Fields of Wrath

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Fields of Wrath Page 72

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

  Bragi (BRAH-gee): Northern god of poetry; killed at the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Brysombolig (Briss-om-BOH-leeg): Troublesome House; Loki’s long-abandoned citadel

  Byggvir (BEWGG-veer): Frey’s human servant; husband of Beyla

  Colbey Calistinsson (KULL-bay): legendary immortal Renshai; blood son of Thor and a mortal Renshai; husband of Freya

  Einherjar (Ighn-HER-yar): the immortal souls of dead warriors chosen from the battlefield who dwell in Valhalla

  The Fenris Wolf (FEN-ris): the Great Wolf; the evil son of Loki; also called Fenrir; killed at the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Frey (FRAY): Northern god of rain, sunshine and fortune; father of the elves

  Freya (FRAY-uh): Frey’s sister; Northern goddess of battle

  Frigg (FRIGG): Odin’s wife; Northern goddess of fate

  Geirönul (Gay-EER-awn-ull): Spear-bearer; a Valkyrie

  Gladsheim (GLAD-shighm): “Place of Joy”; sanctuary of the gods

  Göll (GAWL): Screaming; a Valkyrie

  Hel (HEHL): Northern goddess of the cold underrealm for those who do not die in valorous combat; killed at the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Hel (HEHL): the underrealm ruled by the goddess Hel

  Heimdall (HIGHM-dahl): Northern god of vigilance and father of mankind; killed at the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Herfjötur (Herf-YOH-terr): Host Fetter; a Valkyrie

  Hildr (HEELD): Warrior; a Valkyrie

  Hlidskjalf (HLID-skyalf): Odin’s high seat from which he could survey the worlds

  Hlökk (HLAWK): Shrieking; a Valkyrie

  Hod (HAHD): Blind god, a son of Odin; returned with Baldur after the Ragnarok

  Honir (HOHN-eer): an indecisive god who survived the Ragnarok

  Hrist (HRIST): Shaker; a Valkyrie

  Idunn (EE-dun): Bragi’s wife; keeper of the golden apples of youth

  Ìfing (IFF-ing): river between Asgard and Jötunheim

  Jötunheim (YOH-tun-highm): the world of the giants; destroyed during the Ragnarok

  Kvasir (KWAH-seer): a wise god, murdered by dwarves, whose blood was brewed into the mead of poetry (deceased)

  Loki (LOH-kee): Northern god of fire and guile; a traitor to the gods and a champion of chaos; killed at the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Magni (MAG-nee): Thor’s and Sif’s son; Northern god of might

  Mana-garmr (MAH-nah garm): Northern wolf destined to extinguish the sun with the blood of men at Ragnarok; killed in the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Midgard (MID-gard): the world of humans

  The Midgard Serpent: a massive, poisonous serpent destined to kill and be killed by Thor at the Ragnarok; Loki’s son; killed in the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Mimir (MIM-eer): wise god who was killed by gods; Odin preserved his head and used it as an adviser (deceased)

  Mist: Mist; a Valkyrie

  Modi: (MOH-dee): Thor’s and Sif’s son; Northern god of blood wrath

  Nanna (NAH-nah): Baldur’s wife

  Nidhogg (NID-hogg): dragon who gnaws at the root of the World Tree in Niflheim

  Niflheim (NIFF-uhl-highm): Misty Hel; the coldest part of Hel to which the worst of the dead are committed

  Njord (NYORR): Frey’s and Freya’s father; died in the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Norns: the keepers of past (Urdr), present (Verdandi), and future (Skuld)

  Odin: (OH-dinn): Northern leader of the pantheon; father of the gods; killed in the Ragnarok; resurrected self by placing his soul in the empty Staff of Law prior to his slaying, then overtaking the leader of the elves (deceased)

  Odrorir (ODD-dror-eer): the cauldron containing the mead of poetry brewed from Kvasir’s blood

