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Gabrielle's Discipline (Bridal Discipline Book 3)

Page 13

by Angel, Golden


  Gabrielle shrieked, squirming harder as her husband's hard hand began to quickly pepper her bottom with short, sharp strikes. There was no measured pause between swats, the way he'd done the last time he'd spanked her or the way the Marquess had always done. In fact, there was barely enough time for her to draw breath as his hand marched down one side of her rump and back up the other, covering her cheeks from crest to the sensitive spots where her bottom met her thighs.


  "Ow! Please, Felix, stop!" she managed to gasp out, feeling as though she had to shout to make herself heard over the sound of his palm cracking against her flesh. "I'm sorry!"

  "You certainly will be," he said grimly.


  Tears were starting to roll down Gabrielle's face as she gripped the fabric covering the day bed. The lingering soreness in her ankle didn't even impinge on her consciousness now that her bottom was starting to burn so hot.

  Without pausing the spanking, Felix began to lecture her, his voice loud and droning over the sound of his hand impacting her roasted cheeks.

  "You will not throw things at me. If you are upset you will talk to me about it like an adult, without throwing a tantrum. I had apologized, and I don't think you were even upset anymore. I think you just wanted to cause some drama. You don't need to do that to get my attention, wife, and I intend to see to it that you don't enjoy the attention that you do get with that tactic."

  Gabrielle shrieked as his hand came down hard on her two sensitive sit spots, as if to emphasis his words and just how much she wouldn't like the result. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as he continued to spank her, his voice aggrieved as he told her how disappointed he was in the way she'd decided to behave. The tears weren't just because of the spanking, they were also because she was sad that his parents had left, and - worst of all - because he was right.

  His apology had been sincere and she'd seen that. But she'd still been annoyed with him. Had still been afraid that she'd be neglected now that his mother was gone. She was honest enough to admit to herself that she also hadn't known how to accept his apology... having rarely been offered one that came without conditions. Gabrielle was used to throwing tantrums to get her way, she wasn't used to being told that she was right or that her upset was valid... she usually had to scream and cry and kick up a fuss, and even then people just gave in to placate her. Felix's apology didn't follow the usual script of her life and she'd been at a loss, so she'd just done what she always did and continued pressing her grievance.

  She still wasn't sure what reaction she'd expected from him. Part of her was appalled that he'd spank her while her ankle was injured. Another part of her had noted the care he'd taken to see that she was comfortably positioned for her spanking - as comfortable as she could be while her bottom was set ablaze anyway - and was thrilled that he hadn't just walked out of the room. After all, she couldn't follow him if he had. He could have just deserted her and left her alone as a punishment, and honestly she would have felt much worse if he had.

  Instead, he was taking the time to spank her because he wanted to correct her behavior. Not stifle her emotions or punish her because he was angry, but because he wanted to have a better relationship with her. Even Gabrielle could recognize that talking things out instead of continuing to screech at him, much less throw a second cushion at him, would have been a better avenue to take. She wouldn't have blamed him if he had walked away. In fact, it was what she'd been expecting. She didn't know why she'd tried to push him away, but she knew she was relieved that he hadn't gone.

  With that, Gabrielle slumped against his legs, sobbing piteously but no longer trying to wriggle away from the punishing hand that was still blistering her cheeks. She deserved it. Of course, her body still bucked and squirmed in reaction to the pain, but she wasn't fighting against it anymore.

  A few moments later, the spanking stopped, and Gabrielle immediately tensed, crying more now because she was sure that this was the point when Felix would walk away too.

  Instead, she was very gently lifted and turned, her burning bottom pressing against his thighs, her skirts still around her hips, and cradled in Felix's arms. He only used one arm at first, as he carefully re-positioned the cushion under her ankle, before wrapping both of them around her and tucking her head into his shoulder. The warmth of his body, the strength of his arms, the comfort that enveloped her, made her cry even harder.


