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Gabrielle's Discipline (Bridal Discipline Book 3)

Page 4

by Angel, Golden

  "Please, call me Lizzie," the Viscountess said cutting her off.

  "Oh no, I couldn't," Gabrielle protested without thinking, diverted from the original topic - with a bit of relief.

  "You call your stepmother Cordelia."

  "Cordelia is... we are very close to the same age." And she'd never seen Cordelia as a mothering figure. How could she when Cordelia had married her father when Gabrielle was fifteen and Cordelia was eighteen? Though she hadn't thought of Cordelia as an older sister until very recently.

  "I see." The Viscountess hummed as she tapped her finger against her skirts, obviously thinking. "Well then, you may call me Mother or mama or whatever variant you please, as long as you don't call me 'my lady.'"

  "Yes- yes, Mother."

  The Viscountess - Mother - beamed and Gabrielle practically floated at how easy it was to please her. She could not call her mother-in-law 'mama,' for that had been what she'd called her own mother before she'd passed, but it felt very good to have someone want to take that position in her life. Her father's second wife had shown very little interest in Gabrielle, other than wanting her to be seen and not heard, and preferably not seen very often, while Cordelia had been far too young and Gabrielle far too prickly for them to develop anything like that relationship.

  "Now then, about your courtship."

  Tension seized Gabrielle again, but the Viscountess was already speaking again, airily brushing away Gabrielle's concern that she didn't know.

  "I realize that the wedding came about a bit hastily because of the possible scandal, but Thomas indicated that Felix had been seeing you for weeks before that," Mother said, her dark eyes dancing merrily. "Tell me all about that."

  Gabrielle hesitated again. No matter what she'd thought about Felix, she didn't want to denigrate him to his own mother. While the woman seemed to like her quite a bit now, she wouldn't if Gabrielle insulted her son. However, Gabrielle was also not very good at lying and she knew it; what she was good at was sliding around the truth in such a way that most people didn't even realize she wasn't being entirely honest.

  "Well, he is good friends with the Marquess, of course, so we met at the wedding. We were seated next to each other for the meal and we had quite a bit of time to converse." Which was true. It had devolved when Felix had begun spouting off his admiration for Cordelia, prompting her jealousy and some ill-tempered remarks on her part, which in turn had him threatening to spank her. But she certainly wasn't going to mention any of that. Smiling serenely to cover her emotions, Gabrielle thought quickly. "At my come-out, he was the first gentleman to ask me to dance, and he claimed two. We've danced many times together since then, and he was very quick to come to my rescue after the... um... incident."

  Blushing, she looked down at her hands, hoping that she'd fulfilled her new Mother's requests well enough.

  "I see," the other woman said thoughtfully. Just then the door opened to admit the tea tray, distracting both of them. Once they were situated with their tea cups, Gabrielle took advantage of the break in conversation to ask a question about the estate, hoping to distract Mother from any further questions about her and Felix's 'courtship.'

  Chapter 3

  Coming into the drawing room, Felix couldn't help but smile at how happy both his mother and his bride looked. Unfortunately, the happiness in Gabrielle's green eyes dimmed the moment she saw him, a wary tension seeping into her posture. At the same time, that wariness was tinged with a certain anticipation.

  Seeing her in his family's house, looking so vulnerable and beautiful, certainly had an effect on him and his libido.

  Entering the room, he gave his mother a kiss on the cheek.

  "If you don't mind excusing us, Mother, I'd like to show Gabrielle to our rooms. It's been a rather long day."

  His mother blinked in surprise. "Oh yes, I suppose that's for the best."

  Felix and his father exchanged a look. While they'd been enjoying their port and catching up, his father had pointed out that unless he wanted his wedding night completely monopolized, he should remove himself and Gabrielle from the social situation as soon as possible. Not that his mother would mean to keep him; she just got excited and wanted to spend all night talking. There would be plenty of time for them to become acquainted with Gabrielle, however, especially now that they had to stay in the main house and not the summer house.

