Gravity: A Country Romance

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Gravity: A Country Romance Page 8

by Shayne McClendon

  “Speaking of something for around your neck…” Jo watched as Holden pulled a platinum chain from his pocket and held it in front of her. “I bought you something.”

  “No…oh, Holden. You have to stop buying me things. I’m not used to it and I never get you anything. I don’t even know how to shop for a man. If not for your mom, I’d still be standing locked up in the damn mall trying to buy you a birthday present.”

  His laughter boomed across the patio and several people smiled in their direction. “Jo, I buy you things because it makes me happy. You want me to be happy, don’t you?” She didn’t answer and he grinned. “I know you do and I get positively giddy picking out gifts for you, Jo.”


  “Take your present. I think you’re really going to like it.”

  Holden lifted her hand and placed the chain in her palm. It featured a flat pendant similar to a dog tag. The back was engraved. “The best moms are the ones who don’t have to be. Thank you for being one of the best, Jo. We love you.”

  She teared up instantly and he turned it over in her hand. There was a raised heart on the front.

  “Those are tiny strands of yours, your mother’s, Abby’s, and Andy’s hair braided in the shape of a heart. They put it in place and dipped it in platinum. I wanted you to always have a piece of your mother and your daughters with you.”

  She traced her finger over it and threw her arms around him, crushing her body to his, embarrassed at the hitching sobs that escaped.

  He picked her up and carried her to the tiny garden alcove off the master bedroom. Settling into one of the chairs, he kept her on his lap. Her hands stroked through his hair as she kissed him deeply for a long time.

  Jo rested her forehead against his and whispered, “I love you so very much. Thank you for giving me family and little girls and a life where I’m not afraid and alone anymore.” Cupping her face, he used his thumbs to wipe her tears. She was glad Tina had insisted on waterproof mascara.

  “We love you and needed you real bad. You’re the only one we wanted, Jo. I’m so proud to have you as my woman and the mother of my children.”

  Holden loved her down with strokes over her bare shoulders and upper back as he kissed her again. Hugging her more firmly against him, he groaned.

  “You smell amazing and you feel like heaven. I’ve wanted to touch you…take you for so long. Every minute with you requires restraint I didn’t realize I had inside me.” His arms tightened even further. “I swear to you, if I don’t get you in my bed soon I will die…I mean it, Jo. Knowing you were sleeping two hundred feet from me and not being able to touch you was enough to bring me to my knees some nights.”

  Jo raked her short nails through his hair and kissed him. She felt his body harden around her. “Let’s wrap up the festivities. I’m just as tired of waiting as you are, Holden. You’re so gorgeous…more than usual and that’s saying something. I don’t know what cologne you’re wearing but you smell delicious.”

  That made him laugh and she sighed sadly. “If the photographer didn’t get ten shots of you waiting for me at the altar, I’m gonna kick his ass. Your poor mother had my waist in a vice grip to keep me from running to you.”

  “Running, huh? Let me see the shoes you would have run in.”

  She lifted her voluminous skirts to her knee and raised her foot for him to see the high heels she was wearing. Jo stared at the shoes Sadie and Tina had talked her into buying with a grin. It had taken a lot of practice to learn to walk in them.

  When Holden didn’t say anything, she glanced up and was taken aback by the hunger on his face. It was something he tried to hide, to keep from overwhelming her. Her physical body might be innocent but she understood what he wanted and needed.

  Her entire body went instantly hot.

  Reaching for her ankle, he circled it and ran his hand up her leg to her thigh beneath the dress. There was no way to stop the low moan from escaping as he slid over her hip, squeezed her ass, and slipped around to palm her mound through her satin panties.

  “God…so warm. You feel incredible.” His eyes lifted. “Are you wet for me, Jo?” She nodded with her lower lip between her teeth. “I’m painfully hard for you.”

  She shocked herself by saying, “I want to feel you. Let me touch you.”

