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Kalon (Take Over)

Page 6

by T. L Smith

  He pulls out his cell, and begins dialing, but before he begins he casually says to me, “Don’t fuck her up too bad. We still need her.” Then he starts to step back and talk to whoever is on his cell.

  I bring my knife in front of me so she can see what I’m holding as she starts shaking her head back and forth, pleading no. I bring it to her lips and slide the blade slowly over them while she does her very best to keep still. I bring the knife lower down to the curve of her breast, and watch as she takes quick breaths, preparing for the worst. I see fear in her eyes. I’ve made my point. So, for now, I won’t cut the stupid bitch.

  “Warning you now, disrespect me again and next time I will cut you,” I exclaim. I stand up. She looks shocked at first, but then stands tall. She shakes herself off and we continue to follow her into the house to organize business.

  Today is the day I will get my revenge. Today I will make that man pay for what he’s done to my father and to me. I will take great pleasure in watching him suffer, and I will enjoy every minute of it. I head downstairs to talk with my father and mother before I need to leave. I see Carmen situated in the living room with them. They look like they’re having a heated conversation. I step in and immediately all eyes shoot to me. My father looks me over and he knows something’s up, but I won’t tell him.

  “I need to talk to Krinos,” he says, while looking at me. I hear a huff and I watch as Carmen walks out, followed by mother. My mother leans in and kisses me on the cheek, but keeps on walking. I take a seat in front of him. He looks happy, happier than I’ve seen him in a very long time.

  “Krinos, I know what you’ll be doing tonight,” he says.

  I knew somehow he’d find out. I just didn’t think it would be this soon. I don’t deny or agree with him, I just sit there looking at one of the men that holds a huge part of my heart in his hand.

  “I would strongly advise you against it, though I can see you’ve already made up your mind by the look in your eyes.” He hangs his head and gives his hair a pull in frustration like it helps to release the bad thoughts.

  “I have to,” I say, stating fact and knowing he would do exactly the same.

  “I just want you to be careful. Don’t leave Matt or Stefanos’ side. They’ll protect you with their lives.”

  I nod my head, lean over to kiss him on the cheek and then head upstairs. I hear Carmen talking and pop my head into her room. She looks up at me and cuts off her cell phone call.

  “I have to talk to you,” she says, then pats her bed for me to sit. I don’t though. I just walk in and stand near the door.

  “I slept with Hunter,” she says, then ducks her head afraid I might hit her.

  “How have you even seen him again, Carmen?” I ask because I was only aware that she had seen him twice.

  “He’s been teaching me to shoot and fight. I like him. But he doesn’t like me the way I like him.”

  I shake my head because I have nothing to say. What does she expect me to say, “Hey, let me give you tips”. No way! I leave her to her own thoughts and don’t even bother speaking any more words with her. I make my way back to my room where Stefanos is lying on my bed with his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. He doesn’t open his eyes when he speaks.

  “No leaving my side, Princess. You are to stay glued to me, understand?”

  “Yes, Father,” I say, in a sarcastic tone, which makes him jump up from the bed and head toward me, where he barricades me in with his arms.

  “You will listen or I will spank that juicy little ass of yours.”

  Is that supposed to be a threat? Because I really like the sound of that, so I smile at him.

  He cocks his head to the side and smirks. “In time Princess, I will do very bad things to that body of yours. You will never need or want another man in your life after me.”

  He’s cocky, but he has a right to be. He owns me.

  “Why wait? I want to have some fun now,” I say and slide my hand up under his shirt, making my way down into his boxers then slowly letting him spring free.

  “On the bed, Stefanos, now,” I say, while I pull my dress up over my head, which leaves me totally naked. He takes in the sight of me and his eyes darken with lust. They look almost black, but he chooses to do as I say and goes over to lie on the bed. I think of my options as I wonder how I can tease him. I grab one of his ties as I tell him to place his hands above his head. He does as I say, allowing me to tie his hands to the bedpost. Once I’m done, I walk across the room for my rabbit. I pull it out of my drawer and then move to stand up over him, so he can look and see exactly what I’m about to do.