  The Ragnarok (RAG-nuh-rock): the massive war prophesied to destroy the gods, humans, and elves; partially thwarted by Colbey Calistinsson and Odin

  Ran (RAHN): wife of Aegir; killed in the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Randgrithr (RAWND-greeth): Shield-bearer; a Valkyrie

  Raska Colbeysson (RASS-kuh): son of Colbey and Freya; aka Ravn (RAY-vinn); see Renshai

  Ratatosk (Rah-tah-TOSK): a squirrel who relays insults between Nidhogg and the eagle at the top of Yggdrasill

  Rathgrithr (RATH-greeth): Plan-Destroyer; a Valkyrie

  Reginleif (REGG-inn-leef): God’s Kin; a Valkyrie

  Sif (SIFF): Thor’s wife; Northern goddess of fertility and fidelity

  Sigyn (SEE-gihn): Loki’s wife

  Skeggjöld (SKEG-yawld): Axe Time; a Valkyrie

  Skögul (SKOH-gull): Raging; a Valkyrie

  Skoll (SKOHWL): Northern wolf who was to swallow the sun at the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Skuld (SKULLD): Being; the Norn who represents the future

  Spring of Mimir: spring under the second root of Yggdrasill

  Syn (SIN): Northern goddess of justice and innocence

  Surtr (SURT): the king of fire giants; destined to kill Frey and destroy the worlds of elves and men with fire at the Ragnarok; killed in the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Thor: Northern god of storms, farmers, and law; killed in the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Thrudr (THRUD): Thor’s daughter; goddess of power

  Tyr (TEER): Northern one-handed god of war and faith; killed in the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Ugagnevangar (Oo-gag-nih-VANG-ahr): Dark Plain of Misfortune; Loki’s world on which sits Brysombolig

  Urdr (ERD): Fate; the Norn who represents the past

  Valaskjalf (Vahl-AS-skyalf): Shelf of the Slain; Odin’s citadel

  Valhalla (Vawl-HOLL-uh): the heaven for the souls of dead warriors killed in valiant combat; at the Ragnarok, the souls in Valhalla (Einherjar) assisted the gods in battle

  Vali (VAHL-ee): Odin’s son; survived the Ragnarok

  The Valkyries (VAWL-ker-ees): the Choosers of the Slain; warrior women who choose which souls got to Valhalla on the battlefield

  Verdandi (Ver-DAN-dee): Necessity; the Norn who represents the present

  Vidar (VEE-dar): son of Odin destined to avenge his father’s death at the Ragnarok by slaying the Fenris Wolf; current leader of the gods

  The Well of Urdr: body of water at the base of the first root of Yggdrasill

  The Wolf Age: the sequence of events immediately preceding the Ragnarok during which Skoll swallows the sun, Hati mangles the moon, and the Fenris Wolf runs free

  Yggdrasill (IGG-druh-zill): the World Tree


  (now considered essentially defunct; mostly studied for its historical significance)

  Aphrikelle (Ah-frih-KELL): Western goddess of spring

  Cathan (KAY-than): Western goddess of war, specifically hand-to-hand combat; twin to Kadrak

  Dakoi (Dah-KOY): Western god of death

  The Faceless God: Western god of winter

  Firfan (FEER-fan): Western god of archers and hunters

  Itu (EE-too): Western goddess of knowledge and truth

  Kadrak (KAD-drak): Western god of war; twin to Cathan

  Ruaidhri (Roo-AY-dree): Western leader of the pantheon

  Suman (SOO-mon): Western god of farmers and peasants

  Weese (WEESSS): Western god of winds

  Yvesen (IV-eh-sen): Western god of steel and women

  Zera’im (ZAYR-uh-eem): Western god of honor


  (though more common than the Western religion, it is also considered essentially defunct)

  Sheriva (Shuh-REE-vah): omnipotent, only god of the Eastlands

  Outworld Gods

  Ciacera (See-uh-SAYR-uh): goddess of life on the sea floor who takes the form of an octopus