  Holden closed his eyes and growled low in his chest. He stood and set her on her feet, turning their bodies so they were concealed from anyone who passed. Putting her fingertips to his lips, he planted small kisses over each one and an open-mouthed one in the center of her palm. It made her heart race.

  Then he lowered it and settled her hand over his groin. Jo’s eyes widened even as she instinctively gripped him and stroked.

  “Sweet Jesus…”

  Suddenly, a lifetime spent in her mother’s company seemed to register. Donna had spoken openly and honestly about sex, lacking the filter most parents maintained with their children.

  His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides as she touched him. He groaned when she lifted one of his hands and placed it over her breast through the bodice of her gown. The passion in his eyes climbed and he squeezed, stepping closer.

  “I want to be buried inside you.” The words were barely audible but furled her nipples even tighter. “I want this nipple in my mouth, sucking it hard as I take you, Jo.”

  In a sensual daze, she nodded and lifted her other hand to explore him. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against his slacks. It was hot through the material.

  “I want to touch you.” Her fingers went to the button and he whimpered.

  “Fuck…we have to stop or I’m going to come right here, Jo. Please, I’m begging you. There isn’t a man on earth with this level of control.”

  Their eyes met in the dim light, her fingers working to move his clothes away, and she whispered, “You don’t have to have control, Holden. Neither of us needs control anymore. We belong to each other.”

  She slipped her hand inside the opening of his pants and circled the silken steel of him. He locked his knees to keep from falling.

  “I want to watch you come. You’ve given me so much. I want to give you relief.” She stretched up to kiss his jaw. It was tight with tension. “Show me how to make you come, Holden.”

  “Jo…there are fifty people less than twenty yards from us.”

  “You’re my husband.” She stroked him more firmly. “I want to make you feel good. Right now, Holden. Later, I’ll explore you, taking my time touching you…tasting you.” His hand on her breast spasmed. “For now, let me relieve the pressure.”

  His arm dropped over her shoulders and he pulled her against his side. She changed the position of her hand and his fingers settled over hers. Guiding her, he showed her the rhythm, showed her how hard she could tighten around him.

  Softly, she murmured, “I thought it would hurt if I gripped you so hard.”

  “It doesn’t hurt.” His voice sounded strangled. “That’s it, Jesus…just like that.” She took over the movement and his hand returned to her breast, slipping into the bodice to palm the globe and tweak her nipple. “I’m not going to last, Jo. Your hand on my cock is too fucking incredible. I want you too much.”

  Fascinated with the way her fingers looked wrapped around his length, she zoned out on the motion and the sound of his breath panting between his lips. “You feel hot, so hard…I can’t wait to feel you inside me.” She hadn’t meant to say the words aloud.

  “Jo…god, yes.”

  His hips worked against her hand and he buried his face against her hair to hide the sound of his moan as jets of semen splattered over the rose bush near their patio wall.

  On and on he came and Jo continued to stroke him, wanting him to feel good because her touch pleased him. Her voice shook when she whispered, “Watching you come makes my skin feel too tight.”

  As the last of his release left his body, she slicked her fingertips over the head. Lifting her hand, she put her fingers to her lips. His eyes w
ere glued to her as her tongue licked out to taste his seed.

  “I should have taken you in my mouth.”

  Then she was pushed flat against the wall of the house with Holden pressing his body against hers. “I’m going to keep you up all night, Jo.” His hand gathered up the skirt of her gown a few inches at a time until he could touch her skin. “I won’t let you sleep until we collapse from pleasure.”

  His palm coasted over her thigh, around to squeeze her ass, and back to settle over her mound. He had to be able to feel how wet she was. Pulling away the edge of the panties, he slipped his fingers beneath.

  Jo rocked her hips forward and whispered his name.

  “Wet and hot. It’s your turn now, Jo. Come for my fingers and later you’ll come for my mouth and then for my cock.” He whispered directly into her ear, the warmth of his breath pushing her higher and higher as she met the rhythm he set over her clit. “Yes, show me where you need me. That’s it. I want to make you come.”