  The wariness and anticipation in Gabrielle's big green eyes seemed to grow as he offered her his arm, but she put her fingers delicately on his wrist and wished his parents a good night.

  Hoping to calm her nerves, Felix made sure to point out all sorts of markers she could use to find her way around the house as he escorted her to the East Wing. Their rooms were adjoining, and he took her into hers first.

  The room was a dusky rose and cream, very feminine and flowery. The furniture was all a light maple and intricately carved and Gabrielle seemed quite pleased by it, although it made Felix want to shudder. Her things had already been unpacked and her toilette was laid out on the vanity.

  Keeping her hand on his arm, Felix led her over to the door leading into his room.

  "And this is where I'll be staying."

  Because of their touch, he could feel her fingers stiffen between his arm and his hand as she realized the arrangement of their rooms. His room was much more masculine, decorated in a deep forest green and darker, sturdier wood than the furniture in her room. The maroon and navy curtains on the four poster bed guaranteed a dark haven for sleeping, as all the rooms in the East Wing could become quite sunny.

  "Thank you for showing me," Gabrielle murmured, her fingers tugging to get away from him.

  Well now, he couldn't allow that, could he?

  Adroitly, Felix shifted and tugged on her hand, skillfully turning her right into his arms. Her small gasp made him grin as he lowered his head to hers, taking advantage of her parted lips to immediately slide his tongue into her mouth as he kissed her for the second time. This was how he discovered that, despite how he'd found her with Mr. Pressen, she certainly had very little experience in kissing.

  She was stiff in his arms, her hands pressed against his chest - although not yet pushing, and her kiss was tentative. Hesitant. Stroking one hand down her back, Felix coaxed her tongue with his, inviting a response, being as gentle as he could while his arousal roared inside of him. To his delight, she began to follow his movements, learning from him how to kiss, how to use her tongue to dance with his.

  Her back arched instinctively, pressing her breasts against his chest, and Felix savored the triumph as she became pliant against him. Their kiss deepened as she relaxed, as he aroused her passion, and his hand came around her body and up to cup her breasts.

  Immediately she gasped into his mouth, her stiffness returning, and then she was shoving him away. In shock, Felix stumbled back, unable to stop her from turning and fleeing, the door between their rooms slamming behind her. He'd only taken one step when he heard the ominous sound of the lock sliding shut on her side.


  "Go away!"

  The door did little to muffle her order; the panic in her voice was clear and Felix cursed himself. Closing his eyes, he clenched his fists, trying to decide what to do. Should he break down the door? He doubted that would help ease her panic. Approaching it, he knocked gently.

  "Gabrielle, are you alright? I didn't mean to frighten you... did Cordelia tell you what to expect?"

  "I know... I know what you want to do, I just... Not tonight. Please." If he hadn't heard the fear and true pleading in her voice, he might have pressed. Instead, he sighed, his body still throbbing with need for her... but he also wanted to demonstrate that he was sensitive to her needs as well. Pressing his forehead against the cool wood of the door, he took a deep breath.

  "Very well. I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well."

  Another long pause and then he heard her, her voice barely above a whisper.

  "Sleep well."

  Very doub
tful but he appreciated the sentiment.

  Knowing that his parents would still be awake and in the drawing room, Felix decided a retreat was in order. He needed some space between him and his bride, seeing as their wedding night was not going to be what he hoped. The walk to the drawing room should give him time to compose himself... and then he could ask for advice. Undoubtedly, his mother would have some insights.


  Heart pounding, Gabrielle stood by the door adjoining her room to Felix's. Hearing the other door close, she rushed to the door to the hall and locked that as well. Pressing her ear against it, she heard his footsteps moving away and closed her eyes in both relief and disappointment.

  While part of her had wanted him to chase after her, or to stay and at least attempt to convince her to unlock the door, at the same time she didn't know how she could bear the intimacy with him.