  Mahaj (Muh-HAJ): the god of dolphins

  Morista (Moor-EES-tah): the god of swimming creatures who takes the form of a seahorse


  a (AH): EASTERN;

  ailar (IGH-lar): EASTERN; “to bring”

  al (AIL): EASTERN; the first person singular pronoun

  aldrnari (old-NAHR-ee): HEIMSTADER; “fire”

  alfen (ALF-in): BÉARNIAN; “elves”; term created by elves to refer to themselves

  alsona (al-SOH-na): HEIMSTADER; “person” or “people”; “the servants”

  alsonese (al-soh-NEEZ): TRADING; Tae’s made-up name for usaro

  amythest-weed: TRADING; a specific type of wildflower

  anari (uh-NAHR-ee): HEIMSTADER; the mind-language of Heimstadr

  anem (ON-um): BARBARIAN; “enemy”; usually used in reference to a specific race or tribe with whom the barbarian’s tribe is at war

  åndelig mannhimmel (AWN-deh-lee mahn-hee-MELL): RENSHAI; “spirit man of the sky”; an advanced Renshai sword maneuver

  aristiri (ah-riss-TEER-ee): TRADING; a breed of singing hawk

  årvåkir (awr-vaw-KEER): NORTHERN; “vigilant one”

  baronshei (buh-RON-shigh): TRADING; “bald”

  bassana (ba-SAW-nah): HEIMSTADER; “bed”

  bein (BAYN): NORTHERN; “legs”

  berserks (BAYR-sayr): NORTHERN; soldiers who fight without emotion, ignoring the safety of self and companions because of drugs or mental isolation; “crazy”

  bha’fraktii (bhah-FROCK-tee-igh): ELVISH; “those who court their doom”; a lysalf term for svartalf

  binyal (BIN-yall): TRADING; a type of spindly tree

  bleffy (BLEFF-ee): WESTERN/TRADING; a child’s euphemism for nauseating

  bolboda (bawl-BOH-duh): NORTHERN; “evilbringer”

  bonta (BONN-tah): EASTERN; vulgar term for a male homosexual

  brawly (BRAWL-ee): WESTERN; street slang for gang-level protection racketeers

  brigshigsa weed (brih-SHIG-sah): WESTERN; a specific leafy weed with a translucent, red stem; a universal antidote to several common poisons

  brorin (BROHR-inn): RENSHAI; “brother”

  bruni (brew-NEE): NORTHERN; “fire”

  brunstil (BRUNN-steel): NORTHERN; a stealth maneuver learned from barbarians by the Renshai; literally “brown and still”

  butterflower: TRADING; a specific type of wild flower with a brilliant, yellow hue

  chrisshius (KRISS-ee-us): WESTERN; a specific type of wildflower

  chroams (krohms): WESTERN; a specific coinage of copper, silver, or gold

  corpa (KOR-pah): WESTERN; “brotherhood”, “town”; literally “body”

  cringers: EASTERN; gang slang for people who show fear

  daimo (DIGH-moh): EASTERN; slang term for Renshai

  demon (DEE-mun): ANCIENT TONGUE; a creature of magic

  dero (DAYR-oh): EASTERN; a type of winter fruit

  djem (dee-YEM): NORTHERN; “demon”

  djevgullinhåri (dee-YEV-gull-inn-HAHR-ee): NORTHERN; “golden-haired devils”

  djevskulka (dee-yev-SKOHL-ka): NORTHERN; an expletive that essentially means “devil’s play”

  doranga (door-ANG-uh): TRADING; a type of tropical tree with serrated leaves and jutting rings of bark

  drilstin (DRILL-stinn): TRADING; an herb used by healers

  dwar-freytii (dwar-FRAY-tee-igh): ELVISH; “the chosen ones of Frey”; a svartalf name for themselves