  Then she did suddenly, feeling as if she was going to rattle apart, gripping his shoulders to keep herself standing. “Holden. Holden. Holden.”

  His mouth found hers and devoured it as he stroked her down. Only when the tremors eased did he break the kiss.

  “Everything, Jo. I’m going to show you everything.” The fingers he took from her body went between his lips and she watched as he sucked away her flavor. “Taste. Know how delicious you are to me.”

  His kiss was the flavor of her body blended with the flavor of his. It felt like a moment but had probably been far longer when they heard footsteps.

  Without a word, he straightened her gown and closed his pants. “Soon, Jo. There is so much more and I’m going to make sure you experience all of it.”

  She nodded and tried to appear calm when his parents rounded the wall.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Parents have horrible timing. Best you learn that now,” Sadie told her with a smile.

  Jo blushed hot even as she lost the battle to control her laughter. Holden slid his arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze.

  “I can’t tell you how I hate to interrupt but the girls are falling asleep on their feet. We’re going to take them home and keep them occupied for a few days.” Her eyes landed on Holden. “We, um, brought you each a glass of champagne.”

  It was only when the sparkling wine replaced the taste of their release did Jo understand why his parents had thought to bring it.

  “Jo, your skin is positively nuclear. I remember my own wedding very well.” She linked her arm through her new daughter-in-law’s. “Never be embarrassed about loving your husband and wanting him. More marriages would succeed if couples embraced their need to be complete nymphomaniacs with one another.”

  Her second sip of champagne was inhaled.

  “Mom…please let her baby step into it. Remember, you’ve had five decades to learn how incorrigible you are.” He rubbed Jo’s back and gave her a smile.

  All of them laughed and Keith said quietly, “She’s a perpetual student, thank god.”

  “Too much, Dad.”

  They reached the reception area and the newlyweds lifted the girls from the chaise lounge where they’d laid down together. The twins curled against Jo and Holden sleepily. They gave snuggles, traded girls, and carried them to his parents’ car.

  “Goodnight, Jo. Goodnight, Daddy.”

  “We’ll see you soon and thank you for making our wedding so beautiful and perfect.”

  “We practiced our job a lot.”

  “It showed. You were magnificent.” Jo leaned in and kissed them one more time as they giggled happily.

  “Jo, welcome to the family. We adore you. Holden, she is exactly the right woman for you, son.” Keith hugged them hard and got in their Cadillac.

  Sadie smiled, hugged them one more time, and got in as well. A moment later, they drove away. Jo and Holden watched until they were out of sight.

  When they returned to the patio, Tina was trying to get their guests to go home. “You still look fresh and pretty, Jo.” She tilted her head. “Actually…you look positively glowing.” Her grin was bright in the soft light. “Naughty minx. I know what you’ve been doing. I’ve got this so go dance with your new husband.”

  Holden pulled her out on the floor, the DJ put on Your Everything, and nothing could have surprised her more than when he sang the lyrics with his lips against her ear. They swayed together and she kept her arms around his neck, her hands in his hair.

  By the time the song ended, the last few guests gathered around them clapping. They glanced up, startled. Holden laughed and Jo’s skin flamed.

  He announced, “Thank you for coming. We’ve loved having everyone with us and we’ll do a barbeque pool party in a couple of weeks. Honestly though, if you don’t leave soon, I may pass out from blood deprivation.”

  Everyone burst out laughing and started picking up their stuff.

  Tina put music on the house stereo system and hustled the DJ out with money Holden had given her for each service company. She had the caterers put the leftovers in containers for them to grab from the fridge and enlisted Dare and War to help them load their gear after she gave the owner his payment. Though the bartender had already gotten a check, he happily accepted a fat tip.

  The rental company would pick up the tables, chairs, and tent the next day. War and Dare stacked them at the top of the drive as Tina instructed.

