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New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1)

Page 19

by W. R. Benton

  “I'll see it's done, sir.” Hill said.

  Minutes passed and then the aide's phone rang.

  “Hello? Yes, yes, let me ask him.”

  “Sir, it's your chef and he wants to know if you want what is on the menu or something different tonight for supper.”

  “Steak, baked potato, and salad. Tell him, in the future to ask the First Lady. I'm entering a damned war and he wants to know what I desire for supper?” He removed a decanter from the bar and poured himself a large glass of Kentucky whiskey.

  “Sir, has anyone given thought to the Democrats and Republicans trapped where they may not want to be?”

  “I haven't, and why should I even care?”

  “I think they could prove a valuable asset to you and our cause.”

  “Oh? Tell me more.”

  “The Republicans we can round up and use them as hostages in certain situations. Telling the enemy if they do this or don't do that, we will kill x number of them. Then, our folks could be very useful as spies.”

  “Excellent idea. I want you to order that the voting record of every city under our control forward a listing of all Republicans to the police. I want all of them rounded up and placed in FEMA camps. If any of them give you any troubles, shoot them.”

  “There will be resistance, sir.”

  Smiling, the President said, “Yes, of course there will be, and so much the better.”

  In the Conservative States of America, a tall thin man walked to the podium in Atlanta and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the first President of the Conservative States of America, William P. Patterson.”

  Patterson was an average looking man, in his mid-fifties, of average size and weight. His brown hair was worn short, his beard neatly trimmed, and his green eyes alert. A beautiful Southern Belle moved to him and he took her hand in his. Both raised a hand to wave at the people watching and cheering for them. The First Lady was ten years his junior and she was still as pretty as when in college. They had three children, two boys and a girl, all adopted.

  Walking to the podium, Patterson said, “We have a hard time ahead of us which will not be easy in the months to come, but I feel God is on our side. Unlike the last civil war, I don't expect the government of the winning side to be as gentle as the Yankees were in 1865. I know I will personally place a rope around the neck of the sonofabitch they currently call the President.

  Most of our military forces are with us in this fight, so unlike the last war, we are starting with a well organized fighting force on our side, with plenty of supplies. However, the might of the whole world may be thrown at us, but with God's help we will win.

  Effective immediately, we will pray and say a pledge of allegiance to the flag in all government and school buildings in all states at the beginning of each day. Our police will round up all illegal aliens and then send them home, billing their nations the cost of transportation. Refugees who do not want to see our crosses, hear our Christmas music, or join us in prayer will be asked to leave. The one and only law here is American law, so obey it or go to jail. I have asked all Muslims to return to their homelands or to the United States, because we see a real conflict with their religion and ours. There will never be Sharia law here, only our laws, based on the word of God. The Conservative States of America will not honor any previously made relocation agreement between any foreigners and the United States of America. Under our new laws, only those people who wish to become Americans will be allowed to relocate to our country. That means only one language, English, and all military age immigrants, male and female, will serve two years in our military. By serving honorably they will be granted residency.

  Also, public assistance will no longer be available to anyone not physically or mentally disabled, as stated by two doctors, and those of you who are lazy, drunks, or addicts, your days of freeloading the system are over. If you are able to work and cannot find a job, the government will put you to work and see you are compensated for your time, at minimum wage. This assistance program will allow us to do more with our money and also allow all able bodied persons to receive help. If you are a baby machine for the benefits, those days are over. From this moment on, the only place food-stamps are to be used is in government stocked food warehouses. No cash will be given, no phone service, no cable TV, and if you come to us for help, don't pull up in an expensive car. If you do, your car will be confiscated and government food-stamps will be given to you as payment in full. We will use the 'blue book' to determine the value of your car and to pay you in food-stamps. From now on in this nation, unless you are disabled, if you don't work, you don't eat.

  I have also reinstated the draft. All males and females between the ages of 18 and 45 that have not previously served in the military are eligible to be drafted. First offender criminals of all but rape, murder, or other violent crimes, will be given to either the Army or our Marines. If they fail to complete their four year military obligation, they will be placed in prison and their sentence will start at day one. No credit for military service good time served will be given.”

  “What of a flag?”

  “We are working on that. We, unlike the USA, will use the old American Constitution to govern our people. So, your rights are almost the same, but less Federal control. We will leave the management of state rights up to the individual states. I foresee a small Federal Government, with more powerful and larger state governments. Finally, it is the right of each citizen to own as many guns as they wish, if they attain them legally. However, we will continue to do background checks, mainly to keep guns out of the hands of those folks who are mentally unstable. Open carry and concealed carry are both legal as of this second, and we encourage all our law abiding citizens to carry a firearm, especially with war coming.”

  “How long will this war last, sir?” a reporter asked.

  The President smiled, shook his head and then said, “Until it's over, son. If you have more questions, join my press secretary tomorrow morning here at 9 am. Thank you, and God bless the Conservative States of America.”