  “Don’t you dare,” he says, looking from my pussy to my eyes.

  I smile and begin to pinch my nipples. I turn on my rabbit so it’s vibrating and then begin to slide it slowly over my wet opening, bringing it up to circle my throbbing clit. I look down at him and see him struggling, so I begin to tease him even more. I place a finger in my mouth and bring it out nice and slow, then I place it on my clit. I begin to push my rabbit up and in, letting it enter my waiting pussy. I’m so lost with the feeling of it all, that I don’t hear what is happening around me. But the next thing I know, my rabbit has been flung across the room and a lust filled madman is picking me up.

  “I warned you, Princess,” he says. He throws me onto the bed and spreads my legs roughly. He doesn’t give me any time to accept what’s about to happen and the next thing I know he enters me so hard and fast, that I scream from the pain as much as the pleasure.

  “You feel that?” he asks, between hard thrusts.

  I just nod my head. I can’t form words.

  “This is all you’re allowed to have inside my pussy, Princess. All you are allowed to have!”

  Then his mouth claims mine, and we release together.

  We lay there drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. My eyes are closing and just before I fall asleep, I hear him say, “My soul.”

  I know what he means when he says it. He’s saying his love for me stronger than love. And I believe him, with every fiber of my being.

  We park at the front of the hotel while waiting for the all clear. Rock is tapping his leg, waiting impatiently. Hunter knows someone that works inside the hotel that will tell him when it’s all clear.

  “Do not leave our side,” Stefanos warns.

  Just as he finishes talking my cell rings and Hunter tells us we’re good to go. I look to the boys and smile at them.

  “Are you ready?” I ask, grabbing my gun and knife, and sliding them into the back of my pants. Rock grunts, while Stefanos leans in and kisses me softly, like he’s savoring the moment. The instant his lips leave mine, I feel the loss and want him back, even though I know we don’t have time. He whispers in my ear that he loves me. I smile back, kiss his cheek and then climb out. I want to say the words, but I don’t because I feel if I say them, it might be like we are saying goodbye. When that’s clearly not something I want, nor is it an option.

  We make it to the lobby without being detected as I look around for any signs of his men. We don’t see any, so we take the stairs up to the third floor. As soon as we reach it I can see two men positioned at the front of Alberto’s door. I look across at Stefanos and Rock, and they start to make their way out there. I stay where I am, waiting till I hear a gun shot to make my appearance. He could have more men hidden anywhere.

  Once I hear the first bang, I come out, gun in hand and see two bodies lying on the floor. My boys are good... damn good! I smile at them and motion to Alberto’s door, hoping he was too occupied to hear the commotion taking place outside. We swipe our way in, but I can’t see him. I hear strangled cries coming from the bedroom, so we make our way in there.

  When I open the door, what I see makes me feel sick. He has a young woman tied to the bed laying flat on her stomach. He has forcefully entered her ass and she’s clearly in real pain. I can see red marks on her body from him being too damn rough with her.

  “Alberto l
ikes to play, hmm,” I say loudly, drawing his attention to me.

  He jumps up and looks around. He’s obviously taken by surprise by my presence. Just then Stefanos and Rock walk in with their guns drawn, but not raised because there’s no threat. I note they’ve also brought in the two guys that were at the front door. Alberto also notices and takes a deep breath and shakes his head. I take out my knife and sidestep to the opposite side of the bed and cut her straps loose.

  “You leave, now,” I say, motioning toward the girl.

  She looks up at Alberto, making sure he can’t stop her. I shake my head and point toward the door. She doesn’t say a word. She runs over and picks up her dress, but runs out naked. I look back at Alberto standing there naked with his dick still hard. I look at it and begin to think of the possibilities. I could inflict the same torture I showed his son and chop it off, but I think he needs to meet the end of my gun first.

