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Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3

Page 16

by Serenity Woods

  He tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and they joined the queue. She’d been to the Empire Theatre dozens of times before and secretly preferred it to the multiscreens in the town centre. The Empire had one huge screen, and its foyer consisted of sweeping staircases, marble and mirrors, with a bar decked out in flock wallpaper and mahogany furniture. It reminded her a little of McAllister Dell’s Wellington offices, and she wondered what Felix would think of it considering his comments about it.

  “How much did the tickets cost?” she wondered, thinking that they must have been expensive when they first went on sale, and that was before he obviously had to buy them through a second party who would no doubt have charged the earth.

  He smiled wryly. “Don’t worry about it.”

  That meant they were expensive. She wondered how much. Hundreds? Thousands?

  “You must really want to get in my panties,” she said.

  In front of them, a couple glanced over their shoulders and started laughing. Coco apologised, glanced up at a very amused Felix and closed her eyes. “Jesus, did I say that out loud?”

  “I honestly thought you’d enjoy the movie,” he said.

  Now she’d insulted him. “Oh God, I’m sorry,” she murmured. “That sounded terribly ungrateful. I do really appreciate it.”

  “I’m not upset, Coco. And anyway you’re right.” He bent lower to whisper in her ear. “I may not have bought the tickets to get in your panties, but I certainly wouldn’t say no if the offer was there.”

  His warm breath on her skin sent a tingle through her and she shivered.

  He put an arm around her and nuzzled her ear. “Do that again.”

  “Felix. Stop it.” She pushed him away. “And please don’t tell me we’re sitting in the back row. I am not making out with you while this movie is on.”

  He laughed and dropped his hand to hold hers, and they moved forward into the foyer and up the stairs.

  “Have you been here before?” she asked, catching sight of their reflections in the mirrors opposite the staircases. She had to admit they made quite a handsome couple.


  “What do you think?”

  He looked around as they reached the top of the stairs. To the right, the counter selling popcorn, ice creams and soft drinks stretched away from them. To their left were a couple of bars with comfortable chairs and tables, manned by waiters in grey waistcoats with folded white napkins over their arms.

  “I love it,” he said, leading her over to one of the bars.

  She raised her eyebrows. “You surprise me. I would have thought you’d have hated it considering how you feel about the Wellington office.”

  He frowned. “I don’t hate the Wellington office—it’s beautifully decorated. I just think it projects the wrong image. A place like this can afford to look like it’s stepped out of the nineteen thirties, but a law office should reflect the world we live in, and that’s a world of tablets, smartphones and customers who know almost as much about the law as we do, or at least they think they do. They want to think we know everything there is to know about the law and that we’re completely up to date with current legislation and findings. But the Wellington branch is stuck in a previous century, and that’s not good for business.”

  He stopped at the bar. “What can I get you—a glass of wine?”

  She nodded and asked for a pinot gris, and he ordered himself a merlot, and they took their glasses over to the window as all the seats were taken. She thought about his words as they sipped their drinks. Was he right? Did the Wellington office project an air of archaic masculinity? She’d seen the data and knew that approximately forty percent of enquiries from their website were from women, but she was certain the percentage of female customers actually on their books was a lot smaller than that. Did that reflect the fact that they were projecting an outdated image and therefore putting off possible female clientele?

  There wasn’t much time for her to dwell on the matter, though, as the doors to the screen opened and people began heading toward it. They took their glasses with them and liveried assistants showed them to their seats, two thirds of the way up and just off centre.

  “They’re great seats,” she said as they made themselves comfortable. Still feeling guilty about her earlier gaffe, she leaned toward him and whispered, “I do really appreciate it, you know.”

  His warm brown eyes lowered to her mouth, and she caught her breath as he brought up a hand to stroke her cheek. Then, to her surprise, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. Just a light kiss, but it was enough to set her heart pounding at the nearness of him. Everything about him was perfect, from his brushed but just-ruffled-enough dark hair, to the five o’clock shadow on his jaw, to his sexy, obviously expensive and quality evening suit.

  He lifted his head but didn’t say anything, and she sipped her wine, feeling the sexual tension between them as if it were threads of silk drawing them together.

  Could he feel it too? She thought maybe he could, because he didn’t say much else as they waited for everyone to filter in and the film to start. He held her hand, though, and once the lights dimmed and the movie started, he laced his fingers through hers and kept them there, warming hers, a constant reminder of the predicament she would have to face when the evening ended.

  It didn’t stop her enjoying the film, however, which was as wonderful as everyone had said it would be, and the two and a half hours passed quickly even though it was late. But she didn’t feel tired—the atmosphere in the cinema was too exciting, with people cheering at certain points in the movie when they recognised scenes or characters from the book.

  Eventually it finished, though, and everyone began making their way to the exit. It took them fifteen minutes to get from their seats to the foyer, and by the time they walked out onto the pavement her watch read nearly three a.m.

  “I’ve had such a wonderful time,” she said, slipping her arms around his waist. “Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.”

  “Oh, you’re very welcome.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I guess we’re going to have trouble getting a taxi now?”