  The President moved to his limo and once seated said, “Get me out of here.”

  The First Lady looked at him, smiled and then said, “William, you make a simply dashing President, dear.”

  He laughed, looked at his aide and said, “I thought a couple of the reporters were going to start yelling when I brought up no public assistance for those who can but won't work. I'm tired of a society that is lazy and wants freebies. I'll put their asses to cutting grass along the highways if I have to do the job. We need to instill some self respect into many of our folks. I didn't think it was time to bring it up, but soon all males right out of high school will do two years of mandatory military service before they can enter the work force or college.”

  “Oh, the rich will not like that at all. They are privileged, don't you know?” the aide said.

  “I mean everyone who can pass a physical will serve, with no exceptions. I think my four years in the Marines made me into the man I am today.”

  “You were so dashing in your uniform, baby.” the First Lady said.

  “Along with my golden second lieutenant bars and my national defense ribbon.” he said, and then laughed.

  “I've told the chef to fix us a Southern meal tonight. So, we're having baked quail, beans with cornbread, biscuits, collard greens, and fried potatoes.”

  “Would you like a before supper drink, my dear?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course with a man like you. Pour me some Kentucky bourbon, the best whiskey in the world.”

  As he poured two fingers of the amber colored liquid into her glass, he said, “The Irish may argue with you about the whiskey.”

  The President's phone rang, “Hello?”

  “Why don't you obey your orders?”

  “I don't take orders from anyone except the people of Conservative States of America. I've told you before, I will not be bought.”

  “You are a dead man then.”

  “Listen to me, you bastard, I will not be bought and all men are born to die, are we not? Death does not scare me, but some things in life are worse than death, like the loss of self respect and integrity. By the way, my intelligence section wants to know if your wife knows about the stunning redhead you went home with last week. I have pictures, compromising photos I may add, and I have the address in Frankfurt, sir. I want —” The line went dead.

  He tossed the phone to his aide and said, “I want a secure phone; get rid of this. See the images we have, you know the ones, are sent to Germany; overnight them.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  In Darmstad, Germany, when the mail was delivered on Monday, Frau Thierse, poured a cup of tea and made her way to the sofa. There were the usual bills; water, trash, newspaper delivery, and a manila envelope addressed to her. She was surprised, because the return address was a high school in the state of Texas in America. She spoke English very well, but had no American friends in Texas.

  She opened it and read the letter first:

  “Dear Frau Thierse,

  Enclosed you'll find images of your husband and Ms. Adolpha Hanish on the 18th of this month at her home. They seem to be quite friendly and I'm sure you'll agree, they are much more than just casual associates. I thought you should know of this. By the way, the woman lives at:

  Frau Adolpha Hanish

  123 Ahorn Straße

  Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

  Your friend,


  She turned the envelope upside down and a good thirty 8X10 color images fell. The image on the very top was her husband, kissing a beautiful nude woman's breasts and the other images were obviously shot as they'd made love. In anger, she tossed the images on the sofa and stood. Since her husband was with the police, he kept a 9 mm handgun in the house. Anger overwhelmed her as she moved to the desk, removed the pistol and inserted a round into the chamber. She'd wait for the sonofabitch to get home, kill him, then kill the bitch he'd slept with, obviously on one of his many “business trips.”


  James was worried about the chopper looking for them, and seeing an old barn on the side of the road, he had Nancy drive to the locked gate; he got out of the truck and cut the lock off with bolt cutters he carried. They then pulled the truck into the barn and closed the only half of the door still standing. There was a full moon out, so once out of town, Nancy had turned the lights off and driven in the dark. She was still able to see the gravel road in the bright moonlight. Frank and Ben got out, sniper rifles in their hands.

  The chopper was nearing and the search lights on both sides were bright.

  “You try to take the gunners out as I try for the pilot.” Ben said.

  “Will do, if I can.” Frank replied and grinned.

  It was then James clearly saw the truck tracks leading right to the barn.

  The helicopter saw them too, because he dropped down to about 6 feet and the search lights were moving in all directions.

  When the aircraft moved closer to the barn door, Joda yelled to be heard, “Now!”

  Frank fired twice and the lights suddenly swung down to look at the ground under the bird. Ben could just barely see the pilot's head, and that was due to his console lights. He fired twice, once at the pilot and once at the co-pilot. He knew the pilot was dead, because his face and helmet had exploded. The co-pilot, unknown to Ben, had taken a round through the chest, out his back, then the bullet ricocheted in the cabin and struck him hard in the left thigh.

  The chopper nose raised about eight feet and then suddenly fell to the ground. The aircraft landed hard, sending broken rotor blades in all directions, and a second after landing, a loud whoof was heard as the wreckage burst into flames. Two men were heard screaming and when James neared the co-pilot's door, his legs were trapped in the metal of the console panel. Knowing they'd never be able to free the man, Ben pulled his pistol and shot the man in the head. The second man, a door gunner was half in flames when pulled from the aircraft. As Nancy and James looked the man over, Frank and Ben took the two machine-guns and all the ammo. Frank also took two pairs of Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) in a case with spare batteries.