  Einherjar (Ighn-HER-yar): NORTHERN; “the dead warriors’ souls in Vahalla”

  ejenlyåndel (ay-YEN-lee-ON-dell): ELVISH; “immortality echo”; a sense of infinality that is a part of every human and elf; the soul

  eksil (EHK-seel): NORTHERN; “exile”

  erenspice (EH-ren-spighs): EASTERN; a type of hot spice used in cooking

  ernontris (err-NON-triss): OUTWORLD; a specific gruesome and magical type of torture

  fafra (FAH-fruh): TRADING; “to eat”

  feflin (FEF-linn): TRADING; “to hunt”

  fegling (FEGG-ling): ERYTHANIAN; “coward”

  feuer (fee-YORE): BEARNESE; “fire”

  floyetsverd (floy-ETTS-wayrd): RENSHAI; a disarming maneuver

  formynder (for-MEWN-derr): NORTHERN; “guardian”, “teacher”

  forrader (foh-RAY-der): NORTHERN; “traitor”

  forraderi (foh-reh-derr-EE): NORTHERN; “treason”

  forsvarir (fors-var-EER): RENSHAI; a specific disarming maneuver

  frey (FRAY): NORTHERN; “lord”

  freya (FRAY-uh): NORTHERN; “lady”

  frichen-karboh (FRATCH-inn kayr-BOH): EASTERN; widow; literally “manless woman, past usefulness”

  frilka (FRAIL-kah): EASTERN; the most formal title for a woman, elevating her nearly to the level of a man

  fussling (FUSS-ling): TRADING; slang for bothering

  galn (GAHLN): NORTHERN; “ferociously crazy”

  ganim (GAH-neem): RENSHAI; “a non-Renshai”

  garlet (GAR-let): WESTERN; a specific type of wildflower believed to have healing properties

  garn (GARN): NORTHERN; “yarn”

  gerlinr (gerr-LEEN): RENSHAI; a specific aesthetic and difficult sword maneuver

  gloik (GLOYK): TRADING; slang term for oaf

  granshy (GRANN-shigh): WESTERN; “plump”

  gullin (GULL-inn): NORTHERN; “golden”

  gynurith (ga-NAR-ayth): EASTERN; “excrement”

  hacantha (ha-CAN-thah): TRADING; a specific type of cultivated flower that comes in various hues

  hadongo (hah-DONG-oh): WESTERN; a twisted, hardwood tree

  handelegg (HON-dell-egg): NORTHERN; “arm”

  HandeleggColbyr (HON-dell-egg-KULL-bayr): NORTHERN; “the arm of Colbey”; Valr Magnus’ sword

  harval (harr-VALL): ANCIENT TONGUE; “the gray blade”

  hastivillr (has-tih-VEEL): RENSHAI; a sword maneuver

  herbont (HER-bont): TRADING; a specific type of gnarly tree that tends to grow with multiple trunks

  hervani arwawn telis braiforn (her-VONN-ee ar-WAN tell-EES bray-FORN): ELVISH; “joining together that which normally has no true focus”; adding magical strength to solid objects

  hyrr (HIGH-er): ELVISH; “fire”

  ivana (ee-VONN-nah): ELVISH; negative slang term for “half-human/half-elfin creature”; named for Ivana (see Béarnides)

  jarfr (YAR-far): HEIMSTADER; a specific, ferocious predator (akin to a wolverine)

  jeconia (jah-KOHN-yah): TRADING; a specific type of venomous snake

  jovinay arithanik (joh-VIN-ay ar-ih-THAN-ik): ELVISH; “a joining of magic”; a gathering of elves for the purpose of amplifying and casting spells

  jufinar (JOO-fin-ar): TRADING; a specific type of bush-like tree that produces berries

  kadlach (KOD-lok; the ch has a guttural sound): TRADING; a vulgar term for a disobedient child; akin to brat

  kathkral (KATH-krall): ELVISH; a specific type of broad-leafed tree

  kenya (KEN-yuh): WESTERN; “bird”

  khohlar (KOH-lahr): ELVISH; a mental magical concept that involves transmitting several words in an instantaneous concept

  khohlar, direct: ELVISH; khohlar sent to an individual; aka singular khohlar

  khohlar, indirect: ELVISH; khohlar sent to everyone

  kirstal (KEER-stahl): HEIMSTADER; a specific type of towering, thickly-branched tree that grows on Heimstadr

  kjaelnabnir (kyahl-NAHB-neer): RENSHAI; temporary name for a child until a hero’s name becomes available