  "Shhh, shhh, it's over now," Felix murmured, holding his weeping wife tightly against him. The spanking he'd given her shouldn't have made her cry this much and he was concerned. Concerned enough that even her bare, flaming bottom hadn't been enough to hold his arousal. In fact, the more he'd spanked her and the more she'd reacted, the less aroused he'd been. This was very different from any spanking he'd ever given a woman before. He had to admit, when he'd married Gabrielle, he certainly hadn't expected this much weeping. The fiery spirit that he'd admired covered up quite a bit of unexpected deep misery. Not that it changed how he felt about her, if anything it made him more protective of her. And happy to be her protector, to be needed by her. "You took your spanking very well, sweetheart, and now it's over."

  "I'm so-so-so-sorry," she wailed out onto his shoulder. "I do-do-don't kno-o-o-w what's wro-o-o-o-ng with me-e-e-e-e."

  "Nothing's wrong with you," he crooned, rubbing her back. "It's over and you’re forgiven, Gabrielle, and next time you'll just talk to me and accept my apology, instead of tossing fluffy cushions at my head." Recalling a story that Lord Hyde had once told Felix about his own wife, Felix thought he might be lucky that a couple of cushions were the only things he had to dodge. Even if he hadn't caught them, it wasn't as though they'd do much damage.

  Feeling rather helpless, he let her cry herself out, offering up his handkerchief for her to blow her nose when he realized she wasn't going to be able to get control of herself quickly. He winced internally, wondering if some of her sobbing was about the loss of his parents' company. Dammit. He really had messed up a bit on that one. He couldn't bring himself to regret the decision, because this was even more proof that he needed the time to bond with Gabrielle, but he should have at least talked with her beforehand. Prepared her. Reassured her that she wouldn't need their company because she would have his.

  Slowly her sobs subsided, leaving her with hiccups and a few whimpers that became softer and softer as she leaned against him. He could feel the utter laxness in her body as she slumped against him, drifting into much needed rest.

  Very gently, he stood up and turned around, laying her down on the daybed and pulling her skirts down over her limbs. She snuffled and winced, even in her sleep, as her bottom pressed against the daybed, scooting to find a more comfortable position. Felix didn't let her go very far, because she needed to keep her ankle elevated. Tenderly, he undid the wrappings on it to make sure there hadn't been any further injury to her limb. It didn't look any more swollen than it had earlier, so he was reassured by that.

  Re-wrapping her ankle and patting her skirts back down, he sighed. Her lips and eyes were pink and swollen from crying, making her look even younger and more vulnerable than ever. Warm affection slid through him and he leaned over to brush a strand of hair off of her cheek.

  Immediately, her hand came up to grasp his wrist, her eyelashes fluttering open, hazy for a moment as she looked at him, and then suddenly filling with alarm.

  "Don't leave me alone," she begged, her green eyes opening as wide as he'd ever seen them.

  "I won't sweetheart, I was just going to get-"

  "No, don't leave," she insisted, sounding a bit panicked as she started to sit up, reaching for him with her other hand, her fingers digging into his wrist.

  "Hush," he said firmly, pushing her back down with a hand on her shoulder and seating himself beside her. "I'll stay."

  The simple assurance seemed to be enough for her and she s
ettled back down, her eyes fluttering shut again. Her grip on his wrist loosened and he slid his hand into hers, winding their fingers together. The very edges of her lips curled up, not quite into a smile, but close. Felix sat there watching her until her breathing evened out and he was quite sure that she was asleep. Only then did he very gently take her hand out of his so that he could ring for a maid.

  He waited at the door, to keep the maid from knocking and accidentally awakening Gabrielle, and asked for food, a water basin, and more handkerchiefs. Just in case. When his wife awoke, she would find him there with her, but he would also have anything that she might need on hand.

  Felix was determined that she wouldn't have even a moment to miss his mother.


  It was the sore throbbing in her bottom that woke her eventually. Gabrielle winced as she clawed her way up out of sleep. The cheeks of her bottom no longer felt like they were one fire, more like they'd been slow-roasted until well done. It didn't help that her weight was pressing down on them. She started to roll to her side, but was stopped when pain shot up her leg from her ankle to her knee, and she whimpered.