  The guns and ammo were loaded in the truck as Nancy gave the lone survivor a shot of morphine. She then covered the injured man with a blanket she'd thrown in the truck earlier.

  They then jumped in the truck. Frank had Nancy don a pair of goggles, and they continued to move toward camp.

  Three nights later, using the battery powered TV, they tuned in a local station. They watched the weather and medical news, and then the reporter moved closer to home with the local news.

  “The United States FBI was investigating a deadly pharmacy robbery which took place in Licking, a small town south of Rolla and off highway 63. Bubba Skaggs, the town sheriff, was shot twice, execution style, with one shot to the head. The Pharmacy lost every single prescription drug in the store, even those locked in a controlled substance room. The United States indicated it was an open act of terrorism.”

  The cameraman had footage of the stripped bare pharmacy shelves and then the smoking remains of the helicopter crash.

  The reporter continued, “When a state police chopper responded to the pharmacy's calls for help, investigators were dropped off at the drug store, and the aircraft then followed a large truck they believed carried the suspects. At some point in the search, the chopper radioed they were taking fire. Officials have since learned the aircraft was shot down, with three out the four crew members killed. The survivor was given medical aid and morphine for his extensive burns by these criminals. The Missouri state police claim they have no reason to treat the robbery as a crime, because it was committed before the announcement of the official forming of the Conservative States of America. Because it is listed as an act of terrorism against the United States, not against the CSA, no charges will be sought. More news as it becomes available.”

  In the studio a man said, “The new Conservative States of America announced that they will not go to war, unless the United States invades them or demonstrates through an act of violence that they intend to harm the new nation. 'All we want, as a new nation, is to be left alone,' the first President of the Conservative States of America said. The words cast an eerie veil over the whole statement, because just prior to the first civil war, President Jefferson Davis had spoken similar words.”

  Joda said, “President Davis' exact words were, 'All we ask is to be left alone.'”

  The news anchor said, “We now join Jim Braylock, as he covers a speech about to be given by the President any moment now.”

  The TV screen then switched to the new President of the United States who was walking to a podium with two advisers. He moved behind the microphone, took a sip of water and then cleared his throat.

  “My fellow Americans, as of one day ago, a state of declared war exists between the United States of America and the Conservative States of America. I have asked the United Nations to assist us in our struggle and they have agreed. May God guide us as we take arms against our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. I have announced a state of martial law, which will remain in effect in our nation until such time as the Conservative States of America are brought back into the Union. With me enacting martial law, due process will be on hold until I announce otherwise. I will not take any questions at this time, and have work to do.”

  The camera zoomed in on the anchor man, who said, “The President of the Conservative States of America announced today that those individuals within our nation, including all officers of the law, must have the NWO chips removed immediately. In 60 days, those with the chips still installed will be listed as spies. Our government's primary concern is infiltration of spies from the USA. At this point, martial law has not been declared, which may change over time.”

  The newsman flipped a sheet of paper over, “And, finally, tonight in other news UN troops have gathered at both the Missouri and Kentucky borders for a p
ossible invasion. Satellite images indicate over 250,000 men and women, most with arms, positioned ready to attack the two states. The Governors of both states say they are ready to fight, with the old US military in defensive positions and aircraft prepared to launch at a moment's notice.”

  When the station went to a commercial, James turned the TV off, surprised at what he'd just heard.

  “Well,” Nancy said, “they'll not be looking for us, and the chips won't happen here.”

  Gator said, “I'd not rush anything right now, and for damned sure ain't going home yet.”

  Ben moved from where he'd been standing and sat on the log. After a few seconds he said, “The possible invasion worries me. While the military sided with us, I'm not sure they'll have all they need to fight.”

  Joda said, “I'm sure some Conservative states, or those that left the union, may be surrounded by Union states.”

  “We don't even know, other than the old Southern states, who is in the CSA.” James said.

  “Well, from the news, we know Illinois is still in the USA and Kentucky ain't. On the Northeast coast, maybe New Hampshire is one, but the rest lean Liberal.”

  “I hope y'all realize we're not but a little over a hundred miles from the city of Saint Louis and the Mississippi River.” James said, and then added, “But, first they have to cross the river.”

  “They're UN troops, so they have lots of gear and equipment.” Joda said, then added a small log to their fire.

  “They can have all they need, but they have two things against them. First, they are foreigners and second, they don't know the area like the natives do.”

  Nancy asked, “Should we leave then and return home?”

  James thought for a minute, listening to the damp wood pop and crack in the flames before he said, “I can't just up and leave. I loved the United States and spent half my life serving her in uniform, but she's changed—and not for the good, either. She's immoral, corrupt, and controlling, and that that's not the country I served. Her politicians all act as if they've been bought and I think the CSA is worth fighting for, and dying for, if need be.”


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