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Canary for the Dragon

Page 6

by Angelique Voisen

  “I’m no longer pure.” Sky blurted out the words without thinking. Gareth dug his hand into his shoulders so hard no doubt it would leave bruises.

  “What the fuck did you say?” Gareth hissed in his ear.

  “I walked out on you, asshole, because I’d rather fuck a stranger than give up my first time with you.”

  Gareth shoved him so violently off the couch, Sky crumpled on the carpeted floor. He tasted blood a second later. Gareth’s foot blurred, making contact with his ribs. Sky groaned, using his hands as a shield to protect himself. Blurry-eyed, he glimpsed Joe’s impassive look, his father’s closed off one.

  What did he hope to achieve by being here?

  Protect Rex.

  “Who is this fucker?” Gareth demanded.

  “You think I’ll tell you that?” he whispered. So Gareth didn’t manage to track Rex down. Yet anyway. If Rex had survived this long on his own, Sky hoped Rex would take the hint and move far away from here.

  Gareth bent down, yanking his hair until his eyes teared up. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll sing for me. Once I’ve gotten all my answers, I strangle that scrawny neck of yours and hunt this asshole down. No one takes what’s mine.”

  Sky spat out blood. “You don’t even like me.”

  “Like you?” Gareth let out a laugh. “You’re just a fucking breeder. I can find another, but I have a reputation to uphold. What do you say, Father? An accident perhaps?”

  “That could work. Perhaps the canary met with an unfortunate end, and we can paint you as the noble rescuer who was too late.”

  “Hold on a second. I didn’t agree to this. Sky’s still valuable. He can still give Gareth children,” his father argued, rising to his feet.

  “With disobedient birds, it’s better to cull them before they can cause you damage,” Joe said.

  “Clip his wings, do anything you deem fit, but this wasn’t our deal. Sky remains alive,” his father said.

  His wings? Sky would rather die than have that most vital part of him taken away. Gareth seemed to have sensed his fear, because Gareth smirked.

  “Breaking his arms, then cutting out that awful tongue seems appropriate. I’ll keep a chain around his ankle, too, only take him out when my cock’s hungry.”

  Sky couldn’t believe they were all discussing his fate the way a butcher discussed which parts of a cow to be dissected with the cook. Suddenly, the room went dark. Wasn’t it mid-morning? A loud roar filled the space, nearly bursting his eardrums, followed by the flap of wings? Enormous wings.

  “Jesus Christ,” his father whispered, backing away. Even Joe’s tanned skin turned paper white. It was rare to see the Eagle King stunned into silence.

  Sky twisted out of Gareth’s grip, turning towards the window only to glimpse a pattern of green scales, the graceful predatory form of a mythical beast. Sky remembered laughing at the mug in the kitchen, how it looked out of place.

  Rex is a dragon.

  Rex came back for me.

  Enormous black claws outstretched, Rex folded back his leathery wings. Glass shattered. Joe snapped out of his shock and shouted for help. Air blasted their faces. Rex was enormous, too big to fit inside, so the dragon shifter used the broken window as a ledge. Footsteps thudded, then stopped.

  “What the hell are you doing? Fire at that monster!” Joe shrieked.

  In response, Rex’s nostrils flared. Rex opened his enormous jaws and seeing the telltale glow of orange and red, Sky rolled, far from Gareth’s reach and closer to Rex. Rex spat out a large fireball, aim accurate enough to throw back the bodyguards.

  His canary went insane inside of him. Sky’s heart wept in relief as he crawled his way towards Rex, not caring the glass cut into his jeans and palms. Finally, he reached one of Rex’s fore claws. Rex swept a possessive wing over him. Shelter.

  Reptilian golden eyes met his, awaiting judgement, Sky knew. He recalled all the conversations they had, how Rex confessed to not being in full control of his beast, Rex’s internal struggle when Rex nearly gave Sky his bite mark. It was hard to believe their individual insecurities kept them apart. Both of them weren’t ready then, but he had a feeling that would change soon.

  Sky smiled. “You’re amazing. Thank you for coming back for me.”

  He touched Rex’s gleaming claws, stroking it. The gesture would tell Rex he wasn’t afraid at all. In fact, it was the opposite, like the fog in his mind disappearing to give way to clarity.