  Her fingers drifted up to touch her lips as she moved towards the vanity, her shaky knees in need of a place to sit. That kiss had... it had completely discombobulated her. The kiss in the church this morning had been a mere cipher to tonight's kiss.

  It had sparked something deep in her belly - a wanting, a needing, that had her emotions rioting and made her skin feel tight while the rest of her felt swollen. Between her legs, she knew that she was slick and wet, while her nipples throbbed mercilessly. Closing her eyes, so that she didn't have to see herself in the mirror, she brought her hands up to her breasts and squeezed. A small gasp escaped her lips at how good it felt, a ghostly sensation of his fingers over one mound making her reaction more intense.

  She'd been so caught up in the kiss that she'd almost forgotten what came after. It had confused her. After all, she hadn't expected Felix to truly act as though he wanted her. He'd married her for Cordelia and Philip... but his manhood had been as swollen as Philip's had been for Cordelia when she'd accidentally spied upon them. Gabrielle had felt it pressing into her, had yearned to feel it actually pressing inside of her.

  Only the unfamiliar sensation of a man's hand touching her breast had brought her back to herself... In a flash, she'd wondered why Felix was so eager for her. Had he been picturing Cordelia? Fantasizing about her while he was kissing Gabrielle? Their eyes had been closed while they were kissing after all. Was that why he'd been so intent on kissing her?

  She'd panicked, as the thoughts had flown through her mind. Unable to deal with both the physical and emotional confusion, she'd pushed him away and run. Although she'd meant to be a good bride, to accept the marital duty, she hadn't realized how much it would affect her.

  How much she would want it.

  She sniffed away a tear, and then jerked in surprise as someone knocked on her bedroom door.

  "My lady? It's Molly - do you need my assistance?"

  "Y-yes," Gabrielle managed to creak out, before clearing her throat and speaking with more volume. "Yes Molly." Getting up, she swiftly crossed the room and pulled open the door.

  Molly bobbed a curtsy as she entered. "Mr. Hood said you would need assistance with your toilette this evening."

  "Yes, thank you." Gabrielle smiled as Molly came in and began bustling around to get things ready for Gabrielle's nightly routine. Moving back to the chair at her vanity, Gabrielle sighed and relaxed as Molly began the familiar task of taking down Gabrielle's hair. For just a few minutes, she could almost pretend she was back at Dunbury House, and forget her current troubles.


  When Felix returned to the drawing room, he wasn't surprised to see both of his parents' eyebrows rise in surprise and query. Fortunately, he'd had plenty of time to think about what he was going to say as he'd traversed the halls.

  "Gabrielle was a bit more tired than anticipated, she's going straight to bed." No need for them to fret about their son’s relationship with his new wife, or to inadvertently shame Gabrielle for not attending to her wifely duties. His parents would say nothing, of course, but the excuse needed to be made.

  His father's expression smoothed out, although his mother's just turned thoughtful. Part of him wanted to groan; on the other hand, perhaps that meant she knew something that he didn't. And he had come here for her insight after all. If he'd wanted time alone to think, he could have taken a walk through the gardens.

  "Well why don't you sit and catch up with us," his mother said, waving a hand. Felix settled into the arm chair before she hit him with the heavy guns, her thoughtful expression not changing a hair. "I so wanted to hear about your courtship of Gabrielle."

  Felix coughed, scrambling. "Well, ah, it was a bit of a rushed marriage."

  "Yes, of course, but you knew her beforehand, did you not?" The one arched eyebrow his mother treated him to might as well have been a pistol. "Thomas seemed to think that you had an interest in her, and I must say, I can't imagine you marrying a woman you had no interest in. While you're a good friend and a good man, you're not that selfless."

  "Well..." He coughed again, looking to his father for help, but his father just shrugged; he looked too interested in the inquisition to intervene. Felix sighed. "I didn't precisely court her, per say. Although, of course, we encountered each other quite often, and of course I tried to dance with her as often as I could."

  "As often as you could..." His mother repeated, skeptically. Felix bristled defensively.