  He rested his lips on the top of her head for a moment. Then he said, “Um, no.”

  “Oh?” She lifted her head to look at him.

  He looked shifty. “I kind of arranged something.”

  “A taxi?”

  “No…” He looked over her shoulder and signalled to someone. “Something slightly better than that.”

  She turned around, but couldn’t see past the black limo waiting by the curbside. “Who are you waving to?” Then the penny dropped. A limo? The memory of their conversation in the bar rushed into her head. She’d told him I’d like to have sex in a limo.

  “I’m not expecting anything,” he said, somewhat hastily. “I just thought it would be fun after such a nice evening.” He cupped her face, apparently mistaking her speechlessness for anger. “Please don’t be cross with me.”

  Cross? Her heart melted at the earnestness on his face, at his obvious wish to please her. She’d tried all evening to remain detached from him, to keep herself emotionally separate, but it had proved impossible. He was too nice, too gentlemanly, too damn sexy. He looked fantastic in his suit, and even though it was the middle of the night and she should really in bed, suddenly she wanted him more than anything in the world. “I’m not cross, sweetie.”

  He brushed his thumb across her cheek. “Really?”

  “Of course not. Look what you’ve done for me. Organised a whole night out for a girl you hardly know with no real promise of her coming across. That’s got to earn you some brownie points.”

  That made him smile. “I really don’t expect anything…”

  Could he really not see how much she wanted him? The warmth from his hand spread through her, firing her desire. She glanced at the limo. Was it possible to have sex in there? What about the driver, would he be able to see what they were doing?

ger to find out, she grasped Felix’s hand and led him toward the waiting car. “Come on, I’ve always wanted to see inside one of these.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Felix had a quick word with the driver, confirming what he’d requested when he rang to book the limo, and then the driver opened the door and gestured for Coco to enter.

  Felix followed her. He’d had a quick look on the internet at pictures of the inside, but nothing could prepare him for the reality.

  “Oh my God.” Coco moved across to one of the seats, then sat and stared around her. “This is…” She shook her head. “Words fail me.”

  Felix had to agree with her as he sat opposite. The inside of the limo was nothing like he’d ever seen before.

  The car stretched away from them, and could easily have accommodated twelve people on the curving fawn leather seats. His shoes sank into the plush chocolate-brown carpet. A mixture of carefully placed spotlights and fairy lights set into the ceiling and a narrow fluorescent yellow strip that ran along the edge of all the seats gave the interior a gentle glow. Folksy jazz played softly out of the speakers to the side. On one side, a bar half-filled the wall, lined with a dozen wine glasses and a dozen tumblers with a couple of decanters full of spirits. A bottle of champagne sat cooling in a bucket of ice.

  The driver closed the door behind them.

  Felix and Coco stared at each other and then started laughing.

  “This must have cost you an absolute fortune,” she said, looking up at the lights and fingering the smooth seats.

  “Actually it wasn’t as bad as you might think. They had a special on.” He grinned and gestured at the ice bucket. “I know we’ve got to be at work in about five hours. But would you like a glass of champagne?”

  “I’d love one.” She smiled as he raised an eyebrow. “Oh come on, this is like a dream. I don’t care that I’ve got to work tomorrow—I’m not going to waste a second of this.” She sighed. “It’s a shame it’s only five minutes to my house!”

  “Oh…you needn’t worry about that.” He took off the foil and the wire casing on the bottle. “I’ve hired it for an hour. The chauffeur’s going to drive north along the coast for half an hour before he heads back.” He gave her a mischievous grin, hoping she wouldn’t mind.

  Her lips curved. “I see.” They both glanced toward the driver’s end as the engine started and the limo pulled smoothly away. “Can he see us?”

  “No. There is a window up there but there’s also a screen you can slide across. You talk to him via the phone.” He pointed at the receiver on the wall along from her seat. “So…we’re all alone.” He popped the cork.

  Letting her digest that for a moment, he poured two glasses of the champagne, settled the bottle back in the bucket and passed her one of the glasses. Then he moved to sit beside her. “Cheers.” He held up his glass.

  She raised hers slowly and clinked it against his. “Cheers. And thank you, Felix, for a lovely evening.” She sipped the champagne and murmured her approval.

  “You’re very welcome. And it’s not over yet.”

  He didn’t want to push her. She’d made it clear that the night at his hotel was supposed to be a one-off, and Lord knew after all the hassle at work he didn’t want to talk her into doing something she really didn’t want to do.

  But equally she’d stated this was one of her fantasies. She was dressed like a goddess, so beautiful it took his breath away. And she was looking at his mouth and moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue as if she was desperate for him to kiss her.

  So he did. He moved closer, his arm along the back of the seat, until their hips touched and he could feel the heat from her body pressed against him from thigh to shoulder. He waited for her to look up at him, and he gave her a gentle smile. And then he bent his head and let his lips hover an inch from hers, relieved when she moved the final inch to meet him.

  She tasted sweet, of the chocolate he’d gone to get for her in the cinema mixed with the champagne, a heady mix. Her lips were soft, still slightly sticky from the remnants of her lipstick, and he enjoyed the way his own peeled from hers as he moved them across, planting soft kisses from one corner of her mouth to the other before moving to her cheeks and around to her ear.