  Get on, Rex’s eyes seem to say.

  “Gareth, what did you say about breaking my arms and pulling my tongue out?” he asked, rising to his feet. All the tiny cuts hurt a little, but they didn’t matter. Adrenaline raced through his system.

  Smoke emerged from Rex’s nostrils. Gareth turned tail and ran, but Rex opened his mouth again. The fireball hit Gareth in the back. Screaming, Sky’s tormentor fell to his knees. Joe began to rush towards Gareth, but his father pulled Joe back.

  “Don’t, dragon fire burns everything,” his father warned.

  By the time Joe reached Gareth, skin, organs, and bones burned away, leaving nothing behind but ashes. Sky swallowed, staring up at Rex, sensing the fury there. It struck him that Rex was angry enough to eradicate everyone there.

  “Don’t. Please. Let’s leave,” he whispered.

  The intense feral look in Rex’s eyes melted away. It didn’t help that more of Joe’s men came crashing in and halted.

  “Don’t shoot,” his father yelled.

  “I’ll get you for this,” Joe screeched.

  “No, you won’t,” his father said calmly. “Joe, for all your power and influence, do you really want to wage war against a dragon?”

  “Dragons can be killed.” Joe’s exclamation made the other bodyguards look at each other in panic.

  Rex roared, making the floor vibrate. The guards dropped their guns to cover their ears. Cracks appeared along the walls, the ceiling. That shut Joe up. The man might be grieving, but at least Joe was smart enough to behave around a larger predator in the food chain.

  “Don’t threaten my mate,” Sky said, unsure why he was so calm. It took several tries, but he managed to mount Rex’s back. He knew few would have the privilege of riding a dragon, that Rex would never make the same offer to anyone else.

  “Do us a favor. Don’t come after us, but if you do, know what happened to Gareth will happen to the rest of the Eyrie.” Sky let that thought sink for a moment. Since Rex had to remain in dragon form, he’d do the speaking for them both. For now. “I don’t care what PR bullshit you’ll release. I died today.”

  His father looked up at him and nodded.

  “Go. I’ll take of things here,” his father said.

  They never got along. Sky grew up, hating his parents for taking away his ability to make his own decisions, but now, he realized they were probably raised by their parents the same way. Change needed to come to the Eyrie, but it wasn’t his business, not anymore. Most of the time, his father looked at Sky like a burden. Today though, he thought he saw something else there. Pride.

  Rex leapt off the ledge backwards, great wings unfurling. For a second, they hovered in the air. People stared out their windows. Several phone cameras went off, but Sky didn’t care. Rex flapped his wings and ascended towards the sky, like an arrow reaching for the sun.


  A week later

  “The leaders of the Eyrie have judged Joe unfit to rule the eagles. Last I heard, he was on a plane for France, along with his entire household. I don’t expect any trouble from him,” his father said. “The new leader is young, reasonable. He assures me that he’ll update me if he gets word of Joe causing any trouble.”

  Sky exhaled, taking in the scene in quiet disbelief. It was hard to believe Sky and his father were in Rex’s apartment, drinking coffee while his father updated him on current events. Rex’s and his place, Sky corrected mentally.

  Sometimes, Sky forgot this was his new reality now. Part of him still believed
he was stuck in his cage, doomed to be chained until death to Gareth. Some nights, he was afraid to sleep, because he was terrified to wake up and realize this was all a wonderful dream, a bittersweet fantasy.

  With a kiss or touch, Rex knew how anchor him back though, to remind Sky he was no longer a trapped canary with no future.

  A bang, followed by a clash came from the kitchen. Rex still didn’t like his father, so his mate stayed out of his and his father’s meetings. That suited Sky just fine, because he was still adapting to the changes in his new life.

  “Well, I must be going,” his father said, standing. “Thank you for the coffee.”

  Sky led the old man to the door. His father seemed to take his time putting on his shoes. Sky realized with their recent conversation, there was no need for them to meet any longer. Nothing could erase the mistakes of the past, Sky knew, but he could alter the future.

  “I’d like to see Avery and my sisters, if things settle down,” he said.