  Kjempemagiska (Kee-YEM-pay-muh-JEES-kah): HEIMSTADR; “magical giants”; “the masters”

  Kjempese (kee-YEM-peez): TRADING; Tae’s made-up word for anari

  kinesthe (kin-ESS-teh): NORTHERN; “strength”

  kolbladnir (kol-BLAW-neer): NORTHERN; “the cold-bladed”

  krabbe (krab-EH): NORTHERN; “the crab”; a Renshai sword maneuver

  kraell (kray-ELL): ANCIENT TONGUE; a
type of demon dwelling in the deepest region of chaos’ realm

  kyndig (KAWN-dee): NORTHERN; “skilled one”

  lasat (lih-SAHT): HEIMSTADER; “apple”

  latense (lah-TEN-seh): RENSHAI; a sword maneuver

  lav’rintir (lahv-rinn-TEER): ELVISH; “destroyer of the peace”

  lav’rintii (lahv-RINN-tee-igh): ELVISH; “the followers of Lav’rintir”

  lessakit (LAYS-eh-kight): EASTERN; “a message”

  leuk (LUKE): WESTERN; “white”

  loki (LOH-kee): NORTHERN; “fire”

  lonriset (LON-rih-set): WESTERN; a ten-stringed instrument

  lynstriek (LEEN-strayk): RENSHAI; a sword maneuver

  lysalf (LEES-alf): ELVISH; “light elf”

  magni (MAG-nee): NORTHERN; “might”

  mehiar (mih-HIGH-er): HEIMSTADER; a tea-like drink flavored with milk and honey

  meirtrin (MAYR-trinn): TRADING; a specific breed of nocturnal rodent

  menneskelik (men-ESS-ka-leek): ELVISH; “humanized”

  mermelr (MERR-mell): HEIMSTADER; a specific squirrel-like animal with a flat tail (akin to marmot)

  minkelik (min-KELL-ik): ELVISH; “human”

  mirack (merr-AK): WESTERN; a specific type of hardwood tree with white bark

  missy beetle: TRADING; a type of harmless, black beetle

  mjollnir (MYOLL-neer): NORTHERN; “mullicrusher”

  modi (MOE-dee): NORTHERN; “wrath”

  Morshoch (MOOR-shok): ANCIENT TONGUE; “sword of darkness”

  Motfrabelonning (mot-frah-bell-ONN-ee): NORTHERN; “reward of courage”

  muldyrein (MULL-dih-rayn): ELVISH; “mule”

  mulesl om natten (MYOO-sill-ohm-NOT-in): RENSHAI; “the night mule”; a Renshai sword maneuver

  musserënde (myoo-ser-EN-deh): RENSHAI; “sparkling”; a Renshai sword maneuver

  mynten (MIN-tin): NORTHERN; a specific type of coin

  nådenal (naw-deh-NAHL): RENSHAI; “needle of mercy”; a silver, guardless, needle-shaped dagger constructed during a meticulous religious ceremony and used to end the life of an honored, suffering ally or enemy, then melted in the victim’s pyre

  nålogtråd (naw-LOG-trawd): RENSHAI; “needle and thread”; a Renshai sword maneuver

  noca (NOH-kuh): BEARNESE; “grandfather”

  Nualfheim (Noo-ALF-highm): ELVISH; “new elf home”

  odelhurtig (od-ehl-HEWT-ih): RENSHAI; a sword maneuver

  oopey (OO-pee): WESTERN/TRADING; a child’s euphemism for an injury


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