  "Well, she did have quite a few suitors. Her dance card was often quite full."

  "And you did nothing to set yourself apart from or above these suitors?" The dry way in which his mother asked the question had Felix squirming. He was quite sure his mother didn't mean the way he'd occasionally antagonized Gabrielle, and she certainly did mean the time that he threatened to spank her, although he was sure that none of her other suitors had done so.

  "I wasn't sure I wanted to marry her yet," he said grumpily. His mother's eyes narrowed as she scowled at him, her temper obviously rising.

  "Lizzie," his father said warningly, recognizing the look on his wife's face. Immediately, Felix's mother settled back into her chair, a serene mask back over her face. Felix's lips quirked. This was the kind of relationship he wanted with Gabrielle. All of the family was aware that his father would take the Viscountess in hand when he felt she needed it, as she had the propensity to meddle without invitation. It was something his father worked hard at keeping her from doing, especially when it came to her sons, since her desire to meddle in their lives was without limit.

  Giving his father a dazzling smile, his mother turned her attention back to Felix. She stayed silent, still smiling. Inviting. Coaxing without a word.

  Felix sighed again.

  "I need your advice, Mother."

  "Of course I'm always happy to offer my advice when asked," she cooed, giving his father a triumphant look. His father just chuckled.

  "I admit, I was not the most ardent of suitors, but Gabrielle and I have married now and I don't wish her to be unhappy with me as a husband. I was wondering if you had any insight to smoothing my road, as it were."

  "You should court her," his mother said succinctly.

  Felix's brows drew together. "Court her?"

  "Yes, court her." Now she sounded exasperated. "When I asked her about your courtship, I heard nothing of her receiving flowers, being read poetry, written notes, or indeed anything smacking of any romance. You treated her as a family friend, not without reason, but now you've married her. The poor thing deserves some romance."

  "She received plenty of romance from others," Felix said, a bit sourly.

  His mother's sharp eyes pinned him to his seat. "She deserves some from her husband. If you want to have a successful marriage, act like it."

  "Your mother's right, son," his father said, making Felix slump. His father rarely weighed on in his mother's advice; if he was doing so now, it was because he thought she was right and that it was important. "Marriage doesn't mean the courtship is over." His parents smiled at each other, the kind of special smile that he'd shared between them through all the years. Th
e kind of smile that said they were speaking volumes without sharing a word. "In the best marriages, the courtship never ends."

  "Unless, of course, your only interest in your marriage was saving Gabrielle's reputation," his mother said tartly, returning her attention back to her son. "In which case, I shall have to revise my opinion of your intelligence, character, and judgment, because she's worth much more than that."

  A smile quirked Felix's lips again at his mother's staunch defense. Apparently Gabrielle had made quite an impression. As much as his mother was dying for a daughter-in-law, she wouldn't be such a champion for her unless she truly liked the young woman.

  "It's not the only reason I married her," he admitted. "But I've never been able to charm her and she seems to like everyone else in our family more than she likes me, including you two and she just met you today."

  "We might be a special case," his mother said, exchanging another glance with his father. "Gabrielle seems... longing for parental attention and guidance. At least, that was the impression I received."

  "Really?" Felix had trouble wrapping his head around that notion. "I think Philip provided her with quite a bit of guidance, and Cordelia did almost nothing but pay attention to her. In fact, the amount of attention Cordelia paid Gabrielle caused quite a few problems between her and Philip in the first weeks of their marriage."

  His mother waved her hand dismissively. "Yes, Gabrielle told me about Cordelia. Do you not find it significant that she calls her stepmother by her first name? She also said they are very near in age, which makes them more like rivals; having a true mother and daughter relationship would be very difficult. And from the very little she said about her childhood, it's quite obvious that her father was not very involved."

  "Yes, Cordelia said the Baron could be very neglectful of Gabrielle," Felix said, his mind turning over his mother's opinion. "She received just about anything she wanted materially, but she was often ignored unless she threw a tantrum."


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