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Fields of Wrath

Page 73

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

  orlorner (oor-LEERN-ar): EASTERN; “to deliver to”

  pen-fruit: WESTERN; an edible fruit that is the seed of the pen-fruit tree

  perfrans (PURR-franz): WESTERN; a specific scarlet wildflower

  pike: NORTHERN; “mountain”

  placeling (PLAYS-ling): ANCIENT TONGUE; a creature with Outworld blood placed magically into a human womb

  prins (PRINS): NORTHERN; “prince”

  ranweed: WESTERN; a specific type of wild plant

  raynshee (RAYN-shee): TRADING; “elder”

  reipfrodleikr (righp-FROHD-lighk): ELVISH; “trace magic”; an impression of magic on an object that is not magical but has had magic cast directly upon it

  rexin (RAYKS-inn): EASTERN; “king”

  rhinsheh (ran-SHAY): EASTERN; “morning”

  richi (REE-chee): WESTERN; a specific type of songbird

  rintsha (RINT-shah): WESTERN; “cat”

  Ristoril (RISS-tor-rill): ANCIENT TONGUE; “sword of tranquillity”

  sannrfrodleikr (san-FROHD-lighk): ELVISH; “true magic”; an item that is inherently magical

  sangrit (SAN-grit): BARBARIAN; “to form a blood bond”

  sarvenna (sar-VENN-uh): TRADING; a specific type of plant that has anesthetic properties

  saw grass: WESTERN; a specific type of grass

  shucara: (shoo-KAHR-uh): TRADING; a specific type of medicinal root

  skjald (SKYAWLD): NORTHERN; “musician chronicler”

  skulkë i djevlir (SKOOLK-eh ee dyev-LEER): NORTHERN; “devils’ brutal fun”

  skulkë i djevgullinhari (SKOOLK-eh ee dyev-gull-inn-HAHR-ee): NORTHERN; “golden-haired devils’ brutal fun”

  skyggefrodleikr (skigg-eh-FROHD-lighk): ELVISH; “shadow magic”; an impression or echo of magic on an object that has been in long and close proximity to, and/or greatly treasured by, one or more powerfully magical beings (or to raw chaos)

  stjerne skytedel (STYARN-eh skih-TED-ell): RENSHAI; “the shooting star”; a Renshai sword maneuver

  sugarberries: TRADING; a specific type of edible berry with green and orange striped skin

  svartalf (SWART-alf): ELVISH; “dark elf”

  svergelse (sverr-GELL-seh): RENSHAI; “sword figures practiced alone”; katas

  take: TRADING; a game children play

  takudan (TOCK-oo-don): OUTWORLD; “sewer rat”

  talvus (TAL-vuss): WESTERN; “midday”

  tåphresëlmordat (taw-FRESS-al-MOOR-dah): RENSHAI; “brave suicide”; leaping into an unwinnable battle for the sole purpose of dying in glory for Valhalla rather than of illness or old age

  thrudr (THRUDD): NORTHERN; “power,” “might”

  tisis (TISS-iss): NORTHERN; “retaliation”

  torke (TOR-keh): RENSHAI; “teacher,” “sword instructor”

  tre-ved-en (TREH-ved-enn): RENSHAI; “Loki’s cross”; a Renshai sword maneuver designed for battling three against one

  trithray (TRITH-ray): TRADING; a specific type of purple wildflower

  tvinfri (TWINN-free): RENSHAI; a specific disarming maneuver

  ulvstikk (EWLV-steek): RENSHAI; a specific sword maneuver

  usaro (oo-SARR-oh): HEIMSTADER; spoken language

  uvakt (oo-VAKT): RENSHAI; “the unguarded”; a term for children whose kjaelnabnir becomes a permanent name

  Valhalla (vawl-HOLL-uh): NORTHERN; “hall of the slain”

  valkyrie (VAWL-kerr-ee): NORTHERN; “chooser of the slain”

  valr (VAWL): NORTHERN; “slayer”

  vesell argalfr (vih-SELL AR-galf): ELVISH; “wretched woman-elf hybrid”