  She sighed and tipped her head so he could access her neck, and he ran his tongue down to fasten his mouth over where the beat of her pulse flickered under the skin. He sucked, and she moaned and softened against him, bringing up a hand to slide into his hair as she kissed him again.

  Whether it was tiredness or the alcohol or he was just drunk on her, he didn’t know, but he felt as if he were in a dream, the sexy music and the lowered lighting combining with the feel of the woman in his arms to make his senses spiral and his head spin.

  He kissed her for ages, taking his time, and they sipped champagne before their lips met again to taste each other slowly, erotically, tongues sliding, teeth occasionally grazing, exploring each other and making the blood thunder through Felix’s veins.

  Outside, through the darkened windows, he could just see moonlight glinting off the waves of the harbour to the right as they headed north. He wished he’d told the driver to go to Auckland. He could easily have sat there with Coco in his arms all night.

  After a while, even though it was a cool night, he grew warm in the heat of the car as his internal thermostat rose. He pulled back from her for a moment, put down his glass, undid the buttons of his jacket and slid it off. He threw it onto the opposite seat and turned back to her.

  She slid her hand down his waistcoat. “Jesus, Felix. You look so sexy in this.”

  “Thank you.”

  She touched his bow tie. “And not a hint of elastic in sight!”

  “This took me half an hour to tie, I’ll have you know.”

  She giggled and her eyes met his. They were filled with longing, and with the hazy desire that currently also swirled inside him.

  “Are you sure the driver can’t see or hear us?” she whispered.

  He shook his head, heart pounding. “These cars are made for privacy.”

  She put down her glass and nibbled her bottom lip. “Do you want to know a secret?”

  His lips curved. “Sure.”

  “I’m not wearing any underwear.”

  He stared at her. “Really?”

  Her green eyes were wide, challenging. “See for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

  He studied her for a moment. She didn’t look away. She was growing bolder, he thought. The knowledge that she’d purposely chosen not to wear panties pleased and excited him. She’d gone out with him tonight expecting something to happen. And that gave him courage.

  “You naughty girl.” He tightened his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to him, then placed his other hand on her knee and began to pull her skirt up slowly. “You’ve gone commando all evening? With all those people in the audience?”

  “I know—I’m so wicked.” She giggled. “That’s what you’ve done to me, Felix. You’ve corrupted me.”

  He grinned and continued to hitch up her dress until he found the hem. Moving his hand underneath, he rested his palm on her warm thigh. She inhaled, and he bent his head and brushed his lips against hers while moving his hand up. His fingers slid across silky skin, and her knees seemed to move apart involuntarily as he reached the top of her thighs. He touched his fingers between her legs and found not cloth but hair.

  He tsked, stroking up to the flat of her belly before returning down. She’d shaved, he realised, or maybe waxed considering how smooth the skin was either side of the strip of hair. “A Brazilian?” he murmured, still brushing his lips against hers in small kisses. “Very adventurous.”

  “You like?”

  She wanted to please him. That made him glow.

  “What do you think?” He took her hand and moved it into his lap. Her fingers found his erection and stroked along the length.

  “Oh. Something tells me you like it very much.” She ran her to
ngue across his bottom lip before grazing her teeth on it.

  He swelled under her hand, turned on more than he could say by her newfound bravery. Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her properly, sliding the fingers of his other hand down between her legs and into the heart of her. She was already swollen, the skin slippery and enabling his fingers to glide inside her. He groaned and she sighed and parted her legs farther, and he plunged his tongue into her mouth, his fingers inside her mimicking the movement of his tongue. Bringing his fingers up coated with her arousal, he explored the folds of her skin and circled the sensitive area at the top. Lifting his head, he watched her as he stroked the tiny button, rewarded when she gave a long moan and moved her hips to push herself against him.

  He would have been happy to bring her to orgasm there and then, but after a few more strokes she pushed his hand away. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes half-lidded with desire.

  To his surprise, she rose from the seat, moved across and sat astride him, knees resting on the leather either side. “I presume you have a condom,” she whispered, kissing around his jaw to his ear.

  Felix put a hand in his pocket and pulled out his wallet, fumbled inside and threw one onto the seat.

  “Good.” She kissed him, then lifted her head and brushed his tie. “Can we keep our clothes on?”

  He understood—not only did they both find each other sexy in their evening wear, but stripping naked in the car might be a step too far. He nodded. “Absolutely. You look fabulous in that dress.” And he meant it. The plum colour brought out the flush in her skin, and the sheen of the material made her glow.

  She smiled shyly and dropped her hands to his waist to explore the button of his fly. Unpopping it, she slid down the zipper and stroked him through his silky boxers.

  He closed his eyes and tipped his head back on the seat, enjoying her gentle touch, enjoying the whole evening, this slow exploration of each other, this beautiful woman in his arms. There were a hundred and one things he wanted to do to her, with her, but he was content for the moment to let her proceed at her own pace, to let her develop and explore her sexuality at a rate that she felt comfortable with.


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