  I sit there contemplating the list of possibilities, but in that time Rock has obviously had enough waiting. He walks over to Alberto and clocks him straight in the face. Alberto grabs his nose and begins to wail. I watch as he then grabs him by the arm and pulls roughly, causing Alberto to wail even louder. He then brings him to the open shower and ties his hands above his head so that he is suspended in the air.

  Rock punches him one more time, grunts and walks out the front door, leaving him with Stefanos and myself.

  “You up for some fun, Alberto?” I ask, drawing my knife.

  He looks down at it and his eyes go wide with shock.

  “Princess, you don’t have time to play,” Stefanos informs me.

  Back up will be coming soon for Alberto, or even worse, the cops will show. Stefanos tells me to make it quick and walks out to stand guard at the front door. I turn back to Alberto and contemplate the possibilities of inflicting massive amounts of torment and pain as fast as possible.

  “Did you know a man can survive multiple gun shot wounds over his body as long as you miss his major arteries?” I ask, while I tuck my knife back in and bring my gun out.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  I laugh at him, he’s a dumb fuck.

  “I certainly would.”

  Then, I shoot him in the shoulder. His screams echo in the bathroom and I know I can’t keep this up without someone hearing and reacting.

  “You’ll pay for this, you bitch,” he says, between screams.

  “My troubles will go with you, Alberto. So, I don’t have anything to worry about,” I say, then bring my gun up ready for the last shot to his head.

  “You think I’m the only one that wants to kill you? Are you a stupid bitch?”

  I shoot him in the leg, just for calling me a bitch. I can see he’s trying to stop his screams by biting his lip and clenching his fist, but it’s not working. His screams bring Stefanos in, and before I say anything, he brings his gun up and shoots him straight in the head.

  “I told you not to play. Cops are here. We have to go,” he says, then grabs my hand and pulls me from the room. I hear the sirens and before they have a chance to reach us, we are in his car and gone.

  “You need to stop playing,” Stefanos berates, which causes me to act like a five year old and cross my arms over my chest and sulk.

  This week has been quiet. Well, as quiet as it can get in our household. Carmen has been disappearing at nights and I think she’s meeting up with Hunter. I notice she carries her gun in the back of her pants and I choose not to say anything to her. If she wants to be in this life, she will be though she can’t say I haven’t warned her.

  Stefanos has a surprise for me today, which I’m not so happy about because that means we have to leave my room, where we’ve been having so much fun. He’s been getting quite shitty though, because someone is always knocking on my door or interrupting us during our most intimate moments.

  “Princess, we need to go,” he tells me, walking over to me and looking over my shoulder.

  I’m currently standing in front of my long full-length mirror, lost in thought. I nod my head and follow him out, wondering when I should break my news to him.

  Just before we leave I see Hunter and Carmen on his motorbike. She jumps off of it and she leans in to kiss him. He notices me and pulls away from her. She looks shocked at first until she turns around and sees me standing there. Then she slaps him across the face and storms inside. Stefanos laughs, but Hunter just smiles. He places his helmet back on and takes off.

  “Interesting,” I say to no one inparticular and then slide into the car. Once I’m in, I consider telling Stefanos what’s been eating me alive this last week. But I re-think it and consider not spoiling his mood.

  The drive isn’t long, maybe five minutes from my father’s house. We pull up to a beautiful beach house that has stunning views of the ocean. I look around for any signs of the surprise and I can’t see a thing except what’s in front of me. I’m starting to think he’s bought a house for himself while he’s here.

  Stefanos opens my door and helps me out. We walk to the beach house which is very modern and chic. He opens the front door and I look around. I automatically come to halt when I notice there are photos of Cassandra and myself. The living room is very open and overlooks the ocean. The kitchen joins in an open floor plan. He takes my hand and guides me up the stairs to the main bedroom. The bed is stunning. It’s a four-poster and it’s made of dark mahogany wood. So are the dressers and the cupboard.