  His father brightened at those words. “That could be arranged. Bring your mate, if you wish.”

  Rex grunted from somewhere in the apartment.

  “Take care, Father.” He couldn’t bring himself to call the older man “Dad” though. Sky wasn’t foolish enough to hope for a meaningful relationship, but at the very least, they could be cordial, friendly even.

  He shut the door to see Rex leaning by the kitchen counter, sipping from the mug Sky bought him the moment he moved in. Painted on the ceramic was a tiny yellow bird perching on the shoulder of a big dragon. Sky had added the words “I’m a badass dragon” for kicks, but Rex seemed to like it.

  “Good news,” he said.

  “I heard.” Rex took a seat in the living room, set his coffee mug down and patted his lap.

  Wicked smile on his lips, Rex crooked a finger, reducing Sky to a puppet on a string. His skin turned fever hot, and his heart beat so fast against his chest, it might explode. Rex still had that effect on him, the ability to tune out his surroundings and everything else.

  Whatever insecurities Rex had harbored before had disappeared. Rex confessed that Sky’s presence gave his dragon some kind of inner peace, that Rex was no longer afraid of losing control. With Rex’s encouragement, Sky applied to culinary school and volunteered at a soup kitchen during his free time.

  Being able to make his own decisions took a little getting used to, but Sky wouldn’t trade his wonderful life with Rex for anything else. True to his father’s word, no avian shifter had disturbed them over the past week. Rex had met up some folks from the Paranormal Council and surprised Sky by taking him along. Some leaders of the Eyrie were there. Rex made his point clear—if any harm came to him or Sky, he would rain fire down on the Eyrie.

  The threat was excessive, but it seemed Rex’s allies on the council, including Duke, took his side. Besides, he reminded the Council members about their own laws regarding the protection of endangered shifter species.

  One of the issues they'd brought up was the question of Sky being able to carry a hybrid dragon shifter baby in his belly, but over the years, Rex had assured them he was no longer capable of producing children. He also took Duke aside for a private word, out of Sky's earshot. Rex assured his friend that Sky was the only one for him.

  Once Sky reached the end of his lifespan, Rex would follow. Rex sensed the truth in his bones, his heart, and his dragon. Dragon shifters were immortal, that was what everyone assumed, but no one would live forever. Even the older vampires and demons took their own lives. Sky knew it and accepted the fact they'd go together. His canary mate understood Rex couldn't survive another fracturing of the soul, of their mate mark, so they promised each other to treasure every moment they had together in this one lifespan.

  Sky straddled Rex’s lap, looping his fingers behind Rex’s neck. He could feel his dick thickening against his jeans. When he slid a little closer, denim brushed against denim. He could feel the heat contained in Rex’s jeans and moaned a little, already imagining Rex kicking his legs apart and sliding in his steel-hard cock between his ass cheeks.

  Rex brushed his lips against Sky’s left earlobe, making him shudder.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Dirty thoughts,” Sky answered automatically.

  Rex let out that sexy laugh that made his insides melt.

  “Kiss me?”

  “What? So polite all of a sudden, when I know you have such a fucking dirty mouth?” Rex teased, but nonetheless took his lips.

  It was all heat and bite. Sky shifted on Rex’s lap, rubbing himself against Rex. Shame had flown out the window a long time ago. He sought Rex’s taste, the familiar heat and scent of his powerful mate. Rex pushed a tongue between his lips and Sky sucked hard on it, wanting more.

  When Rex pulled away, Sky panted.

  “I think I haven’t fucked you here.”

  “We still have clothes on,” Sky reminded him.

  That got a laugh out of Rex.

  “That can easily be amended. Stand up. Give me a striptease.”

  Feeling wicked, Sky rose, tugged off his shirt with deliberate slowness. Rex snarled, impatience showing on his features.

  Sky held out a finger. “Be patient and you might be rewarded, dragon.”

  “Keep talking and I might just bend you over the coffee table and do what I want with you, little canary.”

  “Threat noted.”

  Rex chuckled. Sky undid the buttons of his jeans just as Rex yanked off his own top. The sight of Rex’s hard muscles made his mouth dry. Oh yummy. He twitched his fingers, eager to touch but reminded himself he was putting on a show. Sky shucked off his jeans and boxers.