  Instantly, hands pressed her back onto her back, and she groaned as her bottom throbbed beneath her, even as the ache in her leg subsided. Her eyes felt gritty as she opened them, and the memories came rushing back. The tantrum, the spanking, the sobbing... her pathetic pleading with Felix to not leave her alone and his shocking acquiescence. The words had come from somewhere deep inside of her; words that she would have never spoken if he hadn't broken down her walls so thoroughly just before.

  "Careful, sweetheart," he said. Something cool pressed against her face, wiping her eyes and cheeks. It felt good against her hot skin as he washed away the leftovers of her tears.

  Gabrielle was almost afraid to open her eyes again; afraid that she was dreaming, or that when she looked at her husband he would be angry with her over her dramatics. Would he believe that she had truly meant her plea for him to stay?

  "Look at me," he said, his voice calmly hypnotic, almost as though he'd read her thoughts.

  Unable to ignore the compulsion to please him that surged inside of her, Gabrielle opened her eyes again and met his gaze. He was starting at her with such a tender expression on his face that she had to blink twice to be sure that she was seeing correctly.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked.

  "Thi-" She practically choked on her dry throat and had to cough several times before she could get the word out. By then, of course, he was already holding a glass of water up for her. Gabrielle winced as she pushed herself up, putting more weight onto her sore bottom. "Thirsty. Thank you."

  Taking the glass from him, she practically gulped the water down, eyeing him as he watched her. Just past him, on the table, was a wash basin where she assumed he'd dipped the cloth he'd used to dry her face, a pitcher of water, and a small tray of fruit and biscuits.

  "How is your ankle?"

  "Fine, thank you," she said, disliking the formality of their conversation, but she felt awkward. Unsure of how she was to behave at this moment. After all, her bottom was still sore and throbbing, but she wasn't angry or resentful - in fact, she wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms again. Although the way he was looking at her was changing that desire just slightly, to being in his arms.

  The way he watched her drink the water made it clear that, despite his absence from her bed last night, he still wanted her. Was still aroused by her. Gabrielle flicked out her tongue to catch a droplet of water on her lips and her husband's pupils dilated, making his eyes seem even darker than usual.

  Gabrielle pressed her thighs together, which amplified the ache in her bottom and her womanhood simultaneously. One hurt, the other didn't but it fed off of the first.

  As if he knew exactly what she was thinking, Felix's mouth curved into that familiar, rakish grin.

  "Don't," she said.

  "Don't what?" he asked, leaning closer as her breath came more shallowly.

  "It's the middle of the day and you spanked me," she whispered furiously. "Don't... you know." She waved the empty glass at him and he plucked it from her hand, putting it on the table behind him without even looking. Gabrielle leaned back away from him, which did nothing but put her flat on her back with Felix looming over her, his hands coming down on either side of her body. She flushed, all over it felt like, her nipples pebbling at the starkly hungry expression on his face.

  "Is your bottom still sore?" he asked, with false solicitousness.

  "Yes," she hissed at him. The arousal in his eyes flared again, making her suck in a breath. The ache between her legs was growing. Pressing her hands to his chest did absolutely nothing but make her more aware of how close he was to her, remind her how hard his body was compared to hers.

  "Good," he murmured, and his lips dropped to hers.

  Gabrielle made a muffled sound of outrage against his mouth, but that didn't stop him. He just used the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth, his chest lowering towards hers despite the press of her hands. Shifting above her, he put all the weight of his body onto one arm, freeing one of his hands to cup her breast. The soft mound felt swollen and achy to his touch, and when he pinched her nipple she moaned with the satisfaction of his rough caress.

  The throbbing in her bottom was quickly transmuting into a mix of pain and pleasure, of heat and need. Her hands stopped pushing against his chest and began to rub it, sliding her fingers beneath his vest and the thin material of his shirt, teasing him back as he deepened their kiss. Gabrielle had missed him last night. Missed this. She'd felt so alone and bereft that she hadn't even been interested in pleasuring herself in his absence.

