I want the lodge hit, and hit hard. I want no feet on the ground, so see an aircraft takes the place out.”

  “Aircraft? I might be able to have a bomb dropped on the place and then claim the bomb came loose and accidentally fell on the structure.”

  “You heard my wishes, now make them come true. Also, what is the status of Agent Joda May?”

  “There is a reward for him, and his image is being flashed all over the country on television. There have been no leads so far.”

  “Double the reward, because money talks. Make it enough his own momma would turn him in for the cash.”

  Holley nodded and said, “Both will happen as soon as our talk is finished.”

  “This talk is finished.” the Boss said, turned, and then walked off into the darkness.

  Holley's room was at the Frankfurt Airport and was a suite paid for by United States tax dollars as he traveled. He wondered about the “Boss” and who was the real money and power in the NWO. So far, his intelligence information led him to this single older rich gentleman in Germany. He knew the Boss owned a number of pharmaceutical companies, part of a railroad, and a number of manufacturing plants. He was obviously worth billions of dollars, but his senses warned him the Boss wasn't the top dog. He'd find out one day.

  He poured a couple of fingers of Kentucky bourbon into a whiskey glass and moved to the shower. He showered, shaved and threw on some lounge pants and a tee. He'd called room service for a supper and had it delivered.

  There was a low knock at his door. Looking out the peephole, he spotted two gorgeous women.

  They must have the wrong room, he thought as he held his whiskey in his left hand and opened the door. He met their eyes and asked, “Yes?”

  “Are you Mister Holley?”

  “Yes, but I don't know you, either of you.”

  “The Boss sent us over to make sure your evening was relaxing and entertaining.”

  “Uh, well, I don't know. I am a married man.”

  “At least let us have one drink and if you're not absolutely charmed by us, we'll leave, okay?”

  “Okay just one drink. Come in.”

  Both were wearing furs and they placed them on the sofa. They mov
ed to the bar; Holley poured them both a whiskey, and looked them over closely.

  One was blonde, maybe 110 pounds, short, well shaped, long neck, short hair, big blue eyes, with pouting lips and large breasts. He found her glossy lips attractive. She was the quiet one.

  The other had auburn hair, weighed maybe 120 pounds, about 5 feet and seven inches tall, nice rump, shapely breasts, which were just slightly smaller than the blonde's. Her lips were also glossy, and she had the habit of running her tongue over her bottom lip.

  They were truly beautiful, but the last thing he needed was to take something home to momma he didn't come here with.

  The two women were sitting very close together and the Blonde said, “I'm Gretchen and this is Molly. We're live entertainers and would love to help you pass a few hours.”

  “I have no protection.” Holley said.

  “We brought some.” Gretchen said and then placed a box of condoms on the bar.

  Molly leaned over and kissed Gretchen deeply; as she started undressing her, Holley moaned.

  Dawn, 0600 hours, near James Walker's lodge, a prior United States Air Force Combat Controller sat on a hill about a mile from the structure. He was wearing face paint, a camouflage uniform, Boonie hat, camo gloves, and an M4A1. He blended in well with his surroundings and he had a military radio in his hand.

  “Razorback 1, this is Eyes 1, over.” he said, after glancing at his watch.

  “Roger, Eyes, uh, how does it look?”

  “Same-same as on the map. I count three vehicles outside, no in or out traffic. Uh, what is your ETA?”

  “Three minutes, Eyes 1. I'm coming in from the west, and will dive to deliver the egg.”

  “Roger that, copy. What is your load?”

  “I have napalm or MK-82 bombs.”

  “Use the napalm.”

  “Copy, one shake and bake coming up.”

  The aircraft came screaming toward the lodge and at the last second pulled up as the pilot released two metal containers that looked like fuel tanks to most folks. The containers were spinning end over end until they struck about a 100 feet before the structure. An explosion was heard and a wave of flames, still moving from the jet's momentum, rolled over the lodge and then fell. Within seconds a long line of flames was burning in the valley below. The building that was James Walker's pride and joy was an inferno.


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