  Vestan (VAYST-inn): EASTERN; “The Westlands”

  vethrleikr (VETH-er-lighk): HEIMSTADER; “weather magic”

  villieldr (VILL-ee-eld): ELVISH; “the great fire”; the Ragnarok fire that destroyed Alfheim

  vitanhvergi (veet-ehn-HVER-gee): ELVISH; “understand a nowhere”; a “nonconcept” beyond elfin understanding that does not translate from another language or culture

  waterroot: TRADING; a specific edible sea plant

  wertell (wer-TELL): TRADING; a specific plant with an acid seed used for medicinal purposes

  wisule (WISS-ool): TRADING; a foul-smelling, disease-carrying breed of rodents that has many offspring because the adults will abandon them when threatened

  yarshimyan (yar-SHIM-yan): ELVISH; a type of tree with bubblelike fruit

  yessha (YEH-shuh): HEIMSTADER; a type of animal that resembles a brown-and-white striped horse

  yonha (YON-uh): HEIMSTADER; “wild animal”; refers to humans

  yrtventrig (ihrt-VENN-tree): RENSHAI; a specific sword maneuver



  The area north of the Weathered Mountains and west of the Great Frenum Range. The Northmen live in nine tribes, each with its own town surrounded by forest and farmland. The boundaries change.

  Asci (ASS-kee): home of the Ascai; Patron god: Bragi

  Aerin (Ah-REEN): home of the Aeri; Patron god: Aegir

  Devil’s Island: an island in the Amirannak. A home to the Renshai after their exile. Currently part of Nordmir

  Erd (URD): home of the Erdai; Patron god: Freya

  Gelshnir (GEELSH-neer): home of the Gelshni; Patron god: Tyr

  Gjar (GYAR): home of the Gyar; Patron god: Heimdall

  Nordmir (NORD-meer): the Northlands high kingdom, home of the Nordmirians; Patron god: Odin

  Shamir (Sha-MEER): home of the Shamirians; Patron god: Freya

  Skrytil (SKRY-teel): home of the Skrytila; Patron god: Thor

  Talmir (TAHL-meer): home of the Talmirians; Patron god: Frey


  The Westlands are bounded by the Great Frenum Mountains to the east, the Weathered Mountains to the north, and the sea to the west and south. In general, the cities become larger and more civilized as the land sweeps westward. The central area is packed with tiny farm towns dwarfed by lush farm fields that, over time, have nearly coalesced. This area is known as the Fertile Oval. The easternmost portions of the Westlands are forested, with sparse towns and rare barbarian tribes. To the south lies an uninhabited tidal plain.

  Almische (Ahl-mish-AY): a small city

  Béarn (Bay-ARN): the high kingdom; a large mountain city

  Bellenet Fields (Bell-eh-NAY): a tourney field in Erythane

  Corpa Bickat (KOR-pah Bih-KAY): a large city

  Corpa Schaull (KOR-pah SHAWL): a medium-sized city; one of the “twin cities” (see Frist)

  Dunford (DUNN-ferd): a small village east of Erythane

  Erythane (AIR-eh-thayn): a large city closely allied with Béarn; famous for its knights

  The Fields of Wrath: plains on the outskirts of Erythane; home to the Renshai

  Frist (FRIST): a medium-sized city; one of the “twin cities” (see Corpa Schaull)

  Granite Hills: a small, low range of mountains

  Great Frenum Mountains: (FRENN-um): towering, impassable mountains that divide the Eastlands from the Westlands and Northlands

  Greentree: a small town

  Hark: a mythical town created by Weile Kahn located at the site of Erythane Castle

  Hopewell: a small town

  Keatoville (KEY-toh-vill): a small town east and south of Dunford

  The Knight’s Rest: a pricy tavern in Erythane

  Myrcidë (Meer-see-DAY): a town near the Weathered Mountains that consists entirely of magically hidden caves

  New Lovén: (Low-VENN): a medium-sized city

  Nualfheim (Noo-ALF-highm): the elves’ name for their island

  The Off-Duty Tavern: a Pudarian tavern frequented by guardsmen

  Oshtan (OSH-tan): a small town

  Paradise Plains: an Erythanian name for the Fields of Wrath
  Porvada (Poor-VAH-duh): a medium-sized city

  Pudar (Poo-DAR): the largest city of the West; the great trade center

  The Red Horse Inn: an inn in Pudar

  The Road of Kings: the legendary route by which the Eastern Wizard is believed to have rescued the high king’s heir after a bloody coup

  Santagithi (San-TAG-ih-thigh): a medium-sized town

  Sheaton (SHAY-ton): a small town northeast of Dunford

  The Western Plains: a barren salt flat

  Wynix (Wigh-NIX): a medium-sized town


  The area east of the Great Frenum Mountains, it is a vast, overpopulated area filled with crowded cities and eroded fields. Little forest remains.