  “I can tie you to our bed nice and tight now,” he whispers in my ear, sending shivers all over my body.

  “What do you mean ours?” I ask him

  “This is our house, Princess. I brought it when I was last here, for us. But things have been so crazy I haven’t completed it, ‘til now.”

  “I have a house, Stefanos,” I tell him, because technically my father’s house is mine. It’s been in my name since last year.

  “Yes, but we won’t have distractions here, and I will have you all to myself,” he says.

  He picks me up and carries me to the end of the hallway where there is another bedroom. He stands and takes in a few deep breaths and closes his eyes.

  “Close your eyes,” he tells me in a shaky voice.

  I do as he asks and I hear the bedroom door open. Stefanos kisses me on the lips and when we break apart, I keep my eyes closed.

  “Open now, Princess.”

  I open my eyes and come face to face with the man who now owns my soul. I look around and notice what this room is. I’m glad I’m not standing alone as I’d be flat out on the floor right about now.

  The room is beautiful, though it makes my secret that much more real. I look at the baby cot standing by itself, which is made up and full of teddy bears, blankets and pillows. I look to the changing table that is positioned right next to it. I try to take everything in, but I just can’t right now. So, I go back to look at the one thing that is real, Stefanos.

  “What’s... this for?” I ask, gesturing to the room.

  “You think you could hide something that important from me,” he says, deadly serious and in an angry tone.

  “I know, Princess. I found your test, plus your nipples are extra sensitive and your sex drive is through the roof. I’m pretty sure my cock wants to fall off with how much you have ridden it lately... Not that I don’t love it,” he adds, that last part with a wink.

  “You want this?” I ask, surprised. Honestly, it’s not something I really want.

  “I want all that is you. So, yes, I want this,” he says and I’m pretty sure that if I was holding anything back, he now has it all.

  “I love you, Stefanos.”

  “I know, Princess. I love you too.”

  Stefanos and I have spent the last two days in our new home. I couldn’t sleep one night so I went outside and sat on the beach, just off our back porch. My mind won’t shut down. I’m worried. I don’t want to bring a child into my world. My life isn’t right for a child, especially if that child is mine. Stefanos tries to rea
ssure me that everything will work out and that we’ll figure it out together, but I have little faith.

  Stefanos must have woken up because I wasn’t in bed. He found me gazing up at the stars while trying to figure things out. He has so much hope, and I have none.

  Today I have a doctor’s appointment to see how far along I am. Stefanos wants to tell my family and I won’t allow it. It still hasn’t sunk into my head yet, so why make my father freak when I don’t know what my plans are.

  On our way there, Stefanos hasn’t stopped smiling and I wonder if he’s taken drugs ‘cause that can be the only reason I can think of as to why he won’t stop smiling.

  “Are you on drugs?” I ask, because he needs to tell me if he is.

  He pulls a face and shakes his head no.

  “Well, why the hell are you smiling like a mad man?”

  “Because, Princess, I have you, and soon we will have a piece of us.”

  Simple, but still idiotically crazy.

  I don’t reply because I may say something I will regret, which will only have him trying to convince me everything will work out. As we pull up at the doctor’s office, I’m a bag of nerves. Stefanos comes around and opens the door for me and I reluctantly follow him inside.

  Once we are all checked in, I’m barely seated when my name is called. I don’t hear it, but Stefanos does and snaps me out of my thoughts. He grabs hold of my hand and pulls me up to follow him. Our doctor is in his late forty’s and he seems nice enough. Until he tells me about the vaginal examination, which is required to confirm how far along I am. I decide running sounds like a great idea, but Stefanos agrees and keeps his hand firmly planted on my thigh so I can’t run.

  Once my legs are bent and a condom is placed on the probe, I start to close my legs so he can’t stick that thing anywhere near me. He tells me to relax and asks me to open a bit further. I contemplate running again, but I can’t do that, I have no pants on.

  We wait for what seems like ages, until we start to hear a sound coming from the machine that is now connected to my vagina.


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