  “Touch yourself for me, baby. Show me how hungry I make you,” Rex commanded.

  Sky always liked it when Rex took control. Rex’s voice dipped a level lower, closer to a growl, the dragon peeking out. Masturbating alone never measured up to pleasuring himself while Rex watched, eyes turning golden with lust. He curled his hand around his shaft and began to stroke. A minute in and Rex changed his mind.

  “Come here.”

  Sky resumed his position against Rex’s lap, except this time, the brush of rough denim against his bare skin made things more sensitive, erotic. Rex automatically wrapped one hand possessively around his waist, pulling him close until their chests, bellies, and ribs touched.

  “I haven’t told you to stop.”

  Sky pumped his cock, squirming when he felt Rex’s hand moving past his balls, further down to reach his puckered entrance. Rex circled his asshole, teasing, tormenting, not quite pushing in.

  “Can’t wait to be inside you soon, baby.”

  Motivation for Sky to work his dick faster.

  “Come for me,” Rex ordered, pinching his tip.

  The pressure inside Sky broke open. Shutting his eyes, he let the orgasm take over him. All the muscles in his body relaxed, and he slumped against his mate. His moan was muffled by the searing heat of Rex’s mouth. He spilled his load across Rex’s abdomen and ribs, but Rex didn’t seem to care about the mess. Rex undid the button of his jeans and took out lube from his back pocket.

  Recovering from his climax, Sky helped Rex along by unzipping Rex and pulling out Rex’s massive dick. He licked his lips at the sight of it. Rex uncapped the lube and generously applied some on his fingers and into Sky’s asshole.

  “I need you in me, please.”

  “Be patient,” Rex said with a gentle kiss on the mouth. “Good little canaries get rewarded.”

  “I’m not well-behaved enough for you?” he demanded.

  “You’re a little hellion when you want to be,” Rex said affectionately, pushing a finger in him, and adding a second. Sky moaned, wanting something larger. Rex made twisting motions, widening Sky for access. Not fast enough.

  This was the moment, Sky knew, the right time for Rex to make Sky finally his.

  Sky already wore Rex’s scent, the dragon’s mark on his body. It was time Rex bound their souls t
ogether. Both of them had been busy the past seven days, sorting out the mess they’d left behind, but now there were no obstacles between them.

  Rex pulled his fingers out and positioned his leaking tip into his entrance. Sky gripped Rex’s triceps. His mate entered him, not pausing once, until Rex was buried balls deep in him. Sky let out a breath at the pain, but he knew that would soon fade, replaced by ecstasy. Rex gripped the back of his head, sealing their union with another devouring kiss.

  Sky thrust himself at Rex each time Rex’s hips slammed into his, turning the initial burn into explosive pleasure. The apartment fell away, and only the clash of their bodies mattered. Rex kept running his hands up and down his body, like he was starved for Sky. His dick began to thicken, already at half-mast while Rex’s prick felt like heated steel in him, breaching his most intimate places.

  “Need more.” Rex growled, strokes faster, deeper, knowing how Sky liked it.

  “Yes.” Sky bared his neck in offering, feeling Rex’s mouth on it a second later. Licks. Nips. Tentative bites.

  Rex must have switched the angle of his thrusts, because Rex’s next entry hit a secret spot inside Sky. Eyes wide, he cried out, nails digging into Rex’s powerful back muscles.

  “I’m close,” he whispered.

  “Me, too. You ready for this?”

  Sky knew what Rex was asking, making sure this was what he wanted.

  “I’ve always known from the start this body, this heart and this soul belong to you. I love you.” Sky uttered the words from his heart, knowing he meant each one. Rex slammed his lips over Sky’s, stealing his breath for a couple of seconds.

  “I love you, too, baby. I’m one lucky bastard.”

  “No. I’m the lucky one.” After all, Rex had saved him, when he thought everyone else in the world didn’t give a damn whatever happened to him. He’d run away from Rex, believing he was saving his mate. In the end, running did them both some good. Rex argued that single action was the push they both needed to take a leap of faith. Their inner animals already knew they belonged to each other. Their human halves took a lot more convincing. In the end, it turned out all right.


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