  Dunchart (DOON-shayrt): a small city

  Ixaphant (IGHCKS-font): a large city

  Gihabortch (GIGH-hah-bortch): a city

  LaZar (LAH-zar): a small city

  Lemnock (LAYM-nok): a large city

  Osporivat (As-poor-IGH-vet): a large city

  Prohathra (Pree-HAHTH-ruh): a large city

  Rozmath (ROZZ-mith): a medium-sized city

  Stalmize (STAHL-meez): the Eastern high kingdom

  Bodies of Water

  Amirannak Sea (A-MEER-an-nak): the northernmost ocean

  Brunn River (BRUN): a muddy river in the Northlands

  Conus River (KOHN-uss): a shared river of the Eastlands and Westlands

  Icy River: a cold, northern river

  Jewel River: one of the rivers that flows to Trader’s Lake

  Mahajian Ocean (Muh-HAJ-ee-en): distant extension of the Amirannak Sea southward; surrounds the island of Heimstadr

  Perionyx River (Peh-ree-ON-ix): a Western river

  Southern Sea: the southernmost ocean

  Trader’s Lake: a harbor for trading boats in Pudar

  Trader’s River: the main route for overwater trade


  Bards, the: a familial curse passed to the oldest child, male or female, of one specific family. The curse condemns the current bard to obsessive curiosity but allows him to impart his learning only in song. A condition added by the Eastern Wizards compels each bard to serve as the personal bodyguard to the current king of Béarn as well.

  Cardinal Wizards, the: a system of balance created by Odin in the beginning of time consisting of four, near-immortal, opposing guards of evil, neutrality, and goodness who were tightly constrained by Odin’s laws. Obsolete.

  Great War, the: a massive war fought between the Eastland army and the combined forces of the Westlands.

  Harval: “the Gray Blade”: the sword of balance imbued with the forces of law, chaos, good, and evil. Obsolete.

  Knights of Erythane, the: an elite guardian unit for the king of Erythane that also serves the high king in Béarn in shifts. Steeped in rigid codes of dress, manner, conduct, and chivalry, they are famed throughout the world.

  Kolbladnir: “the Cold-Bladed” a magic sword commissioned by Frey to combat Surtr at the Ragnarok.

  Mages of Myrcidë: a society of genetic human mages once feared and revered. The greatest and strongest of the Cardinal Wizards came from this society before the Renshai killed them all and left their dwellings in ruins. Always reclusive, after their destruction, they were all but erased from human memory.

  Mjollnir: “Mullicrusher”: Thor’s gold, short-handled hammer so heavy only he can lift it.

  Necklace of the Brisings, the: a necklace worn by the goddess Freya and forged by dwarves from “living gold.”

  Pica Stone, the: a clairsentient sapphire. One of the rare items with magical power. Once the province of the Mages of Myrcidë, it became the totem of Renshai, was returned to the “last” Myrcidian by the “last” Renshai, then was shattered. The shards were regathered, the stone remade, and it now tests the heirs of Béarn to select the one worthy of rulership.

  Ragnarok (RAN-yer-rok): “the Destruction of the Powers” the prophesied time when men, elves, and nearly all the gods would die. Because of actions by Colbey Calistinsson and Odin, things did not go exactly as fated. The current flashpoint of religious differences comes in the form of those who believe the Ragnarok has already occurred and those who believe it is still to come.

  Sea Seraph, the: a ship once owned by an elf known only as Captain and used to transport the Cardinal Wizards. Obsolete.

  Sea Skimmer, the: replacement for the Sea Seraph.

  Seven Tasks of Wizardry, the: a series of tasks designed by gods to test the power and worth of the Cardinal Wizards’ chosen successors. Obsolete.

  Trobok, the: “the Book of the Faithful” a scripture that guides the lives of Northmen. It is believed that daily reading from the book assists Odin in holding chaos at bay from the world of law.

  The Knights of Erythane

  (in child’s rhyme order)

  Kedrin (captain)

  Edwin (armsman)























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