  All day, she’d asked incoming guests to leave their gifts on the dining table inside so they wouldn’t need to be moved at the end of the night.

  By the time Jo and Holden danced two more songs, the hired staff was gone, the guests were out, and the place was relatively neat.

  As Tina exited the house, Dare swept her out to dance and all of them were amazed at how good she was. Without missing a beat, she danced the first half with Dare before he spun her to War. Back and forth, they moved her until she was laughing happily.

  When another song started, she held up her hand to stop them, smiled, and walked over to Jo and Holden. “There are plenty of leftovers in the fridge.”

  “After all the food we’ve eaten? No way can I eat another bite, Tina.”

  Tina chuckled. “Girl, you will be hungry later…trust me on that. When the three of us head out you’re on your own. The rental guy will pick up his stuff and call me in the morning. You don’t have to talk to him.”

  Pulling Jo close, she added softly, “Congratulations, honey. Be happy because you sure deserve it.” Kissing her cheek, she stepped back. “Holden, this couldn’t be more right.” He nodded and she gave him a hug. “All the doors are locked except this one, lights are out. Forget the world and we’ll see you in a few days.”

  She turned and picked up the overnight bag she’d brought the day before to help Jo with final preparations. “Tina, you’re the best. Thank you for all your help. Without you and Sadie, today would have been a disaster.”

  “Not my first rodeo, darlin’. Kisses. Get outta here!” She winked and headed around the house to the driveway, War and Dare in her wake.

  The moment Holden heard War’s truck start, he scooped Jo up and walked to the house. She reached down and locked the French doors behind them. The rooms were dark but soft music played through the house speakers.

  Nudging their bedroom door open, both of them stared in shock.

  “Oh my god…”

  Tina had decorated the master bedroom for their wedding night. There were dozens of candles around the room, a bucket of champagne with two glasses beside the bed, and a covered glass dish of chocolate covered strawberries on the bedside table closest to the garden door.

  On the other bedside table was a basket of oils and lubricants, hygienic wipes, and honey dust with a large silky brush to apply it sitting beside small bowls of fresh cherries, almonds, and cashews. Scattered around the room were wildflower arrangements that made the space smell like a meadow, clean and pretty.

  Holden whispered, “You fi
nd out what she needs and we’ll do something real nice for her, Jo. You just let me know.”

  She nodded in amazement. Tina had put so much work into their wedding. This extra surprise went above and beyond.

  He added, “Those boys so much as bruise her sweet heart and I’ll beat them down personally. You have my guarantee.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Holden kissed her with everything he had and Jo pressed her body to him as he set her on her feet. His jacket was shrugged off and laid it over the bench at the end of the bed. His tie was next and then he toed off his shoes.

  When she undid a couple of buttons on his shirt and planted a kiss at the base of his throat, it gave him a chill. For months, he’d held back, refusing to push her; then knowing he owed her the respect of waiting until they were married.

  She would be the last woman to touch him sexually. It meant everything.

  Jo reached up to unpin her hair and he moved her hands away to do it himself. It was such a simple task but he liked how it made her smile. He removed the combs then one pin at a time. When her hair fell free, he picked it up and held it to his cheek, rubbing it against his skin and inhaling the clean smell of citrus.

  Dropping it, he watched it settle into soft golden waves before raking his fingers from her temples to the middle of her back. His mouth dropped over hers for just a moment, not long enough to get distracted but enough to show how much he needed her.

  He removed her jewelry and put it on top of his dresser in a carved box. His own ring and watch sat beside hers. It was their first domestic act, a sign that this was her space now as well as his.

  Their eyes met and he read the same thought in her expression. She smiled. “Such a little thing…but not at the same time.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Jo. Finally here, right where you belong.”

  Turning her, he pulled her back to his chest. One hand lifted her hair out of the way to kiss from her ear to the nape of her neck. Jo shivered and pressed into him. Wrapping his forearm around her stomach, the other across her chest, he nudged her face up and back so he could kiss her lips again.


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