  His hand went back and forth between her breasts, making them feel even more swollen and achy under his attentions, her nipples becoming turgid little points that rubbed deliciously against the fabric of her dress. Even though the fabric was soft, the sensitivity of the small buds made it feel almost wonderfully scratchy. Gabrielle had begun to cling to him as her hips moved of their own accord, lifting up to reach for contact that was unavailable in their current positions. She kissed him more frantically, her need growing as he played her body like a maestro, creating a crescendo of passion within her.

  When he finally began to pull up her skirts, she was practically mindless - which is why she forgot her hurt ankle and tried to lift her hips up to help him, using her feet to brace, and ended up crying out in pain.

  Immediately Felix pulled away, leaving her lips feeling swollen and well-used, as he looked down at her sternly.

  "Don't move, sweetheart. I've got this. You just keep your leg where it's supposed to be."

  "I'm fine," she said, a bit irritably, as she reached for him again.

  "You hurt your ankle because you're moving too much, and you'll be getting another spanking before anything else," he murmured as he leaned down to drop another kiss to her lips.

  A shudder went through her body at the threat - or maybe it was his fingers trailing up her bare thigh. Either way, Gabrielle was much more careful about how she arched her body when his fingers pressed against her wet folds, delving between them and sliding her cream up to the sensitive bud at the apex of her womanhood. Pleasure sizzled through her as he circled the tiny nub, rubbing against it and then drifting away, teasing her and making it incredibly hard not to writhe the way she wanted to. Her bottom pressed against the daybed, adding to the mixture of sensations as she reveled in the dichotomy of pleasure and pain.

  His fingers slid inside of her and Gabrielle nearly bucked as she clamped down around him in needy excitement. Her lips were molded to his, and she moved one of her hands down his chest to the hard shaft pressing against the front of his breeches. Felix groaned against her lips, his fingers twitching inside of her as she palmed the thick length of his cock, rubbing her hand over it despite the barrier. Inside of her, his fingers swirled, pressing against a most sensitive spot and making her gasp along with him.
br />   Then he was moving away, leaving her lips cold and her hand empty, spreading her thighs apart so he could settle between them. Ever the mindful husband, he was extremely careful with her injured leg, moving it with the cushion as he spread her wide.

  "Don't move," he reminded her, sliding one hand underneath her to squeeze her bottom and awaken a ghost of the flames that had burnt her there during the spanking. She didn't doubt he would spank her if she hurt herself, even on accident. Gabrielle mewled as his mouth pressed against her slick, sensitive folds a moment after his warning had been issued, licking up the center of her wetness all the way to her pleasure bud.

  His fingers, still slick with her arousal, moved lower than their previous position and Gabrielle gasped as they pressed against the sensitive opening of her most intimate orifice.


  "Don't. Move." The implacable command left her quivering as one slick digit pressed into the tight opening, and Gabrielle squeezed her eyes shut, obeying him but unable to face him as he probed the tiny hole. There was a slight burning sensation as her tissues stretched to accommodate him, but it felt good too... strange... full… and even better when his mouth resumed licking and caressing the sensitive flesh above his perverse incursion into her body.

  "Oh... oh!" Gabrielle's fingers dug into the daybed as Felix began to thrust his finger back and forth in her anus, stretching the narrow cavity, his tongue sliding into his more usual aperture, and driving her wild with the new sensations that were overwhelming her.

  There were no secrets to be left on her body; he was exploring her thoroughly and completely, even those parts of her she'd always thought of as forbidden. His mouth, his fingers, his tongue... he licked down around the thrusting digit into her back entrance and Gabrielle nearly screamed at the perverse pleasure of it. It was all she could do not to buck away, not to wriggle, but she didn't want to hurt her ankle and she certainly didn't want to give Felix an excuse to stop and spank her, when she was so close to the pinnacle that her body craved.


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